Darling (5 page)

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Authors: Claudia D. Christian

BOOK: Darling
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“I should not
be expected to answer such personal questions to someone unknown to
me.” Cassandra’s offended sniff amused the other woman.

“Perhaps you
should not but you will if you want me to release your lord.”

“No, I do not
understand what my lord was teaching me. Now please release him,”
she beseeched, offended pride all but forgotten. “This cannot
be safe for my lord.”

“I promise you
it is perfectly safe, little girl.”

Lady Kamilla’s
promise eased Cassandra. Vampires were not prone to give away
promises lightly. They were binding and no vampire wanted to be known
as playing false with his words lest they be the last ones ever

“Take a walk
with me, my dear.” Lady Kamilla linked her arm through the
younger girl’s and proceeded to direct them away from Lord
Constantine. Cassandra looked over her shoulder, eyes large and
fixated on her beloved lord. “Lord Constantine will be just
fine. No one will be able to accost him. Look.”

Cassandra followed
the direction of Lady Kamilla’s outstretched arm. The entire
world stood frozen. No one moved but them. Not even firelight.

“What kind of
power do you possess, my lady, to be able to do this? You are not a
normal vampire, are you?”

Lady Kamilla’s
laughter skittered like diamonds across glass. “No, little
girl, I am not normal. If truth must be told I am much like your Lord
Constantine.” She forestalled Cassandra’s inevitable
questions with a gentle tug. “We are not here to speak of my
origins, my dear. We are here to speak of you and Lord Constantine.
Or rather I am here to speak to you in regards to Lord Constantine.”

Cassandra nodded,
wary but caught in curiosity. Other than her lord and Lenore, she
never had the opportunity to converse with any vampires without
direct supervision.

“Please speak
freely, Lady Kamilla.”

“I plan on
doing so but I do thank you for your kindness. Forgive my lack of
subtlety, my dear, but I have grown too old to mince words.”

Had Cassandra not
grown up in this world she might have not taken the vampiress’
words at face value considering how youthful and beautiful Lady
Kamilla appeared. However, she knew if Lady Kamilla said she was old
then she really was.

“Please do not
feel the need to censure yourself on my account, my lady.”

“You are such
a sweet child, so eager to please. It truly is no wonder Lord
Constantine has fallen for you.”

Cassandra blushed

“I am not
praising you, my dear.” Lady Kamilla did not have to look at
the human girl to see the affect her words created. “You adore
and love him, even at the cost of your dignity and strength. This
will do neither of you any good.”

“I am sure I
do not understand what you mean,” Cassandra replied through
stiff lips, wanting to snap and snarl rudely but unwilling to shame
her upbringing.

“I know you do
not.” The vampiress patted her hand in sympathy. “How far
can you see, little girl?”

Cassandra wanted to
ask the importance of the question. She knew better to show her
vexation. Vampires had an unnatural appreciation for patience and a
sadistic need to tease others who did not.

“I cannot see
past the stall of the pastry vendor.”

“And now?”

Cassandra blinked
rapidly. What had seemed to be only a single avenue had grown to a
labyrinth of twisting streets marked by a staggering amount of

“How did you
make them appear, my lady?”

“I only showed
you what was already there.”


“You could not
see them before because Lord Constantine did not allow for them to be


“Why do you
think? Think carefully before you answer, my dear.”

instincts flared. She sensed the dangerous net Lady Kamilla’s
words created.

I have to go very
warily with this one.

“He did not
want me to become overwhelmed.”

“That is a
reason. I have a few others. One of which is Lord Constantine is a
liar and has made you bear the burden of his lies. Are you ready to
hear the rest?”

Cassandra swallowed
down an ugly burst of rage. She would not let this wicked vampiress
drive a wedge between her and Lord Constantine. “I know my lord
for being an honest man.”

“And that is
where you are wrong, little girl. Lord Constantine is not a man. He
is a vampire who is but playing a man in your presence.” Lady
Kamilla stopped before an azure tent lavishly edged in gold. “Walk

gaze whipped back to Lord Constantine. “No. I am not to leave
my lord.”

“You grow
tiresome, my dear. I prefer for you to walk on your own but I will
compel you.”

Murderous intent
marked Cassandra. She bared her blunt teeth and hissed, “I
would take your head for this, my lady.”

Lady Kamilla smiled.
“I know but my head will remain exactly where it belongs, won’t
it? Now walk through like a good girl.”

Cassandra took
another last lingering look at her lord before stepping past the
dainty vampiress. A black void swallowed her and her instinctual
scream whole. The absence of sight and sound threw Cassandra into a
mindless panic.

Where am I? I can’t
see anything! Lord Constantine!

“You are safe,
little girl. Look.”

She barely resisted
the compulsion to grab Lady Kamilla’s delicate white hand.
Cassandra tried to speak several times but ended up losing her words
to a wracking cough instead.

“Take your
time, Mistress Cassandra. Your body is adjusting. I invite you to
take a look around you in the meanwhile.”

Cassandra massaged
her throat while trying to make sense of the strange world Lady
Kamilla directed her attention to. They were standing in a wooded
copse across from a soaring steel building. The air smelled sharp.
High-pitched, tinny sounds attacked her ears. The moon punched a
small hole in the sky. She had never seen this part of Lord
Constantine’s kingdom and wondered why.

“What is this

“The human


legs crumpled. She hit the ground hard. “What? Why would you do
such a thing?”

“I brought you
here because you adore your Lord Constantine so much, my dear, that
you will not believe a word I say unless you see it for yourself.”

Air fluttered in and
out of Cassandra, too fast to keep her mind focused. “You plan
on leaving me here.”

“I am not
going to leave you here. I simply wanted to show you something of
importance. Up on your feet.” Lady Kamilla grabbed Cassandra’s
hand and hauled her up. “Neither of us will be seen if we are
quick. You will hold onto me if you do not want to be lost here.”

Cassandra clasped
Lady Kamilla’s hand. The vampiress wrapped an arm around
Cassandra’s waist. “Ready, my dear?”

She cried out in
reply as they darted across the road, too quickly to be seen by
mortal eyes. They slipped by an exiting couple, leaving only a cool
breeze to betray they were ever there.

Cassandra squeezed
her eyes shut. The unnatural speed they were using made her nauseous,
reminding Cassandra once again how very human she was.

little girl. We are here. I do not want you to sicken.”

Lady Kamilla’s
voice slinked inside Cassandra’s head. Before she could respond
verbally, the vampiress stopped and pressed a finger against
Cassandra’s plump lips.

“I need you to
be as quiet as a little mouse for me, my dear. We are trespassing and
must not be found.”

Cassandra nodded.
Her gaze darted around Lady Kamilla to see where they were. A
brightly-lit beige corridor stretched from their end all the way to
the opposite side. Numerous doors lined both walls, each decorated
with a numbered plaque.

She tugged on Lady
Kamilla. Looking into her silver eyes, Cassandra asked silently,
“What is this place?”

“A hotel. You
have never heard of such a thing, have you? It is a place where
humans rent a room for one night or many.”

Cassandra tilted her
head in question.

“They do this
when visiting a place far from home or for the reason we are here

Lady Kamilla’s
features sharpened. Her predatory nature came to the forefront. Eyes
rose-red demanded Cassandra’s silence.

“We are hidden
around this corner but only if you remain still. Regardless of what
you see, little girl, do not speak and do…not…move.”

heart thumped a jerky rhythm. Too frightened to disobey, she dipped
her head in a stingy nod and waited.

What could be so
dangerous to see that Lady Kamilla is afraid we’ll be
discovered? What does this have to do with Lord Constantine? I really
want to be with him right now…

thoughts hit a wall. Her limbs became dead weight. She dimly sensed
Lady Kamilla covering her mouth with a small hand, as if she didn’t
trust Cassandra to remember the imperious demand for silence.

Lord Constantine
strolled down the hall, dressed very differently from what Cassandra
had remembered him wearing since forever. His tousled hair made a lie
of the dignified vampire who made perfection an attainable virtue. He
wore a dark suit, crimson collar open at the throat, necktie no where
to be seen.

Cassandra thought
him beautifully vulgar.

A statuesque redhead
adorned his arm. She giggled at something he whispered in her ear.
Cassandra noted how the woman’s bronze dress shimmered like
liquid with each step. It was so thin she could see the outline of
thigh, hip, and waist.

She looks as if she
is not wearing anything at all.

They stopped at one
of the doors. Lord Constantine opened it with a small, flimsy card.
Cassandra smothered the hysterical urge to laugh. She had never seen
him do something so ordinary. His immense powers ensured any barrier
opened without physical touch. Lord Constantine ushered the woman in,
hand on her naked back, before closing the door.

Lady Kamilla sighed.
“He did not see us, my dear.”

“What would
have happened if Lord Constantine did see us?”

“I cannot say
for sure. Let us both be glad we do not find out.”

“Then why take
this risk, my lady?” Her rote words barely disturbed the air,
they were so low.

“You may know
of these other women but knowing and seeing are quite different. Now
it is real and not just something you can push away when you no
longer want to think of it. Now you see this is where your lord was
before he came to you tonight.”

“You have
taken me to the past?”

Cassandra’s sharp inhale was due to disbelief, Lady Kamilla
explained, “Time is liquid, my dear. The past, present, and
future are all happening at the same time. This allows us to go where
we please.”

Cassandra believed
the world had disintegrated. Nothing of importance made any sense
anymore. “What are they going to do in that room, Lady

The vampiress
paused, perhaps unnerved by Cassandra’s ridiculously calm

“Speak freely,
my lady. You have meddled into my life this far—surely you do
not need to adopt a conscience at this late stage.”

She was wrong in
thinking her words would be acidic enough to prick the other woman
into anger. Lady Kamilla squeezed her hand with something akin to
sympathy. Cassandra wondered if her skin felt as cold as the

Constantine is going to be intimate with that woman.”

how?” The question rang hollow.

“Are you truly
this innocent? Stop looking at the door and give your attention to
me, Mistress Cassandra.” Lady Kamilla waited until the much
younger girl settled her gaze on her. She studied Cassandra’s
blank expression. “You already know, my dear, don’t you?”

Rage contorted Cassandra’s face, carving fluid lines of
betrayal and misery. “Why will he go to someone like her while
I am here waiting, always waiting, for him? Why am I not good enough
but she is? Why?”

Lady Kamilla chose
her words carefully. “His being with her does not mean he loves
you any less.”

Constantine has broken faith with me!” Cassandra accused
through a strangled scream. Her maddened attention swung back to the
door. She lusted to break it down and murder the pair. Tears burned
her blind.

How could I think of
killing my lord? How could I not?

“You are not
of the same species and you cannot apply the same rules to one

“What does
that mean?”

“Do you
remember the first question I asked you? No? Let me remind you. ‘Yes,
little girl. Do you understand what your lord is really trying to
teach you?’”

fingers curved. She suffered to wrap them around Lady Kamilla’s
neck. “You have broken my heart all for the sake of a question?
You are truly cruel, my lady.”

“Truth is
often mistaken for cruelty. Lord Constantine takes these human women
because he does not want to take you.” She held up one hand.
“Do not misunderstand me. He does this not because he loves you
less but because he loves you too much. He wanted you to understand
him, to understand one can appreciate another’s beauty but
still love their loved one. He wanted you to know his love for you is
all that he feels.”

“You lie.”
Cassandra collapsed against the wall. Her agonized gaze fixated on
the closed door. She believed her heart withered a bit more with each
passing second. “If Lord Constantine loves me at all it is as a
pet. A silly, ignorant, human pet.”

“My dear, do
not be stupid.” Lady Kamilla’s tone pelted like ice bits,
digging deep and refusing to be ignored. “Attempt to be less
human and think like a vampire.”

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