Darlings of Paranormal Romance (Anthology) (6 page)

Read Darlings of Paranormal Romance (Anthology) Online

Authors: Chrissy Peebles

Tags: #romance, #love, #fantasy, #paranormal

BOOK: Darlings of Paranormal Romance (Anthology)
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She took
a deep breath to quell her wayward thoughts. “Hi.”

slowly turned. His eyes showed his pleasure. “You came

I almost didn’t,” Juliana admitted walking further inside.
“This area was just an empty space until the sun streaked through
the trees and I saw it. And this is bloody crazy.”

stranger’s mouth quirked. “I gather women nowadays swear like

Worse.” Juliana gave an answering grin before it disappeared.
She let out a nervous laugh. “I must really be crazy or stupid or
both to come back here. I mean you can be a lunatic or a figment of
my imagination. Either way, I’m screwed.”

Which do you believe?” He regarded her in a way that brought a
frisson of arousal down her belly unsettling the butterflies
nestling there.

I don’t know.” With trembling fingers, Juliana tucked a strand
of hair behind her ear. “You look alive. Tangible, physical, real
flesh and blood. You don’t look like a ghost. You don’t feel like a
ghost. What happened last time I was here and you went through

let out a sigh, her eyes rounding as she shook her head in
disbelief before she continued.

It was so surreal I just had to make sure I wasn’t going out
of my mind,” she looked at him. “I am going out of my mind, am I

He gave
her a sad smile.

Only you can answer that, Ms Stevens. Your name came to me
when I passed through you.” he added hastily at her stunned look.
“Juliana is a beautiful name.”

felt the colour rise to her cheeks.

About that,” she cleared her throat. “How…?”

I don’t know,” he took a step towards her and she took a step
back. “I’m not going to hurt you but I have to say,” he briefly
hesitated. “What happened between us was the first time I’ve felt
alive again.”

heart skipped several beats causing her to part her lips to take
small short breaths. The stranger’s sight zeroed on her mouth.
Juliana felt warm, his attention deliciously heating her core. The
attraction between them was palpable. His blue eyes darkened. She
longed for another chance to feel him go through her. Her breasts
felt heavy and longed for his hands to cup them. To tease them
awake. But she couldn’t say what she wanted. Not yet.

Stop,” she whispered. “Please.”

halted before moving away, his hands clenching and unclenching. He
turned to her with an apologetic smile. Silence stretched long
between them until Juliana was able to get her racing heart to calm

You know my name but I don’t know yours.” Juliana spoke her
voice husky. “Why is that?”

My name is Simon Lowe and I haven’t the foggiest why I was
able to do that,” he muttered.

Something familiar about his name brought a light bulb
flickering in her mind. She had read the name somewhere but
couldn’t be sure.

Well, Mr Lowe, how did you come to be here?”

Simon. Please call me Simon.”

Okay,” she paused. “Simon.”

He gave
her the barest of smiles before he sat on the stone bench. He
leaned forward, arms braced on his knees.

I think I might have offended someone,” he said giving her a
quick rueful grin. “If I am dead, I should have moved on but as you
can see, I haven’t.”

Madame Merta.” Juliana stated.

Possibly. And it’s too late to make amends.”

I’m sorry.”

shrugged. “It’s my fault really. I was an arrogant bastard

You’re somewhat the same now I think.” Juliana

laughed, amusement crinkling his eyes. Juliana felt the blush heat
up her cheeks.

I didn’t mean…”

raised his hand. “Dottie would probably have said the same thing. I
think she would have liked you.”

silence became more comfortable. Juliana sat on the stone bench
closest to his, relaxed in the ghost’s presence. She suddenly
thought of Brody.

I wonder what it’s like for Brody,” she mused almost to
herself, then looked at him. “Brody was my husband. I’m a

I’m sorry.” Simon said, lifting his head to look at her. “How
did he die?”

He was part of the night patrol in Afghanistan. He got shot
through the thigh cutting his femoral artery. By the time they got
him to the base, he had lost too much blood. He died

I’m sorry.” Simon said.

Thank you. It’s been five years and I’ve mourned for him all
this time. Until you.”

Me?” he raised his brows in surprise.

gave a small laugh. “Ironic, isn’t it? I forget my husband’s memory
with the help of a ghost,” she paused before looking at his leg. “I
noticed you limping.”

Boer War.” Simon replied. “I returned to recuperate from my
injury when I accompanied Dottie. My mind draws a blank every time
I try to think of what happened next,” he exhaled, emitting a growl
of frustration.

Maybe I can help.” Juliana said before explaining what she did
for a living. The more she told Simon, the more his face lit up
before giving her a bemused smile.

Why would you want to help me?” He asked, tilting his head to
one side.

shrugged. “The living mourns the dead. Time will close the wounds
and leave a scar of memories. The dead? Why you can’t move on is
beyond me but if I can find out anything about your family, maybe
that can help you move forward.”

looked at her with admiration and gratitude in his eyes. “You’re a
kind hearted soul, Juliana. I’d be in your debt if you can help me
find out what happened to Dottie and my family.”

Okay,” she agreed as she stood up. “I’ll try to be back
tomorrow, that is if I can find this place again.”

Come back at this same time.” Simon said standing up as well.
“The sun will lead you here.”

moved towards her, the setting sun cast a golden light on him. And
there it was again, the pull that beckoned her to him.

Thank you,” he said giving her a look that could melt a host
of candles. But his lopsided grin was sad. “If I could really touch
you, if I could tuck your hair behind your ear without scaring you,
I would. If I could really feel your skin to see if it’s as smooth
and soft as I imagine it to be, I would.”

Juliana’s pulse raced. Her heart pounded hard inside her
chest. Her insides quivered at Simon’s words, his voice sending
pleasure zinging down to her sex. She swallowed as her need became
stronger. God, she must really be out of her mind to want to make
love to a ghost! But there was something about Simon, something
that made her think that there was more to him. Trying to find an
explanation at that moment was futile when her need to have him was
making her think incoherently. If the whisper of Simon’s touch was
all she could have at that very moment, then so be it.

You could try,” she ventured softly.

mouth widened to a smile that held so much promise. Of expectation.
Of hope. He raised his hand to her face. Juliana closed her eyes,
her chest rising and falling with anticipation before she gasped. A
frigidly cold hand touched her face. She didn’t move away, more
intent on wanting Simon to pass through her. She was soon rewarded
with a tepid touch which gradually warmed and eventually felt like
a caress from someone living.

You are soft,” Simon whispered. “And beautiful.”

opened her eyes and their gazes locked. He didn’t let go of their
connection as he continued his exploration. Juliana raised her own
hand and placed it on his face. Simon stopped what he was doing and
closed his eyes, groaning.

Can you feel that?” She asked with wonder. She could feel
Simon’s skin but it was akin to touching muslin, soft but not quite

Yes,” he murmured. “I’ve forgotten what it feels like to be

Juliana’s skin deliciously prickled everywhere. How could a
ghost make her feel so alive?

You know what I wish, Juliana?” Simon asked. When she shook
her head, he continued. “I wish I were real. I wish I wasn’t dead.
You know why? Because I wish I could make love to you, to really
touch you, to feel you. I wish I could taste you, your mouth, and
your skin. I wish I could lick you down there and make you cream
for me.”

Oh God…Simon,” she closed her eyes, his words wreaking havoc
on her system.

I’m sorry if I offended you,” his voice low and husky. “But
you need to know how you make me I feel.”

looked at him, nearly drowning in his gaze. Her body was a livewire
and Simon was the fuse. “I’m not offended, because I want you too.
I don’t know how this can happen and at the moment I don’t care.
But if we can have the same thing we had last time…”

flared in his eyes. A vaguely sensuous light passed between

Yes. Please.” Juliana answered his unspoken question, her eyes
imploring him. “Wholeheartedly. Completely.”

Inch by
inch, Simon moved towards her, walking through her. Juliana’s moan
stuck in her throat at the initial clamminess before her body
warmed the more Simon passed into her. The moan tumbled from her
lips, her body succumbing to the desire inflaming her. Her breasts
swelled and she hummed when she felt Simon’s hands cup them,
grazing her nipples that she felt them harden. She inclined her
head to one side when she felt his lips graze her neck before
nibbling her earlobe. Her channel clenched and her clit throbbed.
Simon’s touch felt so real, the pleasure so intense. Instinctively,
her hands reached to hold his arms but she could only feel a
whisper of skin, of sinew, of matter. She cried out softly when she
felt his mouth on her breasts, her nipples budding underneath his
expert tongue. Her clothes were not a barrier when it seemed that
Simon’s hands were underneath them. Then she heard Simon’s groan of
satisfaction before she felt him thrust into her. Her lips opened
at the phantom invasion of his tongue. Blood roared in her ears and
seared her veins. Her heart wildly beat in her chest. He felt so
real, taking her to heights she thought never existed. She fell to
the ground as she cried out her release.

Oh God…..Simon!”


didn’t know how this could happen. All she knew was that she felt
Simon’s warmth inside her as they crested, taken over by their
joint climax. She arched her back as another orgasm lifted her even
before the last one ended. She collapsed to the ground, her body
boneless and replete with Simon sprawled beside her. It was several
moments before Juliana felt her heartbeat slow down. She heard
Simon chuckle.

What?” She asked.

This is the first time I’ve made love to a woman wearing

grinned, giggling a little herself. “Speak for yourself. This is
the first time I’ve had sex with a ghost.”

turned to his side to face her. “It wasn’t just sex, Juliana. I
made love to you. You are so easy to love,” he sighed as he lay
back on the ground staring at the darkening sky. “If only things
were different…”

faced him, a blush and soft smile on her face.

But it’s not, is it? Soon this will be a thing of the past,”
she said. “Once I find out what happened to Dottie and your family,
you can move on.”

As soon
as the words came out, the intimacy between them slowly
disappeared. Simon gave her a short smile before standing up to
move away from her. Juliana could have kicked herself. She knew
that her words had soiled the moment. She sat up before standing.
Simon was facing the bushes again with his back to her. She wanted
to say something more to bring the closeness back. But what else
could she say?

another word, Juliana left.

Chapter Five




looked over his shoulder, catching a glimpse of Juliana before she
left. He swore softly before turning around to walk towards the
gap. Tentatively, he stretched out his hand, hoping against hope
that his hand would pass through. But like all the times he had
tried to do so, it was futile. Something blocked him. Something he
couldn’t see. The first time he had seen Juliana, he had hidden in
the shrubs before he appeared. He had not been able to believe that
someone had been able to enter the fortress enforced upon him. But
Juliana had broken through.

the turmoil in his mind, a part of the weight lifted from his
shoulders. He would finally know what had happened to Dottie. Had
he been able to save her? Was he able to push her out of the tram’s
way? Everything had become hazy after he had held Dottie before
letting go. Simon massaged his nape to ease the stiffness in his
muscles. The sun was almost gone and the moon was making its way up
to the heavens. Hands in his pocket, he looked up counting the
stars he could find. Juliana would probably be at home among them.
He mouth softened to a smile, his eyes crinkling in slight
amusement. Dottie would have had a field day. Captain Simon Lowe of
the King’s Own Royal Lancaster Regiment, man about town, and heart
breaker, now a romantic. He closed his eyes and groaned at the
memory of going through Juliana once again. Of the indescribable
passion he felt in her that matched his own. If he were alive, he’d
court her, shower her with gifts, make love to her all night until
they were both sated.

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