Dark Slayer (53 page)

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Authors: Christine Feehan

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #Fiction

BOOK: Dark Slayer
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As if in slow motion, she saw him bring the staff across and down his body. Time slowed down, her world narrowing. The end of the staff began to glow bright as he pointed it at Razvan. Ivory noted the red eye in the center of the crystal fixed on her, not on her lifemate. She felt power move inside of her. Everything she was. Everything she had ever been. Was it enough?

Razvan poured everything he was into her, leaving the pack to deal with Sergey while they merged, trusting Vikirnoff to guard their backs along with the wolves. Trusting Natalya to lead the tiger away from them.

The staff glowed bright orange-red. Ivory lifted her hands, palms facing the wizard. A flash of bright light hurt her eyes as the crystal shot out a bolt of energy directly at her. Razvan stepped up beside her, lifting his hands to the exact same height as hers.

I call to Hell’s Gate
, Ivory chanted.

Let lightning strike
, Razvan invoked.

I call to the power that which is light
, Ivory chanted.

Take form from this darkness
, Razvan invoked.

Let angels walk forth
, Ivory pleaded.

Opening their arms, draining evil’s force
, Razvan chanted.

Take that which is heart’s blood
. Power filled Ivory’s voice.

Straining it pure
. Razvan merged completely with Ivory.

They chanted together:
Let it only abide in one that is pure

Already weak without Carpathian blood to sustain him and from her previous spell, the combination of Razvan and Ivory together was too much for Xavier. The dark blood in the center of the crystal exploded outward and Xavier clutched his heart. Blood burst from his chest. Snarling, cornered, terrified he was losing his final chance at immortality, the mage used his last, most secret weapon. He dropped his staff, clutched his chest in an effort to stem that black, bubbling blood and unleashed his wrath on the Carpathians.

The sun burst overhead. Bright. White-hot. A turbulent, seething, volcanic mass. Winds roared, tearing through the ice caves as the heat blasted them from all sides, melting the ice faster than anything possible. Water poured down on them, searing, boiling water. Steam rose, but as the orange-red ball spun, it flung threads of fire. Dazzling light radiated through the chamber.

Skin smoked. Blistered. Melted. Sergey screamed and tried to dissolve again, and this time the arrowheads fell from his chest as his acid blood ate through the coating. The two fragments seeped into his pores just as he shifted.

To my back!
Ivory ordered the pack, holding out her arms.

The wolves leapt for safety as the water rose fast, rushing through the chamber, boiling everything in its path, including the saber-toothed tiger. The Carpathians shifted to vapor, their only hope of escaping, just as Sergey had done, but even in that form, the sun burned the molecules that made up their forms.

Ivory flowed toward Xavier as he crawled along the edge, leaving a trail of black blood behind. The blood bubbled and burned into the fast-melting rock. He opened a crack that was spewing water wide enough for his body to pass through, but she was on him, her hands coming out of the vapor. The burns went to the bone, her skin dissolving first into a mass of blisters and then melting. Still, even with her bones, she held him, preventing his escape.

Razvan’s fist came out of the vapor, suffering the same fate as Ivory, the skin burning off as he slammed it deep into Xavier’s chest and extracted the burst heart. He threw it into the raging fires and then followed it with the body.

The four Carpathians streaked out of the rapidly collapsing cavern using Xavier’s escape route. The spinning mass of heat and light stayed behind them as they shot down a tube and into the cool darkness of the caves. The mountain rumbled ominously as they made their way through the tunnels to the outside hills.

All of them rolled in the snow, trying to ease the burning, vicious pain.

“We need to go to ground right now,” Vikirnoff said, his teeth chattering, his body in shock.
Gregori, we have need of you. Healers! Come to us!

“Not here. Not anywhere near his evil,” Ivory advised. “Find a clean spot and let Mother Earth have you.”

“Gregori and Francesca are on the way. They will meet us,” Vikirnoff said.

Shivering with the terrible pain, Ivory and Razvan took to the air together, leaving Vikirnoff and Natalya to do the same.


azvan gripped Ivory’s hand as they approached the ceremonial cave. Gregori’s summons had reached them just before dawn, with his invitation to the naming ceremony, and both had been nervous before they had succumbed to their rejuvenating sleep. They had spent so long in the ground recovering from wounds, both had thought the naming would have already taken place, but Gregori had honored them by waiting, which meant they had little choice but to attend.

“They are not going to search you this time,” Ivory teased. “I think.”

“They try that this time and the dragon in me may just come flaming out.” He gripped her hand tighter.

Ivory looked up at his face. Instead of his usual calm, he looked strained. She knew it had nothing to do with the distrust of the Carpathian ancients and everything to do with his daughters and sister.

She halted and tugged him around to her, lifting her palm to frame his beloved face. “You are
hän ku pesä
—protector. You are
hän ku meke pirämet
—defender.” Her voice softened. Her eyes swam with love. “Most of all, you are
hän ku kuulua sívamet
—keeper of my heart.”

He caught her face in his hands and lowered his mouth to hers. He couldn’t have spoken. Not with love shaking him and setting his hands trembling, or with the lump in his throat so big he might choke. He could only pour everything he felt for her into his kiss. When he lifted his head, her eyes had gone antique gold. “Thank you. I needed to hear you say you loved me.”

She parted her lips to protest. She hadn’t actually gone that far, but he kissed her senseless again, scattering her wits until she could barely remember her own name, let alone what she’d said to him.

“Razvan!” Natalya rushed them. “You came.”

They had barely time to break apart before she threw herself into her brother’s arms, rocking them both so hard Ivory had to catch his arm to steady them.

“Of course we came. Gregori said it was a naming ceremony. I have never been to one.” Razvan gently set his sister back on her feet, looking her over for injuries. The time spent rejuvenating in the ground had done her good. She bore little evidence of the encounter with Xavier and Sergey.

“You have to come to see Lara. Gregori let her up for the ceremony. She’s fragile and weak, but he said whatever Ivory did, she can still bear children.” Natalya’s eyes were bright.

“Mother Earth saved her, not me,” Ivory protested.

Natalya ignored the protest as well as all personal barriers, catching Ivory’s arm and tugging toward the ceremonial cave. “Hurry. Everyone is waiting inside for you.”

“Give them a chance to catch their breath, Natalya,” Vikirnoff advised with a small smile. He tucked her beneath his shoulder. He still had a couple of burn marks on him from having shielded Natalya.

“I do not wish to upset Lara, especially in her fragile state,” Razvan objected, halting abruptly.

Ivory swung around to him, her hand actually curling around the hilt of her knife.
We do not have to do this
. She wasn’t going to have
—sister, daughter, ancients,
—make him feel unwelcome or less than what she believed him to be: a great hero.

Shockingly, Razvan laughed and the sound was carefree. He swept his arm around her. “You are a treasure,
fél ku kuuluaak sívam belső
greatest treasure. I believe you would stand between me and . . .”

. Anyone.” Her eyes deepened from her light amber to that antique gold that always sent his heart stumbling.

He brushed a kiss on top of her head. “Let us go to the naming ceremony for Gregori’s sake. He has done much for us, and if this pleases him, it is a small thing to us.”

Natalya frowned. “Lara wants to see you, Razvan. And Nicolas is
to see his wonderful little sister Ivory. He can scarcely believe what you did—what the two of you did. What a relief it is to know Xavier is gone from this world.”

“Not entirely,” Ivory cautioned. “No one must ever forget those two fragments found a host in a master vampire. He was terribly wounded, but he will rise again, and with the shadow of Xavier dwelling within him, he will be more evil than ever.”

“We have warned the people,” Vikirnoff assured. “A hunting party went out, but no trace of Sergey was found.” His eyes met hers. “I am truly sorry about your brother. He was a great warrior once.”

Ivory forced a smile, and was grateful for Razvan’s understanding. He didn’t touch her, which might have been her undoing, but he surrounded her with warmth. “My brother has been long dead. What is in his place is truly evil and bears no resemblance to the man I love, but I thank you for the thought.”

Young Travis ran up to them. His eyes were bright again, his hair long and tied with a thin leather cord. “Gregori says to get a move on.”

Laughing, they followed him to the entrance of the cave, but got no farther. A young teenaged girl Ivory recognized as Skyler stood waiting just inside. Her shoulders were square, her gaze hesitant. Francesca, the female healer and her adoptive mother, stood with her, shoulder to shoulder, her hand on Skyler’s back.

Ivory’s heart jumped. There was no denying this girl was Razvan’s child. She was beautiful, but in her eyes, eyes very much like Razvan’s, there was far too much knowledge. The girl had been through hell and back again. This was going to break Razvan’s heart. Ivory wanted to wrap her arms around him and get out of there, take him far away where no one else could hurt him.

“This is my daughter, Skyler,” Francesca said. She wore a smile, but her expression was strained. “You might remember that she aided in fighting Xavier’s evil.”

“Yes, of course,” Ivory said. “You were amazing. Everyone thinks so highly of you, Skyler, obviously for a good reason. I am Ivory and this is my lifemate, Razvan.”

She felt the impact when Razvan raised his head. The punch to his gut, hard and deep. He hadn’t really paid attention to anything but protecting Ivory from Xavier’s evil and trying to keep everyone calm. Now, there was no mistaking this child. Or the trauma she’d suffered. He swallowed hard, but his expression didn’t change. Only Ivory felt the terrible blow.

“I am Dragonseeker then,” Skyler said, her chin up. “That is why I can sense the earth in the way Syndil does, although she is not Dragonseeker, but has the gift of bonding with earth as the Dragonseekers do. I am part Carpathian, although for some reason, unlike others who are half, I have not needed blood.”

Razvan took a breath, let it out. Ivory reached for his hand, clung. She didn’t know which of them needed the support more.

“You are my daughter.” He made it a statement, although he had no recollection of her mother. He must have been buried deep, suppressed by Xavier when the mage had impregnated the woman. Skyler had been spared being kidnapped and taken because her blood had not called to Xavier, the Dragonseeker in her hiding deep, probably sensing a mortal enemy. It was her eyes that gave her away. Had Xavier looked closer, had he not been so greedy for the “right” blood, he would not have allowed Skyler and her mother to escape so easily.

What happened to her?
Razvan asked his sister. When he sensed her hesitation, he snapped an impatient order.
Tell me

Ivory put her hand on his shoulder. It was the first time she’d seen him really shaken. She felt him tense beneath her hand, but he didn’t pull away.

Natalya bit her lip and then capitulated.
Her mother ran when she was a mere infant. For years Skyler believed the man her mother married was her birth father. He was a very bad man and sold her to other men. Francesca rescued her

Razvan closed his eyes briefly. Only Ivory’s touch steadied him. His children seemed destined to live with pain and suffering even when Xavier didn’t get his hands on them. He opened his eyes to look directly at Francesca. “I am grateful to you.”

He had no idea what to say to this young girl. His daughter. A girl he knew nothing about, who had lived in hell and had far too much knowledge of monsters in the world. “I do not know what words I can give you, Skyler, other than to say I am sorry I have not been in your life to protect you from all the horrors of this world. Had I been able, I would have protected you.”

She shrugged her shoulders, far too mature for her age. “That was a little impossible, as you didn’t even know I existed.”

“I do know now,” Razvan said, “and I hope you are willing to get to know me. I will never take the place of your parents, but I certainly want to be a part of your life, if you will have me. You are someone any parent can be proud of. You stood your ground against evil, and I hear you work with Syndil to heal the earth. That alone is a miracle.”

The tension seemed to leave her. “I’m glad we met.” She held on to Francesca’s hand, seemingly unaware she did so even as she reached out to touch the scars webbing his arm. “You destroyed Xavier. Gregori told us what happened.”

“Without the others, Skyler, I would not have been able to do so. We worked together.”

“They are waiting for you inside,” Francesca said. “I wanted to look at you and Ivory again. I had hoped you would stay and allow us to heal you after the initial session.”

Razvan and Ivory exchanged a long look. There had been so much pain. The Carpathian people had gathered to help speed their healing, but neither could stay in such close proximity. They needed their own sacred ground and they had gone together to the cave where Mother Earth surrounded them with her richest soil. Both still bore the scars, but like Vikirnoff and Natalya, the scars were fading.

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