Dark One Rising (59 page)

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Authors: Leandra Martin

Tags: #Fiction & Literature

BOOK: Dark One Rising
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“Melenthia, how are you? You look… different.”

“I feel different. I hope I don’t look different in a bad way.”

“No, of course not. You’re still as ravishing as ever. I can’t explain what it is I see.”

“Why are you here? Is everything okay?”

“I bring a plea to the Elvin Council, but I wanted to see you first.”

“Is Dain alright?”

“He’s fine. Tired. He rarely sleeps as much as he should, and he’s constantly moving troops. And, he misses you.”

“He has said this?”

“He doesn’t have to. His every thought is of you. He hopes you’re okay as well. I know you’re always in his thoughts somewhere. He loves you, and if anything, it has grown in your absence.” She smiled at that. “And your brother sends his love as well. He was with me, and originally, we were going to come together, but things have changed, and he is needed at home.”

“Things are worse.”

“Your instincts have honed as well, I see. Yes. Things are worse. Fallon’s troops are on the move. We just got news that the Triple Cities have fallen and Lachlan has been besieged.”

“Oh my God! I knew coming to bring me news was folly. Look at what it has cost him, and us.”

“He did what he felt was right. We don’t have confirmation as to what has happened to his army. If they are dead then Kevaan’s trip to Drydon may have saved his life. He may not have a throne, but we still have a king. That is what took so long to get here. The men and I escorted him to Charbonneau. I was certainly not going to take the chance of Fallon’s troops ambushing him while in route home. He’s alive and safe, and the fortress on the Charbonneau border is fortified. He’ll stay holed up and prepare his garrison for war. Fallon will have to prepare as well. If I know your brother, he will not let Fallon sit in his seat long. Brogan has gained us allegiance from the dwarves. Now I must go to Isamar to speak with Jaxon, Chancellor of the Free Cities. I’m here to ask the council for warriors to escort me and my men into Salador. With them with me, I think our plea will be better received. I fear that war will start sooner than anticipated. Time is running out.”

“Well then, let’s not waste time. Come with me.” She hooked her arm with his as they went into the city to speak with the king.




The council members and Elders, at the request of the king, joined in the council building in the center of the city. Alek sat next to Sol, and Tomaz was to Sol’s left. The council members and Elders were sitting in their respective places, listening to Alek relay the news that he had up to this point. They were silent as they heard the news and waited until he voiced his request of them before speaking.

Pyramus was the first to speak. “The time line for us to make ready has obviously been shifted forward. Fallon’s strength is greater than perhaps we anticipated. We are ready to stand with you, but I do not know if I can spare men to escort you all the way to Salador. The road is long, and I do not think we have enough time to enlist the help from the Isamarians.”

“We are in a rush, yes, but we can’t hope to win this war without them. Just like we did with you, we would never think to ask for allegiance from people that have not allied with us for centuries. However, we are in desperate need of men. The Isamarians may not have the steel and weapons at their disposal, but the sheer number in their ranks makes up for that. The dwarves are with us, and we need the chancellor to join, too. We cannot hope to gain power over Fallon’s troops if we don’t have ample resources. The outlook is bleak even with the alliances we have made, but we have to try. I only ask for two or three representatives to accompany me into the city of Salador. Our alliance together will make our proposal more solid.”

Pyramus looked to the rest of the Elders and then to each council member. They nodded, and he rubbed a hand over his chin in thought. He looked to Sol now, who had been keeping silent vigil between Alek and Tomaz.

“King Dainard seems to be as honorable as Tomaz has said in order to set before you this desperate task. Please allow the council and Elders to discuss this further amongst ourselves. Would you please step from the building and allow us to talk and pray.”

“Of course.” He stood and bowed to the council and elder members, then stepped from the dark building into the light of the late morning.

He had spent the evening in residence with the elves and woke early this morning to convene with the council and Elders to discuss the proposal. He had slept well. Better than he had in more than a year and wondered whether it was a calm he couldn’t describe from being here, or just the fact that he was beyond exhausted. He didn’t like to admit often that he was getting old, and soon he would need to settle down into a full-time role of King’s Counselor and leave the bounty hunting to the younger men.

His thoughts veered to Maddon for the first time in a couple of weeks, hopefully in the company of Alban and his garrison. He had heard no news otherwise and tried to make himself believe that no news was usually good. He hoped he hadn’t made a mistake by sending a youth to do a man’s job and hoped that Maddon would live to see himself made squire by the king.

Melenthia, who had not been invited to attend the meeting, came around the corner from the far side of the city center and approached Alek. He was seated on a stump near the common garden. He rose when he saw her, and when she reached him, she kissed him on the cheek.

“The meeting has not adjourned yet?”

“No. They are discussing matters as we speak.”

“They will make the right decision, Alek. They have only the people of Aelethia in mind.”

“I know.” He looked off into the distance; she understood his worry.

“You’re worried about Dain.”

“Yes, and your brother. When we ran into the men from Danyl, the urgency for your brother to get to Charbonneau was imperative. If Fallon’s troops had moved more northwest, an attack while on the way could have proven deadly too, that is why I escorted him. Now if Fallon’s men move into his province, he’ll be ready for them. If we lose Kevaan the war will already be over.”

Melenthia shook her head sadly. Alek thought he heard a sob escape her lips. He touched her shoulder. “He had only your heart in mind, Melenthia. I don’t fault him for wanting to speak of grave matters with you in person. If the roles had been reversed, I would have done the same thing. He loves you more than life itself and can’t bear to think of you in pain without being there for comfort. He had fretted over your safety for months. I think he needed to see you in person, to make sure with his own eyes that you were alright.”

“But to what end. I’m here, in hiding once again, and in the meantime, my kingdom is falling apart. What if when I’m ready, it’s too late.”

“The elves have insight that you and I don’t have. They’ll know when it’s time. Is your training going well?”

“Better, now. I will admit that I struggled for a long time and probably will have moments still to come. I can’t recall how many times I wanted to give up. But remembering the people in my life that I love, including my brother and Dain, helped me to get up and go on. I do know that this pain is nothing compared to what is to come. I try to remember that the suffering I will face is for the people in this kingdom, and for them I will endure it.”

He looked down at her and smiled wearily. “I’m sorry that you have been given this burden, Melenthia, but I know no one else more capable of this destiny than you. I believe you will endure it.”

She stood on her tip toes and kissed his cheek again. “Thank you, Alek. I have some things to do. I’ll see you off before you depart.”

“Okay.” He leaned down and kissed her cheek now.

She left him alone in the garden with his thoughts.




The council and Elders did agree to send two representatives out with Alek and his men to Salador. King Theron promised that he would keep his people informed about what was happening and would present his army to King Dain when the time came. He blessed their travel into the Free Cities and told them he would pray for not only safe passage but for a successful meeting. All of Aelethia was counting on them.

They ate, slept and arose early to start out for the border city in Isamar. They were packed with supplies and food, and King Theron had performed the rite for safe travel. They mounted their horses for departure. Melenthia and Sol met them at the gate, and when Alek saw her he dismounted again and went to her, putting his arms around her. He placed his cheek on her head, kissing the top of it.

“Good luck, Alek. I will be praying for your safety and success. How long will it take you to get there?”

“We are expecting a four day ride to the border, barring no flooding in the plains from the snow run-off in the Xanthe. From the border it should be another day or two into the city of Salador. I’m hoping that the Chancellor is still in session at the headquarters within the city. If he has returned to Kalani, then we will be delayed another three or four days. Taking the time to cross the desert when I’m needed at home is not something I want to risk. Pray that I’m not too late.”

“I will. And if you reach home before me, tell Dain that he’s always in my thoughts and that we will be together soon.”

Sol clasped Alek’s hand, and they quickly embraced. Sol smiled wanly at Alek. “God speed to you and your entourage, Alek. We will join you and Dain when the time has come. Be careful.”

“Thank you. Take good care of her, Sol. I’d hate to have to explain to His Majesty that something happened to the love of his life before the battle had even begun.” He looked to her and winked.

“She has been, and will be, in good hands here, Alek. His Ma-jesty can count on that.”

Alek kissed her on the cheek and mounted his horse. He checked the readiness of his group and kicked his horse to go. Melenthia and Sol watched as Alek and the two elves galloped out of the gates into the woods.


can’t do this!” Melenthia fumed, glaring at Tomaz who had just knocked her legs out from under her. She was lying on the ground, arms and legs splayed out, panting, sweat beading her hair line.

“Yes, you can, and you will! Get up!”

Melenthia got shakily to her feet but could not get her breathing under control. She was starting to hyperventilate.

“You are breathing too deep; breathe slower and feel the air filling your lungs. Be aware of what your body is telling you.”

She stood erect and took in shallower and slower breaths now. She leaned her sword against her leg and closed her eyes. She placed her palms together in front of her as if praying, and her breathing slowly started to change. She could feel her heart beating in her chest, but not because it was pounding from overtaxing it, it was beating normal, a perfect rhythmic beat that she felt with her whole body. She went deeper into herself and blocked out every sound that distracted her and listened only to the sounds of the nature surrounding her. The roar of the river coursing its way toward the ocean. The hum of the cicadas in the trees and the buzzing of the bees in the meadow. The sounds of the hundreds of variety of birds that whistled songs as they built their nests and tended their young. She could even hear the whispering of the trees themselves, the ancient beings bringing life into the world around them. She answered back with her own vibration and then opened her eyes. She was calm now and could focus her strength in her body. She picked up her sword and took her stance once again, not seeing anything but the flash of light as the sun glinted off its almost translucent blade. The blade spoke to her, like it had done since she stole it out of the armory what seemed so long ago. They were one, her and the powerful sword made from Elvin steel and magic. It listened to her thoughts and answered with powerful strokes. Tanith gave her a strength she didn’t understand fully, but together it seemed they were unbeatable.

Tomaz attacked, and Melenthia parried with calm movements and precise skill. She wielded the blade expertly, and it sang to her with every swing. The power that emanated off of it surged up her arm and into her body, creating a halo of strength as she fought off the attacks. Tomaz was not able to get in another blow to throw her off balance, and she moved through every counter blow with renewed strength, every parry bringing her closer to victory. She did not break her concentration until she saw Tomaz’s blade fall from his hand into the dirt.

It was the first time that she had beaten him. She blinked herself back to the reality of what was happening and looked down on the ground. She looked back to Tomaz, who was smiling at her, his green eyes sparkling in the sunlight.

“Well done, Melenthia. You have mastered over your fears and your anxiety. When you calmly open yourself to the power that surrounds you, with all the living things, you can master over your fears and become one with the world. This is what I have hoped for you. There is nothing left I can teach you.”

“You mean I’m done? Just like that? My training has ended?”

“No more training do you require. You have all that you need.”

“I don’t know if I’m ready to go yet.”

“You will be when it is time. Come, let us feast together and speak about what is to come.”

She wiped her sweaty brow and re-sheathed Tanith in the scabbard given to her by the king as a gift and followed Tomaz from the arena to the village center.

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