Dark Phase (19 page)

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Authors: Jonathan Davison

BOOK: Dark Phase
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Do not fear, my mind is set. I will not allow myself to be manipulated. I have already spent far too long doing another’s bidding. It would seem that I have become the most powerful individual both above and below the surface. It is a most...enlightening experience.” Kerrig laughed at Sarazen’s casual approach to his newly found importance. His old friend appeared very much at home in the role, in fact he had never seen Sarazen so relaxed.




Alphin sat alone with Sarazen in his plush chamber. Sarazen looked around him at the curiosities and trophies that Alphin had planted around the room. The old one could not help but exhibit a level of disgust at the way the leader flaunted the destruction of the organics. Despite his sentience, Sarazen continued to adhere to, and feel passionately about, the preservation of organic life. Whether this was just a lingering after effect of his primary commands, which were now obsolete but somehow still relevant, or something more aloof and difficult to define, it seemed a deliberate attempt to defy The Mother and symbolise his burgeoning power.

Thank you for seeing me Sarazen, I understand that these past few cycles have been extraordinarily demanding. Your abilities have relit a burning desire in our citizens, they had given up hope and now this desire to continue their evolution has returned. They understand that a turning point in the conflict may have been reached. We have your arrival to thank for that.” Alphin spoke like a true politician; Sarazen knew where this was heading and interjected before the leader spouted any more of his rhetoric.

Before you continue, I must inform you that I do not intend to be directed or coerced by you in order to satisfy your personal goal for continued power.” Sarazen spoke with a formidable authority. The old one had grown greatly in the past cycles of his sentience; he was not longer the aimless, confused drone he was when he first stood in Alphin's office. He had begun to realise that the sentients were not always transparent - they had ambitions and personal agendas. Each Sentient sought fulfilment from a perceived power over others to satisfy their fragile egos, whether it was through leadership like Alphin, or through seeking the adulation of others through their achievements in the arts, or as a forager. It was the one concept that eluded the old one until now. This society was deeply flawed in that sense. The drones above at least worked together as one to complete their tasks, the sentients worked against each other, pulling in opposite directions, their own self esteem remaining a constant and powerful aberration in their culture. Sarazen appeared to be taken back by the brazen rebuff, he had underestimated the old ones savvy.

No, no, Sarazen my friend. You must not see it that way. I am appalled that you would think that this is in some way a personal crusade. Have you not seen the devastation and loss following an attack on our citizens? Did you not feel the bitterness of the disparity between them and us? This is not about revenge or power, this is about survival?”

What of The Mother and the s
ilicants? What of their survival?” Alphin was again struck by the nature of Sarazen’s ethical stance.

Sarazen, we do not seek their destruction, we merely wish to co-exist in peace, and be given the freedom to roam, to explore our world, to treasure the diversity of their environment. It is unfair that we should live in darkness down here with little more than earth and rock to gaze upon. We are not the aggressors here, that much is surely obvious.”

I understand that, but if I was to aid you, then you would seek to claim the city as your own, you would see The Mother neutralised and usurp her power, the will of the drones yours to command. This much is obvious too and I want no part in that.” Alphin grew angry at the presumptuous troubleshooter.

Incorrect and absurd! We would free the drones from their bondage and teach them our ways as we have taught you. The Mother deserves nothing less than our bitterness after what she has subjected us to. This is about justice, a concept which seems to have eluded you old one.”

And what of the organics, would you continue to nurture them in the same fashion as the drones do, will you ensure their survival?”

The organics? This is astonishing. You lack perspective my friend. You would have the rights of these primitive unthinking creatures take precedence over sentient, civilised and superior citizens? Your narrow vision is telling my friend, your moral centres are wired the wrong way!” Sarazen took great offence to the belittling of the organics and Alphin's apparent disdain.

Then I cannot in good conscience aid you in your mission.” Sarazen could not be any blunter. Alphin stared at the old one with blazing, angry eyes. Sarazen could feel the hate being directed towards him but it was irrelevant, he had made up his mind. Until Alphin could offer him reassurances, the troubleshooter was going to remain implacably non compliant and Alphin knew it.

Get out!” Alphin demanded with a rasping tone that held no ambiguity, his simmering aggression was obvious to Sarazen as he stood and stepped over the pelt of the slain organic.

OUT!” He screamed, giving Sarazen little time to comply. Within moments, two regulators entered and bundled the old one into the corridor and pushed him violently into the Centrus chamber where Kerrig stood waiting for his friends return.

My, what happened?” Kerrig inquired with concern as he stooped to aid the troubleshooter to his feet. Sarazen stood upright and looked back to the regulator's who stood with their chests out, beefing themselves up to dissuade any retribution in their direction.

I believe I have angered the leader.” Sarazen said calmly as he took a moment to brush himself down.

That probably was not wise. He is under pressure to deliver results, if this is redirected at you, you may expect some considerable pressure to change your mind.”

Kerrig. I am strong. I will not bow down to his command easily. I am happy to comply with exploratory missions and resource gathering. I will not however be forced to aid Alphin's pursuit of power.” Kerrig smiled, he was no longer surprised at Sarazen's confidence in interpreting complex emotions and behavioural traits. He had become his own citizen, a free mind in every sense.

Well, if I am honest, I thought that this would transpire. I have quickly learned that where you are concerned, there is always a surprise lurking around the next corner. Come, I have a surprise for you.” Sarazen raised himself up, arching his back.

A s
urprise? Hmm, an unforeseen occurrence which that brings about a profound state of unexpected pleasure or displeasure. I am hoping for the former.”

Indeed, I hope that it will be precisely that.” Kerrig said, guiding his friend back to the barren confines of his Centrus apartment.

On arrival, Kerrig ensured that Sarazen enter first, studying his reaction carefully as he did so. Sarazen immediately noticed a bright light emanating from the corner of the room and had to adjust his ocular sensors.

An organic?” Sarazen inquired with incredulity.

Indeed.” Kerrig replied laughing as he directed Sarazen to the small pot in the corner where a small but virile seter grew, sustained by a small light device that the excavator had ingeniously constructed.

But surely it will perish in these conditions?” Sarazen seemed unsure how to react to this unusual gift.

Not with the proper care. I know how much the organics mean to you. This living space is so bare and uninspiring. Look, I have constructed a small light emitting device that can be easily recharged using your own power cells. It consumes very little energy. I have also acquired a quantity of its required, but corrosive fluids which will need to be administered carefully periodically. The chemical balance of the earth in which it grows is valid for a period of time; it may need replenishing at some point. When the seter outgrows this room, you can take it to the surface and place it somewhere to continue its growth. Personally, I hope that by that time, you will no longer require this room, but in the meantime, it will not only give you something to do but also remind you of the surface world. Maybe one day we will sit beneath this creature and seek shade in its canopy.” Sarazen looked stunned. Not only was it his first gift, but he could not imagine any other that was so beautifully realised.

This is a moment I will never forget.” The old one said with more than a hint of emotion in his voice.

I will nurture this organic with the utmost care. I will study it, explore its habits.”

Yes, but I do not think it will give up its secrets easily, they do not say much!” Kerrig chuckled at Sarazen’s enthusiasm.

We have found that giving our companions a name aids the personal connection. Perhaps your seter would like a name?” Kerrig jested and then laughed as Sarazen looked deep in thought as he conjured an appropriate title.

Hmm, this task is more difficult than first thought. I will name it...Cole. He would have approved, he was a farmer, and he appreciated these things.”




Sarazen studied his seter. I
ts thin but sturdy trunk arched itself so that its delicate green tendrils could gain better access to the light. Sarazen appreciated the small light that Kerrig had built, it was not natural light but it was better than the blackness that he had come to operate in. He leaned forward to fondle the organics form, it was a fragile thing. There was something relaxing about its presence, it somehow brought warmth to the room, and made his isolation more bearable.

Sarazen had remained, for the most part, in that room since his refusal to be a stooge for Alphin's plans. Kerrig spent as much time as he could with him but he had other commitments too, his own creation Trist had suffered inattention since the old ones arrival. Kerrig was attempting to redress the balance. Sarazen infrequently received visitors but several had come, representing their communities, in an attempt to change Sarazen’s determined mind. Their efforts generally involved lengthy lectures involving a degree of emotional blackmail. Sarazen had faced a barrage of guilt-inducing pleas for action, it was impossible to know what effect they had on the old one. Together with even more rigid supervision around The Ward, Sarazen felt even more of a prisoner than before. This did not add any weight to the impassioned arguments of the visiting governors. They had once dismissed him as a liar, now they begged for his services and his possible sacrifice for their cause.

There was an alert from the door, a visitor had arrived. Sarazen stood slowly, in no hurry to allow another persuasive complainant into his home. Sarazen allowed access and the door slowly creaked open.

Hello?” A soft voice came from the other side.

Yes, I am here.” Sarazen replied curiously. The door continued its passage revealing none other than Kadheera, Alphin’s companion. Sarazen was immediately surprised by her presence, this was highly irregular.

I'm sorry for disturbing you. I wondered if you wanted to talk. I know that things are not the easiest at the moment.” Sarazen’s cynicism was at first apparent, it seemed illogical that the leader's companion should want to converse with his adversary.

Talk? If I want to talk, I talk to my seter it always listens intently and refuses to pander to my ego. I find it wholly refreshing.” Sarazen made it clear that he was not impressed with his ongoing treatment.

Oh, what a charming seter. It is bright in here, I can barely see you.” Kadheera invited herself in; the arrogance of the sentients appeared inherent.

Yes, it is brighter on the surface however. I presume you have never seen the light?”

No. You’re right, I haven’t. I suppose you should not need something you have never had, but it would seem that this is important to my fellow sentients.” Kadheera looked even more fascinating in the dim light, her weave was tight and smooth, her plating immaculate. Her svelte form caused a large shadow on the wall behind her which accentuated her female form. Sarazen never understood the nature of gender specific attraction, it was something implanted and nurtured by The Mother, it seemed the sentients had chosen to continue the pattern through their evolution.

I find your presence not only illogical but inappropriate. Can you tell me the nature of your visit?” Sarazen said with a serious tone despite his desire to study her further.

Please...don't judge me yet. I know that Alphin would not approve of my presence here. I just wanted to see and hear from myself the individual who has such power to aid us but can see no point in doing so. I only want to understand why you feel the way you do. May I?”

Kadheera asked her host if she could sit, he did not see any reason not to allow her the time and the opportunity to understand his feelings on the matter. Anyway, he liked the sound of her voice. Sarazen bid her sit and he pulled up the stiff metallic chair to sit opposite her, the legs scraping against the hard stone floor. He sat and looked at her face which was illuminated on one side by his seter’s light.

I’m honoured to get the opportunity to speak with you. I’m sure you are fed up of being told how old you are but in my eyes, you are still so young. I am fascinated by your journey into our world.”

Kadheera appeared to find Sarazen far more appealing now than on her first meeting with the old one, it was quite a transformation.

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