Dark War Chronicles Box Set One (83 page)

Read Dark War Chronicles Box Set One Online

Authors: A. L. Kessler

Tags: #vampires, #werewolves, #shifters, #Magic, #demons, #dark fantasy

BOOK: Dark War Chronicles Box Set One
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“That is true, but does not prove your loyalty.” Lucius growled.

Kaden nodded. “Because my mate is here. I would never intentionally put her in danger, which is why I returned back to my sister. I could not safely stay near Tegan because it meant threatening the alliance between the demons and the Circle. I would not risk sending someone after Tegan because of me.”

“You learned from your mistake then with the general.” Lucius laughed. “Oh Kaden, you have always been loyal to my human.”

He held his breath and hoped that it meant the alliances were switched and that he could be welcomed back into Tegan’s life.

“You have the alliance and I will take your second in command. Under one condition.”

Fuck him and his bargaining

“Which is?” Cael asked.

“He kills Markus.”

Both of them froze. Kaden met Lucius’ gaze. The vampire was serious and Kaden would do anything for Tegan, even go up against a member of the Circle.

“And if I fail?”

“Then you’ll be dead.”

Wasn’t that the truth? “I want to see Tegan first.” Just in case it would be his last time seeing her.

“She’ll be home in a few hours. She is closing the bar tonight.”

Kaden nodded. “I shall wait for her here.” And figure out how he was supposed to kill Markus. Especially since Cael said that he and the Father were almost always together.

“Your sister and I shall talk about what information she can provide me.”

Kaden watched Lucius and Cael leave the great room, and he sighed. How the hell was he supposed to kill Markus? For Tegan he’d do anything, but killing the vampire was going to prove to be a big challenge. And hopefully she would want him back after he left her in such a frail state. A month later and he could still see her grief on her face. The tears in her red eyes and the way she called out to him still stuck with him.

He rubbed his eyes. How the hell did it turn into this big of a mess?

The moment Lucius had Cael alone he slammed her into a wall. “I should kill you for what you put my human through.”

“I had nothing to do with it.” She remained calm despite the tightening of his hands.

“Do not lie to me, demon.”

“Zaaren set the whole thing up. It was his idea. He was the one who thought to use me to keep an eye on the Circle. The only thing he didn’t know was that the Father was awake.”

Lucius frowned and let her down. “Everything was his idea?”

“He contacted me saying that Tegan would be strong enough to take out the general, which would put me in a position of power. I was crippled by the death of my mate and I had all intentions of keeping Kaden by my side and not letting him return to Tegan. Zaaren had other plans. I was to send Kaden back to you when I broke my alliance with the Circle. As a sign to Zaaren.”

“A sign of what?”

“I can’t tell you that, I promised Zaaren that I wouldn’t.”

Lucius snarled. “This is my territory and it’s my human that it concerns.”

“You didn’t want Kaden here in the first place. You’re sending him off to kill Markus.”

Which was true, but after seeing Tegan fight like she did to keep her emotions and her anger under control, he knew it was best to keep Kaden with her. “Markus needs to be killed. Kaden is cunning enough to do it.” What were Cael and Zaaren planning? What on earth could the Original be thinking? Sending Tegan into the Circle’s hands, but Lucius now realized why. Information, under the guise of learning her lesson.

Anger flooded through him. How dare Zaaren treat Tegan like nothing but a bargaining chip and a spy? Perhaps it was time for the Original to find his own territory, but Lucius knew that would never work. Zaaren would simply take over his and would make Tegan’s life a living hell.

Tegan walked in the door and sighed. Lucius still hadn’t called her back and now she was exhausted from working. A couple hours of sleep, if she could call it that, then she’d have training with Dani. At least they’d be going to the shooting range. She didn’t even want to think about it right now. She paused as she realized that something wasn’t right. A familiar feeling clung to her heart and she didn’t want to believe it. Kaden.

She looked up as she entered the great room and he stood by the throne. “What are you doing here?” She tried to keep her voice from shaking.

“Well, it depends on how you look at it.” He offered her a smile and a hand.

She didn’t know what to do, why would he be here after a month of being away? After no word at all, why would he show up? She wanted to run to him, but it would only be a matter of time until Lucius pulled them apart again. She stared at him and hopelessness flooded through her. “We can’t be together.”

His hand dropped back to his side. “We can if I kill Markus.”

The statement hit her hard and she almost lost her breath. “What? Kaden, he almost killed you.” Him being away from her was one thing; him being dead was completely different.

“I went willingly with the demons.” He reminded her, but it didn’t ease the pain or fear in her.

“So this is possibly goodbye.” She couldn’t stop the panic and she wrapped her arms around herself. “Kaden...”

He took a few quick strides to her and pulled her close. “I know that I left you, but you have to believe that I did it for your protection. I will kill Markus for you and then you can put some of your nightmares to rest.”

“But if you don’t you’ll be gone.” She leaned her head against his chest and sighed. Gone only a month and she had really missed his comforting touch.

He kissed her head. “Have faith.”

She laughed remembering how he had told her that when she was at the Hunter’s hospital. “Funny, a demon talking about faith.”

“I promise, I will return to you Tegan, once Markus is dead.” He held her tight and she wanted to weep. Stupid Lucius and his stupid rules. He knew that Kaden was no match for the vampire.

She frowned. “Dreams.”

“What?” Kaden asked and looked down at her.

“You’re a dream demon, what you do in the dream realm affects the waking. Right?”

He nodded. “Do vampires dream?”

“They do. Just...sporadically. Lucius explained it to me once. They don’t truly die during the day, their body shuts down, but not their mind. It’s how he knows where I’ve been during the day and if I’m in trouble.” She sighed. “It is a type of sleep, not a type of death.”

“Then I guess I’ll find out what a vampire dreams of.” He kissed her cheek. “It’ll be fine.”

She could only hope. “Thank you.”

“For what? I thought you’d be angry with me.”

“Oh I am, but thank you for coming to see me before you did this.”

He nodded and gave her a weak smile. “I love you Tegan, with all that I am. That is why I’m doing this. It is the only way for us to be together. To prove my loyalty to Lucius after what happened a month ago.”

“When you left me.”

“When I accidentally swore my alliance to the Circle.” He sighed. “If it meant you not being in additional danger, I would leave you. I can’t bear the idea that I’d bring extra trouble to you.”

And she knew he spoke the truth, but what he didn’t know was how much it hurt when he left her. “Come back to me.”

“I’ll be here tomorrow night. Promise.”

She couldn’t remain angry with him, not if he was going after Markus. Especially if he was doing it for her. He could have just stayed in the demon world. There he wouldn’t have to worry about proving his loyalty.

“I love you.” She whispered and closed her eyes. “I love you.” She said louder. Admitting it out loud again made her cringe. She wasn’t supposed to love, she wasn’t supposed to have a mate...and yet this felt right.

“I know.” He winked and she laughed. With a wave of his hand a demon portal appeared and he stepped through it. She felt like her heart was breaking all over again. Why couldn’t he do it from here? Why did he have to leave her again?


aden closed his eyes when he entered his chamber in the demon world and leaned against the wall. His world was much more protected from things going wrong. Yes he could still die, but he’d be able to control the dreams better and without fear of another dream demon interfering. Heaven forbid that Markus had one on his payroll. His mind drifted to his sister, but he shook it off. She wouldn’t betray him like that.

The other reason for coming would be that if he failed, Tegan wouldn’t have to see his corpse. He didn’t want to put her through that. Rubbing his eyes, he shoved off the wall and went to his bed. Dawn would be coming soon, and he wanted a true rest before he tried to find Markus. For now, Kaden would dream of Tegan.

Chapter Seventeen

Markus lay down for the day. Things had been going well, but he couldn’t let his guard down. They still needed to make arrangements to go to Lucius’ territory and there was still a lot that the Father needed to learn. Unfortunately, none of that could be done when Markus slept for the day. He closed his eyes and let his body die with the sun.

It was rare for him to dream, but Markus couldn’t put a different term to what the subconscious brought up. He knew this place, the white marble walls with the flickering torches. He could hear the shouting outside, but his feet took him down the hall anyways. Rushing, he was in a hurry to find something. Something that had only been a rumor, but he had to have it. He had to own it.

The Blood Human. This was the night he met Lucius. He ran into the strange room. The floor covered in pillows, the smell of blood tinted the air and Lucius standing there...except it wasn’t him. It was the demon. What a ridiculous dream.

“You know,” Kaden said, “I didn’t know vampires dreamed.”

“A dream demon.” Markus growled. “No one mentioned this to us.” Had they, Markus would have had Kaden killed the moment he was brought in. “You are not welcome here.” Markus tried to summon up another scene. One where he had back up.

Kaden laughed. “Nice try, but I control this dream. There’s nothing you can do here.” He held out his hand and a sword appeared. “I was going to make this quick, but I am a demon and I do like to play with my prey. Besides, I owe you some pain for what you did to Tegan.”

“That little whore? She’s not worth anything.” Markus laughed. This was all about Tegan, and Lucius had sent her demon to handle it.

Kaden pointed his sword at Markus. “She’s my mate and I would do anything to wipe her nightmare off this earth.”

Markus laughed. “I had forgotten about that. Blood Humans don’t get mates, and once the Father figures out a way to get her away from Lucius she’ll be bred.” It was just a matter of time before the Father figured out a loophole and Tegan would be the center of this breeding facility for the human trade.

The demon paled. “I will never let that happen.” Kaden raised a hand and the scene changed to a stone room, chains on the wall snaked towards Markus and the vampire kicked them away before launching himself at Kaden.

The demon dodged and Markus snarled and spun around, grabbing Kaden’s throat and slamming him into the wall. “No matter what realm we are in, I out class you in every way, demon. Once I’m done here I will call Lucius out on his attack on us and use that as my right to lock him away. Leaving Tegan defenseless, then she will be the Father’s fuck toy again.” Markus saw Kaden’s eyes flash red and he knew that he had the demon.

Kaden head butted Markus and he jumped back snarling, but kept his hand around Kaden’s throat. Kaden shoved the sword deep into Markus’ chest and the vampire flung him across the room. Markus snarled at the pain and put a hand to the wound. It stung and he realized that it was a silver blade. Even in a dream it fucking hurt. “None of this translates into the real world.”

“Is that what you truly believe?” Kaden asked standing up, using the wall for a moment. “I am a dream demon Markus, I control everything. I may not have any fancy powers, or move as fast as you, but I control everything here.” He snapped and the chains appeared around Markus’ wrists and ankles, dragging him back to the wall. He fought and pulled, but as soon as one chain snapped another would appear.

Kaden watched as the vampire struggled and he brought his blade up. He wanted the vampire to suffer—to be tortured, but he didn’t have time for that. Markus needed to be killed and much of the day had already passed. Kaden went in for the kill, slicing at the vampire’s neck, but he disappeared and the sword bit into the wall. What the hell? Markus laughed and the walls crumbled and brought up a different world. The demon world and Kaden saw his sister kneeling and crying. Her dress torn to shreds and he knew exactly what memory they were in. He’d been careless and forgotten about Markus’ ability.

“You killed the king that night because you walked in on him raping her. Signing your own death warrant.” Markus appeared behind his sister and placed his hands on her shoulders. “I can change that memory, make it worse.” With a quick motion, Markus snapped Cael’s neck. Kaden’s heart dropped. It wasn’t real, it wasn’t possible. Cael waited for him in the demon realm now. After she’d returned from Lucius.

Markus raised a brow. “Not convinced? Okay, how about Tegan? Remember how she lost her memories? Only to regain them to remember that she had a mate? I can change her memories to think that you died by my hand. Even now I can feel her mind.”

Kaden clenched his jaw. He would not rise to this vampire’s bait. Tegan was awake right now and nowhere near the vampires. She would be safe, but he could feel the demon in him rising. It wasn’t the time to bring it out, not yet.

Markus seemed to sway when he stood from Cael and the room wavered around them. Kaden smiled, the vampire must have been feeling the effects of the demon poison.

“Still nothing?” Markus disappeared and reappeared behind him. Kaden tried to step away, but Markus sank his fangs into him. Snarling, Kaden pulled away from him, saying goodbye to a chunk of flesh his neck. He swung around with his sword at the same moment that the demon came bursting out of him. In his demon form his sword flew from his hands as they became claws. The sword struck Markus in the chest and Kaden followed up with a swipe of claws, tearing a hole in the vampire’s stomach.

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