Darkest Designs (22 page)

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Authors: Dale Mayer

Tags: #design series, #Urban fantasy, #Dale Mayer, #dystopian, #fantasy, #contemporary, #Adult crossover, #Bestin selling author

BOOK: Darkest Designs
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So how do we help her then?


You use your new honor symbols.


Symbols. She was trying to follow her stylus's trail of thoughts. Honestly. But at the moment, it was a leap to think she, herself, could create portals and that was just for starters
. I don't understand. You are the one that creates. Not me.


No, it
I – before. Now it is you…and I.


She shook her head.
Not possible. You are the one that creates. I am just the tool that holds you.


You have earned your honor marks. They carry abilities with them.


Abilities? She didn't know if she should be excited or terrified. She had yet to question how the stylus might have earned their abilities. She had no idea how the honor marks had come about, they'd simply appeared on her skin. Now she realized that the times her stylus had said they would honor her meant they would give her honor marks.


It had been magical in the beginning, the first mark simply appearing on her after she'd been recognized for a good deed. Now she understood it was so much more than that. They worked on time, energy and even dimensional shifts.


Abilities had to be earned. And learned. Hence the Broken One's higher place in their world. He'd been there the longest, learned the most, earned his position. And had the most to offer. Saving him was important.


She was a novice.


Not as much as you think.


What can I do?




Inside she smiled.
Now that's the right answer. What about Tammy? Can I help her get back here where she belongs?


Yes. But not without the Broken One,
her stylus said.
He must do the transition. Like he performed Dillon's transition.


Right. So we need Tammy here. Can I leave, go to Tammy's…soul…and then bring her back here? Without the Louers knowing?


Not as you mean.


She almost groaned. Why was nothing ever simple?
How do you mean?


You can leave your body behind. Go in the same form that Tammy currently exists.


Oh boy. Now that was a mind bender…again.




And you're saying I can do that without the guards noticing? How hard a process is this?


For you now, with your marks…it is not hard.


She didn't know if she should believe the stylus or not, but had no reason to doubt it after all the other crazy things he'd helped her do.
Is this something Louers can do on their own? Without styluses?




So it wasn't normal what happened to Tammy?




What about the Torans – can they do that?




So why is this something I can do?


The Broken One thought it would be an ability to help you as you moved through dimensions.


She tilted her head.
The Broken One?


You earned your first marks after rescuing the Broken One and the others. We are and always have been connected. He awarded the first honor marks.


And the second?


I did


She brightened. Really? Sweet.


She wanted to ask more. About other abilities, but time was a definite issue
. How do I go to Tammy?


You need only detach.


Only? She'd have laughed aloud if she could have. But ever mindful of her audience, she managed to hold back.
What about my body? Should I be lying down so I don't fall? Or can I just leave from here as I am now?


There was a faint hum in the background. She stole a look at her guards to see if they'd notice. But they appeared unaware. Unless they were causing it. She'd thought it was her stylus. Maybe she was wrong.


Use the honor marks as a guide.


That came out of nowhere. Storey stared down at her arm where the marks seemed to glow and twist in place. They were almost alive. Somehow. Maybe not alive, but there was a force in there she didn't recognize. Energy of some kind. The marks, even as she watched, looked brighter, stronger. More powerful. She was drawn into the glow. Feeling the warmth of it surround her. A tingling sensation she'd never experienced before. She didn't understand. She hadn't lifted her arm, yet they seemed closer. Heat soothed her inside and out. How odd was that?


She desperately wanted to stand up. Did she dare? What was the worst the guards could do, but push her down again? She tossed them a defiant look and stood. Skorky's head jerked back, his gaze widening. But he never shifted away from his protective stance at Tammy's shoulder. She took a step.


And left her body behind.


She froze.
Oh God. Oh God, Oh my God.


Stylus? Have I separated from my body?


You are correct.


Her gaze widened.


You used the honor markings as a guide.


She stared down at her arm. Her physical arm. The one still resting on the bed, holding Tammy's hand. The honor marks now seemed softer, calmer and no longer moving. She gulped. Then looked down at what passed for an arm on her body now. Wispy smoke in a lovely white, with a tinge of lavender, filled the space she'd expected to have an arm. Her body was no better. Her hair no longer brushed her ears. Her clothes had disappeared, and boy did she gulp at that one. Although technically she wasn't exactly standing there in the buff, either. It was weird. She was there, but wasn't there. There was something representing clothing, but nothing she'd ever seen before. She let her pent up breath out slowly.


Well she'd done it.




Now what Stylus? How do I help Tammy and get back inside my body?


Think of Tammy as you last saw her. Feel the emotions of having her at your side.


Closing her eyes, she imagined Tammy beside her. Smiling and joyous; so full of life. The last time Storey had seen her, she'd been in Eric's arms. He was carrying her away to safety. Good. She needed to be safe.


And she is safe. Look.


Storey's eyes flew open. She gasped.
Oh my God. I'm in Paxton's lab.
She spun around, aware she was leaving wispy tendrils as she moved. Like a princess with a long train, Storey was leaving wispy bits of her new material – energy or clouds – wafting out behind her as she spun.
This is amazing. I so don't understand. But it is definitely cool.


You can travel by thought in this form.


Thought? As in I don't need you, stylus?


She clasped her hand to her chest, afraid she'd lost the stylus, and realized she not only had no stylus, she had no chest! Her breath came out in harsh gasps as she fought to control the panic. This couldn't be, could it?


Yes. Our souls are connected to our bodies, but the physical body is not a prison. You can move freely in and out. We in the stylus no longer have bodies. They do not keep long term. But our souls are forever.


She repeated the word, really liking the concept. And this whole state of being, for all it was scary and fragile feeling, was also incredibly exhilarating and…liberating.
If only all people could realize they were more than an organic body.


They can, but few would want the experience.


Are you kidding? This is awesome.


For many, the fear would be overwhelming.




She was so caught up in the sensation and conversation it took a moment for her to hear the other voices. Eric. And Paxton. She laughed, a sound of pure pleasure pealing across the room.


Eric stopped talking, an arrested look on his face.


“Did you hear that?” he asked Paxton.


“Hear what?”


Storey grinned. Good for Eric. He was always so sensitive to her moods and presence. Maybe he couldn't see her in this form, but he was aware of something different. And then she gasped again. Tammy stood beside Eric, her hand nestled in his much bigger one. And she was in the same form as Storey, but in a slightly different color. Tammy appeared as a light blue to white energy swirling in place at Eric's side.


Did he know?
Considering he was holding her hand, he must.


“Tammy!” Storey cried out.


The energy beside Eric turned, then shot toward Storey like a bullet fired from a gun. The blue energy surged around Storey, over her and then finally through her.


She'd have gasped in shocked delight if she could have, but the sensation of being one with another soul overwhelmed her into silence. She'd have shed tears if she'd had them; instead it felt like her heart was being squeezed small and so tight. Only it was beating hard and strong, because Tammy was inside, helping her.


“Oh Tammy. I was so afraid for you,” she whispered.


“Torrey.” Tammy's faint pudgy hand reached up to pat Storey's cheek. “I'm happy you are here.”


They could talk like this. Without the trappings and physical limitations that defined their other reality, the two of them could communicate like they'd always wanted to. She wrapped her arms around the little girl and held her tight.


“Paxton. Something just happened,” Eric said


Paxton spun on Eric. “Now what? I can only work on one thing at a time.”


“Well for one, Tammy, who'd been holding my hand, isn't any longer. And I think someone else is here now?”


Storey watched at Paxton spun around searching the brightly lit room. “There is no one here.”


Yes, there is. Hi Paxton.


He didn't hear her. Holding Tammy close, Storey walked over to Paxton's monitor and hit the keys she needed with a little bump of her non-existent fingers.
Hi, Paxton,
she typed.
I'm here in the same form as Tammy. We're spirits. Storey.


Both men raced over to the typing keypad.


Paxton grabbed his chest and stared at the place in front of his key panel. “That's not possible.


Eric whispered, “I sure as hell hope it is. Storey,” He took a deep breath. “Please tell me you're not dead.”




Eric studied the space in front of Paxton's desk. There was a shimmer to the air, a motion to it that he didn't understand. And hadn't seen before. He asked, “Is that possible?”


The keys depressed even as Eric watched. Storey typed in the words,
Yes. I am alive. I left my body in the Louers' dimension so I could help Tammy return.


Eric froze at the part where she'd left her body. What? He wanted to repeat Paxton's horrified rejection about that not being possible. He took a deep breath and let it out shakily. “Storey, how do you propose to take Tammy back?”


The keys tapped faster this time. The words appearing as if by magic.
Easy. The same way I came here. Tammy can travel by holding on to me.


His mind refused to see how this was possible.


Just then the door to Paxton's lab opened up and his father strode in, two Toran guards trailing behind. “Paxton, I demand a hearing.” He glared at his son. “These charges against me are preposterous. I have done nothing wrong.”


Eric struggled to shift from one subject to the next. And adjust to his father's presence. He opened his mouth to say something, when his father rounded on him.


“And you, letting your father be treated this way. How dare you?” The pompous man strode across the room as if he still had the right.


Eric's felt his eyebrows shoot straight up. His father was actually accusing Eric of not standing up for him? Unbelievable. He glanced at Paxton, who appeared to have had one shock too many.


“Why are you not in your chambers under guard?” Paxton's fury was slowly rising as a tidal wave of red filled his face.


The Councilman sniffed. “Why should I be? My people are loyal to me. And not that upstart otherworlder. How dare she accuse me of such things?” He walked over to the workbench, putting his back to the others.

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