Dark Light (The Dark Light Series) (24 page)

BOOK: Dark Light (The Dark Light Series)
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Dorian sighs, I’m sure expecting the question sooner or later. “Our families have been involved in business together for many years. We’ve known each other for a long time. Though Aurora has tried, I was just never interested in a long term, serious relationship with her or anyone else for that matter. When I moved away, she tracked me down, thought she could help me rebuild. She’s the one who actually brought the Luxe opportunity to me.”

Ok, that makes sense. It doesn’t ease my anxiety about her advances and also tells me that Aurora won’t back off, but it makes sense. Aurora has staked her claim and I am an intruder in her grand scheme to be Dorian’s angel in his time of need.

“So you are both from the same place. And that is?” I have no idea where he is from.
Good going, Gabs.

“Originally we’re from Greece.” 

Ok, had I let Morgan do a background check on Dorian like she offered, I would have known that. Explains the exotic good looks, the hint of an accent, and his last name.

“Hmmm, that makes sense. So your family is wealthy? You’ve mentioned the family business. Politics, right?” 

“That amongst other things. Nothing that is of great interest.” Dorian moves down to the base of my shoulder blades. A low groan leaves my lips.

“But you want to gain your family’s approval. That’s why you came here, right? What is it that you hope to achieve in this little town?” A salon is great but I’m pretty sure his family is not in the cosmetology market. And Colorado Springs is not exactly a mecca of industrialism.

Dorian takes a moment to ponder my question before answering. “I must acquire something that could prove very valuable to my people. It’s here. We would amass a great deal of power.”

“Sounds really important. And they trust you with such a crucial task; they must have a lot of faith in you. Especially to be so young.” 

“I am only young to you. I’ve experienced enough for a dozen lifetimes.” The weary, ancient tone to Dorian’s voice has returned. It is so full of sadness and turmoil. I turn my head a fraction to gauge his reaction but he begins to knead the sides of my neck.

Something within me sympathizes with Dorian and his predicament. All he wants is his family’s approval and love. I want the same, but I want it from Dorian, though I would never, ever admit it. As much as I want to keep this as superficial as possible, the more I get to know about him, the more I want him. And not just his body. I want his heart as well. I’m no better than Aurora; I want to be his savior too. Dorian is far from helpless yet I sense sadness within him that I just want to ease. There’s a piece of him still hiding in the shadows, the part that never fully recovered from being disowned by his own family. Can I be what he needs? Will he be able to bare his soul to me though I could never bare mine entirely to him?

There is something that I
do for Dorian that Aurora can’t. I can soothe him the only way I know how to. I reach my hand back and find his hardening penis resting on the middle of my backside. I stroke it gently, awakening it immediately. I can hear Dorian’s breathing turn ragged and he kneads my shoulders a bit deeper. I guide his stiff rod towards my wetness and Dorian shifts to eagerly meet it. I spread my legs a bit, inviting him into my heat, and he thrusts forward, plunging deep within my warm comfort. We gasp simultaneously, appreciating the depth this new position brings. Dorian continues to massage my neck and shoulders, while thrusting into me slowly. I praise him with soft whimpers and sighs.

“So no more questions?” Dorian breathes raggedly, filling and stretching me to my limits.

“No, Dorian,” I murmur between gasps of air. He feels so good here. This is where he belongs. This is where

Dorian lowers himself onto my back, his lips finding my ear and he continues his measured strokes. Grabbing each of my hands, he pins them down above my head, using the leverage to push himself even deeper. He gently takes my earlobe between his teeth to nibble and suck. Feeling his labored breath on the back of my neck, the heat of his body melding into mine, sends me over the edge. My moans intensify with every stroke, and Dorian feeds my hunger by delivering them faster and harder. 

He begins to mutter something in my ear, so low I can’t even make out what he’s saying over the noise of my own harsh breaths. It’s foreign, and I assume he’s saying something in Greek.
Oh my God! 
It’s incredibly erotic. He continues the chant in my ear, now rapidly pounding into me. One hand finds my hair, and he pulls, causing my head to bend back to him. His murmurs grow louder and harsher, as if he is urgently trying to convey something to me, and I know his own orgasm is on its way. I feel the familiar building inside of me, and I know this one will do me in for sure.

Dorian delivers one hard, deep thrust and then holds himself stiffly inside of me. He’s touching every pleasure point, pushing every one of my buttons. I can’t hold it any longer; I let myself explode and contract around him, crying out my intense satisfaction. Dorian pushes deeper still, emptying the contents of his lust into me, colliding with mine.


” I exclaim, still lying flat on my stomach. Dorian has eased off of me and is resting beside me, trying to find his breath.

“What’s wrong?” he breathes, sounding a bit alarmed though his voice is sluggish and sated.

“Dorian, we really need to use protection.” I am cursing myself for being so stupid yet again.

“I can’t impregnate you, if that’s what you’re worried about,” he says simply.

“I’m not. But there’s other stuff, you know.” I can’t even bring myself to say STDs. And what does Dorian mean he can’t impregnate me? Is he sterile? 

“Top drawer of the nightstand to the right. There’s a piece of paper with a recent blood test. I knew I wanted to be with you without worry or barriers. I had it done last week. It’s yours.” Wow, he really thinks of everything. Not to mention, extremely confident in his methods of seduction.

“And what about me?” 

“I’m not worried about you. I trust you. But if you want to have a test done as well, I can arrange it.” 

“Thanks, but I can manage that myself.” I make a mental note to go to the clinic as soon as I get out of class tomorrow afternoon. 

“How do you know you can trust me?” I say with a smirk. Oh, if Dorian only knew how untrustworthy I really am. I’m endangering his life every second I am here with him. Why can’t I just walk away and save us both the inevitable heartache and regret?

“Good judge of character,” Dorian says with a sexy half smile. It’s the last thing I see before I succumb to the sudden heaviness plaguing my tired eyelids.


I jerk awake in pitch dark, my eyes darting around fiercely, looking for any sign of familiarity.
Dorian’s bedroom
. I’m alone and the room is completely silent and still. I sit up and feel around for my clothes. My foot hits a pile of crumpled linen. Dorian’s shirt. I slide it on and wrap it around my naked breasts before heading out of the room in search of my missing lover.

Dorian is standing at the grandiose glass doors that lead out to the large balcony. He’s wearing only his slacks, no underwear. I can tell they’re not fastened by the way his pants hang around the cut of his hips and the slope leading to his tight, hard backside. He’s holding a crystal glass containing a light brown liquid. He takes a sip and then leans his forearm against the pane of glass, looking out into the dark stillness of the night. I hold my breath, and tiptoe silently towards him. I don’t want to disturb him during his private moment but I am curious as to what has called him from the warmth of the bed and my arms.

“You should be asleep,” Dorian says aloud.
I was sure to be quiet. I give up on tiptoeing and walk towards him.

“So should you,” I reply quietly, standing beside him. 

I look up at Dorian’s weary, guarded eyes. Even in the dark, they sparkle. He gives me a rueful grin, unsuccessfully trying to mask whatever troubles him tonight. I want to reach out to him and comfort him but something is telling me not to. 

“What do you see?” Dorian asks, nodding towards the window. He takes another swig of his drink and then offers me the glass. I take it in my hands and take a small sip. The strong liquid burns my throat, generating heat as it makes its way down. I hand it back to Dorian and he smirks arrogantly.

I look out into the night, and see the faint glistening of the lake and the shapes of tall swaying trees. “Nothing. Darkness,” I respond just above a whisper.

“You think darkness is nothing? So much, more than you could ever imagine, is shrouded in darkness. As we stand here, looking out into nothingness, as you say, we are witnessing life. 

“A man is secretly meeting with a woman whom is not his wife. He tells her that he will leave his wife but he truly has no intention of doing so. 

“Two young men, workers at the hotel, disappear into the woods, engaging in sexual intercourse. No one knows of their relationship or their sexuality. Or the fact that they have HIV. They both have girlfriends. 

“A night guard has been stealing the valuables of hotel guests when they stay out late. He’s carrying the jewels and money to a secret place in the pool house so he can pick them up after his shift.

 “A woman is on her balcony, whispering into her cell phone as her husband is asleep in bed. He believes they are here on vacation but she is plotting to empty out their accounts and run away with her lover.

 “A businessman is stumbling back to his hotel room with a prostitute. Little does he know that his guest for the evening is not a woman. He won’t care either way. It won’t be the first time.”

I look up at Dorian, slightly bewildered. “So many secrets and deceit in the darkness, it seems,” I remark quietly. How does he know all this? Or are his ramblings a result of the potent alcohol?

“You would think so. The world thinks that darkness is synonymous for deception. Evil. But look again.” Dorian nods his head towards the night once again. 

“An elderly man and his wife stroll along the lake, hand in hand. It’s their 50th anniversary and they’ve just come from a grand celebration in one of the resort’s banquet halls, thrown by their 5 children and their families and friends. 

“A young man is proposing to his longtime girlfriend over by the bridge. He’s shipping off to basic training soon and he wants to marry her when he returns. They’ve been dating since high school. 

“A new dad is frantically calling the airlines after finding out his baby has been born unexpectedly. He’s here on a business trip with very important clients but he is sacrificing it all to be with his family. 

“Another night guard has been suspecting his coworker and friend has been stealing to help his family during hard times. He is looking for him in hopes to talk him into returning the items and is willing to help him get back on his feet.” 

Dorian looks down at me to gauge my dumbfounded expression. He gives me a reassuring grin and strokes my cheek with his hand. “You see, Gabriella. Darkness is not always what it seems. It can appear frightening at first but there is truly nothing to fear. Sometimes the light can blind us from the truth.” 

Ok, now he’s officially freaked me out. Does he even know what he’s saying? The thought that Dorian could possibly know about me passes through my mind. But that’s impossible. And if he did, he would not be so comfortable standing here with me now.
Either that or I would be dead.

Dorian bends forward and plants a deep, tender kiss on my lips, erasing the feelings of unease and disbelief. He tastes and smells of the sweet, strong liquor. 

“Come on, we both need to get some sleep.” 

Dorian downs the last of his drink and then takes my hand, leading me to the bedroom. He turns down the comforter before I climb in. After he steps out of his pants, he climbs in behind me completely naked. He pushes his white shirt off my shoulders and I awkwardly maneuver my body so he can remove it completely. Then he pulls my head down to his hard, smooth chest and I nestle into him comfortably, intertwining my leg between his. This feels so good, yet I know it will only cause confusion in the future. 

“You’re not, Gabriella,” Dorian says suddenly.


“You’re not just one of those casual arrangements. I felt it too.” 

I don’t know what to say to that. Part of me is elated at the revelation because I, too, see Dorian as so much more than just a fling. But another part of me, the logical, shrewd part, is cringing at his admission. Because nothing good can come of this. I can’t give him any more of me than I already have, and it’s not fair to sell him the illusion of an ordinary, carefree young woman. Less than a year stands between us and my ascension.
And then what?
What if I don’t even make it until then? He could be hurt in the crossfire.

Instead of responding to Dorian’s declaration, I plant a soft kiss on his chest, and try my hardest to fall asleep to the rhythm of his beating heart. I will give him this moment. I will let myself enjoy his warmth and security. It may be the last bit of bliss I get to experience.

Chapter Eighteen

Bright sunlight creeps through the dark curtains and caresses my sleepy eyelids, beckoning them to open. Reluctantly I oblige, knowing it’s earlier than I’m used to.

“Morning, Sleepyhead,” a silky deep voice greets me. Dorian. 

I blink rapidly, remembering where I am and feeling intensely self-conscious. My eyes focus on his gorgeous smiling face looking down at me. He’s freshly groomed and dressed in a dark suit and tie. 

“Oh shit, Dorian, what time is it?” I struggle to sit up, wrapping the sheet around my naked breasts. Every muscle in my body feels like lead and I haven’t gotten nearly enough sleep.

“7:30. I’ve got a meeting soon but I ordered you some breakfast. Go ahead and take your time and eat. Leave whenever you want.” Dorian leans down and kisses my forehead tenderly. He flashes me a crooked smile before walking out of the bedroom and exiting the suite. 

Once alone, I scramble out of bed and head straight to the bathroom. Fifteen minutes later, I am showered and sitting down at the dining room table where Dorian has left silver covered platters of eggs, bacon, pancakes and sausage. I take some of each, realizing that I am famished after not finishing my steak dinner and receiving yet another workout from Dorian. I splatter syrup on all of it, thankful he isn’t here to be repulsed by my goopy breakfast. After I’ve sated my appetite, I grab my purse and head home.

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