Dark Attraction: The Corde Noire Series (18 page)

BOOK: Dark Attraction: The Corde Noire Series
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Sam was infuriated. “Why are you telling me this? You’re the one who pushed me to be with him.”

“Because you’re falling for him, Sam. I can hear it in your voice. I’m so afraid you will invest your heart in the relationship, and he will give you nothing in return.”

Sam wanted to defend Sebastian, but didn’t see the point in arguing further with Piper. “I have to go,” Sam told her, wanting to end the call. “The driver is waiting at my front door.”

“Sam, please think about this.” 

“I’ve made up my mind, Piper.”

“At least call me sometime. Let me know you’re all right. If not, I’ll march right over to Sebastian Dane’s office and punch the son of a bitch out for you.”

Sam stood from her bed. “I’ll call you when I get settled. I’m sure I will be bored when he’s at work.”

Sam hung up the phone and grabbed her duffel bag. She was about to head out of the bedroom when that subtle chill returned. The spirit of the woman was back, more insistent than before. Sam debated if she should stop and communicate with the ghost to see what she wanted.

An image of Sebastian wafted into her mind. Shaking her head, Sam rushed through the door.

“I’ve wasted enough time with the dead. It’s time to start living.”

*     *     *

The driver—a short, blond guy named Eric, with a weird smile and a lot of freckles—took Sam’s duffel bag and waited as she hurriedly locked her front door. 

“You got everything, Ms. Woods?”

She tugged her backpack and purse over her shoulder. “Yep, that’s all I need.”

Marching to the elevator at a brisk pace, the scrawny young man in the all black suit reminded Sam of a few of the residents she had worked with at the hospital: energetic, ambitious, and always in a hurry.

“Do you drive a lot for Mr. Dane?”

“I’ve been with him for over a year now, but I only drive Mr. Dane to social functions or events.”

“Does he go to a lot of those?”

The elevator doors opened, and Eric held them for her. “Not as many as you’d expect.”

“Does he not like going to parties?”

Eric shrugged as he entered the elevator, clutching her duffel bag. “You’ll have to ask Mr. Dane that question. He never tells me much.”

Outside The Shallows, Eric held open the back door of a black Mercedes SL Coupe for Sam. After easing into the soft leather seat, Eric pointed to a white envelope and black iPhone next to her.

“Mr. Dane instructed me to give you those on the ride back to his building. He said you were to read the letter on the way. The phone is for you.”

Once they were on the road. Sam tore the white envelope open. Inside, she found only a strip of paper with a phone number on it. Figuring it was some sort of Dom game, she dialed the number on her new iPhone.

“Are you on your way?” Sebastian’s smoky voice came over the phone.

“I’m in the car.”  

“This phone is yours. You’re to use it to call and text me and only me. No friends or family calls. I want you to keep it with you every minute you’re away from me. If I should want you, I need to have a way to reach you instantly.”

“Okay.” Sam tried not to laugh. This was feeling more like a scene from some spy novel than a heated romance.

“Do you have a pen?” he went on.

“Hold on.” She reached for her backpack by her feet. It took a bit of digging, but she pulled out a black pen. “Got one.”

“Write this down. 79347622. Do you have it?’

“Yep.” She looked the number over. “What is it?”

“Your access code for my penthouse elevator. When you arrive at the building, Eric will drive you to the building entrance. There will be a security guard at a station, just inside the door. He will take you to my private elevator. Punch in the code on the keypad. You can use the same number to enter my penthouse.”

“Where will you be?”

“I’m about to go into a meeting. I will be with you when I’m done. In the meantime, I want you to go inside and wait for me to come home. Stay in the living room. You can make yourself something to eat in the kitchen, but don’t go upstairs or out on the patio.”

She wrinkled her brow. “Why can’t I go upstairs or out on the patio?”

“Because I said so.”       

She giggled. “Yes, Sir.”

“Good girl. Wait for me.”

He hung up without another word.

Sam stared at the phone, wondering if it was always going to be like this. The nagging voice that sounded so much like her father sparked to life, and it was laughing at her.

You are in it now.

*     *     *

After entering the code on the keypad next to his front door, Sam found herself alone in his stunning penthouse. Putting her duffel bag and backpack down on the dark hardwood floor next to his white sofas, she went to his kitchen and set her purse on the island’s white-granite countertop.

Taking in the kitchen, Sam was reminded more of a hotel than a home. The place had a sterile, almost empty atmosphere, as if no one lived there, but simply passed through. Opening the refrigerator, she perused the contents. Everything was healthy, from the vegetables set on an upper shelf to the seasonal fruits arranged on the second shelf. The milk was organic, the orange juice freshly squeezed, and there were clear plastic cartons labeled with the names of local restaurants.

Sam pried off the lid on a container labeled Arnaud’s. She smelled the delectable aroma of Shrimp Arnaud, a classic New Orleans dish.

Shaking her head, she replaced the container and opted for a pear. Munching on the chilly fruit, she gazed around the kitchen and inspected a few of the cabinets.

The dishes were white with a silver edge, plain, pretty, but nothing fancy. The cutlery was silver and also plain. There were a few machines for juicing, chopping, and one for making ice cream in the lower cabinets.

Still enjoying her pear, Sam made her way from the kitchen. She ran her fingers along the dark wood of the dining room table, and that was when she noticed the chill. The apartment was cold, colder than she was used to.

She closed her eyes and reached out with her mind to see if the chill had an unearthly presence associated with it. But no voice called back to her, no image of the older man she had first seen in the penthouse came to her.

“Maybe he just likes to keep it cold.”

Sam went to the far wall hoping to find a thermostat and came face-to-face with the portraits of the buxom brunette in handcuffs. She was pretty, her body gorgeous, but short of the shock value of the artwork, Sam didn’t understand what Sebastian admired about the pieces.

“Must be a Dom thing.”

After browsing a few more spots, she found no sign of the thermostat. She noticed the recessed flight of dark steps to the side of the entrance hall, and debated about searching the second floor, but Sebastian’s warning resounded in her head. Wandering around, she considered how much longer she would have to wait in his freezing penthouse. At the patio doors, she longingly contemplated the warm rays of the morning sun shining down on the pebbles in his Zen-like garden. Would he know if she snuck out and bathed in the sun for a few minutes?

To hell with it.

Daringly, she pushed the doors open. God, the sun felt so good on her. She raised her head to the sky and closed her eyes, drinking in the heat like a morning flower anxious to bloom. Taking a few more bites of her pear, she went to one of the benches set on the four corners of the rectangular pebble garden. Easing back, she put the core of her pear to the side.

This felt too good to give up. Wanting to get comfortable, she put her feet on the bench and laid back. With her stomach full, her body warmed, and the excitement of finally getting to his penthouse fading, the exhaustion brought on by the previous night’s exertions overtook her.


“Sam, wake up,” the stern voice called in her dream.

Sam opened her eyes to find Sebastian standing over her. She inspected his black pinstripe suit and smiled. Sitting up, she gaped about and realized she had fallen asleep on the bench.

“What are you doing out here?”

She motioned to the patio doors. “I was freezing my ass off in your penthouse, so I came out here to get warm. I guess I fell asleep.”

“I distinctly told you not to go on the patio.” He took her elbow and hauled her up from the bench.

“Well, you weren’t here to tell me where the thermostat was.”

He pulled her back toward the open patio doors. “Why didn’t you call me and ask?”

“You said you were in a meeting.”

He hauled her inside. “You are to call me with any questions. That’s what the phone is for.” He let go of her elbow and shut the patio doors.

“What’s wrong with me getting warmed up on the patio?”

He turned to her, his eyes brimming with fury. “Because you disobeyed me!”

“I was cold. What’s the big deal?”

Sebastian approached her, his lips smashed together. He reminded her of her father in that instant.

“Come with me.” He took her hand and yanked her across the living room to one of the white sofas. Stopping in front of the sofa, he removed his black suit jacket. “Take off your clothes.”

“Why? What are you going to do, spank me?”

Tossing his jacket to the sofa, he began removing his light blue tie. “There are other ways to punish you without spanking you. Now do as I say.”

Keeping her eyes on him, she unzipped her jeans and stepped out of them. He undid the top buttons on his shirt and rolled up his sleeves.

Not sure what he had in mind, but feeling that tingle of excitement in her belly, Sam removed the rest of her clothes. When she finally slid her beige panties down her legs, the cold of the penthouse enveloped her.

She ran her hands up and down her arms as the goose bumps rose on her flesh.

Sebastian went to the white-painted stone wall and lifted a covering over one of the bricks. He pointed to the control panel beneath. “This is the thermostat.” He pressed a few buttons. “I keep it on seventy-five, but I will put it higher for you.”

“Thank you … Sir.”

“Kneel before the sofa.” He pointed to the white sofa closest to her. “Put your head down on the seat cushion with your hands beneath you.”

“What are you going to do?”

“Do it!”

Frightened by his snappy tone, Sam went to the sofa and kneeled, resting her head on the seat cushion as he’d instructed. She felt vulnerable and exposed in that position.

Sam heard him coming up behind her. When his hand touched her ass, she flinched.

“I said I wasn’t going to spank you. I do not lie, Sam. We can’t have trust if I lie.”

As his fingers ran over the curve of her butt, the tingle in her belly grew more insistent.

“Punishment is not easy for me, but it must be done to make sure you follow my instructions.” His fingers slid into the crack between her butt cheeks.

Sam bit her lip as the burning in her groin came to life.

“Some punishments will not be about pain, but pleasure.”

His fingers crept lower to her folds, and when he caressed her clit, Sam felt the wetness spread between her legs.

“You see?” He traced his fingertips along her folds. “You like this.” When he rammed his fingers into her, Sam whimpered. “Now let’s see how wet I can get you.”

Sebastian moved his two fingers in and out, rubbing his thumb across her sensitive nub with every deep penetration.

Still sore, Sam winced as he shoved inside her. She quickly forgot about the pain as her pleasure took over. Her heart pumped faster, her breath came in gasps, and her muscles quivered when he went deep. She was careening toward a delicious orgasm. Just when she was on the edge of coming, he yanked his hand away.

“Were you about to come?” 

Sam clenched her butt cheeks as the ache to climax swept through her.

“I control your orgasms, Sam. You only come when I allow it.”

He waited, kneeling behind her as her urge to come lessened. When her breathing had slowed, he thrust his fingers into her again. The assault made her curl inward.

Sebastian moved in and out, taunting her. The orgasm traveled up her spine, and right when she was about to give in to it, he stopped.

This time, the discomfort of not being able to climax was even more intense, making her clench her fists.

“I will heed you in all things, Sir … say it,” he demanded.

“I will heed you in all things, Sir.”

He slapped her ass. “Now I will make you remember that promise.”

Again his fingers went deep. She arched as he stimulated her, bringing her just to the edge of climax, but refused to let her enjoy her release. When he pulled away, she crashed against the sofa cushion. The pain of being denied that which her body so desperately craved was devastating. 

The next time he entered her, she was begging to come. The fifth time, she was screaming. After her seventh denial, she was covered in sweat and her muscles were twitching. She waited as he kneeled behind her for him to enter her again, but he did nothing. He stood and picked up his jacket from the side of the sofa.

“Get your bags and follow me upstairs.”

When Sam finally stood, she felt weak. Her groin was throbbing and raw. She was stooping for her clothes on the floor when he stopped her.

“Don’t dress.”

Keeping her head lowered, she picked up her bags and followed him to the stairs.

At the bedroom entrance, he took the duffel bag and backpack from her. “We will sleep in here together. You are to go to bed with me every night and get up with me every morning.” Sebastian set her bag on his beige comforter.

She raised her eyes to him. “Am I allowed to get up and pee in the middle of the night?”

“Glad to see you’re still feisty.” Sebastian went to the arched bathroom entrance and pointed to a door on the right. “Your closet is here.” He returned to the bed and gestured to her overnight bag. “Unpack.”

She folded her arms over her breasts. “Now?”

Sebastian came up to her, lowering her hands to her sides. “When you are done unpacking, we will go shopping for you.”

She glanced down at her naked body. “Like this?”

He unzipped her duffel bag and peeked inside. “Don’t be silly.”

Pushing him aside, she retrieved her jeans and a few T-shirts from her bag. “If you ask me, you’re the one who’s being silly, Sir. You ever thought about therapy?”

Sam stepped inside the walk-in closet. There was a chest of drawers built into the back wall, and an alcove for shoes. Taking a few cedar hangers off the rack, she arranged her jeans and hung up her T-shirts. When she exited the closet, she ran smack into Sebastian.

He was holding up her pink box of tampons. “What’s this?”

“What does it look like?”

He took the box and dumped the contents into the trash can under the white vanity. “You are never to use tampons.” He plopped the box on the counter and opened a cabinet underneath the sink. “I have pads down here for you. The only thing allowed to be inside of you is me.”

“You’re not serious? You’re jealous of a tampon?”

He came up to her. “I’m not jealous. I need to know the only thing that ever gets inside of you is either my finger or my cock. Nothing else.”

“I don’t like pads,” she whined.

“I don’t care.”

“It’s my body!”

“No, Sam. It’s mine.” His fingers then slid into her folds. “You are not to cut your hair unless you ask. Masturbate unless I instruct you to do so. Change your body, alter your diet, or do anything that is different to your appearance. I am your everything, Sam. You do not breathe unless I give you permission. Do you understand?”

Sam was beginning to comprehend the extent of his control.                           

She glared into his eyes. “Yes, Sir.”

He pulled his hand away and spun her around, facing the chest of drawers. “Put your hands on the chest and spread your legs.”

What now? More torture? 
     Then she heard his zipper being lowered, and the sound of plastic ripping open.

He pulled her hips back, and Sam gasped with surprise. “Follow my instruction and you will please me.” He kissed her shoulders as he drove his cock deep into her. “And I will please you.”

Still tender, Sam winced as he began pounding into her. She should have been mortified by being taken in such a way, but she was still so desperate for release that she welcomed him. Spreading her legs wide apart, she entreated him to go deeper. He was lifting her heels off the floor, grunting into her back as he fucked her, hard. This time, when her orgasm barreled upward, he did not stop. The satisfying scream that erupted from her was almost foreign to her ears.

“That’s it. Scream for me,” he growled into her back.

While he was still moving in and out, his fingers pinched her clit, hurtling her into another even more intense climax. She almost crumbled to the floor, but Sebastian held on to her, embracing her as she bucked in his arms.

When he groaned and came inside her, she was exhausted. She barely had the strength to stand. Leaning against the dresser, she wished she could find the words to scold him for his actions, but she couldn’t. Sam had enjoyed what he had done to her … and she wanted more.

“Is it always going to be like this with you?”

He scooped her into his arms and carried her into the bedroom. Setting her on the bed, he kissed her lips. “Yes.”        

He stood back from her and removed the condom. Zipping up his pants, he nodded to her. “Get dressed. It’s time to go shopping.”

After he walked out of the bedroom, Sam fell back against the bed.

Slapping her hand over her face, she muttered, “God help me.”

*     *     *

With Sam securely buckled in his black Range Rover, Sebastian drove her to the trendy shopping center at One Canal Place. With expensive stores that catered to the elite in the city, Sam questioned why Sebastian had taken her there to buy clothes. Honestly, wouldn’t a robe and slippers be all she would need?

“There are a few stores in here that have the kind of clothes I like,” he disclosed, while he searched the garage for a parking spot.

“What kind of clothes do you buy for your subs?”

He gave her an amused side-glance. “You’ll see.”

Sam had her doubts.

The first store he took her to was Victoria’s Secret. Big surprise there. Probably bought in bulk from them.

When they walked in, Sebastian took her hand. “Let me do the talking.”

“In a lingerie store? They’ll either think you’re gay, or really weird.”

“I’ve done this before.”

A green-eyed store clerk with ample hips, and a too appreciative smile, hurried up to them. “Mr. Dane, so glad to see you’re back.”

“Carrie.” He greeted the clerk with his affable grin. “I need the works for my friend here.” He waved to Sam. “I would like to see her in green, blue, yellow for the everyday. Black and red for evening wear. Get her some silk robes in pink, as well. You know what I want, Carrie.”

“Of course, Mr. Dane.” Carrie turned to Sam. “Come with me.”

Watching his smug smirk as she walked away, Sam followed the clerk to the dressing rooms.

“What are you, 34 B cup, and about a size two panties?” Carrie inquired, glimpsing Sam’s figure.

“Yes, that’s it exactly.”

“I’ve always handled Mr. Dane’s ladies. I know his tastes. Not to worry. We will find you the perfect outfits.” Carrie gave her a knowing wink. “But, I have to admit, you’re not like the others.”

Sam trotted closer to the store clerk. “How many others have you helped?”

Carrie raised a single dark eyebrow. “Including you, eight.”

“So what kind of woman does he bring here?” Sam pestered.

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