Dark Love (The Two Sides of Me Book 3) (38 page)

BOOK: Dark Love (The Two Sides of Me Book 3)
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“When I met you, when I first stepped foot into this beautiful house, it felt like an impenetrable fortress. But only weeks later, I was nearly attacked by a woman with a hunting knife in my own bed, doesn’t that seem strange?” Before he answers I continue. “And then we had another close call at Dominus with an attacker, an iPad is delivered to you without being examined, it only held a threatening message but what if it had some sort of explosive in it? I mean, did anyone even look at it before giving it to you? And Cecelia is dead and now I find out an old employee of yours was attacked and paralyzed by a client years ago. How many other incidents have there been, shouldn’t the head of security be catching these things?” So much for going easy and gentle, once I started it avalanched and now I’m standing in a pile of accusations I have no way to prove. I search his face for something, anything that might tell me how he’s going to react but there is absolutely nothing, complete flat affect and that’s more terrifying than any angry expression I’ve ever seen cross his face. He turns to leave me standing alone in the closet wringing my hands wondering if I’ve done the right thing.

I pace in front of the mirror in my beautiful gown, dripping with diamonds and teetering on heels that no one in their right mind would subject their feet to. This is supposed to be a night of announcements and celebration and I’ve just single handedly fucked it up.

“Mia,” he calls I halt my pacing and go to the bedroom where he’s sitting on the edge of the bed rubbing the back of his neck with his eyes closed.

“You may be right.”

“Really? I mean, I’ve thought it but that doesn’t mean it’s fact. I just thought it was worth mentioning. I don’t want to cause trouble or conflict…”

“No, I’m glad you said something. It has crossed my mind before as well. There are just some things that can’t be explained away. The things you have noticed are only the tip of the iceberg. I have been in denial. I didn’t want to believe the only person who has been by my side for all of these years could be dirty.” He’s looking at me now, all the anger and tension from his voice gone replaced with disappointment, disillusion and sadness.

“I could be wrong, Evan, it was only an observation.”

“An accurate one, though, I am afraid.” He crooks his finger at me to come closer and I step between his legs his arms wrap around my waist and he presses his cheek against my chest. The need for comfort seeps from his body and my desire to provide it is overwhelming. I drop a kiss on his head right next to the wide scar that is now mostly covered by his thick dark hair and stroke his back up and down while he holds me.

“I’m sorry, this isn’t how I wanted tonight to be, I should have waited for another time to say something.”

“No. I want you to always tell me what is on your mind, no secrets. I need one person in my life to always be forthright with me and that person is you.” I gently push him away by his shoulders and capture his eyes.

“Always.” I say pressing my lips gently against his, driving the message home that I am always on his side and I will always be here for him.

“Thank you.” Those two words spoken looking up though his long thick eyelashes are packed with meaning and requisite and if it’s at all possible they make me love him more.

“We need to go.” He speaks the words but his hands are wandering over my ass and his eyes are darkening.

“Yes, we do.” I remove his roaming hands and take ahold of his tie pulling him from the edge of the bed. He hisses and cocks his head.

“You keep doing things like that and the party tonight will be cancelled.” His eyes follow the trail from my hand holding his tie back up to my face lifting his brows suggestively. I drop the tie and take a step backwards.

“Oh no, this is all planned, my family is probably already at the restaurant, we can’t back out now!” He sweeps his arm toward the door in a grande gesture.

“Lead the way then, Mrs. Lawson.”

When we arrive at Dominus it’s dark and snowing and cold as hell. I’m grateful to have a driver that drops us off at the front door instead of walking from the parking lot. There are only five steps to take through the weather and I’m wrapped in Evan’s warm embrace, where I would never know that it is February in Seattle. Inside, we are greeted by the always perky and perfectly dressed hostess with the mostess. Evan acknowledges her presence but breezes past her into the main dining room and up the curving staircase in the center guiding me with his hand at the small of my back.

The heat from his hand spreads through my body and as always, it stirs the simmering passion brewing just below the surface, waiting to boil over. A time and place, Mia, and this is neither the time nor the place, hormones geesh! All eyes in the place are on us, well Evan probably, the women drooling with forks and drinks paused half way to their mouths and the men with either envy or irritation that he has stolen their dates’ attention.

Evan is oblivious of his effects though, or that’s how he lets on, just striding along paying all of his attention to me and I fucking love it. We haven’t had much public exposure, I’ve not had to share him with anyone or anything while he’s been sick and recovering but all that is going to change. I’m going to have to learn to be separated from him when he goes back to work full time here at Dominus and when he travels to check on other locations.

“You are very beautiful tonight. I want you to know that, all right?”

“Ok…everything ok?” We stop in the hall outside the door to our reserved room and I slide my fingers up his angular clean shaven jaw to cup his cheek in my hand. We are out of the line of sight of any customers now and his hands slide around my waist.

“Yes, I just don’t like sharing you with other people in public, I hate how their eyes roam. I don’t tell you enough how lovely you are.” His eyes sparkle in the reflective lights of the chandelier above us, the sharp green irises with their lilac ring along with his compliments make me swoon. At least I think that’s what is causing the fuzzy feeling in my head and a moment of cloudy vision. I blink until I can see him clearly again but he’s seen the disturbance and read my reaction.

“You aren’t feeling well.”

“No, I mean, yes I am. Just a little dizzy for a second and look at these shoes wouldn’t you be a little wobbly?” He peeks down at my shoes and lifts his eyebrows.

“Why would you wear those? I love them but you could snap your ankle and then where would we be? Take them off.”

“What?! I can’t go around barefoot in this gorgeous dress and all of this jewelry!”

“Why not? It’s our restaurant we have a private room, you are taking those death trap stilts off, end of conversation.” He pushes open the door and guides me in the same way he did downstairs but with a stronger hold now. The first person I see as we cross the large private dining room is, of course, my mother dressed differently than I’ve ever seen her in a grey floor length formal gown. She’s up and out of her seat at warp speed hugging me and then Evan, Sage and Dad a few steps behind dressed similarly in formal dinner attire.

“Oh I am
happy you two are home and look at you! Your hair has all grown back and your color is so good. How are you feeling?” She briefly lays her hand on Evan’s cheek when she speaks of his coloring and then turns to me.

“When did you two get in? You look so beautiful, that dress is…oh my, that choker!” She’s breathless from her constant string of questions and compliments. I slip my hand into hers and squeeze.

“We are both fine, Mom. Evan is recovering well and thank you for the compliment; we have been home almost a week now.”

“A week!” She glances to Evan and back to me frowning. I should have lied it would have been easier but we are here to tell them everything so I may as well start with this.

“There were some sudden reasons to return home, Chanel. Why don’t we sit down and get comfortable and discuss it.” My dad reaches an appreciative hand to Evan and they greet each other the way men do.

“Good to see you again, Mr. Galloway.”

“Nick, please call me Nick, you’re my son-in-law now and nobody calls me Mr. Galloway!”

“All right, good to see you, Nick.”

“This is quite the place you’ve got, we have never been here before.” Dad takes Mom’s hand to lead her back to the table while Sage embraces me quietly, when she pulls away she looks at me as if she knows my secret but I’m not spilling the beans just yet.

“Come Mia, let me take those shoes off of you.” Sage gives me a questioning look and I just shrug and follow Evan to the long elegantly lain table covered with low arrangements of, what else? Lavender and cream colored roses. My chair is pulled out and every one returns to their seats, there are two across from me that are unoccupied and I wonder who else is coming but my attention quickly returns to Evan as he moves my chair to face him and kneels down in front of me. The act of kneeling is simple and for most no additional meaning would be linked to it. He is simply unstrapping my shoes to make me more comfortable but in my heart it feels like so much more, the adoration in his touch and the reverence he pays while kneeling at my feet feels like I’m being worshiped, cared for, loved on the deepest level possible.

I watch as he slowly and surprisingly nimbly loosens the tiny buckle with his long fingers and slides the first shoe off. The room has hushed, no one is speaking or drinking or even moving. I turn to see what has them so quiet and find all eyes on us they’re watching Evan’s movements, they see it too, they feel it. This powerful, commanding, intimidating, intense man is literally worshiping me at my feet. He’s removed both shoes and rubs circles into my arches in the way that turns me to jello.

I’m about to tell him that the massage isn’t necessary when the door opens and the mystery of who will be taking the empty chairs is solved. Gabriella and Simone are being escorted in by the hostess.

“Surprise, baby.” My eyes dart between Evan and Gabby, he always knows what I need even before I do. I mouth the words thank you silently and allow my sister-in-law to envelope me in a bear hug.

“You look beautiful.”

“Oh thanks, so do you, wow!” And she does, her black floor length fitted gown accentuates every curve of her body and the off the shoulder barely-there sleeves show off her flawless olive skin. She looks like someone who should be walking the red carpet not attending a family dinner. Simone is the perfect match to her in his black suit, shirt and tie. “When did you get here?”

“We flew in this afternoon, he didn’t tell you we were coming?”

“Nooo, he did not.” He gives me a sly side glance as he takes his place at the head of the table. Simone kisses me on both cheeks and moves to sit with Gabriella across from me.

“It’s good to see you again.” My mother calls from her end of the table.

“Thank you Chanel, you too. Actually you’ll be seeing a lot more of us from now on, we bought a house in Seattle.”

“You did?! Did you know about this?” I take one look at Evan and I instantly know he’s had a big hand in their move even before he nods confirming my suspicion.

“We thought you could use the help.”

“Help with what?” my mom says perking up. Shit, I guess we won’t be easing into the news. She’s like a pit bull when she senses something’s up and she definitely senses something, she’s on high alert leaning over the table craning her neck to see Gabriella.

“With the wedding, of course, mom.” Sage sweeps in to save me and I know she knows, somehow she knows. Gabriella realizes her slip and seamlessly catches on to Sage’s comment.

“Yes, the wedding, I’m sure you have a million things to do for the wedding, don’t you, Mia?”

Before I can answer, mom chimes in, “You’re moving all the way across the country to help plan a wedding?”

Mo-ther!” I exclaim

“Well it just seems a little extreme, sorry.”

“It’s ok, Chanel, we may as well make our announcement now and enjoy the rest of our evening.” Evan says reaching over to take my hand, we rest them on the table between us.

“As you all know we are planning a wedding for next month and as we are already married, I’m sure you are wondering what the rush is.” My mother is sitting straight up in her chair vibrating with excitement. She grabs my dad’s hand and he grimaces. Sage is relaxed, as is my oblivious brother-in-law, Kevin, sitting next to her.

“Would you like to tell them?” I thought I would but I’m suddenly overcome with emotion, this is a moment that was never supposed to happen. I was never supposed to be able to be pregnant. I was never going to allow a man past the mammoth stone castle wall I spent ten years building around my heart. But Evan smashed through that wall pulverizing it with one swift blow changing the course of my life forever.

My eyes brim with tears as I shake my head no, he squeezes my hand supportively and continues.

“Mia is pregnant.” My mother screams and jumps up shoving her chair back so hard it tumbles behind her. She rounds the table ascending on me like an eagle plucking a fish from the ocean she nearly drags me up and out of my seat. She’s bawling and squeezing the shit out of me, my dad and Kevin sit mouths agape in total shock.

“I knew it.” Sage says sounding proud of herself for figuring out our secret on her own but she’s still in for a big surprise. I’m sure she would never guess the next bomb Evan’s about to drop.

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