Daring Dylan (The Billionaire Brotherhood Book 2) (30 page)

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waved the warning aside.

The chief handed
him a packet of eight-by-tens. “What do you know about these?”

senator’s face drained of all color. His hands began to shake, and for a
second, Dylan feared he might collapse on the spot before he squared his
shoulders and relocated his steel backbone.

peered over his uncle’s shoulder and froze. He stared with disbelief at a
picture of his uncle carrying Lana’s limp body out of the furniture factory.

ripped through Dylan like a howitzer blast. Beside him, Gracie drew in a
startled breath, and gripped his hand tight enough to break bones.

there was another explanation beyond the obvious. “It’s easy to photo-shop
pictures,” he began, rising to his uncle’s defense.

dropped his head into his hands.

“Don’t say
anything, Arthur,” Drew Johnston advised. “You haven’t been accused of
anything, arrested, or Mirandized.”

Arthur looked up, wearing an expression of stunned disbelief. “Why would anyone
need to Mirandize me?”

“With all
due respect, sir.” Fleming tapped his pen against the incriminating photograph.
“This is a picture of you carrying a dead woman. And since we know where Lana
was found, there’s at least circumstantial evidence that you put her there.
This photograph was in the automobile of a person who is also now dead. Those
are some mighty big coincidences.” The police chief reduced the room to a
shocked hush by reading the senator his rights.

cautioned him again, but Arthur ignored the advice again. “I’m so sorry,” he
said to Dylan.

“What is it
you’re sorry for, Senator?” Police chief Fleming asked. “Killing Henry? Killing
Lana Harris? Getting caught?”

“No! I
didn’t kill anyone.”

wanted to sympathize, but his empathy withered beneath the weight of his
uncle’s betrayal. This was the man he’d looked up to his whole life, the man
who’d been a surrogate father, confidante, mentor, and friend. Apparently, all
of it had been a house of cards built on the unsteady foundation of deceit,
infidelity, and possibly murder.

“What did
happen?” Chief Fleming asked.

cleared his throat and began in a shaky voice. “I went to meet Lana at the mill
that night. When I got there, she was already dead. I swear. A head wound.” He
gestured to a spot on his temple and grimaced. “There was blood everywhere.”

He paused for
a sip of water. “It was wrong, I know, but I panicked. I was afraid I’d be
incriminated in her death. That would be the end of my marriage, my career,
everything I valued. My only thought was to get her out of there. Later, I
intended to come clean with Matt and let him handle things. But it was several
days before our schedules coincided, before I could talk to him in person. He
came to look into things. But he died, here, at the cabin of all places.”

shuddered at the callous reference to his father’s passing as if it were just
another inconvenience in his uncle’s run of bad luck. Fascinated in a sick sort
of way, he listened to Arthur’s justification and rationale of surreal events.

“I couldn’t
do anything about the body while people kept coming around to investigate
Matt’s death. Afterward, I was afraid to go near the cellar in case someone
would see me. I made sure the boy was taken care of. Nothing I could’ve done at
that point would have brought Lana back. As time went by, I thought it would be
best to leave her body where it was.

“When I
found out about Margaret’s failing health, I tried to get her to sell or give
the cabin to me. At first she agreed. Then later, whenever I brought the
subject up, she looked at me so strangely that I thought she might know
something. When Dylan told me someone had been harassing Margaret as Matt’s
illegitimate son and then Dylan decided to renovate the cabin, something had to
be done.”

“The fire.”
Outrage seared through all the other emotions that rocked Dylan to his soul.
“You heartless bastard. You hired Lenny Castellano to set the fire!” His arm
tightened around Gracie. “Gracie could have been killed. But that didn’t matter
to you, did it? What was one more casualty, after all?”

His uncle
flinched and turned to Dylan with a shamed face. “I never intended for that to
happen. No one was supposed to be there. And you weren’t hurt. Neither one of

Dylan’s lip
curled in contempt. “No thanks to you.”

“How did
Henry Stillberg enter the picture?” Fleming asked.

“As the
night watchman at the factory, he knew I occasionally met Lana there. He
started putting the squeeze on me for a little cash now and then. After her
death, he told me the security camera had caught pictures of me carrying out
the body.” He picked one of the photographs up and shook his head. “His demands
escalated over the years. But I paid them. I would have paid anything to keep
the story under wraps.”

“Are you
Clay’s father?” the police chief asked.

shoulders slumped before he exposed another guilty secret he’d lived with for
so long. “Yes.”

Chapter Twenty-nine

Dylan had
suspected as much. “And you let everyone here think my father was the
two-timer? Even Clay?”

“I couldn’t
claim him. You must see that,” Arthur pleaded. “And Matt had been quite the
playboy before he married. It amused him to let the reputation linger.”

“Did he
know about Clay?” Gracie asked.

“He figured
it out. He didn’t approve, but there wasn’t much he could do. I’d broken it off
with her, but whenever I was here, she’d come around. When Lana told me there
was another baby coming, she demanded that I make a choice. When I wouldn’t,
she went to Matt, thinking he’d pressure me to do more for her. He offered her
a generous settlement if she went away with Clayton before she had the second
child. She agreed, but wanted to see me one last time, and we set up the
meeting at the factory. Matt told me not to meet with her, but I went anyway.”
He shook his head sadly. “When I got there, she was dead.”

“Did you
love her?” Gracie asked, as if any explanation could excuse the heartache
Arthur’s folly had caused for so many. One careless affair had destroyed
countless lives. If that was the kind of thoughtless damage people wreaked in
the name of love, Dylan wanted no part of it.

His uncle’s
expression returned to icy calm. But as he took another sip of water, a tremor
shook his hand. “I was crazy about her. She was so vital and alive and
beautiful. Like an addiction. The sex was amazing. I couldn’t get enough of
her. When I was with her, she was everything to me. But when I went home, I
couldn’t picture my life with anyone but Delia. Father would have been furious.
It would have been detrimental to my political future. I was torn between the
two women. Truly torn.”

Chief Fleming
cleared his throat and veered the narrative away from the emotional and back to
the factual. “Did you get tired of being blackmailed? Agree to meet with Henry
and then run him off the road?”

not. I didn’t even know he’d be in town. I transferred another hundred thousand
dollars to him on Thursday.”

“How often
did he make a demand?”

“Once or
twice a year.”

“And you
weren’t tired of forking over that kind of dough?”

“It was
worth it to me, as long as he kept the secret.”

“Was he
threatening to tell someone? Is that why you killed him?”

The sharp
exchange ricocheted back and forth between them.

Arthur resumed his normal air of confidence. “As long as I paid up, he never
threatened to tell, and I didn’t kill him. I think it must have been Lana’s
killer who did. If he was blackmailing me, chances were good that he’d be
blackmailing the actual killer, too.”

“Didn’t you
ever try to find out who it was?”

“At first,
but later I just tried to forget about it.”

“Not very admirable,
Uncle.” Dylan’s stomach turned over.

“Few men’s
secrets are. I thought you knew that.”

Dylan had
heard enough. “Am I free to go?”

Fleming said. “Just don’t leave the county.”

accompanied him from the cramped office, and so did the sick feeling in the pit
of his stomach. He didn’t know if his head or his heart would explode first,
but he needed fresh air immediately.

Outside on
the steps, he bent at the waist, put his hands on his knees, and drew great
gulps of air into his lungs. Gracie rested a cool hand on the back of his neck,
but he shrank away from her. “I don’t think I can ever forgive him.”

Her clipped voice reminded him that the unpleasant facts affected her and her
loved ones, too. “He caused people I care about enormous pain and not for good
or honorable reasons. I don’t picture this being a resolution Clay can embrace
with pleasure.”

With his
own pain almost more than he could deal with at the moment, he still felt the
need to comfort Gracie. He reached out and stroked her cheek. “I’m sorry,” he
said, aware of the inadequacy of his words.

wouldn’t meet his gaze, shifting her line of focus over his shoulder to the
Town Square. “Not your fault.”

“It’s my

related to him, you’re not responsible for his actions.” She peeked at her
watch, and he remembered she had other places to be.

“You should
get to the hospital.”

“I can stay
here a bit longer.”

He took her
hand and tugged her in the direction of the church parking lot. “Don’t worry
about me. I’m fine.”

He could
see her waver, but his insistence and her concern for Clay and David tipped the

As they
walked along, Gracie asked the question Dylan had been asking himself. “Do you
really think he killed Lana? And Henry?”

In the past
twenty-four hours he’d guessed that Arthur was Clay’s father. Even when the
truth had stared him in the face, Dylan hadn’t wanted to see it. Too ironic to
accept the fact that his father’s good name had been cleared at the expense of
his uncle’s. And it hurt to know Arthur had been capable of wreaking such
havoc. “The man I know couldn’t have committed murder. But obviously, I don’t
know him at all.”

“If not
him, then who?”

That was
the million-dollar question, and one he could only guess the answer to. “I don’t
know, Gracie. There are still pieces of the puzzle missing, and some of the
pieces I have don’t fit.”

She tilted
her head to the side and studied him. “Which ones?”

The puzzle
piece with Karen Hammonds’ name on it kept coming to mind. “There are a couple
of things I need to check out then I’ll tell you, okay?”

frowned. “This doesn’t bode well for our investigative partnership, does it?”

“Well, look
at it this way,” he said. “We teamed up to find out who Clayton’s father is,
and our quest has been overwhelmingly successful.”

neither one of us likes the answer.”

“Be careful
what you ask for,” he said. “Isn’t that what they say?”

“I guess.”
Her face fell into a dispirited expression.

“Are you
going to tell Clay?”

but it will depend on David. This is a lot to absorb, you know, on top of
everything else.”

“I know.”
It would probably take him a lifetime, and then some, to make sense of it.

“Will I see
you later?” she asked as they stopped beside her car.

Dylan shrugged.
He couldn’t seem to think straight. Bleak thoughts whirled around in his head.
His relationship with Gracie was a more challenging complication than he could
deal with at the moment. “You heard the police chief. I can’t go very far.”

She leaned
over and gave him a kiss of sweet comfort. “We’ll talk later, then.”


She was so
good, so decent. He couldn’t imagine why she’d want to have anything to do with
anyone named Bradford. But maybe someday they could find a way to put all of
this behind them. For now, he needed some time and space to clear his head. He
climbed into his truck and headed toward the burned-out cabin.

Seeing the
charred ruins again, his hands shook at the realization of how easily Gracie
could have been a victim of his uncle’s thoughtless crime. He drove on past the
remains, restless, edgy, wanting to put an end to the half-truths and all-out
lies, to dig down to the bottom of this secret once and for all. There was more
to it, he could feel it.

And there
was one place he hadn’t visited since his return—one place that seemed to lie
at the heart of the whole, tragic affair. He had a hunch that the Old Maine
Furniture Factory might hold some of the answers that had eluded him everywhere
else. He’d go there and see what secrets lurked in the corners of the drafty,
old place.

Maybe he
was closer to a solution than he’d realized.

The set of
keys Lawrence Sutton had given Dylan before he came to East Langden were in his
glove box. One of them fit the main door to the furniture factory.

The old,
weathered structure loomed cold and forbidding, with most of its windows
boarded up, shingles missing from the roof, and weeds sprouting around the
foundation. Dylan retrieved a flashlight from under the seat and strode toward
the door. It opened with a creak and a groan. Flashlight in hand, Dylan stepped
inside a building steeped in the stale odors of raw lumber and sawdust.

footsteps echoed as he crossed the hall to the business offices. With a cursory
inspection, he saw that they had been emptied long ago. They contained no
furniture, no safe stocked with Bradford secrets, no clues of any kind—if he
would even recognize one if he saw it. Incriminating evidence would probably
have to hit him over the head before he knew what he was looking for.

He moved on
to the carpenters’ workshop. All the wood for the famous custom-made Bradford
tables, beds, chests, dressers, and chairs had been cut, sawed, planed, shaved,
shaped, and fit together in this cavernous room. The flashlight beam
illuminated the workbenches and bays for tools and supplies. Years of carpentry
residue still coated the wood floors and panels with a fine film.

Except for
the set of high-heeled footprints in the dust that led all the way across the
floor to an open door in the back. A storage area? He tiptoed over and peered

shelves lined the walls. A mouse scurried away from his light to a hole in a
corner. He pushed the door open wider and stepped inside. He regretted the
action as soon as he spied the figure concealed behind it. Recognition dawned
the second before his vision burst into an explosion of bright sparks, then
utter darkness, as he collapsed beneath a heavy blow.

The groan
that emerged from Dylan’s parched throat rumbled around inside his head like
thunder through a canyon. He wanted to stuff his fist inside his mouth to
muffle the sound, but his hand wouldn’t obey the command. He tried again and
recognized the bite of ropes around his wrists.

painfully… he levered his eyelids open.

He lay in
the small storage room he’d been about to investigate when the world around him
had faded to black. A pair of inappropriate pink high-heeled sandals hammered a
trail back and forth before his eyes. He forced his gaze upward from magenta
toenails to hot pink Capri pants and a ruffled halter-top.

As the
woman made the turn in his direction, he wasn’t particularly surprised to see
the artificially preserved face of Karen Hammonds. The awkward piece of the

He fumbled
to sit up, ignoring the panoramic light show that strobed in front of his eyes.
“What’s the point of this, Karen?”

“I wanted
to talk to you.”

He raised
an eyebrow at her extreme measures. The simple gesture shot an arrow of pain
straight through his temple. “You could have asked.”

“I planned
to arrange a meeting, but when you showed up here, where I’ve been holed up for
the past few days, there wasn’t any point in doing it the polite way. I need
you to hear me out.”

He nodded
and winced as about twenty jackhammers pounded through his head. “I’m all

She wasted
her time and his by batting tired coquettish eyes his way. “I need your help.”

“Okay.” His
tongue—like his brain—felt thick and fuzzy. “Why don’t you untie me?” He
shifted his hands behind his back, testing the flexibility of the ropes.

“Not yet,”
she said. “I don’t trust you.”

How ironic.
“Then we’re even.”

“I need to
get out of the country fast, and I need you to take me.”

Okay, now he
really didn’t think the day could hold any more surprises. “Why me?”

you have a private jet and access to all those piles of lovely Bradford money.”

“Why would
I take you anywhere? Or give you money?”

tapped a hot pink fingernail against her lip. “Because right now, your uncle’s
sitting in a boatload of trouble, and I can get him out.”

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