Darkest Flame (27 page)

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Authors: Donna Grant

BOOK: Darkest Flame
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Rhi had been right. Kellan wasn’t one to show emotions, but if a person knew where to look, they could see or feel it. Like Denae did now. His arms shook, and his chest rose and fell rapidly. His hands gripped her firmly, as if he were afraid he’d never get to hold her again.

“It’s almost over,” Kellan whispered.

Before, his steely gaze and nod had let her stand tall. Now his touch and soothing words handed her the means to remember the trained professional she was.

One of Kellan’s hands slid into her hair and held the base of her head. He was holding her as if she were precious, as if he was as affected by what had happened as she was.

At that moment, all the fear that had been building dissipated as if it never was. Because of Kellan, because he was strong and powerful, resilient and dangerous.

And because he cared.

“Follow Rhi. She’ll lead you out,” he said.

Denae leaned back to look at him. “What? You’re coming with us. Just use your magic on the chains.”

“I’ve tried. These were made to hold a Dragon King. The Dark magic used doesna recognize my magic, or even Rhi’s. Only a Dark One can release me.”

Denae couldn’t believe what she was hearing. After all she had been through, it was Kellan who’d kept her holding it together. She wasn’t going without him.

“Take her,” he ordered Rhi. “Get as far from here as you can, and make sure they can no’ get to her again.”

Rhi’s forehead furrowed as she looked away. “Kellan…”

“I’ll withstand whatever they have in store for me,” he said. “Without Denae, they have no leverage.”

Denae waited to hear Rhi’s next argument, but the Fae merely grabbed her hand and led her to the back wall where water dripped down.

“No,” Denae said and tried to pull back, but the Fae was stronger than she looked.

Denae glanced back at Kellan. He stood solemnly, a glimmer of sadness in his pale green eyes just before Rhi yanked her through the wall.

She found herself standing on the edge of a stream that wound through semidark tunnels. The cold caused her to shiver, and while she rubbed her hands up and down her arms, Denae glowered at Rhi. “We can’t leave him.”

“We had no choice. If any of the Dark return and find you gone before we get out of these tunnels, you’ll know the full extent of just what they can do to you. Without you there, Kellan can endure anything. You’re a liability.”

“Because he cares?” she asked carefully, not sure if she wanted it to be true or not.

Rhi sighed and shook her head. “He gave you a promise. Kellan will see it fulfilled regardless of what it costs him. He also made a vow to his brothers. Dreagan and all Dragon Kings are to be protected no matter what. The two oaths could tear him apart.”

Denae should have known she didn’t mean anything to Kellan. It was silly to be so upset, especially when he chose his people and his way of life. Their night together had meant something to her. It had changed her.

And regardless of how he felt, she didn’t regret any of it.

“They’ll torture him more,” she said. “Will they use the females on him?”

Rhi looked first one way down the tunnel and then the other. “Probably. We need to go this way,” she said and pointed to the left.

“No.” Denae crossed her arms over her chest. “I’m not leaving unless Kellan is with us.”

Rhi slapped her hand on her thigh. “Damn it, Denae. Don’t be stupid. Being out here isn’t exactly safe. This tunnel allows the Fae world to bleed into yours. There is danger everywhere, including behind that wall where Kellan is. He’s trying to save you so that both of his promises will be kept. Don’t let that be in vain.”

Denae dropped her arms and looked at the wall they had just walked through. “There has to be a way to unlock his chains. Everything has a weakness. Locks can be picked, metal corroded.”

“If you go back in there, I don’t know if I’ll be able to get you back out.”

“Then don’t.”

Rhi rolled her eyes. “Really? After the episode with Taraeth you want to go back for more? There’s a very real possibility you’ll never have another chance at an escape. Trust me when I tell you that if Taraeth takes you, he’ll never let you go.”

“By take you mean if he has sex with me.” It was enough to cause Denae to hesitate. The aftermath of her assault would be with her for many, many years.

She didn’t want anywhere near Taraeth again.

As if sensing her uncertainty, Rhi said, “Yes. You’ve been strong so far, but you saw how easily he used your body against you. Think of that, but multiplied by a hundred. That’s what it’ll be like.”

“If I can’t resist him.”

“The more you resist, the more he’ll push until you go insane.”

“He mentioned turning me into Fae to be his queen.”

Rhi look aghast. “What? Are you sure that’s what he said?”

“Yes, I’m sure. Can he do that?”

“It’s just another reason to get you far from here.”

“He’ll still come for me, won’t he?”

Rhi rubbed her temples, agitation causing her to stamp her right foot. “Yes, he will, damn it all. As long as you’re somewhere he can find you.”

“Which means what?”

The Fae turned her silver gaze to Denae and looked her squarely in the eye. “Anywhere that isn’t with Light Fae or the Dragon Kings.”

For several seconds Denae simply returned the stare as her mind went over everything piece by piece. She looked at it as she would a mission from MI5. “You’re telling me that I can’t live my life now? That I’ll have to be at the mercy of your people or the Dragon Kings? Based on what I’ve heard, I don’t think your people will take me in, and if I leave Kellan behind, I don’t imagine the Kings will be pleased to see me.”

“They’ll protect you. For Kellan.”

“Wow. That makes it all better.” Her voice was heavily laced with sarcasm. “I don’t want to go back in there. Taraeth and every one of the Dark Fae scare me to death. But I can’t leave Kellan. He wouldn’t leave me.”

“He would if it meant the other Dragon Kings and Dreagan would be left alone.”

Rhi’s statement hurt, more so because Denae knew it to be true. But she was a highly trained operative with MI5. She had faced scary scenarios before. This—whatever was going on—was more important than anything she had ever been a part of.

“I’m just one human. I matter little in the grand scheme of things. The Dragon Kings are needed. Kellan is needed. Regardless of what he would do, I’m going in after him.”

“You’re a fool,” Rhi said, but there was a grin on her face. “I liked you from the moment I met you, Denae Lacroix, and right now is exactly why. I wish every mortal was like you.”

Denae laughed, the sound full of fear and anxiety. “I could be walking to my death.”

“You won’t die in pain at least.”

After what Matt and MI5 had had in store for her, that was a plus. “I don’t know if I can face Taraeth again.”

“You will. You’re strong, just as Kellan said. A survivor. Don’t let him touch you. You’re not you when you’re with him. You’re on a mission, and you’re just playing a part.”

That might work. It was a way for Denae to distance herself from her attacker, but she’d much rather kill him. “It’ll take every ounce of my training to fake wanting Taraeth’s touch.”

“You’d better if he gets ahold of you, because if he suspects you’re immune to his charms, he’ll turn you over to the rest of the Dark.”

That was enough to put things into perspective for Denae. She faced the wall and took a deep breath. “Do you have any advice for me?”

Rhi put her hands on Denae’s shoulders as she stood behind her. “Pray hard, chick, and wish for luck. You’re going to need it.”

Denae had no chance to comment as she was shoved back through the wall.




Kellan had sent Denae away knowing it was the right thing to do, but it bothered him that she had gone so easily. She was a warrior, one who would never leave someone behind.

But she had left him.

Granted, he and Rhi hadn’t given her a choice, but he expected humans to think of themselves first, knowing he was immortal and could survive. Not to mention what she’d gone through at Taraeth’s hands. It was only natural that she’d want to leave.

She had fought against MI5, battled against the Dark Ones, and outwitted Taraeth without him even knowing it. She was special.

At least Rhi, Phelan, and Tristan would get her away from Ireland and the Dark Ones so Taraeth could never get his hands on her.

Kellan wondered if Denae would still be alive when he finally managed to escape. Con and the others would make sure she was looked after and want for nothing. Neither MI5 nor the Dark Ones would ever get ahold of her again. Of that he was certain.

He leaned against the wall and looked to his memories where he stored every minute he shared with Denae. He thought of her alluring body, her inviting mouth, and her enticing cries of pleasure. His hands remembered the silky feel of her hair, the soft-as-cream skin, and every curve and contour.

Amazingly, he found sadness filled him, sadness that she was gone from him. He should be happy to have her away from Taraeth, but all he could think of was holding her again.

There had been a moment after Taraeth left that he thought Denae had been broken, but the strong woman he knew had faced the world with a brave face.

He had seen the uncertainty in her whisky-colored gaze, and it had been all he could do to remain where he was. A part of him had been ripped away when he saw her held by their magic, naked and squeezing her eyes shut.

Kellan hadn’t even realized he’d called her name until he saw her flinch. It had been a whisper, a breath of need that had passed his lips.

That’s when he knew she needed strength and power. He’d hidden his rage and his shattered emotions and gave Denae what she wanted. Once in his arms, Kellan hadn’t wanted to let her go.

She’d trembled, holding him as if he were a lifeline. If only the damn chains didn’t prevent him from communicating with the other Kings via their link he would make sure Guy wiped her memories of anything to do with Taraeth so Denae wouldn’t have to go through life suffering.

Kellan dropped his chin to his chest and closed his eyes. Even mentally he couldn’t say farewell to Denae, not when her scent still clung to him.

As if his thoughts had conjured her, Denae stumbled through the wall, her wild whisky-colored eyes going right to him. She said not a word as she rushed to him and started pulling ineffectually on his chains.

“What are you doing here?” he demanded more roughly than intended. Kellan was both angry and pleased to see her. Once more she shocked him by doing the exact opposite of what he expected.

She glanced up and gave him a stern look. “Don’t act as if you aren’t happy to see me. I saw your eyes light up.”

“My eyes don’t light up.”

“Of course not,” she said in a strained voice as she put a foot against the wall and pulled. “What was I thinking?”

Kellan grabbed her by the shoulders and jerked her in front of him. “What are you doing here?” he asked a second time.

“Someone has to save your ass.”

He tried to push her away, but instead he dragged her closer, his gaze lowering to her mouth. He knew she tasted as heady as honeyed wine, knew her lips were as soft as down.

“Yes,” she whispered breathlessly as her fingers delved into his hair at the back of his neck.


“The question in your gaze.”

He could hardly think with her so close. Her warm breath fanned his cheek before she placed a kiss on his jaw. It was so blatantly sexual that he fought not to take her right then, to sink into her wet heat. His shirt looked good on her, and it was all that separated him from her amazing body.

“What is the question?” he finally asked.

Their eyes met, clashed. Desire sparkled in her gaze. “You’re wondering if we could chance making love. My answer was yes. I need you. I need to feel you inside me.”

As if he could deny her that simple request. But he knew it went deeper than that. She wanted Taraeth’s taste erased from her memory, just as he wanted to erase it.

His hand splayed on her back as he pressed her against him. Her curves, her softness only spurred his passion. Then he lowered his head and took her lips in a seductive kiss that was both fierce and tender, savage and gentle.

Wild and untamed.

He wanted to shove up the shirt until his hand found her breast. But he held back. She hadn’t been in control with Taraeth. To give her back what had been taken, he would let her take complete control.

His hands remained at her waist until she quickly unbuttoned the shirt and brought his hand to her breast. She moaned into his mouth, her nipple going hard in his palm. While he teased the turgid peak, she unfastened his jeans and jerked them down his legs.

The need driving them was too great to go slow, too overwhelming to put off. No matter the dangers.

He felt the need driving her, ruling her. Not once had Kellan ever given control to a female, but with each kiss, each touch that Denae decided upon he saw the uncertainty vanish and the self-assured woman return.

“What do you want?” he asked her.

“You. I want you right here, right now,” she said between kisses.

He had to be inside her, had to feel her tight, slick walls envelop him.

Kellan smiled when she shoved down on his shoulders until he was sitting. She straddled him, a fierce, provocative look in her eyes. His hands landed on her hips as he held his breath while she rose up over his engorged cock.

It jerked, anxiously waiting to have her tight wetness surround him. She gasped and moaned, her head dropping back when she rubbed her sex against the head of his arousal.

She was oh, so wet, her chest heaving and her nipples hard. A woman flushed with desire and in control was a beautiful sight to behold.

“I need to feel you inside me.”

Something profound shifted in his chest. What was it about Denae that called to him time and again? What made her different from the other mortals? Every time he thought he had it figured out, she surprised him again.

Her head lifted and their gazes met. He waited for her to decide if this was really what she wanted. When a slow smile tilted up her lips, his balls tightened.

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