Darque Wants (48 page)

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Authors: Diana Steele

BOOK: Darque Wants
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              In the center of the room was a large fire that lit up the entire interior of the tree but didn’t seem to burn it.  On the far side of the room she saw a throne-like chair and upon that chair sat the native that she had seen with her father on the beach.  On either side of him were the other two that had also been standing on the beach.  Surrounding them on all sides were row after row of seats carved into the inner trunk of the tree.  The seating reminded her of the sporting arenas back in Atlantis.  Katrina was shocked by how many natives filled the seats around them.  There was not a single open seat.  She gathered that there must be thousands of people all inside one tree.

              “Who are those people?” Katrina asked pointing to the native on the throne and the two standing by him.

              “That's my father in the middle.  The other two are the Mystics.  They are our spiritual guides and advise my father,” Kirrowind told her as they walked over.

              Katrina was nervous as they approached.  She was an outsider and after the events of that day, she was worried that she would be blamed for everything.  When they reached the foot of the throne, Katrina bowed low in front of their leader but said nothing.  When she raised her head again, she saw nothing but a stoic stare on his face.  Kirrowind was the first to speak.

              “Father, this is Princess Katrina.  She is the daughter of the Outlander King.”

              Kirrowind's father rose from his chair and bowed his head towards Katrina, which shocked her.

              “Princess Katrina.  Welcome to the Valley of Wandersend.  I am Strotwater, Chief Patriarch of the Valley Tribes.  What brings you to our Counsel?”

              “Pleasure to meet you, Sire,” Katrina said politely.  She was surprised at how courteous everyone was being.  “Your son, Kirrowind, took me from the beach and has been tending to my wounds at his home.”

              “Father, I have to return Katrina to her father.  I have explained to her what happened at the beach.  If she can explain this to her father, we may be able to avoid war,” Kirrowind interjected.

              “Why have you taken this Outlander Princess from her people, my son?” Chief Strotwater asked with a mixture of concern and anger in his voice.

              “Father, she may be the answer to our problems.  I did not tell you before, but she was also in my dream.  She also shares the dream.  She and I may be able to save our people.”

              “You are wise, my son, even if you are often reckless.  What do you and the Princess intend to do?” 

              “I can't make a plan until I know for sure what we are going up against.  This is where Katrina can be helpful.”

              Katrina could feel every eye in the room turn towards her.  She didn't know that the entire room could hear her, but the tree was apparently built to carry even the softest sounds through the room.  She felt nervous, but knew that all these people were now depending on her for their salvation and she could not let innocent people die.

              “If my people have truly landed all their ships, then my father will be bringing his full army here as soon as possible.  He will bring all of his soldiers, tens of thousands of them.  He will bring cannons that shoot large balls of metal, he will bring catapults that launch fire over long distances.  He will not be taken by surprise again so he will burn down every tree so that nobody can hide in them like last time.  They will all be wearing steel armor.  Your arrows will probably be useless against them,” Katrina said with worry in her voice. 

              There was a pause as everyone seemed to process the information they were given.  She was glad when Kirrowind finally spoke up.

              “However, we may be able to avoid all of that,” Katrina continued suddenly. “We may be able to establish peace before any more lives are lost.”

              “How do you propose we do that?  Any emissary we send is likely to be killed like a sick dog.  You can speak with the King, but what if he does not believe your story?” Strotwater asked Katrina.

              “Kirrowind and I can be married,” Katrina said.

              “No!” Kirrowind shouted. “Father, I do not wish to marry this woman. I value my freedom more than my life. Marriage will bind me to this woman for my entire life. I can think of no worse fate than being bound to one single person for my entire life.”

              “Marriage will unite our kingdoms and my father will not attack a people that I am bound to. The blood of both of our people will blend in our children. This is often the way my people make peace between kingdoms,” Katrina added.

              Strotwater paused to think for a moment then finally said, “Kirrowind, I know that you would rather sacrifice your life than give up your freedom. However, if you do not give up your liberty, then the entire Valley will lose its life. You must lay down your days of childhood and step into your responsibilities as future leader of the Tribe.”


              “You are correct, Father.  I will marry Katrina if it means saving our people.”

              “So be it,” Strotwater said as he stood. “In the presence of all the Valley of Wandersend in the heart of the Counsel Tree, I proclaim Kirrowind of the Hunter Tribe and Princess Katrina of Atlantis to be bound in the ways of our people as earth and sky, soil and seed, life and death.  May the sun bless you for all your days and the moon guide your every night.”

                With that Kirrowind turned, grabbed Katrina's hand again, and led her toward the door.

              “So, that's it?” Katrina asked when they were back outside.

              “My father is a wise and strong leader.  I am not happy about this marriage, but if it will save the Valley then I will endure it.”

              “Listen here, Kirrowind.  This isn't exactly a happy day for me either.  This is just the best way I know to save your people.  You should be thanking me rather than complaining like a child.”

              Katrina was upset and confused.  She was not sure how to feel about the events of that night.  She always knew that she would never be allowed to marry for love, but rather sold off as a political pawn for her father.  She had accepted that a long time ago.  That was the reason her father had never allowed men to be alone with her.  He wanted to defend her purity.  Even her time with Erik had been supervised by her nanny.  Now, she had lost her virginity to a native, which she had mixed feelings about.  Part of her felt violated, but another part of her felt at peace about it.  Now she had married that native.  At least, she thought, she had picked him.  She was in control of her own fate in that aspect. 

              “You're right, Katrina.  This is for the best.  Perhaps this is just another part of our destiny.  I should consider myself lucky to have such a beautiful woman of my own,” Kirrowind said with a smile.

              Despite the flurry of emotions in her heart, hearing Kirrowind call her his woman made Katrina smile as well.  She also felt lucky.  She was sure there were worse Princes in the world to be married off to.
























              Kirrowind was nervous about what would happen next.  He had never felt such immense pressure on his shoulders before in his life like he had in the past day.  This was the second time that he had been charged with the protection of his home.  He hoped that being bound to Katrina would be enough to bring peace.

              He walked quickly, but not so quickly that it would exhaust Katrina.  They stopped shortly in front of his dwelling and he went up to grab his bow and arrows as well as his hunting knife.

              “What are those for?” Katrina asked when she saw him come back down with his weapons.

              “Just in case.  In case you haven't noticed, our people tend to prepare for all situations,” he responded.  He could see a glimmer of worry in her eyes and gave her soft kiss on the lips.  “I probably won't even need these. It just makes me feel better having them,” he said with a grin.  Katrina grinned back at him and they continued walking towards the Flatlands.

              By the time they reached the Eagle River, the sun was beginning to rise again.  Kirrowind knew that he could have gotten there much faster on his own, but he constantly needed to stop so that Katrina could rest.  He felt pity for her.  As much as his life had changed, her life had changed just as much.             

              Kirrowind and Katrina stopped at the banks of the Eagle River and ducked down in the tall reeds that covered the river banks.  Kirrowind peeked his head over and looked across the broad river at the Flatlands.  Off in the distance, towards the southern end of the river where it met the sea, he could see a city of tents with people rushing about in all directions.  In the center of the city, there was a large tent that was much more finely decorated than the others.  He knew that this is where the King would be. 

              “All right.  There's a shallow, slow moving spot a little bit further downstream.  We can cross the river there.  Let's go meet your father,” Kirrowind said.

              With the sun peaking over the horizon behind them, Kirrowind and Katrina crossed the river into the Flatlands.  Kirrowind hated this territory.  Everything was so dead and flat.  A visible chill went down his back.

              “What's wrong?” Katrina asked, noticing his change in attitude.

              “The Flatlands is no place for a citizen of the Valley.  There is no vegetation and nothing lives.  The Mystics say that this land was cursed long ago.  I don't know if that's true, but I've never crossed the river before, just in case,” he replied.  He felt Katrina squeeze his hand tighter and felt reassured.

              They reached a large cluster of boulders and Katrina started slowing her pace.  “I need to rest.  My legs are so tired.  It has been a very exhausting day,” she said.

              “We can only rest for a minute, Katrina.  The sun is coming up, I imagine that your father will be moving his army soon.  We have to get there before they are gone,” he said, mostly thinking out loud.

              “I know.  I'm just so tired.”

              “I understand.  It will all be over soon, I promise.”  He leaned over and placed a kiss on her forehead.  He sat down on the dirt next to her and held her in his arms.  He knew that stopping was not a good idea at a time like this, but he appreciated the chance to hold her.  Suddenly a thought occurred to him.

              “Katrina, what happens after today?” he asked.

              “What do you mean?”

              “Well, after last night and everything, what happens when you get back to your father?”

              “Well”, she said sitting upright, “I will probably be sent to go live with you.  That's what most wives do.  What did you think would happen?” she asked.

              “I don't know.  I suppose there are worse things in the world than having someone to share a home with,” he told her.

              “As my husband, you really have to work on your charm,” Katrina said as she leaned in to give him a kiss.

              Being so caught up in the conversation, Kirrowind had dropped his guard.  He was so focused on Katrina that he didn't hear the men sneaking up to surround them.  He had been so wrapped up in the kiss that he didn't hear the sound of swords being pulled from sheaths.  He only noticed it when he felt the sharp point and cold steel of a sword being pressed against his back. 



              Katrina stood and looked in horror when she saw why Kirrowind had broken the kiss.  Captain Erik was standing behind him with a sword pressed into his back.  Kirrowind stood motionless. 

              “Princess Katrina, thank the gods we have found you,” Erik said as other soldiers stripped Kirrowind of his weapons.

              Katrina stood up and addressed Erik and his soldiers.  “Release him.  He is Prince Kirrowind of the Valley of Wandersend.  He is my guest and is not to be harmed.”  She did not feel like it was the moment to reveal her recent marriage. 

              “As you wish, Your Highness,” Erik said as he dropped his sword.

              Kirrowind stood in silence, looking confused.  Katrina realized that he could not understand the common tongue of Atlantis.  “They are not going to hurt you, Kirrowind.  They are going to take us to my father,” she explained so that Kirrowind could understand her.

              Erik and his soldiers escorted Katrina and Kirrowind into the center of the camp to the royal tent.  When they entered the tent, Katrina saw her mother and father sitting side by side in their thrones.  Her parents' faces immediately lit up when they saw their daughter walk in and they both rushed to greet her.

              “Katrina, my flower. I am so glad to have you back,” King Pieter said as he walked up to her.  It was then that he saw Kirrowind and his mood switched from joy to anger.  “Why is this savage with you?” he asked.

              “Father, this is Prince Kirrowind.  He has come to negotiate peace on behalf of his country.”

              “And why should I negotiate with savages? They stole you from the beach and slaughtered our people.”

              “I can explain all of that, King Pieter, if you will allow me to,” Kirrowind said in the Language of the High Court.  The King stood in silence.

              “Husband, perhaps we should hear his case.  He is a Prince and speaks the High Tongue.  A wise King would honor him in his request,” Queen Anna said to the King.

              After a moment of consideration, King Pieter returned to his throne with the Queen following after him.  “Speak, Native.  Tell me why I should not annihilate your people,” King Pieter said after he had seated himself.

              Kirrowind proceeded to tell the King about his vision with Katrina and all that had happened on the beach.  He apologized for the misunderstandings and begged forgiveness on behalf of his people.  Katrina actually felt a wave of pride sweep over her listening to how passionately Kirrowind spoke to defend his people.

              Once Kirrowind had finished speaking King Pieter said, “That was a very touching speech, Prince.  However, my people have died.  Accident or not, I demand retribution.”

              “Perhaps forgiveness is the better way,” Queen Anna said in Atlantian trying to calm her husband down.  “This path of vengeance can only lead to more death.”

              “Give me one good reason why I should show mercy on this band of savages,” King Pieter said.

              “I can give you a good reason,” Katrina interjected.  “Prince Kirrowind is my husband.  You cannot declare war on my husband's nation.”

              There was a stunned silence.  King Pieter ordered all of his servants as well as Erik and his soldiers to leave the tent.  Katrina suddenly felt very nervous and began to feel as if she had made a mistake.  Kirrowind stood in silence and waited to be addressed again.

that thing?” King Pieter asked his daughter in disbelief.

              “Yes.  The people of the Valley are peaceful.  I have seen their village.  I married Kirrowind to establish peace and to protect innocent people.”

              “I refuse to accept it,” the King said stubbornly.

              “Refuse?  I am married, Father.  You cannot refuse to accept it.”

              “I am your father and I decide who you marry!” King Pieter shouted, getting red in the face as his anger rose.  “You will not marry some savage beast in the forest.  I would rather you marry Captain Erik.  There's a fine lad.  He would make an excellent King.”

              “Husband, we must accept our daughter's wishes.  If she loves him, we should accept her marriage,” the Queen said.

              “Very well,” King Pieter said calming himself. “Do you love this man?”

              Katrina paused to consider the question.  She did not know if she loved him.  She was certainly attracted to him and she did enjoy his company, but that does not constitute love.  Unfortunately, her pause was all her father needed to hear.

              “So it is.  You don't love him,” King Pieter said smugly.  The Queen remained silent knowing that she no longer had an argument to defend her daughter's choice.

              “You do not love him and I do not have to respect this sham of a marriage,” the King continued, switching back to the Language of the High Court so that Kirrowind could understand.  “My army shall march.  We will conquer these natives.  If they surrender, they shall be enslaved and we will build Atlantis again in this new land.  If they resist, we will destroy them.”

              Katrina's heart sank.  She had tried to prevent this war and had failed.  She looked over at Kirrowind and saw a look on his face that mirrored her own.  In a spurt of bravery, Kirrowind spoke up one last time.

              “My people will never surrender.  We will fight and we will defend our home with every last breath.  Do not underestimate us.”

              “I am not underestimating anything, Prince of Savages.  Your father will surrender.  I have a very strong bargaining chip,” King Pieter as a cruel grin spread across his face.  “Captain Erik, get in here!” he shouted in Atlantian.

              “What can I do for you, Sire?” Captain Erik said as he entered the tent with a handful of soldiers.

              “Restrain this savage. He is our prisoner,” King Pieter ordered.

              “Father, no!” Katrina yelled as Erik and his soldiers shackled Kirrowind's hands and feet.  Kirrowind struggled and resisted but was overpowered.  She rushed forward to stop the soldiers but she was held back by her father.  She briefly considered admitting that Kirrowind had taken her virginity, but feared that her father would kill him on the spot if he knew.  “Why can we not just live in peace alongside the natives?” she asked.

              “Peace can only be achieved when one nation has proven its strength above another.  As long as there is a question of who is stronger, there will be war,” King Pieter said.

              Katrina looked to her mother for support but the Queen simply hung her head.  She was often the voice of reason, but this time the King would not be controlled and the Queen knew it.

              “And when this is all over with, I will make Erik a Lord in my court and you will have a proper marriage with him.  That is my final word,” the King added as he stormed out of the tent.  Erik, his soldiers and a chained Kirrowind followed behind him.  Katrina prepared to chase after them, but felt a hand on her shoulder.  When she looked back, she saw her mother standing behind her with a smile on her face.

              “Be calm, my daughter.  If you and this native are truly destined to stop this war, then it will be done.  Your father is stubborn, but he cannot stand in the way of the will of the gods.  I will help you in your quest.”

“What do you intend to do, Mother?” Katrina asked with a glimmer of hope in her heart.

              “Do you remember how to get back to the native village?” the Queen asked.

              “Of course. It is not difficult to find,” Katrina answered.

              “Good. With just you and me, we will move much faster than an entire army. We will go to the natives and warn them that their Prince has been taken captive and they must rescue him. If we can save your husband, then the natives will be able to fight back and this may discourage your father from fighting.”

              “I've never seen you act so boldly, Mother,” Katrina said in a stunned voice. “Father will be very angry that you act against his will.”

              “I have stood by your father as he has done some terrible things that I have not agreed with. However, I can see that his actions have caused you pain and I cannot stand by and let that happen. Now come, we can waste no more time.”

              With that Katrina and her mother left the tent and headed west to go warn the Valley of Kirrowind's capture and the oncoming army. As they walked, Katrina felt confident of their plan and proud of her mother. She knew that with her mother on her side, she could rescue Kirrowind and save the Valley from being destroyed.


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