Dark Isle (Celtic Legacy Book 2) (23 page)

BOOK: Dark Isle (Celtic Legacy Book 2)
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Bres’ hands cupped my face. “She isn’t dead, Quinn.”

My mind spun, “What?”

“She isn’t dead,” Lir said
, repeating Bres’ words
“Though, perhaps that would have been better.”

I jerked out of his arms, reminded of the first time I’d met Luke. He’d said much the same thing
as Ashling had been dragged under the waves by the
Fomorii. That it was better that
, that she died then rather than face what was to come

“How can you say that? If she’s alive then we have a chance to help her
” Nothing made sense though. What did Bres mean by saying that he had failed her, that he hadn’t protected her
if she was still alive

With Bres on one side
and Lir on the other, Bres finally spoke
. T
hey were right, perhaps it would have been better if Ashling had been killed.

“Ta evil that Card and Balor brought forward needed a body to live. To use.
Balor thought that by setting
, that
would reward him
and keep Ashling safe. They convinced me that was the case, that you would kill her no matter what happened because it was fate,
. I believed them. It was easier than fighting them. I thought I could keep Ash safe

keep her away from you. But . . .” he swallowed hard

Card found ta box, and Balor opened it,
took Ashling’s body for
own. It don’t be Ashling inside any
her body and mind now.

His rambling stunned me
he’d always been so composed. I turned to take in Lir’s expression. “Is it true?”

Bres stiffened behind me, but I didn’t care. He’d turned on me, when I’d thought that at the least he’d been my friend, if not something more.
Now the tables had
and I no longer trusted him.

Lir’s expression didn’t change but I could see that he didn’t dispute what Bres had said. Oh, how I wanted him to. I wanted the denials to come flying out of his lips, to tell me that Bres was a liar, that Ashling would be fine
and this was just another game that Balor was playing. But it was not to be. Instead, Lir said what I already knew in my heart.

“Ashling is, in a sense, no more. Your sister is gone, this time for good.


in the fall of

The thrilling, heart pounding and shocking conclusion to the Celtic Legacy Series




While you wait for the final installment of the Celtic Legacy Series, check out “Ingredients of a Cauldron” an anthology of short stories and excerpts of Shannon Mayer’s soon to be released books!



To purchase or check out “Ingredients of a Cauldron”, click on




Sometimes writing a book just doesn’t work the way you think it will. Dark Isle would now have been possible without the honesty (yes, the truth does hurt sometimes) of my editor Jessica Klassen, copy editor Melissa Breau and support of not only my family and friends, but also my dedicated readers.

Much love and thanks go to my husband Terry, my writers group WIP, and all those who have cheered for me along the way.
Here’s to many more years of writing, cheering and perhaps even a few smacks up the backs
ide of my head to keep me in line



Dark Isle

Celtic Legacy Book I

Shannon Mayer


Copyright © 2011 Shannon Mayer


Electronic Edition


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To know more about Shannon Mayer, please visit her blog
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Cover Art: Patricia Schmitt


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