Dark Knight of the Skye (11 page)

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Authors: Robin Renee Ray

BOOK: Dark Knight of the Skye
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“You have showed me compassion in your eyes. My mother was the last to give me that gift.”
“Oh honey, you’re gonna make me cry,” she said, reaching in and pulling Tabitha in a hug.

Tabitha froze momentarily, then slowly put her arm through the bars and delicately laid them across D`nae’s back. Both women cried, D`nae because her heart broke for the woman who had been treated so terrible, and Tabitha because for the first time in years, she was offered freedom and friendship, ironically by the very person she had helped to capture.

“He will wake soon, I can feel the day leaving us. You better return,” Tabitha said, leaning back from the embrace.

“Yeah, I know,” D`Nae replied, wiping the tears off of her face. “Tabitha, if we get out of this mess, I really want you to live with me. My Mom will just love you, and you’ll never have to be told what to do again, ever.”

“You have a mother?” Tabitha asked, getting to her knees and pressing close to the bars.

“A wonderful mother sweetie, and she loves everyone. We visit each other a lot.”

“Even if your plan doesn’t work the way you wish, it’s still a wonderful dream. I will rest well having such beautiful ideas that you’ve put in my mind.”

“This is one dream that you’re going to witness coming true. Somehow Tabitha, I swear.”

“Go, I thank you, even if I don’t understand you,” she replied picking up the fruit, then sliding back to the rear of the cage. “Your Master is a lucky man to have such a special creature.”

“We’re lucky,” D`Nae emphasized, getting to her feet. “He’ll take care of both of us.” Then walked over to the door, smiling once more before closing it behind her.

D`nae made her way back to Alasdair’s room, where he still lay in the same position on the bed that he was in when she slid off. She walked around in front of the fireplace yawning, thinking about curling up on the floor by the roaring fire, but thought Alasdair may find it suspicious. She glared at him lying on his back, vulnerable, wishing that she had a long sharp knife, envisioning it cutting deeply into the soft flesh of his throat. D`nae pursed her lips, and sighed, knowing it wasn’t likely that he would leave a weapon just lying about waiting for someone like herself to take advantage of it. Every bone in her body was exhausted and the bed was becoming more inviting every time she looked in its direction.

She cleared her throat, covering her mouth to dampen as much of the sound as she could, before it dawned of her that it wouldn’t matter with his special circumstance, being dead at dawn and all. D`nae walked over, cringing as her fingers traced the marks on her throat, all the while intently watching the beast that had put them there. She climbed over his legs at the foot of the bed, contemplating on kneeing him in the privates, but crawled to the far side instead, knowing it wouldn’t be worth it unless he felt the pain. It didn’t take long for her eyelids to become heavy, and within minutes of finding a comfortable spot, she had fallen into a deep sleep.

Sunset was less than an hour away when D`nae fell asleep; it was also right before Alasdair awoke from his daily rest. His skin began to take on a difference in texture, from the cold stone appearance that only the dead wore to a softer hue as the life came back into his body. His hand twitched as his leg slid up, bumping D`nae in the thigh. She rolled over and repositioned herself against him, using his chest as a makeshift pillow. Alasdair’s eyes fluttered then slowly opened, his brows immediately furrowing as he looked down at the pressure on his side. He bowed his chest up, hoping she would roll off, but her arm instinctively went over his waist and she snuggled closer.

The shock of waking to find her in any form other than afraid was spread all over his face. He raised the hand of the arm that she laid on and touched hers lightly, as if he were afraid to wake her. He pushed the hair that was lying across her face behind her ear, running his fingers delicately down her cheek, causing her to move her head slightly toward his hand. He froze in his actions until she again became still, then laid back looking down at her, trying to figure out why he was seeing her so differently than he had just the night before. Was it the way her body draped over his that reminded him of the only love he had ever known, or was it simply something that he had deprived himself of for so very long?

He turned over on his side, taking D`nae under the neck and laid her down on the pillow. He reached down and picked her arm up off of his waist, gently placing it beside her, then curled up facing her, studying every little detail, starting at her face and going down.

“What is it about you that makes me want for the first time in so long, that I dare to try and remember?” he whispered. When she moaned, he, like magic, moved from the top of the bed to standing by the foot. A memorable fear had slapped him across the face, one that he hadn’t felt since the night before his world of revenge began, and she hadn’t done anything more than make a sound. Alasdair was not one to fear for any reason, but there he stood, looking down at the one thing that had changed that by merely rolling over in her sleep.

D`nae stretched out, then just as fast brought her knees back up, gripping the large pillow much like she had Alasdair. He watched the way her body moved from a different angle, giving him a whole new aspect of the desire which was building inside. He found her to be beautiful when his mind was in a calm state, and it was at that very moment that he realized that he would not be able to take her life, in front of the Gilmore that he hated or otherwise. He had been having her trailed for several years, but never on a personal level, where he actually put in his own time. It was only the past few months that he had grown deeper involved into the matter, and the last few days where he had taken her literally, in hopes of finding the one that he now knew existed.

Alasdair’s chest rose and fell to match D`nae’s. His anger at her one and only craved going to her side, yanking her awake, and feeding it’s fill off of her while she screamed for him to stop, yet the man who looked on with eyes of passion wanted to go to her side and lift her into a lover’s embrace, without stilling her mind, and make the love that only a man and woman could make. Alasdair’s thoughts were cut short when a disturbing feeling engulfed his body, spinning him around and out of the room at lightning speed.

He cleared the steps to the upper level without touching one. The heavily secured door was open when he landed, and human men were hustling about in a panic. One of the men noticed him standing in the doorway, and quickly hurried to his side with a mobile screen in his hand.

“They’re coming up from the small riverbed, sir. Looks like there are six, then four more coming in from the main road.”

“The Detective, I presume?”

“Looks like it, but I don’t know how he would’ve found this place. We made sure there was no way to trace us back here,” the man said, nerves bouncing off every word.

“It seems there will be a change in plans. Take all the equipment that you can carry, and take your men down to the tunnel. Stay there until you are very sure it is safe to leave, and then meet me at my safe house in one week.”

“Sir, what about the Detective?” another man asked holding a rifle, wearing a military style uniform.

“Kill him, and that relentless little group. You know what to do if any of you are taken into their custody,” he replied, glaring harshly at the man. “I have my own affairs to take care of.” Then turned and left the room.

Alasdair walked back into the room where he had left D`nae sleeping and went straight to her. He sat down beside her on the bed and startled her awake. She jumped up and slid back against the headboard of the bed.

“I didn’t mean to frighten you. Things have taken a different turn.”
“Are you going to kill me now?”
“No, I’m not going to hurt you, but I’m afraid that I will have to use you to get what I want the most.”

“Among other things,” he replied changing his tone. “I’m going to tell you something, because you will only remember what I wish you to.”

“I won’t help you find him,” she adamantly stated.

“I’m afraid you won’t have a choice,” he said reaching out and touching her ankle, only for her to pull it away. “There is a secret door in the closet that leads down a small hall to another door, which will take you down a tunnel and out of the estate. I want you to follow the line of trees until you see the dried riverbed. Keep going in the direction away from the moon, and you will soon find your way out.”

“Why don’t you just let me walk out?”

“I give you your freedom and you question me, how very unique. You are a hard woman not to care about. I look forward to our next venture,” he lowered his eyes, wanting to say more. “I need something from you, then I must leave.”

“I…I’m sorry?” she stuttered, backing across the bed.

“Stop,” he commanded.

The only thing that moved on her body was the hair that swung uncontrollably back and forth, before it too slowed to a stop. Her eyes were huge and her heart was near bursting, not knowing what that ‘something’ was. She was unable to interpret that eerie soft tone he had used in his last statement, but her thoughts landed on a specific few ideas. He crawled up on the bed in cat-like fashion, his red wavy hair sliding over his enormous shoulders.

“I need your energy this night because I must, but what I want I cannot have because the situation will not allow it… at this time,” he explained, moving toward her on the bed like a wild lion stalking its prey, slow and deliberate. “I want to drink your blood while I ravish your body with mine, and then thrust you into an explosive, hypnotic orgasm that will last all night long.”

“Can I just slip out the tunnel now, and bypass whatever? I mean… oh boy, my heads feels weird. I think I’m gonna…” She passed out mid-sentence, Alasdair catching her and pulling her limp form up to his chest.

He turned her around and leaned her back against his body, then moved the hair away from her neck. He then lowered his head as he lifted hers, lightly kissing her on the mouth before moving to her throat. His lips pulled back, revealing a perfect set of long white fangs before he plunged them into her tender flesh, gaining strength while weakening her. He was also marking her for the third time, controlling her even more, as he imbedded what thoughts he wished for her to know. It was also then that he knew how the Detective had found them. The jewelry D’nae had been wearing when the boys found her was given to her by the Detective that very night. They carried hidden tracking devises within them; it had to be the way, he thought as he broke his hold.

D`nae had no idea how long she had been out but when she came to, she remembered there was a secret way out. She sat up and was about to jump off the bed when a wave of dizziness drove her flat to her back. She put her hands over her face and cursed like she did most of the time, then tried to get up again, only much slower this time and concentrated on keeping her eyes focused in one place. She stood up holding the bedpost and leaned her head on it, closing her eyes, waiting for the spinning that was threatening to make her sit back down to pass. It wasn’t until she reached up to rub the sore part of her neck that she remembered Alasdair crouching on the bed, but she couldn’t remember getting the bite. The only thing she could remember was him telling her something about a way out, unsure if the memory was even true, but if she could just make it to the closet, she’d find out.

The closet was small and empty, aside from a massive amount of cobwebs and dust. She shoved and pushed on the wall, searching for any type of panel that would open, but wasn’t having much luck until she leaned down and accidentally hit the bottom of the side wall with her foot, and sure enough it swung open like a seesaw. Immediately, D`nae turned and ran out of the room, heading straight for Tabitha’s. She pushed opened the door to find her lying on her side, her face covered in blood.

“Tabitha, what happened?” she asked running to the cage door, pulling on it frantically.
“I happened and I’m about to happen to you,” Ramous said walking up behind her.
“Stay the hell away from me,” D`nae yelled, sliding her back up against the cage.
“You killed my brother, bitch, and now I’m gonna get a little payback.”
“Alasdair will kill you and you know it,” she replied.
“Maybe. He flew the coop, haven’t you heard?” he said jumping at her, then stepping back.

D`nae held the scream when he taunted her, doing her best to act like she wasn’t as truly terrified as she felt. She knew that something was going on or she wouldn’t have been told by Alasdair how to escape. Her eyes frantically surveyed the room that she knew good and well was empty other than Tabitha’s cage. She made a brave move, and took off for the door, only getting as far as her throat in Ramous’s hand. “I’m gonna drain you dry, bitch.” D`nae struggled to get free but his grip just tightened. Her face began turning a pale purple as Ramous picked her up by the throat and started walking until her back slammed into the far wall across the room. He grabbed her shoulder with his other hand and pinned her firmly against the stone wall. She tried to kick him between the legs, missing and hitting him in the knee cap. He took the hand off of her throat and doubled up his fist, punching her square in the face.

“This is my sweet revenge,” he said pulling her head to the side. “Alasdair could only wish to settle his matters so quickly.”

“No…” D`nae whispered as she opened her eyes.

Ramous now looked like the beast that she remembered from that night so long ago; lips pulled back in an animalistic sneer, showing the weapons that he meant to kill her with, just like he had Danny. His eyes bulged out as he started to make his strike, and at the very same moment, two huge fur covered jaws came around both sides of his neck, filled with razor sharp teeth. With one snap of those mighty jaws, blood covered D`nae’s face as Ramous lost his head. Tabitha stood in her seven foot massive form as she watched Ramous’s headless body crash to the ground, with D`nae in tow. The wolf Tabitha began to avert her eyes as if afraid to look at the woman who had come to save her, even though it was she that just done the saving. D`nae held her throat, looking from the body that now lay crumpled around her legs, back up the length of the beast in front of her.

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