Dark Vengeance (36 page)

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Authors: E.R. Mason

BOOK: Dark Vengeance
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“All weapons available, Captain. The pulse cannon is active and set to stun.”

“Mr. Page, take us up well clear of the asteroid field. Set the helm for our point-two second jump to XiTau space.”

“Aye, Captain. Thrusters engaged.”

An ominous minute of silence passed on the bridge as the main viewer showed us in a vertical ascent, passing by boulders of all sizes in the near distance. Someone behind me coughed making a few people flinch. We watched as the ocean of asteroids fell below us and the tiny ball of XiTau came into view starboard of our position.

“We are at the assigned coordinates, Captain. Ready to execute the quick jump maneuver by your command.”

“Very well, Mr. Page. As soon as XiTau’s orbit and rotation are in position, engage.”

We waited a very long several minutes for synchronization.

Murphy called out. “Alignment in ten seconds Sir. Counting down.”

“All hands, standby for the .2 second jump. Brace. …Mr. Page, engage.”

No one knew exactly what to expect. Theorists had promised it would work just fine. They were not aboard this day. There was a very low frequency thump and we were pushed back by the small delay characteristic of the inertia dampeners. The main view screen blurred as always, but this time it did not clear the way it usually did. Instead, we were pressed forward in our seats and the forward view focused instantly on the huge arc of XiTau off to our starboard side. The planet had seemed to materialize before our eyes.

Lieutenant Page’s voice rose in pitch as he spoke. “All stop, approximately where we should be, Captain.”

“Position confirmed,” added Nav Lieutenant Murphy.

“Bring us around, Mr. Page. Take us to our low orbit. Mr. Collins, bring the pulse cannon to bear.”

We watched the surface of XiTau turn in front of us as we approached. Sideward thrusters kept adding the necessary speed for the lower orbit. Finally the screen was filled by a portion of XiTau, speeding by as we moved sideways in orbit.

“Captain, target one coming in range. Locked on,” declared Collins.

“Fire when ready, Mr. Collins, and reset for the next objective.”

“Firing pulse cannon!”

We could see a circular ripple in the lower atmosphere as the pulse speed downward. A second later the wave dissipated around the target area. Dead silence filled the bridge.

“Target one stunned, Captain,” called out Sharma.

“Standby to target the next Space Command Defense Center, Mr. Collins.”

“It’s on scope, Captain. Coming in range.”

“Fire when ready.”


A few seconds later Sharma confirmed again. “Target 2 stunned, Captain.”

“Set up for objective three, Mr. Collins.”

“On screen, Captain. Coming in range.”

“Fire when ready.”

“Firing pulse cannon!”

Sharma called out. “Target stunned again, Captain.”

It was the same anticlimactic engagement for the last three targets. Still on schedule, we switched to destroy mode and continued the operation.

“Coming up on the first surface to orbit weapons complex, Captain. Locked on.”

“Fire, Mr. Collins.”

This time we could make out a much denser circular ripple in the lower atmosphere as the pulse sped downward. An instant later there was an eruption like a volcano spewing brown dust below. Dead silence filled the bridge.

“Target one eliminated, Captain,” called out Sharma, filling in for a stunned Collins.

“Standby to target the next defense installation, Mr. Collins.”

Collins quickly collected himself. “It’s on scope, Captain. Coming in range.”

“Fire when ready.”

“Firing pulse cannon!”

A few seconds later Sharma confirmed again. “Target 2 destroyed, Captain. It’s strange. There does not seem to be any kind of response on the surface.”

“Set up for objective three, Mr. Collins.”

As we left the destroyed target three behind, Sharma turned to me with a worried look on his face I had not seen before. “Captain, I have been unable to run complete scans while passing, but there does not appear to have been any life forms occupying any of the command centers.”

“Locked on to target four, Captain.”

“Fire, Mr. Collins. What are you saying, Parth? They knew we were coming and abandoned their own defense command complexes?”

“A possibility, Captain. There are other explanations, however.”

“What do you suggest, Parth?”

“I know of no option other than to continue, Captain.”

“Target five locked in, Captain.”

“Fire, Mr. Collins. Continue to scan for life forms, Mr. Sharma.”

“Yes, Captain.”

After pulsing the sixth weapons complex, Sharma turned to me, shook his head and shrugged.

“Captain to Alpha and Bravo teams.”

A split view of Perk’s and Wilson’s faces appeared.

“You are go to deploy and set up alpha and bravo command positions, Gentlemen, but be warned, something doesn’t seem right down there. You may be walking into a trap.”

“Turn us loose,” demanded Wilson.

“I agree, Captain,” added Perk.

“Alpha Bravo you are cleared to depart. Good luck.”

On a side viewer we saw the alpha shuttle burst out of the hangar bay into our low orbit environment that put the vehicle at speeds nearing the its maximum capability. We watched as it began a combat dive down toward the surface, trying to imagine what the atmosphere inside the shuttle might be like as it shrunk into oblivion.

“Coming up on Bravo team deployment coordinates, Captain.”

“Bravo team, you are cleared to depart to your designated coordinates. Good luck.”

Once again the death defying dive out the hangar bay door began. I sat back in my seat, bracing myself for bad news. “Elise, inform Command that phase one is complete. Alpha Bravo teams have been dispatched.”

“Yes, Captain.”

Two minutes of heavy silence passed. Elise called out, “Captain, incoming message from Command.”

“On screen, Elise.”

Admiral Provose appeared. “We see the Alpha Bravo team deployment, Captain. So far, so good. You are green to continue to Phase 3 when Alpha and Bravo report Phase 2 complete. Provose out.”

R.J. finally looked up at me. “Well, I’m glad he’s so confident.”

“Aren’t you?”

“I promise you something’s going on we don’t know about.”


“I have no idea. The possibilities are too numerous.”

“You think they’re setting us up?”

“Not likely. They wouldn’t have allowed us to take out the surface to orbit weapons so easily. It’s got to be something else.”

“They knew we were coming and abandoned XiTau and relocated?”

“It’s a possibility”

“Parth, scan for life forms elsewhere on the planet’s surface. Look for anything out of the ordinary.”

“Already in progress, Captain. There are many contacts, mostly centered around the large estates.”

“What the hell is going on?” I said to myself.

“I promise you we will find out shortly,” answered R.J.

We held our breath for another thirty minutes of fast orbit. Finally Elise called out. “Captain, Alpha base calling in.”

“On screen, Elise.”

Wilson’s face appeared. He had wiped camouflage grease on it. “Adrian, we’ve put down in a well-concealed area. There has been no resistance. There are several large estates in the distance around us and one building that our maps show as a factory. Spotters have not been able to find any sign of military vehicles or personnel, but the estates are populated. They seem completely unaware of us. I’m taking a recon squad in. We are approaching the first estate now.”

“Please keep us advised, Mr. Mirtos.”

“Alpha base out.”

I tapped my fingers on the arm rest and looked at R.J. He stared back and shook his head in wonder. It was another twenty minute wait on a merry go round, watching the surface of XiTau speed by.

“Captain, Alpha base again,” said Elise.

I did not need to ask her for onscreen display. Wilson appeared once more. “You’re not going to believe this, Adrian. There was no military or security of any kind on the estate. As soon as we identified ourselves, there were only screaming service people begging us to come get them. We’ve spoken to a few of them. They say all of security along with the estate owners left four days ago without saying why or even when they would return. These people are all slaves. They are more than ready to leave.”

“I’m issuing the Phase 3 go code early for the remaining assault shuttles, Wilson. You should hear from them in a few minutes.”

“Standing by for further orders, Captain.”

“Elise, send out the go code to the remaining assault teams.”

“Sending now, Captain.”

I looked at R.J. “Do you believe this?”

“It’s just the first indication, Adrian. We don’t know that there’s been a planet wide evacuation yet.”

Armstrong spoke on my left. “Captain, I agree with Commander Smith’s evaluation. We should not release the carrier shuttles yet.”

“Agreed, Mr. Armstrong. We’ll hedge our bets.”

Elise called out once more. “Captain, Bravo base calling in.”

“Let’s have it, Elise.”

Perk Murphy’s face appeared greased just as Wilson’s had. He seemed to be crouched down taking cover. “Adrian, we set down a little too close to the first target. It’s a large, walled estate. We’re taking small arms fire from behind the walls. It’s nothing we can’t handle. We’re just trying to be cautious about possible hostages. We’re setting up sniper positions. I expect the small arms fire to be eliminated shortly.”

“Do you need reinforcements, Mr. Murphy?”

“Not at all, Captain. These shooters are no match for our guys. The threat will be neutralized in a few minutes. I just hope they haven’t done anything to the people.”

“Tarn standing by.”

“Murphy out.”

Collins called out from Tactical. “The main body of assault shuttles is descending to the surface, Captain. There has been no anti aircraft of any kind, so far.”

Armstrong spoke. “How can it be only small arms fire? Where is their military? Surely they would not have just up and left!”

R.J. answered. “It was a private security militia. It’s possible they did just that.”

I interrupted. “Elise, put all assault shuttle team communications on the bridge audio system.”

“Aye, Captain.”

A jumbled mass of communications began to play out on the bridge. Shuttles and their teams were landing and deploying. We began to hear occasional weapons fire and team leaders shouting tactical commands. In many cases there seemed to be no combat at all, troops just closing in on objectives and taking positions.

As we sat in awe of what we were hearing, Elise called out, “Bravo team calling in again, Captain.”

Perk’s face appeared on the screen with an incredulous expression on his face. “Adrian, our snipers took out the first two shooters and the others, if there were any, ran away. Now we have a large group of civilians pushing against the security fence around the place and they’re begging us for help. If the other objectives are like this one we’re gonna need those troop carrier shuttles really fast.”

“Finish securing the area, Perk, and see what intelligence you can gather from those people. We’ll stand by before we release the carriers.”

“Got it. Murphy out.”

The chaotic sound of a dozen assault teams kept filling the bridge. Elise called out once more. “Captain, Incoming message from Command.”

“On screen, Elise.”

It was Admiral Provose looking less than comfortable. “Captain Tarn. We’ve picked up the initial reports from Alpha Bravo teams. Do you have any other information about what’s going on? Provose out.”

“Elise, send Command a message not to change the deployment timeline and to stand by for additional information.”

“Yes, Captain.”

Sharma straightened up from his life sciences station, and turned to me. “Captain, I know what is going on.”

We all shifted around to stare at him.

“You have our attention, Mr. Sharma.”

“Surface scans show a large contingent of military equipment and personnel on the southwest area of the largest continent. There appears to be a great deal of XiTau military action underway there.”

“Mr. Sharma, transfer those coordinates to the Helm. Mr. Page, back us out to a higher orbit and put us in synchronous where we can see Mr. Sharma’s coordinates. Do it now.”

“Aye, Sir, programming for a higher orbit,” replied Page.

“Collision Avoidance System has accepted your higher orbit, Helm,” said Murphy at Navigation.

“Engaging orbital maneuvering system, Captain,” added Page.

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