Darkfall (17 page)

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Authors: Dean Koontz

Tags: #Fiction / Horror

BOOK: Darkfall
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“Nothing much. I put the word out. I’m still asking here and there, poking around. So far, all I’ve been able to find out is that there actually is someone around who calls himself Baba Lavelle and says he’s a Bocor.”
“Bocor? That’s a priest who practices witchcraft—right?”
“Right. Evil magic. That’s all I’ve learned: that he’s real, which you weren’t sure of yesterday, so I suppose this is at least of some value to you. But if you’d telephoned—”
“Well, actually, I came to show you something that might be of help. A photograph of Baba Lavelle himself.”

“So you already know he’s real. Let me see it, though. It ought to help if I can describe the man I’m asking around about.”
Jack withdrew the eight-by-ten glossy from inside his coat and handed it over.
Hampton’s face changed the instant he saw Lavelle. If a black man could go pale, that was what Hampton did. It wasn’t that the shade of his skin changed so much as that the gloss and vitality went out of it; suddenly it didn’t seem like skin at all but like dark brown paper, dry and lifeless. His lips tightened. And his eyes were not the same as they had been a moment ago: haunted, now.
He said, “This
“What?” Jack asked.
The photograph quivered as Hampton quickly handed it back. He thrust it at Jack, as if desperate to be rid of it, as if he might somehow be contaminated merely by touching the photographic image of Lavelle. His big hands were shaking.
Jack said, “What is it? What’s the matter?”
“I know him,” Hampton said. “I’ve... seen him. I just didn’t know his name.”
“Where have you see him?”
“Right in the shop?”
“Last September.”
“Not since then?”
“What was he doing here?”
“He came to purchase herbs, powdered flowers.”
“But I thought you dealt only in good magic. The
“Many substances can be used by both the
and the
to obtain very different results, to work evil magic or good. These were herbs and powdered flowers that were extremely rare and that he hadn’t been able to locate elsewhere in New York.”
“There are
shops like yours?”
“One shop somewhat like this, although not as large. And then there are two practicing
strong magicians, these two, little more than amateurs, neither of them powerful enough or knowledgeable enough to do well for themselves—who sell the stuff of magic out of their apartments. They have considerable lines of merchandise to offer to other practitioners. But none of those three have scruples. They will sell to either the
or the
They even sell the instruments required for a blood sacrifice, the ceremonial hatchets, the razor-edged spoons used to scoop the living eye from the skull. Terrible people, peddling their wares to anyone, anyone at all, even to the most wicked and debased.”
“So Lavelle came here when he couldn’t get everything he wanted from them.”
“Yes. He told me that he’d found most of what he needed, but he said my shop was the only one with a complete selection of even the most seldom-used ingredients for spells and incantations. Which is, of course, true. I pride myself on my selection and on the purity of my goods. But unlike the others, I won’t sell to a
—if I know what he is. Usually I can spot them. I also won’t sell to those amateurs with bad intentions, the ones who want to put a curse of death on a mother-in-law or cause sickness in some man who’s a rival for a girl or a job. I’ll have none of that. Anyway, this man, this one in the photograph—”
“Lavelle,” Jack said.
“But I didn’t know his name then. As I was packaging the few things he’d selected, I discovered he was a Bocor, and I refused to conclude the sale. He thought I was like all the other merchants, that I’d sell to just anyone, and he was furious when I wouldn’t let him have what he wanted. I made him leave the shop, and I thought that was the end of it.”
“But it wasn’t?” Jack asked.
“He came back?”
“Then what happened?”
Hampton came out from behind the sales counter. He went to the shelves where the hundreds upon hundreds of bottles were stored, and Jack followed him.
Hampton’s voice was hushed, a note of fear in it: “Two days after Lavelle was here, while I was alone in the shop, sitting at the counter back there, just reading—suddenly, every bottle on those shelves was flung off, to the floor. All in an instant. Such a crash! Half of them broke, and the contents mingled together, all ruined. I rushed over to see what had happened, what had caused it, and as I approached, some of the spilled herbs and powders and ground roots began to ... well, to
move ...
to form together... and take on life. Out of the debris, composed of several substances, there arose... a black serpent, about eighteen inches in length. Yellow eyes. Fangs. A flickering tongue. As real as any serpent hatched from its mother’s egg.”
Jack stared at the big man, not sure what to think of him or his story. Until this moment, he had thought that Carver Hampton was sincere in his religious beliefs and a perfectly level-headed man, no less rational because his religion was voodoo rather than Catholicism or Judaism. However, it was one thing to believe in a religious doctrine and in the possibility of magic and miracles —and quite another thing altogether to claim to have
a miracle. Those who swore they had seen miracles were hysterics, fanatics, or liars. Weren’t they? On the other hand, if you were at all religious—and Jack was not a man without faith—then how could you believe in the possibility of miracles and the existence of the occult without also embracing the claims of at least some of those who said they had been witness to manifestations of the supernatural? Your faith could have no substance if you did not also accept the reality of its effects in this world. It was a thought that hadn’t occurred to him before, and now he stared at Carver Hampton with mixed feelings, with both doubt and cautious acceptance.
Rebecca would say he was being excessively open-minded.
Staring at the bottles that now stood on the shelves, Hampton said, “The serpent slithered toward me. I backed across the room. There was nowhere to go. I dropped to my knees. Recited prayers. They were the correct prayers for the situation, and they had their effect. Either that... or Lavelle didn’t actually intend for the serpent to harm me. Perhaps he only meant it as a warning not to mess with him, a slap in the face for the way I had so unceremoniously ushered him out of my shop. At any rate, the serpent eventually dissolved back into the herbs and powders and ground roots of which it was composed.”
“How do you know it was Lavelle who did this thing?” Jack asked.
“The phone rang a moment after the snake... decomposed. It was this man, the one I had refused to serve. He told me that it was my prerogative, whether to serve him or not, and that he didn’t hold it against me. But he said he wouldn’t permit anyone to lay a hand on him as I’d done. So he had smashed my collection of herbs and had conjured up the serpent in retaliation. That’s what he said. That’s
he said. Then he hung up.”
“You didn’t tell me that you’d actually, physically
him out of the shop,” Jack said.
“I didn’t. I merely put a hand on his arm and... shall we say...
him out. Firmly, yes, but without any real violence, without hurting him. Nevertheless, that was enough to make him angry, to make him seek revenge.”
“This was all back in September?”
“And he’s never returned?”
“Never called?”
“No. And it took me almost three months to rebuild my inventory of rare herbs and powders. Many of these items are so very difficult to obtain. You can’t imagine. I only recently completed restocking these shelves.”
“So you’ve got your own reasons for wanting to see this Lavelle brought down,” Jack said.
Hampton shook his head. “On the contrary.”
“I want nothing more to do with this.”
“I can’t help you any more, Lieutenant.”
“I don’t understand.”
“It should be clear enough. If I help you, Lavelle will send something after me. Something worse than the serpent. And this time it won’t be just a warning. No, this time, it’ll surely be the death of me.”
Jack saw that Hampton was serious—and genuinely terrified. The man believed in the power of voodoo. He was trembling. Even Rebecca, seeing him now, wouldn’t be able to claim that he was a charlatan. He
Jack said, “But you ought to want him behind bars as much as I do. You ought to want to see him broken, after what he did to you.”
“You’ll never put him in jail.”
“Oh, yes.”
“No matter what he does, you’ll never be able to touch him.”
“We’ll get him, all right.”
“He’s an extremely powerful
Lieutenant. Not an amateur. Not your average spellcaster. He has the power of darkness, the ultimate darkness of death, the darkness of Hell, the darkness of the Other Side. It is a cosmic power, beyond human comprehension. He isn’t merely in league with Satan, your Christian and Judaic king of demons. That would be bad enough. But, you see, he is a servant, as well, of
the evil gods of the African religions, which go back into antiquity; he has that great, malevolent pantheon behind him. Some of those deities are far more powerful and immeasurably more vicious than Satan has ever been portrayed. A vast legion of evil entities are at Lavelle’s beck and call, eager to let him use them because, in turn,
as a sort of doorway into this world. They are eager to cross over, to bring blood and pain and terror and misery to the living, for this world of ours is one into which they are usually denied passage by the power of the benevolent gods who watch over us.”
Hampton paused. He was hyperventilating. There was a faint sheen of perspiration on his forehead. He wiped his big hands over his face and took several slow deep breaths. He went on, then, trying to keep his voice calm and reasonable, but only half succeeding.
“Lavelle is a dangerous man, Lieutenant, infinitely more dangerous than you can ever comprehend. I also think he is very probably mad, insane; there was definitely a quality of insanity about him. That is a most formidable combination: evil beyond measure, madness, and the power of a masterfully skilled
“But you say you’re a
a priest of white magic. Can’t you use your power against him?”
“I’m a capable
better than many. But I’m not in this man’s league. For instance, with great effort, I might be able to put a curse on his own supply of herbs and powders. I might be able to reach out and cause a few bottles to fall off the shelves in his study or wherever he keeps them—if I had seen the place first, of course. However, I wouldn’t be able to cause so much destruction as he did. And I wouldn’t be able to conjure up a serpent, as he did. I haven’t that much power, that much finesse.”
“You could try.”
“No. Absolutely not. In any contest of powers, he would crush me. Like a bug.”
Hampton went to the door, opened it. The bell above it rang. Hampton stepped aside, holding the door wide open.
Jack pretended not to get the hint. “Listen, if you’ll just keep asking around—”
“No. I can’t help you any more, Lieutenant. Can’t you get that through your head?”
A frigid, blustery wind huffed and moaned and hissed and puffed at the open door, spraying snowflakes like flecks of spittle.
“Listen,” Jack said. “Lavelle never has to know that you’re asking about him. He—”
“He would find out!” Hampton said angrily, his eyes wide open as the door he was holding. “He knows everything—or can find it out. Everything.”
“Please go,” Hampton said.
“Hear me out. I—”
“Go, get out, leave, now, damnit, now!” Hampton said in a tone of voice composed of one part anger, one part terror, and one part panic.
The big man’s almost hysterical fear of Lavelle had begun to affect Jack. A chill rippled through him, and he found that his hands were suddenly clammy.
He sighed, nodded. “All right, all right, Mr. Hampton. But I sure wish—”
“Now, damnit,
Hampton shouted.
Jack got out of there.
The door to
slammed behind him.
In the snow-quieted street, the sound was like a rifle blast.
Jack turned and looked back, saw Carver Hampton drawing down the shade that covered the glass panel in the center of the door. In bold white letters on the dark canvas, one word was printed: CLOSED.
A moment later the lights went out in the shop.
The snow on the sidewalk was now half an inch deep, twice what it had been when he had gone into Hampton’s store. It was still coming down fast, too, out of a sky that was even more somber and more claustrophobically close than it had been twenty minutes ago.
Cautiously negotiating the slippery pavement, Jack started toward the patrol car that was waiting for him at the curb, white exhaust trail pluming up from it. He had taken only three steps when he was stopped by a sound that struck him as being out of place here on the wintry street: a ringing telephone. He looked right, left, and saw a pay phone near the corner, twenty feet behind the waiting black-and-white. In the uncitylike stillness that the muffling snow brought to the street, the ringing was so loud that it seemed to be issuing from the air immediately in front of him.

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