Darlings of Paranormal Romance (Anthology) (203 page)

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Authors: Chrissy Peebles

Tags: #romance, #love, #fantasy, #paranormal

BOOK: Darlings of Paranormal Romance (Anthology)
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It’s dangerous you’re here.”

words or posture gave away nothing. I couldn’t read his thoughts.
“I know.” I swallowed, my eyes darting inside as I tried to calm
the anxiety inside me.

expression broke. He wavered and looked as lost as me.

I stepped toward him and stumbled, unable
to keep my knees from buckling. His arms surrounded me and he held
me tight. My head instinctively went to his chest and I left it
there, inhaling his wonderful masculine aftershave, the taut
muscles under his shirt, his warmth, all of it.
Would it be wrong to want to
stay here forever?
I then remembered the real reason I’d come. Putting my
hands on his shoulders, I pushed him back a few inches so I could
think. “We
need to talk. Can I come in?”

Maybe it would be better out here.” He paused and his eyes
shifted back and forth at mine.

I shook
my head and exhaled a long breath. “I think I’d better come in and
you should get Caleb, Sarah and Grace.”

raised an eyebrow, but said nothing.

paused, thinking I might need a bullet proof vest and remembered a
better devise for protection. “Just need to grab something from the

I ran to
get the antique book, letting the fresh air cool my flushed face.
It was my only chance to convince Caleb I was worthy of being with
Michael. I took a deep breath, squared my shoulders, and headed
into house.




Of Part I



Seventh Mark Part II

Is available now for purchase




Twitter: @wanitajump Email:
[email protected]
Agent: www.blueridgeagency.com

Before writing, WJ May used to high
jump for Canada. She retired in 2003. High jumper ‘eh? Yup, all
5foot 7inches of her. She attended KSU (runner up at NCAAs) and
represented Canada at the Francophone Games, World Championships,
etc… How High? 1.92m ( or for the metically challenged 6ft
3.5”inches). She thinks it didn’t seem high then but when she looks
at the bar there now, she thinks, “That’s crazy!”

So now she writes. She lives. She
breathes. She writes Fantasy, YA, New Adult, or whatever float her
bats when the need arises. She lives for her family – hubby and
three adorable kids. She breathes this blessed world (though
slightly polluted) in as much as she can, savouring all its loads
of sparkles in the sunshine and not daring to waste a

– Tiffany Evans



Tiffany Evans

A Hidden Bloodlines

Book 1

Copyright 2013 © Tiffany





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(electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise)
without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner
and the above publisher of this book.


This is a work of fiction. Names,
characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the
product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. The
author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademarked owners
of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have
been used without permission. The publication/use of these
trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the
trademark owners.



This book is dedicated to my sister,
Tia. Without her love, continual help, and hours of reading, it
would have never reached it’s true potential. Thank you for always
believing in me, and for never turning your back on me.

To: My husband, Shaun, who fought for
me, protected me, and rescued me. Words can never express how
blessed I am to have you, let alone how much I love you.

To: Ashlynn, Tyson, and Ryker, my
beautiful children. I love you with all my heart!


A special thanks to the most amazing
critique partners, Chrissy, Wanita, and Meghan. You girls


Chapter 1


I’d heard my name a lot lately, and
for some odd reason, it was always being yelled.

time, the deep, angry tone had me scrambling to shove my iPod and
sketchbook under my pillow. The sound of stomping boots
reverberated up the stairwell.
I stumbled over a pile of dirty
clothes as I rushed to my desk and grabbed it. Hearing Delmari’s
footsteps grow closer, I leapt for the bed.

He threw the door open, not bothering
to knock—obviously not worried I might have been naked—and stood,
hands on his hips, glaring down at me. Crap.

My gaze traveled up his looming frame.
I faked an innocent smile, trying to pretend I didn’t know the
reason he looked ready to rip me a new one.

football team lose
? Time you picked a new one to
bet on, don’tcha think?”

Jaw clenched, his eyes bored into mine
like he attempted to exorcise demons from my soul. Or beat them out
of me.

Not football, huh?” I
didn’t scare easily like the majority of Dreas. Then again, no sane
person would mess with a Kember…especially when that Kember was
Delmari. He pretty much walked the earth as a badass, savior and
god. Trained to protect, he could destroy anyone in his

What were you thinking?”
He half-turned, running a hand over his buzzed, blond hair, before
looking back at me.

Well…” I averted my gaze
to the orange accent wall behind him, wondering how long I could
get away with playing stupid. “Depends on what time of day you’re
referring to. Mainly, school, though. You know, gotta get those
grades up so I can grad—”

Watson. History class.” His eyes narrowed. “Ring any bells? Or do I
really need to remind you she stood in the middle of a
and told everyone
her hands-on sex ed class would be moved from the backseat of her
car to the city park.”

I rubbed my nose, hiding the smile
behind my hand. Her outburst in third hour was the highlight of my
day. Only something a Drea, like me, could pull off. “You heard
about that, huh? Please don’t tell me you signed up.”

The hard set of his mouth hid all
signs of the laugh lines that usually creased around his eyes.
Okay, not the time for jokes.

It’s a
small town. Now would you mind explaining
she said it?”

Because it’s

Taylee! I know you don’t
get along with her, but really, you had to make her humiliate
herself in front of the whole class?”

You haven’t heard my side
of the story.”

I’ve told you a
thousand—no—a million times not to use your ability, and I swear
I’ll…” He paused.

Pop a
blood vessel? Take my car and cell phone away? Ground me?
I could’ve gone on all day.

I’ll pull your butt out of
school if it happens again.”

My snarky attitude dried up. “It’s not
my fault. She’s the one who got all butt-hurt when her boyfriend
couldn’t keep his eyes to himself. Then she started telling
everyone I’d do some risqué things for a little cash. Like you
said, Del, it’s a small town.”

He sat next to me, letting out a huge
sigh. If I didn’t know better, I’d say he looked a little spiteful.
“Why didn’t you tell me? I would’ve handled it.”

I knew he would have. He never slacked
on his job to protect me. I just didn’t need my “daddy figure”
fighting my battles at school, too. Leaning my head against his
shoulder, I snickered. “How, by making it rain on her?” Along with
strength and agility, all Kembers had either an elemental ability
or some other physical gift like super speed. We Dreas got gypped.
We weren’t fast or strong. All we could do was use our mental
abilities to work within people’s minds.

Delmari chuckled and pulled my
ponytail. “Don’t underestimate the gift of water, and I wasn’t
talking about using abilities. You should’ve handled it

You’re right.” I punched
the air. “I should have aimed right for her nose.”

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