Dark Sacrifice (23 page)

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Authors: Angie Sandro

BOOK: Dark Sacrifice
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andry rolls me onto the bed. He gives my butt a quick kiss, grabs the towel, and runs out of the room, saying “Stay here. I'll be right back” before I have a chance to protest. I prop myself up on my elbows and stare at his retreating bare backside.

Thumps of drawers being slammed and Landry's curses come from the other bedroom. I throw myself back onto the mattress with a frustrated groan.
What the hell is he looking for, and why is it taking so damn long?
Warm air blows in through the balcony door, cooling my wet skin.

Okay, don't stress. This is good.

I need time to prepare for tonight anyway. Losing my virginity in this gorgeous hotel room is a hundred ways more romantic than doing it under a tree after almost drowning in the pond. A smile flickers over my lips as I sigh. Butterflies beat their wings in my chest as I shove the bedspread down to the bottom of the bed and drape the white sheet over my waist.

Should I cover my breasts or leave them exposed?
I experiment with the blanket, studying the various poses in the mirror. I'm going for sexy and mysterious. With a sultry smile, I settle on covering only the tips of my breasts and leaving my legs bare. I fluff out my hair and spread it across the pillow.

I look hot!
Fingers crossed…

Noises come from the kitchen now. The refrigerator door slams.

I trace my fingers over my lips then run them down my neck, touching each place Landry kissed or nibbled.

“Thinking about me?” Landry stands over the bed. The tray he holds carries a lit candle, a bottle of chocolate syrup, and a box of condoms.

The towel rides low on his hips. His muscled abs clench as he bends over to place the tray on the bedside table.

My heart races. “Did you bring this stuff from home?”

He ducks his head. “Only the condoms. Everything else is from here. You don't like it?”

“It seems like you've put a lot of thought into this seduction.” Anticipation flutters my tummy.

“I figured, since you're giving me a second chance, I'll do it right.” He crawls onto the bed, moving like a stalking tiger. The intensity in his eye makes my breath catch. I crawl backward. Not fast. I'm not really trying to escape, but his expression scares me. In a good way.

He grabs my ankle. My heart races as he drags me slowly across the silk sheets. His teeth nip the inside of my thigh, and I squeal. “You said yes to this, right?” he asks.

“God, yes.” As if I could say no. Not with him on his hands and knees over me. I run my hands across his hard chest. Muscles flex in my palms as he lowers his head. The tip of his tongue traces a spiral on my neck, slowly swirling up to my ear. He kisses the lobe and grazes the skin with his teeth. His hot breath blows into my ear, and I gasp.

“I love you,” he whispers.

I freeze.
Did I hear him right?

His lips move across my neck to my other ear. I squirm, unable to remain still as he slowly presses soft kisses down the front of my body, teasing me. He flips me over onto my stomach and drizzles chocolate down my spine. It's cold from the refrigerator, and my back arches.

“God, you're so beautiful,” he murmurs before his tongue sears a hot path up my spine. He takes his time, licking, nibbling, and kissing my skin, inch by
inch. The intensity of need building inside of me grows hotter, and I grow wilder with each nibble.

I bite down on my lip, trying to hold the moans inside. Whimpers come from deep in my throat. My skin feels seared—sensitive to the slightest flick of his tongue or bite of his teeth. I'm gonna combust. It's too much. I'm on fire.

His teeth nip at my side, and I lose my fucking mind. I burst…and fly apart! Shivers rack my body. I roll onto my back with a groan.

His skin shines with a silver tint in the moonlight. I need to touch him. To taste the saltiness of his sweat on my tongue. He grabs my hands when I reach for him, stretching them over my head. His weight pins me to the bed.

“It's still my turn.” He grins at my growl. “No touching. Promise, and I'll let you go.”

I'm panting from the force of the desire flooding my senses. Unable to speak, I give a shaky nod.

He holds up the bottle and shakes it.

“What are you doing?” Why do I sound like a phone sex operator?

“Eating my sundae while the chocolate's hot,” he says, and drizzles syrup between my legs. I raise up on my elbows. Landry grasps the back of my legs and, with a quick tug, lays them over his shoulders. My eyes close when his head moves between my legs, and I rear away with a choked cry. My fingers clench, jerking at his hair as I try to pull him up, but he ignores me. His tongue enters me, thrusting and pulsing against my most sensitive spot. My breath quickens, and I whimper. Landry's tongue doesn't pause but quickens in response to my moans. His fingers grip my legs, not letting go when I squirm, unable to stay still as a wave of pleasure curls my toes.

When my eyes open, I stare up at Landry. He's braced on his hands above me. What does my expression look like to bring out his self-satisfied smile? He dips his head down for a deep, chocolate-flavored kiss that leaves us both gasping for air.

His body gives a rippling shudder as he groans. “I can't hold back much longer, Mala.”

My breath catches with the tiny spurt of fear, but I shove it back. “Yes…”

I reach for him, needing a semblance of control over the unknown to ease my anxiety. He looks like he'll split me apart, but the skin of his shaft is so soft. I caress him, loving the contrast of hard and velvety. He groans, head falling forward, as I guide him to my opening, then freeze. “The condom?”

“Shit, almost forgot.” Landry passes it to me.

My fingers fumble like they belong to someone else. I should turn on the light, but that would break the mood.
Oh God…it's on.
“O-okay, I'm ready.”

“Mala, I've heard the first time hurts.” He flicks hair out of his eyes. Even now, he's worried about me. If I change my mind, he'll be okay with it. I don't have to do this. But I want to. I do.

Landry's tip presses against me. I take a deep breath and wrap my legs around him. I shove up as he thrusts. A burst of white-hot pain makes me groan. Landry tries to pull out, but I clench my thighs to hold on to him. “I'm okay. Just give me a second.”

Okay, more than a second.

He pulses inside me—tiny, minute vibrations that kind of tickle at first. My muscles flex around him. Squeezing him. His breath catches, and I smile, loving his reaction. Pain fades as my body stretches to accommodate him.

I rock my hips upward.

Landry groans. He moves hesitantly at first, then his pace quickens. I give a roll of my abdominal muscles with each thrust. Soon our rhythm matches. Pleasure builds…building, building deep inside. It radiates outward in a crescendo of sensation. Spirals, swirls of light flash behind my eyelids.

It hits. A mix of pleasure and pain. Landry grabs on to the headboard and gives a final thrust. His shout matches my scream.

I think I pass out.

It takes a bit to come to my senses. Landry lays spent inside me, while our sweaty bodies cling together. I run my hand up his back. I don't even care that his weight makes it tough to catch my breath, but my heavy wheezes gives it away.

“Are you okay?” He rolls over onto his side, slipping out of me, but I'm still cradled in his arms.

I nod my head. Unable to speak. Who knew? Multiple orgasms.

No wonder Mama got hooked on sex.

Landry chuckles as I lay my head on his chest, totally spent. His heart thumps in my ear. He rubs my back in slow circles. “You doing okay?” he whispers.

I press a kiss to his chest, too exhausted to form words. My eyes drift shut as I'm lulled by the warmth and security he brings.

A sharp tug on my soul pinches as I am released from my body. I haven't slipped my skin since I left the hospital. I don't know why I must now. I'd rather stay with Landry, but I'm being drawn out. If I fight, it'll be painful. I learned that the first few times it happened.

With a deep exhale, I give in. My soul slips from my body to float over the bed. I stare down at the two bodies. Landry and I lay with our limbs entwined as if fused together. We look so peaceful in our sleep. None of the worries and cares of the night remain. We washed them away.

Another jerk on my soul—

The shift in location brings me to my knees. Darkness covers the strange room. I stretch out my senses, such as they are while incorporeal. In some ways, they're sharper, more intense while I travel through the veil between the walls of reality, my fancy way of describing where I travel to when I astral project. It's a hell of a lot prettier than the other side.

A faint light shines from beneath a door. Drawn-out whimpers come from a slumped shadow huddling against the wall. My skin itches from a prickle of familiarity, and the harder I stare, the clearer the person becomes. The identity of the captive hits me like a ton of bricks.

I lurch forward, crying “Dena!”

My feet make no sound on the ground. My cousin shivers when I frantically run my hands through her, forgetting that I can't touch her or remove the duct tape wrapped around her hands and feet. And I can't ease her fear.

She can't even hear my words…“It'll be okay. I'll save you. I swear…”

The sound of a lock clicking comes from above. I glance up right when the door flies open to slam against the wall. The light blinds me for a second, then I focus on the shiny glint of metal from a gun.

“No, leave her alone!” I lunge forward to place myself between Dena and the gun. I'm sobbing because I want to shield her, but a bullet will go right through me. “Don't hurt her. Please…”

I'm trembling so hard I think I'll explode into a million molecules. If he hurts her while I watch, unable to help, my soul will be torn. Broken.

The man moves into the room. He's dressed from head to toe in black. If he's trying to hide his face by wearing a ski mask, it must mean he doesn't want Dena to be able to identify him. That's a good sign. She has a chance to get out of this alive. She just has to stop fighting and hang on until I rescue her.

But going down quietly isn't my cousin's style any more than it's mine. She kicks at him when he gets close enough to touch her.

“Let me go!” she demands more than begs, holding her bound hands toward him.

He grunts and throws the bag he's carrying onto the floor. His foot lashes out. Dena screams when it connects, doubling over and clutching her stomach. Blood flies from her lips to land in a pool of light.

“Mala…” Landry's echoing voice cuts through my panic. He reminds me I'm not trapped with Dena. Or helpless.

I shift fast, sitting up in the bed with a sharp inhale. The heavy weight of my body makes my lungs clench and burn as I suck in huge gulps of air. Blinking rapidly, I see a blurry Landry crouching on the bed in front of me. His wide eye and flushed cheeks shows his concern, which almost equals mine. His fingers dig into my shoulders.

“Mala, I couldn't—”

“Dena's in trouble—” Our words jumble as we shout over the other. Whatever he's got to say isn't as important as Dena. I lean forward, covering his mouth with my hand.

“Call the Sheriff's Office.” I shake my head. “Not the ones here…George or Bessie. Dena's been kidnapped. I saw her.”

Landry yanks my hand down. “We've got problems of our own.”

He's not even listening.

A cackle raises the hairs on the back of my neck. I lurch to my knees, shoving Landry aside. “What the hell is she doing here?”

Magnolia sits in the same chair Mama sat in yesterday. Today she wears a silver dress with rows of tiny buttons. Her silver hair sits in a bun on the back of her head. Ferdinand leans against the bathroom door with his muscled arms crossed. He stares at the ceiling. Thank God for small favors since I'm still bare-assed naked.

Sophia's on her knees beside the bed. I instinctively lunge toward her, my fingers itching to wrap around her throat, but Landry stops me. He pulls me against his chest with one arm and winds the sheet around my body with the other. As soon as I'm covered, I scramble off the bed. Landry yanks the tail end of the sheet, stopping me in mid-jump.

“Let me go!” I spring forward again, but Landry winds the sheet around his fist, dragging me back until he can wrap his arms around me.

“Stop fighting!” He squeezes just enough to make it difficult to breathe. “Calm down.”

“You wouldn't order me around if you knew what she did.”

But he doesn't. And…I don't want him to remember how she violated him.

I strain against him once more, but I can't break his hold. Sophia tips her chin with an expression of haughty disdain. I want to smack the lip-curling smirk right off. I wish I could suck out her soul and stuff it into a lab rat.

Still, I'm not too stubborn to know when I'm beat. For now.

Landry lowers his guard once I stop struggling. He doesn't release me, but doesn't hold on to me so tightly that I feel like I'm suffocating. My anger shifts from Sophia to Magnolia. After what happened to Landry and me in the cemetery, this motley crew is the last group of people I want to see after waking up from a night of hot sex. Then there's Dena being kidnapped. I'm too far away to save her, even if I knew where she was being held.

My idiocy constantly astounds me. I should've shifted through the wall to see where she was while I had the chance, instead of panicking like a nitwit. If he hurts her, it's my fault.

“You done fighting?” Magnolia asks with one of her toothless smiles. It sends an icy chill through my body.

I give a jerky nod. “How did you get in here?”

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