Dark Recollections (2 page)

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Authors: Chris Philbrook

BOOK: Dark Recollections
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So I ran inside. This time I did not eat shit on the root from the pine tree, and made it inside like an Olympic sprinter. I do remember being really pissed at myself because I left the slider open and my frigging cat Otis was sitting right on the fringe watching me the time. I didn’t want him to get out, as he’s an inside cat. He’s a Maine Coon, so he’s a beefy guy, but I woulda been pissed if he got hit by a car, or shot by a psycho with a twelve gauge. Seems like a reasonable concern considering the prior events, right? Whatever dude. I love my cat. He’s my homeboy.

So by then I’d tried dialing 911 like 4 times. I had the number for the police station already in my contacts so I called that line, and I got their automated response. The emergency choice just routed me to 911, and I was right back where I started. At that point I knew shit was bad. Can’t be a coincidence. I hit the tv on and there it was, the EAS message. You know that irritating noise you hear when they’re testing the emergency system? And very fucking rarely is there ever an emergency. I mean I guess in the midwest when they get tornadoes, or in the south when a hurricane is coming it’s more relevant than here. All we ever get is shit like “emergency snowstorm warnings,” or shit like road closures or accidents.

I’ll never forget the message from that day:

State and local agencies are reporting widespread attacks on citizens across the region. Authorities are advising people to stay inside, lock their doors, bar their windows and only open doors for known friends and family who respond intelligently.

That was it. No mention of a virus, aliens attacking, zombies, vampires, or any such nonsense. I mean, I know now after having seen it a few hundred times we’re dealing with zombies, but that message had no info at all. For the astute horror fan though, that’s when I knew it was “on.” You know, as in “it’s on like Donkey Kong.” I tried calling my girlfriend, both on her cell phone, and at her work extension, but no dice. I’m pretty fortunate in that I don’t panic, like, ever. I’ve got years of experience dealing with violence, and I just don’t lose my cool when the shit hits the fan. I’m the kind of dude you want making decisions in dangerous situations. Enough about me, I’m writing history now. More about me later when I have less to write about.

I knew she was dead. Or at least, damn close to it. None of the channels would work so I grabbed my laptop and fired it up. After connecting to my network I went to all the news websites and immediately found out I was right. Picture after picture after cell phone video after news broadcast. All showing the zombies. Of course, no one had the fucking balls to call it like that. People were calling it everything but. Theories abounded everywhere I pointed the mouse. But I knew. You could see it. They were dead already, and didn’t attack others until they’d passed on. I knew I needed to know a few things immediately about whatever it was that was doing this, so I got all scientific, and went to the CDC website.

They were on the ball, thankfully, and had the info as best as they could, already up. I needed to know a few things specifically:

• Transmission. How did it get transmitted? According to the CDC transmission occurred only via bite. Scratches did not seem to pass along the sickness/curse/virus/evil. Further, they had confirmed that the illness did not spread to non-human victims. Apparently a farm in Pennsylvania had all their cows eaten by the zombies and they stayed dead. (Of course later on I realized that this was somewhat wrong. You see by that point I don’t think they had realized that anyone who died and didn’t get their nugget wrecked immediately would get back up, seeking out flesh, being a general motherfucking nuisance to the living. But, I worked with what I knew at that point)

• Did they eat flesh? The CDC confirmed that yes, they did indeed eat the flesh of the living.

• Were the undead/sick/ill/terrorists that ate flesh more or less dangerous than a normal human being? Once again the CDC reported that the ill were slow, had diminished capacity for thought and reason, and were hostile to other human beings as well as animals. They were uncoordinated, couldn’t move much faster than a clumsy trot at best, and showed no ability to communicate, or to make plans of any sort.

• Where did it all start? How close was I to “ground zero?” The CDC had no fucking clue. They said that there were about ten dozen simultaneous reports from all over the world. Plus or minus a few hours, which globally speaking is pretty fucking simultaneous. As best as I could figure, I was about a two hour drive from the closest outbreaks on the eastern seaboard.

• Could they be killed, and if so, how were they killed? According to the CDC (by now my most trusted source for news regarding the current and ongoing Zombie apocalypse) any significant damage done to the brain would drop them again. So Romero, dude you were totally spot-on. Fucking A brother.

So there it was. Despite the fact that even the CDC avoided calling it a “zombie outbreak” or the “apocalypse” I fucking knew. Well, at the very least, I wasn’t about to risk it. I grabbed up my phone and tried to make a few more phone calls, but no joy. All circuits still busy. So, I formulated my plan.

Mom lived about a mile away, right near downtown, right near the schools, and I knew I would swing by her place to see if she was okay. I had a few friends who lived right around town too, and I wanted to check on them. More importantly though, was a long term survival plan. My condo was shitty in terms of a place to hole up, so I needed a place to go. I knew almost immediately I would come here, back to the school. It had everything.

I would get guns, some supplies, food, and then head to the school. Ride it out from there and see what happens. As you can tell, I made it here in one piece. But that doesn’t tell the whole story. Unfortunately my guilt over wasting this gas has finally reached its boiling point. Plus I’m getting really fucking tired and I need to lock the upstairs down so I can sleep soundly.

I think for my next entry I’ll talk about the trip to get here. And what I found when I did.

Until next time Mr. Journal.


September 27

Hi Mr. Journal. I think it’s all starting to get to me. I did not have a very good week here at all. Nothing bad happened, which is awesome really, but I think spilling my guts last Tuesday opened up some fucking epic wounds I had really forgotten about.

I’m sitting here with tears welling up in my eyes as I think about the fact that I did not go and at least try and find Cass. Cassie. Just typing her name is hard for me to do right now. I sat here looking at this blank white sheet of pixilated paper for almost an hour just trying to think of something to write about but I couldn’t. All I could think about was the fact that my awesome goddamn plan that day didn’t include at least trying to rescue the woman I should’ve married.

I mean, I’m alive, and that’s good, but it all seems pretty fucking pointless without her here.
Like, why do I even bother to make myself dinner when she’s not here to tell me how bad my cooking is? We were together for so long and I just don’t know why I didn’t ask her to marry me sooner.
Fear of commitment? Wedding was too expensive? Was I afraid her parents would say no? Shit I don’t know. And it kills me I never will know. My mouth is bone dry right now. I can’t even swallow.

I’ve sat in bed, snuggled up with Otis and just laid there thinking about this. I’ve been so busy getting this place safe from the zombies that I haven’t had time to really think about it until now. She has to be dead, right? She was never the “survivor” type. She lost her goddamn mind when there was a spider in the house, I can’t envision her keeping her shit together when people are dying all around her, then sitting up and attacking her too. My most frequent delusion about her death is that she died in a car accident trying to get out of the city. You know, she would’ve taken the stairs to get out of the building, ran to her car, dodging the undead’s awkward lunges. I can see her starting her little car, backing out into the street, and then getting creamed at an intersection by some fucking asshole in a giant SUV trying to do the same thing as her. In my guilt filled vision she not only is killed instantly, but is either decapitated, or is so mangled that she can’t get back up as the undead.

I think thinking of it that way makes me feel like it’s better that way. At least if she died that way she isn’t hurting anyone else, and at least that way I will never have to worry about seeing her disintegrating body shambling towards me someday. Man I hope that never happens. I don’t think I could take seeing that. Seeing her beautiful face all ashen and bloody, teeth bared, slowly clawing at the air as she comes toward me.

Just typing that makes my fucking skin crawl.

There’s this enormous part of me that says I should go get a truck from the maintenance barn and make my way to her work. For closure. I know I won’t find her, at least, I know I won’t find her alive. I think if I did find her car smashed to shit in an intersection I might feel better about myself. About my decision that day. You know at least I could say that I was right about not going to try and find her. She was probably already dead by the time I even knew what was going on that day. There was no chance that I could’ve saved her.

Then the little prick inside me says; “Adrian, but what if you find her dead, walking along the road, slowly making her way home, slowly making her way back to you?” And my ambition to go get closure just dries right the fuck up. I think that little prick, that little voice inside me is my cowardice. I never thought of myself as a coward. Really. I’ve waded into some pretty dangerous shit in my 34 years on this planet, and not once did I give it a second thought.

Why the fuck did I give up on her so easily that day?

Fuck you Mr. Journal.


September 28

Mr. Journal I’m profoundly sorry for my outburst at the end of the last journal. Good sentence right there. I think a few of my English teachers just rolled over in their graves. Well actually a few of my English teachers probably just burped up the entrails of a few of my math teachers, but you get the idea. Sorry surviving English teachers, that was pretty tasteless.

Pun not intended.

I feel better about myself today. I think yesterday’s journal entry was cathartic for me. Finally admitting out loud that I failed myself and Cass that day has relieved me of some guilt. I actually slept pretty good last night for the first time since my first journal entry. I’ve been restless for a long time, and it was really rejuvenating to get a full 8 hours of sleep. Otis can sense my troubles too, and it has had him on edge. He’s been largely avoiding me for a few days now, and finally this morning he actually came up to me as I woke up and looked for some attention. Apparently he can figure out when I’m emotionally capable of giving him some affection. I am so thankful he’s still around.

After I gave him his love this morning I had a bit of a startle. The campus here is pretty fucking out of the way. We’re at the end of a country dead end road in a small town, miles from anything even remotely looking like civilization. There are maybe fifteen houses along the five miles heading up the hills to get here. Our campus is surrounded by water. There is a lake all along one side of the property, and the lake has a river draining down the hill we’re on that skirts the other side of the property. Shit, you need to cross a bridge to get here. It’s as close as you can get to an island without needing a boat. Hence part of its allure as a last ditch place to hold up. I parked two of the transport vans we used to use to get the kids around use on the far side of the bridge and there’s no way anything can get across. Someone could climb across the top, but the zombies are far too stupid to put that plan together. Living people would need to get out and cross on foot if they were coming to visit.

I hate using my guns now. A: It’s a waste of ammunition, B: we have an archery range here, and arrows are reusable if I do it right, and C: guns are loud, and could theoretically draw unwanted attention. Anyway, when I went out to check the campus for dead folk, lo and behold there were two zombies shuffling and milling about on the far side of the vans. I don’t think they knew I was here, but honestly, I didn’t ask them. It took me three arrows to hit both of them in the head and re-kill them, so to speak. My first shot just thunked right into the dry, empty eye socket of the first zombie. He dropped like a bag of wet laundry. My second shot sailed pretty wide right, not sure why, it felt good when I let it go. But, third time’s the charm, and I hit the other zombie squarely in his brainpan. I sat still for a bit, waiting to see if there were any other undead dudes on the other side of the bridge, and after a bit, I crossed carefully and retrieved all three arrows. All three were fine for use again.

I really didn’t want to leave those bodies there, so I got my rubber gloves, my shitty overalls, and got the four wheeler with the little trailer on it, moved the vans, and drove the two corpses to the far back side of the campus, out where the faculty residences are. Or used to be. Not sure what the proper tense is on that. I mean technically, the residences are still there, but the faculty that used to live in them is long since gone. I guess it doesn’t matter. Both of the bodies were heavy as hell, and smelled fucking awful. Not the sick, rotting putrid flesh smell, more of a rotting fecal matter and kelp odor. I know, charming.

moved the vans back, chilled out for a bit to make sure everything was quiet, and I hit the campus cafeteria and snagged some canned stuff to eat for the day. I’m finally getting accustomed to moving about without the constant fear of being attacked around every corner. At first, right after all the shit started, I moved through life in a slow and smooth combat walk, gun at the ready. Every single door was breached like I was either a super secret sneaky spy, or like I was kicking in a door in a slum in Baghdad, looking for wahabi.

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