Authors: Celeste Anwar
It made him
cringe inside to know that even after everything he’d learned about her,
was what had driven him to mark her, not the half formed lie he’d told
himself--that it would make it easier to find her later. In his mind, she
was already his mate. He had only had to seal it with his mark.
He dismissed
those thoughts. He wasn’t in love with her. He never had
been. That was only part of the mind fuck. He’d lusted for
her. He didn’t even feel that much anymore.
Not much lust,
anyway. Nothing he couldn’t handle.
All he wanted to
do was to give her a taste of what they’d put him through, just enough to make
it as impossible for her to ever forget as it was for him. Once he’d
toyed with her a while, she’d be begging to tell him where that son of a bitch
was and then she could go to hell for all he cared. Living with it would
be more torture for her than a quick death.
But living with
the expectation of death was only a part of what he’d had to endure and she was
going to get a good taste of it before he let her go.
Let her think he
meant to kill her. Let her get a good taste of what it was like to be
tied up and treated like an animal. Before he was done, she would hate
him as much as he hated her.
And that was what
he wanted.
He felt so
nauseated at the idea that he thought for several moments that he would be
sick. It pissed him off even more. He had a weakness for the
woman. He could deny it all he liked. That wasn’t going to change
the situation.
One way or
another, he was going to get the information he wanted out of her, though, he
decided grimly. If she decided to make it easy on herself … he would just
wash his hands of her and call it a day. The harsh truth was that getting
what he needed out of her was probably going to be more hellish for him, or as
much anyway, as it was for her.
thought he’d braced himself for what came next. The moment he stepped
into the room with her, though, her delicate scent hit him like a ton of
bricks. It made no difference that fear laced it, that he could see the
uneasiness in her eyes. There was just a trace of desire in it, as well,
and that was all it took to send his own libido into overdrive.
Gathering his
wits with an effort, he moved to the drawer where he’d placed the device and
removed it. Her eyes widened when he held it up and flipped it on.
“What are you
going to do with that?”
He frowned,
studying the device. “It took me a little while to come around to
this. Thing is,
part of what made it so hellish in there
for me was that I was determined not to give them a part of me and they was
determined to get it.
“Now wid you,
it’s different. There’s only one thing you can give up that I want.”
“I don’t
where he is! I told you I didn’t!” Erin exclaimed, staring at the tubular
shaped object with a mixture of dread, embarrassment, and revulsion as he
settled on the bed beside her.
“I’m thinkin’ if
you’re still singin’ the same tune come mornin’--well maybe you don’.”
She jumped as he
stroked the thing along her neck and down to one breast. The vibrations
from the device sent a surge of sensation through her. Her nipples
puckered as blood surged into them. She held her breath, trying to focus
on anything other than what he was doing, fearful that her body was going to
give her away at any moment.
Relief flooded
her when he moved lower, but it was short lived. She felt his fingers
stroking the hair on her mound, parting her nether lips. The hard,
vibrating plastic skated over her clit, sending a sizzling jolt through
her. She caught her breath, held it, squeezed her eyes shut.
None of it made
any difference, not the low pitched whine the thing made, not the foreign feel
of it against her. Her belly began to tighten with the stimulation.
A knot of need rose in her throat. Moisture gathered in her channel,
dampened her cleft.
He stroked a
finger along her cleft, gathering moisture on the tip.
She refused to
look at him when she sensed he’d lifted his head to study her.
She let out a
short gasp as he finally moved the vibrator from her clit. He traced it
along her cleft and began to slowly push it up inside of her. She
clenched her muscles instinctively, trying to resist, but the moisture and his
insistent pressure triumphed. Heat and tension grew steadily as he thrust
it in and out of her, stroking her g-spot until she found she could no longer
be still, until her hips began to move with him of their own accord and she was
dizzy with trying to hold her reaction inside.
He removed it
slowly, slipping it back along her cleft and moving it in a teasing circle
around her clit until she could no longer control the little pants of breath
from the accelerated beating of her heart and her laboring lungs.
She wasn’t even
aware of the point when she passed beyond resistance to the point where she
began to struggle to reach release.
When he stopped,
removing the vibrator and laying it on the bed beside her, she was too
surprised to realize what his intent was at first.
She was still
trying to figure it out when he got up abruptly and left the room.
She stared at the
door without comprehension, her body still sizzling with unfulfilled desire.
Slowly, it dawned
on her that he’d achieved his goal. He’d taken her right up to the point
where she was so close to release she thought she’d die if she didn’t get it,
and then he’d left her.
Just as they had
done to him over and over until he was practically a raving maniac.
“Oh god!” she
She had over an
hour to contemplate her situation before he returned. An hour for her
body to finally cool and stop throbbing with need. She’d had just enough
time to think he was wrong in believing he could torment her like this.
It wasn’t something she couldn’t handle.
Not that she
could tell him what he wanted to know even if she could, but she knew of no way
to convince him of it.
His face was grim
when he came back, determination in every line of his body.
immediately assailed her.
He sprawled out
on his side on the bed beside her, studying her body as if it was a problem he
had to figure out. It didn’t take him long to figure it out though.
He began to stroke his fingers lightly over her from her neck to her groin,
never touching a single erogenous zone, but passing teasingly close. By
the time he’d stroked his fingers along her body once, her nerves were already
taut. Heat had blossomed inside her belly. Every nerve ending on
her body seemed to open to him, waiting for the slightest touch to send a shock
wave of pleasure through her.
She held her
breath, tried to hold perfectly still, but the insistent stroking along her
skin made her belly quiver. When at last he traced a circle around her
nipples, goose bumps erupted from her neck down. A shiver went through
her as he raked his fingers down along her belly again.
She sucked in a
sharp breath as his fingers parted her flesh and he stroked her clit. The
sound drew his attention and he transferred his gaze from what he was doing to
her face, studying her as he teased her clit with one finger tip.
She turned her
face away, biting her lip, struggling to control her breathing. For a
moment, she managed to focus her mind away from his touch, staring at the glow
of the lamp and the wall beyond it. Insidiously, her body received the
pleasure of his touch, funneling it through her body and along her nerve
endings into her mind until her gaze and her mind became unfocused and her mind
turned to mush. Her eyes slid half closed as her attention shifted to
accepting and capturing the sensations.
She was only
dimly aware that he’d leaned closer until she felt the heated, faintly rough,
moisture of his tongue lap against her clit. A mind numbing shock wave of
ecstasy flooded her blood stream like 180 proof liquor. She sucked in a
sharp gasp, felt her skin grow taut with sensation. Her hips rose of
their own accord when he lifted his head.
Swallowing with
an effort, she turned her head and met his gaze for a pregnant moment.
With great deliberation, he dipped toward her again. She tensed, dreading
his touch and at the same moment wanting it. An involuntary moan scraped
along her throat and escaped as he closed his lips over her clit and she felt
the mind blowing heat and suction of his mouth. The muscles in her belly
went taut, relaxed fractionally and tightened again, growing steadily more
tensed as he continued to tease her. She rapidly lost all awareness of
anything but the pleasurable jolts moving through her, winding tighter and
tighter until, of its own volition, her body began to writhe with feverish need
to find release.
flooded her when he stopped. Lifting his head, he studied her a moment
and got off the bed abruptly, striding from the room.
Her throat closed
on the painful need that was still pounding through her. She dragged in
several ragged breaths, willing her body to cool, to dismiss the urgency to
find release. Sluggishly, her body responded and the need gentled, but
she felt like groaning with despair when he came again.
She lost count of
the number of times he returned to torment her with pleasure. After a few
times, her body simply refused to cool. It remained on edge. As if
a fever had descended upon her, she lost all touch with reality, dreading the
caresses he lavished her with almost as much as she craved them. Each
time she felt his mouth and hands move over her, the tension rose faster and
higher, coiling inside of her until she thought she would die with the need to
find release. He seemed to know to a nicety just how far he could push
her without allowing her to find it.
By the time the
darkness outside the window began to lift, she’d begun to wonder if she would
lose her mind. Her body was on fire. She’d stopped even attempting
to struggle against enjoying his touch. As tortuous as it was, she wanted
it, needed more.
“Jesse, please,”
she murmured when he settled on the bed and began to caress her again.
“Please what,
he growled. “Don’ touch me, you nasty beast?”
She licked her
lips, struggling to make sense of what he’d said. “They showed me the
video … when they captured you,” she managed to gasp as she felt his lips
moving along her inner thighs, the scraping bristle of whiskers against too
tender flesh. “To make sure I knew how dangerous you were.”
He paused, lifted
his head to study her.
She licked her
lips. “Knowing what you were capable of, I was too afraid to see beyond
that … to look at you any other way … until….”
He shifted
upwards on the bed. Bending one arm and propping his head in one hand, he
stroked his free hand over her breasts, plucking almost absently at her nipples
with his fingers until she had to struggle to catch her breath for the heated
sensations flooding her. “Until?” he prompted.
“We became
He issued a
derisive laugh. “No self-respecting Lycan would take a weak minded mortal
as a lover. I fucked you,
chère … ‘
cause I’m an animal and pussy
is just pussy to me.”
Erin swallowed
with an effort. “It wasn’t just fucking. You wanted me--none of the
others. You wanted to kiss me.”
His gaze zeroed
in on her lips. Her lips tingled at the touch of his gaze. Her
throat closed with the thirst to taste him.
“To assert
chère, ‘
cause I could see you hated the idea of kissing a
“I didn’t hate
it. I wanted it. I still want you. Don’t … torture me
anymore. Make love to me. I need to feel you inside of me.
It’s been so long, Jesse. Please.”
His eyes
narrowed. She saw both desire and anger glittering in his eyes.
Lifting his head from his hand, he leaned toward her. She stiffened as
his dark head descended toward her breasts, holding her breath. Desire
and need rushed through her as he nipped at the inner side of first one breast
and then the other. She let out a ragged gasp as he moved lower, feeling
frustration surface--and boiling need that was as corrosive as acid as it
flowed through her blood.
She jerked all
over when his mouth settled over her clit, the heat and nudge of his tongue
instantly driving her to mindlessness. She knew, though, that he hadn’t
listened, or believed, anything she’d said. He wouldn’t give her what she
needed. Her throat closed, this time with frustration. Without even
realizing it, she began to weep. “Please, Jesse,” she gasped softly.
“Tell me what I
want to know,” he murmured after a moment, ceasing to tease her clit and
nipping at the sensitive flesh of her inner thigh.
“I don’t know!”
she almost wailed. “I came to find him!”
He shifted upward
until his face hovered just above hers. His ragged breaths fanned against
her lips, making her mouth go dry. She met his gaze. “I need you,”
she whispered hopelessly.
His expression
went taut. He seemed to struggle with his own desire for several
heartbeats and then he trapped her lips beneath his in a kiss that was almost
as punishing as it was devastating to her senses. Her mind reeled.
So much passion curled around and through her as she felt the raw hunger in him
that darkness skated the fringes of her mind.
She kissed him
back with fevered need, struggling against her bonds to hold him closer.
She felt a
painful tug on her wrists and then her arms, numb and useless, dropped to the
bed. Grasping her around the waist, he dragged her down the bed until her
knees bent and his hips were cradled between her thighs. She gasped when
she felt his erection pressing against her cleft almost bruising.
“You lose,
he growled against her throat as he broke the kiss and fumbled with the
fastening of his jeans, wreaking havoc with her senses as he gnawed love bites
along her throat and shoulder.
Mindless with
need, she arched against him, thwarting his efforts to free his distended flesh
for many moments, frustrating both of them. At last, she felt his silken skin
plow along her cleft, gathering the moisture of her need. She tilted her
hips eagerly, trying to align her body with his. A groan that was part
frustration, part relief escaped her as she felt his cock head penetrate her,
begin to spread her flesh.
She’d forgotten
how tightly he filled her, how glorious it was to feel his hard flesh fisted
within her channel. Impatient to feel him fully, she lifted up to meet
his probing thrusts. She heard him grinding his teeth as he fought for
control, felt moisture pop from his pores.
He hesitated for
a long moment when he had finally worked his hard flesh deeply inside of
her. Uttering a groan, he lifted slightly away from her, nuzzling his
face along her neck and then winding his way downward with love bites that made
goose bumps of keen sensation chase along her flesh.
The love bite he
placed on the inner slope of her breast sent a wild combination of pain and
fiery need through her. She cried out, feeling her body thundering toward
completion as he began to move in slow cadence, thrusting deeply and then
retreating with exquisite deliberation that had her panting for breath,
struggling against him to urge him to move faster.
She was so caught
up in achieving the bliss her body was striving toward, she scarcely noticed
the path of his lips until they fastened over one nipple. Alarm rushed
through her instantly. “No!” she gasped.