Dark Time (8 page)

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Authors: Phaedra M. Weldon

Tags: #urban fantasy, #magic, #zoe martinique, #good vs evil

BOOK: Dark Time
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I tried to reach out to him. I screamed his name.


Let me in!

But it was no use. As Inanna stood, Manuel's body collapsed and was still. I felt a rush of wings as something moved close to me and lingered just out of reach. I knew Manuel's body was dead, and I knew from the horrible magic of the death that Manuel's soul would still be inside.

"Now…for you, Ms Stephens." Inanna strolled to the broken old woman by the book case and took her by the shoulders. Vanessa Stephens moaned and coughed as she was propped up against the shelves. "Where is the wand?"

"Go to hell."

"I live there. So…" Inanna knelt in front of her. "It hurts doesn't it? I can feel your body slowly giving up. I broke your back, you know."

Vanessa's eyes widened, if only for a second. She was trying to be strong. But she was afraid. And she was failing.

"But…you see…for the wand, I can fix you. I can make you whole again."

"No…" I said as I backed away. "Oh no…Inanna don't. Please don't…"

"What is she doing?" Daniel said.

He sounded like he was far away, but I couldn't pull my eyes from what I was seeing. "She's going to make her a Ghoul." I looked over at Daniel. He did look dimmer. What was she doing to him. "Daniel?"

"You really think she'll do that?" He looked at the view. "That'll make Stephens her slave."

"I think that's her plan. No…" I didn't like the woman. Not even a little bit. But I wouldn't want that kind of control held over anyone. I understood the Ghoul / Revenant relationship between Jason and Nick. That was one of mutual respect. But this wasn't going to be like that. And the best way to punish Vanessa if she disobeyed would be to withhold blood and the pain from that withdrawal would drive her mad with hunger.

Please… Inanna…don't do that.

You think I would settle for that kind of control, Wraith?

Uh oh.


What did that mean?

"I'm waiting on your answer, Ms Stephens. I can make the pain go away."

"And…damn my soul…"

"No. No damning. In fact, I would make you feel better than you've ever felt."

"You're…you are exactly the monster I thought you were, Zoë Martinique. And your mother will know this. Your mother will help us destroy you."

No…oh fuck shit…she still thinks it's me! I closed my eyes and looked into every crevice I could find, searching for some way in or out or through. Anything I could do to take my body back.

But there was nothing.

"It's in the desk. There."

Inanna followed where Vanessa pointed and went to the desk. She opened drawer after drawer but didn't pull anything out.

"Not that desk. The desk in the house."

I stopped for a second. The desk in the house? Did she mean the Society House?

Inanna bent over the woman and put a hand on her jaw and opened her mouth. "You lied to me."

"Monnoo…." Vanessa tried to answer.

This was it. She was going to give her blood, and then Vanessa Stephens would be locked to Inanna for the rest of her days.

Inanna released the woman's jaw. "Let me in."

Vanessa blinked. "What?"

I blinked. What?

"Let me in, Vanessa Stephens. Invite me in and I will give you eternal life, and power. That's what you want, isn't it?" She leaned in close. "What you

I staggered backward. This was….

Let me in!

She was saying the same thing a First Born asks when they bond with a mortal. The simple ritual that seals the bond. I invited Inanna in the same way. Was she thinking of abandoning me…and jumping to Vanessa?

Could she do that?


"Y-yes," Vanessa said. "That's what I want. Please…come in."

I whirled at Daniel's voice and gasped. He was thin. Barely there. Like a transparency over black. "Daniel!"

He reached out to me and vanished.

I mean he was just…gone.

My knees gave on me as I lost control of myself and swirled down into what felt like a psychic drain pipe. Light and dark swirled into a miasma of storm clouds. Lightening lit up the sky and I landed painfully on the ground, on my shoulder. I gasped for air, fought to pull it into my lungs as I rolled onto my front. My arms shook as I tried to push myself up and then failed. I landed on my stomach, my head turned to my right.

Darkness lightened and blurred as something came into sharp focus on the floor in front of me. A few seconds passed as my breathing slowed. My lungs still burned. I gasped when I recognized the body laying beside me.


The carvings all bled in small rivers down to the blood soaked carpet. I was inches from him.

Help me!

I realized in that second I was back in control of my body, and my energy was gone.

"There…all better."

That was Vanessa's voice. And it was Inanna's.

Gray pumps appeared on the floor between Manuel and I just before one of them pushed me over onto my back with a quick shove to my shoulder. I looked up to see Vanessa Stephens looking down at me. Her eyes were black, her face haunted, and her teeth…

"I am sorry, Zoë. But I couldn't stay with you. I know how painful it was for you to hear what Dags said. And I tried to ease your comfort. But it's become too dangerous for me to stay with you. If I linger as part of you, I can't do great works."

I cleared my throat. All of my energy was gone. I felt like I'd run a marathon on two cups of coffee and no sleep. "D-daniel?"

"Oh yes. I'm afraid he was another casualty. I had to bring his essence with me to prevent a full bond with you—just in case I had to escape quickly." She knelt beside me. She brushed my hair away from my face and tucked it behind my ear. "Wow…by the time this is all over you'll be prematurely gray, won't you?" She smiled. "Writing the
, Zoë, educated me to all forms of magic, even Abysmal magic. And that's something I won't be sharing. I made sure that piece of the book is well hidden. But it allowed me to know how to create a temporary bond so that I'm not locked into one life for a long period of time. Of course it does mean a soul has to act as my surrogate. And Daniel with his broken mind and heart is a perfect fit."


"He's with me. In here. Keeping this troll of a woman away from me. I had to gain strength in order to take your body from you because you are brethren. You're kin in a strange way. But Vanessa…she's just human and easy to manipulate." She stood and moved away.

I did manage to turn my head to follow her. She started pulling books down and making an even bigger mess of the room. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to find that wand and find that cop friend of yours. I don't know who's hiding him or if he's doing it himself. But I will find him. And then I will use him to find the rest."

"…stop you…mom will…" Jesus… Moving was like traveling through molasses. I pushed forward and did manage to roll onto my other side, away from Manuel's body.

Invite me in!

"Nona won't ever know I'm here."

"But…others will. Jason…and Umaymah…"

There's not much time!

She laughed. "No they won't. You forget. I have all the magic of the
," she said as she pointed to her head. "In here. They won't know I'm here if I don't want them to. Now," she clapped her hands. "I need to set the stage, you see. And soon I'll have to take my book back."

I reached out for her as she marched out of the office. I heard her talking with her guards and then the door closed.

Talking outside. The sound of car doors closing. Engines revving.

I took several deep breaths and slowly pushed myself over and up on my hands and knees. Crawling to Manuel took a bit longer than I thought it would. The feeling of impending danger settled on my shoulders and remained there and I had to fight the overwhelming urge to OOB and get the hell out of there. I knew on an unconscious level I didn't have long to do what I had to do. Every part of what I'd become told me to leave. But who I was, the part of me that was
…Zoë…refused to leave someone in trouble. Not when I could help them, the way I'd helped before.

Once on my knees I bent forward over Manuel, held out my right hand and forced it incorporeal before I plunged it deep inside of his chest. He didn't move. The body was dead. And as soon as I found and released Manuel's soul, the body was going to turn to goo and I was going to have to find enough strength to get the hell out of there.

I remembered the cold from before as my arm sank deep. That bone numbing cold and the way it touched off every gross nerve I had. I searched around for Manuel the same way someone would search for a missing bauble inside a vat of crude oil. Blind, with only the sensation of touch available.

I was about to give up and OOB as two things happened.

I touched the warmth of a soul.

And I heard cars screeching to a halt as they parked outside and a lot of people running.


Invite me!

I couldn't see through the windows who was now banging on the front door, until a bull horn cracked through the thrumming.

"This is the police! We know you're in there! Come out with your hands up!"

The police? Not the Society? Had Inanna triggered some kind of silent alarm to delay me? She hadn't bothered killing me—though I wasn't that sure she could.

What the fuck ever—I grabbed the warm soul, cut the fetters that bound it in place—Morgan's blood—released it—

And collapsed backward.

Letting him go and not devouring him was the hardest thing I'd had to fight within myself for a long time. I was starved, robbed of power and strength. Had Inanna taken it? Had she somehow sabotaged me physically just to stop me from going after her?

Zoë…please help me…

I heard my name.

Not from the bullhorn outside, but from inside. There in that room. I held my breath and listened again.


Yes! It was faint but it held all the resonance of a First Born. I pushed myself up on my elbows and stared at Manuel's body. "Morgan?"

There was a rush of relief, kind of like the first cool breeze of Fall at the end of Summer. It cooled my skin and I hadn't realized I'd been sweating until that moment. I also hadn't noticed the blood covering my clothing. Again. Even my arm was scarlet red from my elbow to my hand…

And in my hand I held…a heart…

I screamed. Oh man it was the best old fashioned girlie scream I could give as I dropped the heart and scrambled away from it. I made scarlet brushing marks on the carpet as I pressed myself against the desk.


Please Zoë…you must consume it…to save me…

I swallowed down bile. "You…you want me to eat Manuel's heart?" My voice had a bit of a shriek to it.

A voice outside near the window said, "I heard someone inside!"

Eat…the heart? How…when the hell did I tear it out of his chest?!

You freed him, Zoë…he's gone. At peace…I will return to the well if you don't consume me.

? You're
the heart?" Oh gross. Gross. Gross. Gross.

What is left of me. Please…Inanna must be stopped. I know where the wand is. You have to get to it before she…

When Morgan didn't finish I sat up and leaned toward the bloody lump on the carpet. It quivered and I hiccuped.

This…this was just too much for me. I couldn't do this…not anymore. Oh dear God…what kind of world was I born into? I clasped my bloodied hands over my mouth to stifle a scream, but that didn't help because I could taste the coppery blood on my lips. That was a flavor I never wanted to experience again. Even when Inanna had fed the smell…the metallic tinge of blood…made me nauseous.


They were getting ready to hammer the door down.

She didn't answer.

Why…why did I have to eat the heart? Why couldn't she just step inside the way Inanna had?


The sound of Mephistopheles's voice in my head made me jump. He was here? Close by?

Zoë…you have to let them in. Is Inanna with you? Is Morgan here? Zoë, we can't sense them.

Oh God OH GOD! "Morgan…" I whispered. "I'm scared. I'm so….so scared…"

The heart quivered again. Was she so weak she couldn't talk to me anymore? Was it really possible a being as infinitesimal as a First Born could inhabit…a heart?

I don't know what possessed me, or why I did it. Maybe it was because I couldn't make up my mind. I crawled quickly to Manuel, closed his staring eyes and pulled what bit of life was left in the cells of his body. As I did I shifted and became the Wraith. I don't think I really needed the added power. I could tap the planes themselves if I wanted too. But I didn't want TC to see…I didn't want anyone to see…

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