Darkest Wolf (19 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Royce

BOOK: Darkest Wolf
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His brother growled. “I don’t run anymore. End of story.”

“Move, boys.” Elizabeth pushed out from behind him. Pointing at the sky, she narrowed her eyes. A popping noise sounded and then … nothing.

No wolves. Where were they? Rex sniffed the air, looking around for an explanation but none came. “Did you block them?”

She nodded. “I did.” She smiled, chewing absent-mindedly on her fingernail. “I can do it like this, one at a time, and I’ll work on figuring out how to do it island-wide in the meantime. We can keep them out. Well, we can keep them from entering that way.” Tristan grinned. “I knew you’d get us a witch, Rex.”

“Is my witchness why you’re with me?” Her eyes twinkled. “Because I’m a witch.”

“Yes, exactly. Because you know how much I loved witches before I met you.”

“Now, I guess we just have to get Kendrick.” Tristan stretched. “No big deal, right?” Rex sighed. “I couldn’t take him. I tried but he was too strong for me in a fight. We were well-matched, but ultimately he wouldn’t have tired and I would have.”

“There was only one of us who could ever really take Dad.” Theo spoke for the first time. “And if what Kendrick said is true, then Gabriel can’t be counted on. I’m not even certain where he is.”

Tristan’s face fell, his grin replaced by a scowl. “I can’t feel him. He’s not dead but he’s not in the pack mix. I can’t believe he’d be a traitor. None of you would ever betray me. Still, he’s either left the pack or he’s dead.”

“You would know if he was dead, my Alpha.” Cullen stepped forward, bowing slightly to Elizabeth. Rex grinned. The other man would always be and had always been incredibly formal. Nothing would change that. “I’m afraid it has to be the other option.

Still, it doesn’t mean betrayal. It could just mean he left us. By the way, Rex, I knew your father. Your real father.”

“Oh yes?” He squeezed Elizabeth’s hand. This was what he’d wanted. Someone who had known him.

“Good man. You look just like him. How could we not have noticed?” Elizabeth pushed her nose against his arm. “We see what we want to see.”

“True.” Cullen nodded.

In the distance an explosion sounded. Elizabeth raised her finger at the noise. “No made wolves coming through there.”

“It’s good to have you, Elizabeth.” Tristan nodded at the others who followed him back into the woods.

“It is. So good.” He leaned over to kiss her, loving the feel of her softness pressed against him. “To see you.” She was his witch and he was her wolf. For better or worse.

Whether he deserved her or not. He could see it. This was forever. This was what he’d waited for.

“Why don’t you show me what we’re fighting to save? You’ve met my family. Now I get to meet yours, wolf.”

Family. Yes. It was really all that mattered. Westervelt was his home. And Elizabeth was his mate. They would win. Suddenly, he could believe it.

The End

About the Author:

As a teenager, Rebecca would hide in her room to read her favorite romance novels when she was supposed to be doing her homework. She hopes that these days, her parents think it was worth it.

She is the mother of three adorable boys, and she is fortunate to be married to her best friend. They live in northern New Jersey and try not to freeze too badly during the winter months.

A hardcore fan of science fiction, fantasy, and the paranormal, Rebecca tries to use all of these elements in her writing. She's been told she's a little bloodthirsty so she hopes that when you read her work you'll enjoy the action-packed ride that always ends in romance. In her world, anything is possible, anything can happen, and you should suspect it probably will.

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