Dark (Beautiful Ashes #1) (9 page)

BOOK: Dark (Beautiful Ashes #1)
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She looked at her husband with so much adoration Lacey thought she might burst. “I love you more than words can say.”

He leaned over her so she fell backwards on the bed. “I’ve told you before, I’m so fucking in love with you. And I’ll spend the rest of my life proving it to you.”

He took her mouth with fiery passion, ending their conversation.






Tar knew Keeley was agitated. Just how much so was revealed when she was pushing herself beyond exhaustion in E’s home gym. The very one he used to assist his friend with physical therapy before his wedding. Yes, those were some trying times, but E was proof that when one locked in their determination, there wasn’t anything they couldn’t do. He’d beat the odds, won back his life and his body. No wonder the man was softer and more compassionate than he once was. Near death experiences and fighting to get back what you lost tended to do that to man. Tar understood all too well, coming back from his own injuries that could’ve ended his career. He watched her tiny body be pushed and pushed, wondering just how much more she could endure. She suddenly slipped and busted her ass. He ran over to her and what he saw in the depths of her eyes told him everything he feared. Her craving for pain was growing stronger. She didn’t particularly care how she received it, either.

“Hey, Tigress. We need to find you an outlet that won’t kill you,” he half teased.

She leveled her gaze on his. “A bruise on my butt can’t do that.”

“True. But something tells me, the more you get the more you want.” He angled his head at her, daring the rebuttal.

She scoffed out the denial, “As if.”

Tar squatted next to her, handing over a towel. “Don’t lie to yourself, Viper.”

She glanced down and away. A tell he noticed before. Good. She wasn’t completely at ease with deceit. Still, he worried she was hairsbreadth from not giving a damn. How did one keep an addict from taking that final step into a darkness they might not ever recover from? “I know I like it,” her voice barely a whisper, “need it.”

His hand went to hers, squeezing, as he blew out, “That’s the first step.”

“My tolerance for it is gaining daily. You do realize that?”

“Yup. Got the memo.”

She smirked. “Really? Did it tell you I’m a lost cause?”

“Nope. Never said such lies.”

Her gaze met his. “It’s the truth. Sooner you realize that, the better for you.”

He snatched her chin in his large hand and drew her to him. Breathing across her lips, “Sooner you realize you can’t scare me away, it’ll be better for you.” He held his mouth right against hers and let the anticipation build, controlling her urge to take what he purposely withheld. She whimpered, “Please.”

He moved his lips up her cheek to her ear. “There are other forms of pain. Let me show you.” Tar bit down on her earlobe, hard. Her gasp helped him gauge how far he should go. He trekked along the column of her neck, biting along the tender artery.

Keeley was lost to the exquisite torture. “More,” she demanded.

He stopped abruptly and stood. “Take off your fucking clothes.” She tore at her sports bra. “Stop! Do it slowly.” He pushed a button on the wall; “Supermassive Black Hole” filled the room. Keeley did
disappoint. Her beautiful body moving in time to the music as she teasingly stripped for him.
Holy fuck
. He gave himself a mental shake, a reminder he was the one controlling this. The room was dimly lit as he grabbed resistance bands and approached her.

Keeley noticed his gait altered, along with the fiery look in his eyes. He snapped the bands like one would crack a belt. She was convinced the warm fluid that sound produced was dripping down her leg. He leaned down, “Bend over that bench.”

Oh, hell yes! She fought the urge to hurry, making sure she gave an extra wiggle as her ass raised in the air. “Spank me hard,” she moaned as his hand caressed each cheek.

His chuckle was dark as he ran his fingers down to her ankle and secured it to the leg of the weight bench. He did the same to the other and gave a firm swat between her legs. The wet sound that greeted his ears almost undid him. “So fucking ready.”

He moved to restrain her wrists with the other band, tweaking her nipples that met his heated gaze when he rose. She was breathtaking spread out for him. Unable to hold back, he wrapped her hair in his hand and yanked. Her mouth popped open on an, “Oh God, yes.”

His lips met hers, punishing with his tongue as he devoured. Tar released his grip, moved behind Keeley and slid down her back, nipping and sucking until his lips were now on her lower ones. “Tell me you want this, Keeley,” he growled the command, inhaling the scent that was only hers.

She attempted to place her lady parts right on his mouth, but failed. He popped and bit the tender spot below her butt cheek. “Do it again,” she demanded.

Instead, she was rewarded with a broad stroke from his tongue, ass to clit. His, “Mmm,” sent tremors. “You like this,” he repeated the long lick, “a lot,” growling as he inserted his thumb in her sex.

She gasped from the invasion, and he took the opportunity to place his forefinger in her puckered hole. “Oh hell,” she groaned as he began to move in and out of her body with his fingers.

He worked her as his teeth scraped along her clit. Tar locked his arm around Keeley’s waist so she couldn’t control her movements. “Don’t you fucking come until I say.” His other fingers bit into her flesh where he was holding her fast. His own control hung dangerously over the precipice. He took Keeley higher and higher then paused long enough to work his pants off.

She growled her frustration, earning another hard smack to her already sensitive pleasure spot. “One more time,” she hissed, trying her damnedest to hold back the orgasm, “and I’ll come.”

Tar went back to fingering her rosebud and running his tongue all around Keeley’s hot button. Her attempts to writhe on his face weren’t possible when his iron grip latched onto her hip. She was frenzied by the time he commanded, “Come,” before he bit her swollen clit. She was riding the waves as he released her from his mouth, sliding up between Keeley and the bench to her tits before latching on without mercy, while his dick did the same to her pussy. She screamed out his name as he took them both over. The soaring feeling consumed him like none he’d ever experienced. His breathing harsh, he pulled her hair and possessed her mouth with his, swallowing her cries of pleasure and staking his claim as his cock went for another round. They were covered in sweat and panting heavily after another earth shattering orgasm. He nipped at her lips, “Mine. Say it,” he demanded.

There was no denial left in Keeley as she realized the truth. “I’m yours,” she rasped, fighting the sobs, for she knew she’d just sealed their fate. She destroyed anything good in her life. As if something inside refused to let her be happy. But, right now, this moment she wanted to cherish and shoved that monster into his cage with brute force.

Tar sensed her inner turmoil. “I won’t let anyone hurt you. Including yourself,” he vowed before ravaging her tongue with his. Silently he begged her,
Let me show you, Keeley, how much I love you


Their shower was easily leading up to another sexathon until E walked in. “Fuck a duck,” he howled, shutting the door. Tar busted a gut. E was on the other side laughing just as hard. Keeley couldn’t follow why both men were in stitches. Then, it clicked. “Oh, my God,” she cried out as tears of laughter ran down her cheeks.

Tar planted a quick kiss on her lips before stepping out of the shower. A towel around his waist, he stepped out of the bathroom still chuckling. “I’m not into bestiality,” he mocked.

“Fuck. Stop.” E held up his hand. “My sides fucking hurt.”

That brought on another wave of hysterics. Keeley stepped out, hair still wet, and cocked her hip to one side. “You two have lost your minds.”

“Maybe so, Tigress, but it was hella funny,” Tar cackled into her ear.

E’s sparkling silver gaze met hers. “I never meant to imply you’re a duck.”

She fought the urge to giggle, attempting to look offended. “But you never apologized for the fucking assumption.”

His brows rose to his hairline before he called her bluff. “We all know you were about to fuck.” His grin turned wicked. “I can leave so you two could go at it.”

Keeley smacked her brother-in-law across his bicep. “You’re such a shit!”

“Yes ma’am, I am.” There was no sense of remorse about that in his playful voice.

She pretended to be indignant and, “hmphed,” before sticking her chin in the air and flouncing out of the gym.

Tar shook his head, chuckling. “Phew! She’s a piece of work.”

“She sure is.” E lightly jabbed him in the abs. “And all yours, my man.”

“Hell yeah, she is.” He couldn’t contain his happiness over that either.




Keeley was still giggling when she found Lacey in the kitchen. “Domestic goddess time?”

Lacey spun around, surprised at the lilt in her sister’s voice. “It’s just a small snack for everyone.” She held Keeley’s gaze noticing the twinkle there. “Ohhhhhh, start talking!” Lacey grabbed her sister’s hand, dragging her to the dining room where they sat facing one another.

“Well, he has a huge dick.”

“Keeley Ann!” Lacey gasped in mock-horror. She knew Tar would carry an impressive package considering his height and build. Duh!

“Whoa! You sound just like mom,” Keeley teased.

“Shut the fuck up and tell me what changed from last night.”

“How can I tell you if I’m to ‘shut the fuck up’?”

That earned her a face full of water. “You
deserved that,” Lacey responded, chortling.

“Bitch,” Keeley said without heat, wiping her face. Once dried off, she proceeded, “I’m in love.”

“You’re just now figuring that out?” Lacey’s brow was quirked in a way that said,
Girl, where the hell have ya been

“Okay, so I’m slow on the uptake. Sue me!” shaking her head, “Actually, I’ve known for a while but…”

“Lived in denial,” Lacey finished for her.

“Yup. Stupid of me, right?”

Lacey paused, leveling her gaze on the sister she loved so much. “Protective, not stupid.”

Keeley reached over and embraced her hard. “You’ve always been this way.”

“What way?”

“Positive and encouraging. My opposite in more ways than one.”

“I don’t know about opposites. I mean, we both love fiercely and protect those we care for.”

“That we do,” Keeley confirmed as her cell phone beeped with a text. Leith. Oh shit! She attempted to ignore it as her sister popped up out of her chair. “Let me go check on the muffins I have in the oven.”

Well, that was convenient. She quickly read the message and covered her mouth so no one overheard the gasp.

She replied: Why are you here?

Leith: Assignment moved.

Keeley: Which one?

Leith: New one. I’ll meet you at the wharf around 7.

Keeley: OK

Her stomach began to churn. Damn. How would she break away from everyone?

Lacey hollered, “Everything alright?”

“Yep. Couldn’t be better,” she lied, moving toward the kitchen to help.





Leith was committing the ultimate crime, in his opinion, betraying a friend, lying to a man he respected—subterfuge at its best. For what? Yes, he was under orders, but they all knew that was a copout. If he really wanted to put a stop to dragging Keeley into it and at the same time avoid deceiving Tar, he could. The voice inside his head began to protest:
This is the biggest case of the century. You’re going to let some woman screw it up for you. Respect for some man who left the damn team? Now that’s foolish.

To add insult to injury, another could be heard. “Keeley needs the pain. You’re helping a friend while cracking a huge case. Win-win. Tar will forgive you. And if he doesn’t, so be it. Besides, Keeley is attracted to you. Let the best man win her heart.” The demon sneered, talking about love gave him hives, literally. What a pointless emotion. Humans were so drawn to it, making them easy targets. He quietly backed away, watching as his suggestions took root. Ah yes, he’d found another to do his bidding. Lust. Leith would serve his purpose well. His goal, after all, was Keeley Kincaid, and he
be the victor.




Keeley couldn’t believe her luck, as if something else was at work opening all the doors for her. A chill ran up her spine, foreboding and eerie. What the hell was she doing? She acknowledged she should turn around and go back to Tar. He and E were working with Mitch on the other assignment she would be a part of in some way. At least with them, she would be guarded and protected. She gave a mental nod to herself, definitely what she needed to do. Turning around to go back the way she came from, Keeley bumped into a well-dressed woman. “Oh, my God. I’m so sorry.” She held out her hand to help the lady and stopped. Keeley took a step back, frightened for some reason. Her mind raced to place that face, and then it hit. Recognition. This was the mystery woman from Lacey and E’s wedding reception. She’d given Keeley the full on heebie-jeebies then too. Something about her flashed: Beware. Evil. Run. And that was exactly what Keeley did.

She knew that woman was dangerous, wanted to harm her somehow. Instinct taking over,
was her only thought as she darted into the street. A strong arm caught her, yanking hard. She fell on top of the person who just saved her life from an oncoming cable car. “Leith.”

“Damn, Keeley. You almost got yourself killed.”

Would’ve been better for everyone, especially Tar. “I wasn’t paying attention,” she rasped.

“Yeah, I see that.” Their gazes locked and, for just a moment, Leith wondered what the beauty on top of him would do.

“Oh my! Are you okay, honey?” The woman’s voice even triggered chills in Keeley as she glanced up.

“Fine,” she answered curtly, bringing a leveled gaze to hers.

Leith whispered, “Bit rude, aren’t you?” as he moved to stand up, assisting her.

She shot him a nasty look, but said nothing.

He studied her until the woman inquired, “I guess this is her?”

“Yes, ma’am.” He held out his hand and shook hers before turning to Keeley. “This is Ms. Jones, our way into to the underground club.” His voice was level, making sure she understood this lady was part of their cover.

Hell no! Keeley really looked at the woman, remembering what had unnerved her at the reception. Bingo! She reminded her of Viviane. But that didn’t quite connect. This woman was platinum blonde, Viv was a dark brunette. She had hazel eyes; Viv’s were a deep brown almost black. They both had an olive skin tone and stood about the same height, five-foot-three Keeley guessed. Viv had large breasts, Ms. Jones had small ones. Her nose was pert and her lips pouty. Viv had a strong nose, almost too big for her face, and slim lips. Bottom line, they looked nothing alike, yet Keeley had a gut feeling she could not suppress. She realized her blatant mental checklist when Leith coughed to get her attention. “I see,” was all she managed to respond with.

He shot her a wary sidelong glance and waved Ms. Jones to begin walking. A limo was waiting for them as they rounded the corner. Keeley wanted to back away. Something told her once she got into that car, her life would change forever. Not in a good way. Her foot slid backwards but Leith put his hand on the small of her back. “You’re fine. I’m right here,” he declared and nudged her forward.

Her subconscious was screaming,
She never got the chance to run. Leith blocked her, though she wasn’t convinced he meant her any harm. He was doing his job. An assignment she voluntarily agreed to without telling Tar or Mitch. She couldn’t very well explain what had her skittish, an accomplice to murder wasn’t exactly smiled upon. And without proof of Viviane’s identity, odds were she’d take the fall if she went to the authorities. Yep, that was out. She slid into the limousine praying for help to come before it was too late.




Nik sat in on the meeting in E’s office at one of his night clubs. This particular one also served as an elite BDSM club, the finest in the city, catering to its members. Mitch was there explaining who they were watching and needed intel on. Even was in full compliance. He offered the community a safe place to share their interests but never to anyone who was there against their will. Plus, he had zero tolerance for abuse, if he learned someone was crossing that line, he kicked them out and revoked their membership—banned forever. Too many used the lifestyle as a way to force their will on others. A Dominant should earn trust and cherish the gift given once received. E practiced what he believed wholeheartedly with his beloved wife and did not tolerate anything less from his patrons. Ever. E’s gaze told Nik he was disturbed by the information given to them.

“We’d like to use Keeley as a submissive looking for a new Dom,” Mitch updated. “Braxton is known for his sadism but, to our knowledge, has never had sex with any of his subs.”

“Is that normal?” Nik inquired.

E answered, “Nothing is normal in the lifestyle. It’s what works for each couple.”

“Okay, I feel ya. But why no sex?”

“Some prefer to keep sex out of it entirely.” E shrugged. “They get off on the power given to them, the pain, and how far they can push a sub beyond their limits. That’s the goal.”

“Yes,” Mitch intervened, “Braxton doesn’t have sex with willing subs, at least that’s what we’re investigating.”

“Mother fuck,” Nik blurted out.

Tar nodded emphatically. “From the reports, sick bastard likes his fuck buddies young. That’s why Keeley is perfect. She still looks a good five years younger than she is, plus she desires his other proclivity.”

“Gotcha,” Nik replied. “She can bring his two pastimes together.”

“Yup. But it’s dangerous,” Tar cautioned as he shot a warning glance to Mitch. “If we lose track of her, he could take her. And if she’s discovered as a mole, he would kill her.”

E whistled out, “Fucking A.”

Every man in the room was aware of what they were asking Keeley to do. She could be the catalyst that brought down one of the most influential and powerful sex slave trade cartels in the world. But could she do it? Was she able to deceive the wealthy business man? And how could they trust she wouldn’t voluntarily take what he offered? Tar especially worried if this was how he’d lose the woman he loved—forever.


BOOK: Dark (Beautiful Ashes #1)
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