Dark Citadel (13 page)

Read Dark Citadel Online

Authors: Cherise Sinclair

Tags: #Romance, #Adult, #Contemporary, #BDSM Erotic Contemporary

BOOK: Dark Citadel
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Oh my God. Come back? This was so much more intense than just that first lesson.

And seeing the equipment in use… Just look at what might be done to her. “Uh—”

His eyebrows drew together. “The answer is, ‘yes, Sir.’”

“Yes, Sir.” He wanted her to come back. More. Oh God.

“I think we both deserve a drink, don’t you?” he murmured and pulled her to the bar.

“Daniel, how’re things at the station?” A white-haired man, his hands knotty with arthritis, nodded at Sir. “Did I hear Bonner is retiring?”

“End of next year, he says.” Sir shook the old man’s hand with obvious care.

“Master Gerald, this is Kari, here for the newbie classes.”

Masters of the Shadowlands: Dark Citadel


“Pleased to meet you, Kari.” Gerald wrapped an arm around the tiny woman standing next to him. “This is my wife, Martha.”

Probably in her seventies, Martha wore a collar and cuffs that matched her bright pink bustier. Her long black skirt had pink studs along the waist and hem. She nodded at Kari, her aged eyes dancing with humor. “Master?”

“Go ahead,” the old man said.

“Welcome to the club, Kari. We enjoy seeing young faces.”

Was she allowed to talk? Kari glanced up at Sir, received a nod. “Thank you. I’m pleased to meet you.”

“Kari, you’re still here!”

Kari turned to see Jessica break away from a group of people. “May I borrow your sub for a moment, Master Dan?” she asked, taking Kari’s hand.

Sir frowned, pointed to a spot about ten feet away. “Go no farther than that.”

Jessica dragged her over to the spot. “How on earth did you end up with Master Dan again? I heard what happened Monday when you left.”

Gossip. Like cockroaches, it survived in any climate and apparently any kink. Kari grinned. “He decided he wanted another night. Go figure.”

Jessica pulled at her lip and watched Sir talk to the old man for a moment before turning her gaze back to Kari. “Well, that’s interesting. Are you doing all right?”

Kari sucked in a breath. “It’s so different. I like it and I don’t want to like it, and I feel like I’m going straight to hell, you know?”

Jessica laughed. “I doubt we’ll get a chance to chat tonight. Your last class is Saturday, right? Why don’t you come early, and we’ll have time to talk.”

“I’d like that very much.”

“See you then.” Jessica grinned and darted away, heading for the front of the room.

As Kari rejoined Sir, Cullen walked over, his grin breaking the hardness of his face. “How’s your sub, Dan?”

Master Dan stroked his hand down her cheek, his approval of her so obvious that she unconsciously leaned into his hand. Both men smiled. “How do you think?”

Master Cullen studied her, his eyes lingering on her mouth, and she realized her lips were swollen from Master Dan’s kisses, from sucking on his… She flushed hot.

“She looks nicely used.” He set two drinks on the bar top, and Master Dan handed her one.

She sipped. Rum and Diet Coke.

“Master Cullen never forgets a drink.” Sir’s finger traced over her wet lips. When she closed her lips around his finger and sucked, he chuckled, though his eyes heated.

“He rarely forgets a sub’s reaction or needs; he’s very popular.” He tapped her drink.

“Enjoy it while you can.”

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That sounded ominous, and she edged away from him as she sipped. The strong drink gave her a slight buzz. No supper. Oops.

When she’d finished about half, Master Dan smiled at her and pulled her a little closer. She realized his eyes weren’t smiling… No, he had that look in his eyes, the one that made her quiver inside. “I have decided your lessons are not over for the night.”

She froze, then remembered to swallow.

“Your body is mine for tonight. Is that what we agreed, little sub?” He waited.


“Yes, M-Master.”

“I use your body as I please.” He waited for her nod, then leaned forward and whispered, “And give it where I please.”

Her eyes widened, but he already had her hands in his. “One of the reasons that subs wear cuffs in here is this—” He hooked the cuffs together, then pulled a chain down from the low rafter over the bar area. Lifting her arms up, he hooked the cuffs to the chain. And stepped back.

Her arms were fastened straight over her head. She yanked, couldn’t move. Her breath came fast, and her heart pounded. “Master?”

“Oh, very good.” He smiled, nuzzled her face, his jaw abrasive with a day’s whiskers.

“I don’t—”

“Kari, a few minutes ago, you showed me that being looked at by strangers is arousing to you. Even being touched…” He tugged on the strings holding her halter top up.

The top dropped, leaving her naked above the waist. In a roomful of people.

Many—heck, most—of whom were men. Cool air wafted across her breasts, and she shivered.

She shook her head. “Master Dan. No. Please, no,” she whispered frantically. She pulled again at the chain.

“You’ll only hurt your wrists,” Master Dan murmured and bit her chin, the little nip almost painful. “If you damage those pretty wrists, I’ll punish you.” His hand reached under her skirt, right in front of everyone, and rubbed her naked bottom as a reminder. “I think you should stop pulling.”

She stopped, hoping he’d take his hand away, but he continued to play with her butt, sliding his finger into the crack, squeezing her sore cheeks. At his teasing touches, pain, then pleasure surged through her.

Her nipples tightened, attracting his attention. He moved his hands up to fondle them, pulling gently, pinching until the nipples stood erect. Embarrassment vied with growing arousal within her.

Masters of the Shadowlands: Dark Citadel


“There. I think you’re ready for visitors, don’t you?” He turned her so she faced the room rather than the bar. Her legs shook, and the chains chimed softly over her head. He exchanged a look with the bartender.

“I do enjoy that sound,” the bartender commented. “She has gorgeous breasts; you must be pleased.”

Master Dan nodded. “I am. She’s incredibly responsive.” He rubbed his knuckles over one breast, and it tightened again to a hard, almost painful nub.

As Kari felt heat rush into her face, Master Cullen laughed. “A beautiful reaction.

Love the way she turns red.”

After kissing the top of her head, Master Dan moved a couple of feet away to sit on a bar stool, leaving her standing by herself. When he turned his head to talk with a friend, she tried to shift around to face the bar.

“Stay where I put you, little sub.”

She did. Even when a man walked right up to her. He wore black leathers with gold trim like Sir’s—another dungeon monitor. He glanced at Master Dan.

“Good to see you, Sam.” Sir nodded at him. “She’s one of the beginners.”

Despite his silvery gray hair, the man had muscles like a young man. He looked at her and his eyes were pale blue in a stern, leathery face. “I couldn’t help but admire your tits. What’s your name, girl?”

If she didn’t look at him, didn’t answer, maybe he’d go away. Instead he caught her chin just like Master Dan and leaned down. His eyes were piercing. Unforgiving.

“Subs answer questions put to them. What is your name?”

“Kari. Sir,” she whispered.

Without releasing her chin, he stroked one hand over a breast, squeezing it, pulling on the nipple hard enough that she had to catch her breath. She didn’t know him at all, and he was playing with her. He could do anything to her right now, and he knew it. The thought was horrifying.
. She felt herself moisten down below and pressed her thighs together.
Oh God

He’d watched her face as he touched her, and now he smiled. “There’s a good girl.” Running a finger down her cheek, he walked away, leaving her confused.

Master Dan studied her, and his hard lips curved in a faint smile. His gaze softened, but when she looked at him in appeal, he shook his head. “Not yet, Kari.”

He turned back to his conversation. She closed her eyes, felt the trickle of her own arousal down her leg. This was so… She couldn’t…

A hand grabbed her breast, and she gasped and opened her eyes. A man her age dressed in a black suit, the cruel-eyed beginner. His fingers twisted her breast.

Biting back a cry, Kari tried to pull back.

She heard a low growl, and Sir ripped the man away from her.

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Hands fisted in the man’s suit, Master Dan held him up in the air as if he were a child. Sir’s face was furious. Terrifying. “Did you ask permission to touch my sub?”

Not waiting for an answer, he shook the man. Hard. The man’s head bobbled as he gasped, “Sorry, sorry. I—”

With a snarl of disgust, Master Dan dropped him onto the floor. A DM ran up, and Sir scowled at him.

“Sorry, Dan. He got away from me while I dealt with another newbie.” Grabbing the suited man by the scruff of his neck, the DM pulled him away. Quickly.

Kari didn’t blame him. When Master Dan turned to her, she cringed at the look in his eyes, the threat in his pose.

He stopped. Taking a deep breath, he visibly relaxed his muscles. She could see the violence flow out of him. Suddenly he was back to the Master Dan she knew—well, didn’t know—but at least he didn’t look like he’d tear people apart anymore.

Very gently, he unhooked her from the chain and wrapped his arms around her.

She nestled there, feeling small, scared.
. He simply held her, not moving, just letting her quiver in his arms.

When she stopped shaking, he ran his hands up and down her back. “I’m sorry, sweetie. Some beginners don’t remember the rule that no one touches a sub without their Dom’s permission.”

He cupped her face, his gaze intent. “I should have been more careful with you.

Can you forgive me?”

The man took her breath away. Did he know how rare it was to hear an honest admission of fault and apology? “I forgive you, Master.”

He gave her a warm smile, but his eyes still held remorse. He felt horrible about what had happened, and that just seemed wrong. He’d grabbed the man within a second. He shouldn’t feel so bad.

She put her hand on his and wrinkled her nose at him. “But I forgive only if I get a kiss to make it all better, Sir.”

The remorse lifted from his eyes like fog from a mountain. Mischief took its place, and he grinned.

She gave him a wary glance. He had an appalling habit of ignoring respectable behavior.

His hand traced across her breast. “He touched you here, I think.” He bent to kiss the spot. His lips feathered against her skin. “And here.” He lifted the other breast for his lips to nuzzle.

Her nipples tightened into hard points as she started the slow glide back into need.

He touched her lower, cupping her mound. “I’m beginning to regret he didn’t lay a hand elsewhere.”

Masters of the Shadowlands: Dark Citadel


Right there in front of everyone, he had his hands on her…her private parts. But even as she flushed and scowled at him, her pelvis tilted into his hand.

His brows lowered, his mouth flattened. “Did you just frown at me?”

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Chapter Eleven

She froze.
Oh no no no

He waited, tilted his head.

“Yes, Master. I’m sorry, Master. Very sorry, Master.”

Amusement glittered in his eyes, even though his face remained stern. “Well, now, I can’t have a sub giving me frowns. My reputation will be ruined.” His hands closed around her wrists, and a second later, he’d hooked her cuffs to the overhead chains. Again.

She barely kept the scowl from reappearing on her face, and he could tell. The jerk.

He chuckled, then hauled her into his arms long enough to take her lips so thoroughly she sagged from the chains when he released her. “Ah, now that’s better.”

He resumed his seat, but he didn’t take his eyes off her this time. No one was going to sneak up again without him noticing. And somehow, that just wasn’t helping her feel much better. People stared at her, much like she’d looked at the woman on the cross. The men’s eyes ranged down her body, lingering on her breasts.

She tried to keep her attention on Sir, watching as he talked quietly with the club members and other DMs. He discussed sports with one, advised another on disciplining a sub, argued politics. Everyone liked him, obviously, although he certainly wasn’t as gregarious as Cullen or Raoul.

No one came over until… Her eyes widened.

The owner of the Shadowlands, Master Z, approached, strolling through the crowd like a lion walking through a forest of prey. Shoot,
the dungeon monitors moved like that, had that aura of power and self-confidence. And Master Z was coming here.

Her breath hitched. She was all but naked.

Masters of the Shadowlands: Dark Citadel


He stopped beside Master Dan. “You didn’t break him into pieces, Daniel. I appreciate your restraint.”

“Came close.” Master Dan’s frown was intense. “My fault. I should have been more aware.”

“Indeed. A lesson for all concerned.” Master Z’s gaze turned to Kari, and she felt a flush sweep all the way from her breasts to her face. He glanced at Master Dan.

Sir not only nodded, he actually grinned.

Master Z moved close enough she could feel his warmth, see the pleasure in his silvery eyes when he looked at her. “You are as lovely as I had thought, Kari.” His smile made her feel warm, welcome.

“And I see you have found favor with our Master Dan.” He stroked a hand down her cheek. “He didn’t know it, but he has been looking for a gentle heart, a caring spirit, one who needed his control to discover the full depth of her passion. You are well suited.”

Her head spun as she tried to comprehend his words, but when he rubbed his knuckles over each breast in turn, studied the way they hardened, he derailed her thoughts completely. “You’ll be the envy of the Doms, Dan,” he said. With another smile for her, he strolled back into the crowd.

“Bloody matchmaker,” the bartender said with a grin, refilling Master Dan’s glass from a bottle of spring water.

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