Dark War Chronicles Box Set One (39 page)

Read Dark War Chronicles Box Set One Online

Authors: A. L. Kessler

Tags: #vampires, #werewolves, #shifters, #Magic, #demons, #dark fantasy

BOOK: Dark War Chronicles Box Set One
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Renee nodded. "And the other?"

"Is a favor I ask. Try to keep an eye on Tegan for me? These last couple months have been extremely trying on her and I fear that something has changed within her. Something I can't pinpoint."

Frowning, she sighed. "I know that she's still upset with the whole stone thing. Something about disappointing people, and—" Renee stopped and shook her head. "Never mind."

"Tell me."

"Something about a voice calling to her. She said that it reminded her of something, but never said what." Renee shrugged. "I didn't push it."

Lucius became still, but then sighed. "Thank you, that's more than she has shared with me lately. I fear there is more going on here than we know. I have taken the liberty to have clothes ordered for you for the meeting. You will find them in your room."

"I'm not a doll to be dressed up." She grumbled and turned to head to Coran's room.

Lucius chuckled. "No you are not, but you hide yourself in frumpy clothes when you have such curves."

She blushed as she left the great room.

Her face finally went back to her normal shade when she reached Coran's room. Entering without knocking, she stopped dead in her tracks when she spotted her wolf. Coran stood in front of the mirror, wearing nothing but worn jeans. She licked her lips, trying to cure the sudden dryness of her mouth. The reflection in the mirror showed off his immortal tattoo and she couldn't help but stalk over to him and wrap her arms around him.

Renee ran her fingers over his tattoo, meeting his eyes in the glass. "I love seeing you without a shirt on. Is this what you get to wear to the meeting?"

"Yeah, this is Lucius' way of showing off that there is an immortal on his side." He turned in her arms. Using a hand to steady her chin he kissed her. "I rather like the dress he picked out for you." Chuckling, he took her hand and led her over to the closet.

A plum colored dress of Grecian style waited for her. She slipped her shirt off and stepped out of her jeans, eager to try it on and see how it fit her. Once she took it off the hanger she slid it over her head and settled it on her body.

Coran held his breath when she met his gaze. She smiled. "What do you think?"

"Beautiful." He spun her towards the mirror for her to examine.

The light fabric clung to her curves in all the right places, making sure that her ample chest drew all the attention, then flowed down her hips, pooling around her legs. With her every motion the fabric seemed to move and breathe, leaving her to look beautiful with an almost ethereal quality. "It's simple, but I've never worn anything so beautiful."

"You look amazing." Coran kissed her cheek. "But come, we have a meeting to attend."

Renee walked into the great room with Coran's arm wrapped around her waist. He led her to the left of the throne, and she glanced down at the panthers crouched in front. She took a moment and concentrated, seeing the human shadows behind them. The female's was faint, but familiar.

"That's Kassity, she and her beast aren't exactly in harmony. The other one is her mate, Jaxon." Coran whispered in her ear.

She nodded, pausing to look at them. Though she could see the faint human shadow behind Kassity, she could clearly see the male’s and they were holding each other. A strange mix of blue and red surrounded the two, an aura of sorts, but now was not the time to ask and she continued to follow Coran. He came to a stop right next to the throne and kissed her cheek. "No matter what happens, you must stay calm. Understood?"

His words made her nervous, but she took his hand and squeezed it. "Yes. You'll be right beside me, nothing can happen to me. Lucius has me protected."

"Exactly." He looked up when Lucius walked in.

Renee swallowed a gasp. Her eyes wandered over the revealing dress that Tegan wore, leaving almost every pulse point bare, the black fabric clinging to her toned body. Around her eyes a matching black band of fabric was tied.

"I thought her punishment was over." Renee whispered to Coran.

"It's the way she is supposed to appear, weak and vulnerable. It's not Lucius' favorite thing for her and Tegan hates it, but the façade is needed."


"It shows his power over his people, just like the panthers in animal form. Lucius has the ability to force a shifter to change." Coran whispered as Lucius approached the throne.

He helped Tegan find her place at the right side of the throne. When Lucius sat down, Tegan lounged herself over his lap, her white hair cascading over her shoulder and back. The two reminded Renee of the fancy book covers that often showed up on her reading list.

"This is eerie." She mumbled.

Lucius chuckled. "This is your life now, the price of mating Coran. I hope you can handle it."

The door at the other end of the hall opened, causing Renee to jump. Coran's hand tightened over hers when Orion walked in, leading Markus and two other vampires. Orion took his place next to Lucius. Her only comforting thought was the fact that Lucius' people outnumbered Markus'.

Coran resisted the urge to pull Renee closer to him when Markus smiled at her. Lucius broke the silence before Coran could react to the wink Markus gave her.

"Welcome to my territory."

Markus' eyes snapped to Lucius. "Thank you, and our gratitude comes from the entire Circle. I am here on their behalf."

"What business do you have here?" Lucius ran a hand over Tegan's hair and Markus followed the movement.

Markus' eyes flickered to Renee then back to Tegan. "The Circle wants the human that was in possession of the stone."

"Renee is now part of my people, my territory. So as you can see, the Circle has no right to take her from me." Lucius' hand paused when something shifted in the room. The door opened and someone walked in. A tall male dressed in Hunter's black, but Lucius knew no Hunter would dare step foot in his manor. He glanced over at Renee and Coran then to Markus. "It's not like you to keep a pet Hunter around."

"Cody sought me out after his Society threw him out and though he hates our kind he has decided to join us." Markus motioned to Renee. "He's provided me with everything I need to know about Ms. Flemmons and her bloodline. Which is exactly why we know you were planning on raising the Father."

Tegan shivered at that, and Coran half expected her to jump up and start screaming at Markus. The panthers at Lucius' feet growled when Markus stepped forward. Tegan raised her head, tilting it towards the animals. "Master, that is the Hunter who shot me."

Coran pulled Renee closer to him. Markus froze in his tracks. "The Hunting Society dealt punishment already."

Lucius snorted. "And he is no longer with them, so it's in my rights to punish Cody."

"You won't touch me." Cody snapped and pulled a gun. Lucius snarled and rushed him as a shot rang out. Coran shoved Renee behind the throne where Tegan had crawled. Without her sword and her sunglasses the woman would be useless. No one had a weapon for Renee, also leaving her defenseless. "Orion, the girls." He snapped and Orion moved to them. With only Markus and Cody, the fight should be a quick one.

Markus watched Lucius pin Cody to the wall. The stupid ex-Hunter had ruined everything. Since he was under Markus' control now, his attack broke laws. Markus could see the blood blossoming on Lucius’ hip and knew the Hunter had managed to hit him. There was a Fae next to the throne, guarding the girls cowering behind it, but that wouldn't stop Markus. No...


He let his voice and power slip through the human and call to her. He could feel her mind, the panic she felt and the worry over Coran as he ran towards Markus. He met the wolf's eyes and laughed. "You think you can take me? I slaughtered your lover and you failed to kill me then. This time I'll make sure you see her torture and that you're there when I slice her open to release the Father from his grave."

Coran snarled and his eyes flashed amber as he rushed Markus. Lucius yelled at him to stop. Dropping the Hunter, Lucius ran to block Coran. "You cannot touch him or the Circle will come here as a repercussion."

"Get out of my way. I will not let him hurt her." Coran tried to shoulder past Lucius, but the vampire held strong.

Renee...come to me....
Markus called again while Lucius and Coran were distracted.
Tell them you want to come with me.

"Renee don't." Orion's voice echoed through the room as the human started to come out from behind the throne. Tegan stayed like an obedient pet, but Markus knew his other plans would hold strong for her.

Coran rushed to her, grabbing her by the shoulders. "Renee?"

"I...I want to—"

"Get out of her head, Markus." Tegan's voice cut Renee off. The human came out of hiding, but the Fae blocked her from coming closer. "I know you're in there, I don't know how you broke Lucius' protection over her, but she is sworn to him and his territory."

Markus raked her with a heated glare. "Talking out of turn aren’t you?"

"She has my permission to talk." Lucius snapped a hand over the wound on his hip.

"She has no right to claim that I am influencing the woman. Let the human speak." Markus motioned to Renee.

Coran kissed her and whispered something. Renee blinked a few times. "I heard voices, they told me to go with them."

Markus pressed his lips together, but they all turned when Cody started to run across the hall. Coran rushed the ex-Hunter and grabbed the wrist holding the gun. Twisting it, Coran snapped the wrist and threw the other man away. The panthers surrounded him and Markus knew it was over now, all except for Tegan.

Still blinded, she stayed behind Orion's arm, protected, but the Fae would be easy enough to take care of when the time came. "Stand down." Markus snapped at Cody as he stood and resumed a fighting stance. "You've already caused enough damage here."

"He has attacked my people under your watch. That is against the laws even as tainted as the Circle sees them." Lucius moved back to his throne. "My panther will eat him if he even flinches wrong now."

The female panther licked her muzzle as if anticipating the taste of human flesh. Markus found himself wondering what kind of people Lucius had gathered. An immortal wolf, two panthers, a Fae of royal descent, and Tegan. It was an impressive collection, but why? "You still have the charges for the intent of raising the Father."

"There is no proof that was my intention. The stone was given to Tegan by her brother, but now that is in your custody. Renee just happens to live in my territory. The night after being attacked by rogues, she met Coran and fate declared them mates.” He gave an elegant shrug, “I have no control over that." Lucius sat down on his throne and Tegan took her proper place at his feet, draping herself across his lap. 

Markus watched Coran guide Renee back to their spots, but the panthers stayed around Cody. "You took her into your territory and under your protection the moment you learned she had the stone."

"What was I supposed to do? Kill her? She had something that belonged to Tegan."

Markus had planted the address in Tegan's head the night she sent it away, but he hadn't expected Lucius' people to catch on so quickly. "Report her to the Circle. The laws say that the Father is to remain buried and dead. Anything that threatens his state is to be in the Circle's custody. You know what happens if he is raised."

"Better than you.” A touch of anger tinted Lucius’ voice. “The scale gets tipped in the Circle's favor in the war, while those of us who wish things to remain the way they are will be slaughtered or forced to submit. There will be a blood bath of a civil war, and the already raging war between creatures will spill into the human world. They are not prepared for that." Lucius stated. "Now, until you have any actual evidence, you are not welcome in my territory."

Markus chuckled. "I want your word that you are not holding anything else that will aid in the raising of the Father."

"I owe you nothing." Lucius' eyes narrowed. "Get out."

"So be it, I'm sure we will be back." He let his gaze wander over Tegan. "I have unfinished business." Markus spun and motioned to Cody. "Come along Hunter, I'm not finished with you yet."

The female panther snapped at him when he walked by, causing him to quicken his step.

Coran took in the silence filling the room while everyone digested what happened. When he found his voice, he looked down at Renee and kissed her head. "Any more voices?"

"No, and the feeling is gone. What was that?" She asked stepping away, but keeping a hold of him.

Coran pulled her close again. "Markus still managed to get in your head. He wanted you to go with him."

"And what did he mean by unfinished business?" She scanned everyone’s face, but no one seemed to know. "So what now?"

"Now we go about our life and wait until we hear from the Circle." Lucius stated. "Which we will eventually, or Markus will do something else stupid." He went to Tegan.

"You're wounded." She whispered. "May I remove my blindfold and tend to you?"

Renee flinched at how formal the request sounded and Lucius locked eyes with her. Shifting from foot to foot, Renee sighed. "I know, big secret, I'll leave."

"No. We are not finished yet. Tegan is right, you are bound to me, but I want your word that you are trustworthy."

"And if I break that word?"

"I send Kassity after you to do the job I originally gave her."

The casual tone he used made her shiver. "You threaten all your people like this?"

Orion and Coran both snickered. Tegan smirked. "Welcome to the family."

Renee looked at Coran, who nodded. "Fine, I give you my word that I will never willingly betray your trust."

"Smart wording." Lucius bowed his head. "Now you and Coran may leave. Orion and Tegan will stay to tend to my wound. Jaxon and Kassity, you two are free to hunt."

Coran grabbed Renee's hand and led her to the door. He let the panther's leave before leading Renee to their room.

"Come on, you need rest." He led her away from the great room, holding on to her a little tighter than needed.

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