Dare to Resist (a Wedding Dare novella) (Entangled Brazen) (6 page)

Read Dare to Resist (a Wedding Dare novella) (Entangled Brazen) Online

Authors: Laura Kaye

Tags: #tessa bailey, #wedding dare, #hard ink, #erotic, #BDSM, #military, #contemporary romance

BOOK: Dare to Resist (a Wedding Dare novella) (Entangled Brazen)
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Aw, hell

“I’m not judging you and of course I won’t tell Tyler.” Skepticism filled her gaze. He shook his head and couldn’t help the humorless laugh he chuffed out.

“This isn’t funny,” she said, crossing her arms.

“No, it’s not. It’s serious. I’m trying to be serious.”

“Right. It’s dangerous. Message received.”

Goddamnit, she had a smart mouth on her.
So many
things he’d like to do to temporarily cure her of that. And now he knew she’d enjoy them, too. “Kady, I just meant—”

She huffed, stoking both the flames of his aggression and his arousal. “I got it.”

He fisted his hands. “No, you fucking don’t, because you won’t stop talking long enough for me to explain myself.”

She blanched. “Well, do it. What do you want to say?”

Here it was. Moment of truth time. Fucking finally. “Three years ago—”

“Colton, I don’t want to talk about ancient—”

He was on her in a flash. One hand over her mouth, the other cradling the back of her head so that he didn’t hurt her when he shoved her against the closet door. He held her there with the weight of his own body, his legs on the outsides of hers effectively boxing her in. “It’s not your turn to talk. Understand?”

Eyes wide, nostrils flaring, Kady searched his eyes and finally nodded. He could almost feel the questions rolling off of her.

Three years ago
,” he said again, arching a brow, “I pulled back from what we started for a couple of reasons. Same reasons why I pulled away again yesterday when I wanted to kiss you. But this book…this book makes me wonder if maybe one of those reasons isn’t as relevant as I originally thought.” He heaved a breath and leaned his forehead against hers, bringing them eye to eye. “The guy in your book?
I’m that guy
,” he said, putting it in terms he hoped she’d understand.

A shiver ran over her body. Against his chest, her nipples went hard.

Holy hell. Did his declaration just turn her on?

Her pupils were dilating. Right there was his answer. His cock went from hard to downright torture.

“You get what I’m saying?” he asked. A small nod. “I get off on being rough. Because I like and respect you,
because you’re my best friend’s little sister—”

Her brows furrowed.

He pressed his hand more firmly against her mouth and nailed her with a stare. “I get it. After our talk yesterday, that’s not how I see you. But it
how Tyler sees you. How he’ll
see you. Big brothers are genetically programmed to be protective of younger sisters no matter their age. Trust me. I know from firsthand experience. So I’ve backed off because I didn’t want to scare you or offend you with what I want, and I certainly didn’t want to piss Tyler off, either.”

Her fingers pulled softly at the hand covering her mouth, a gentle plea. He removed his hand immediately. “Can I say something now?” she asked quietly.

When had Kady Dresco
asked for permission to speak around him? But he’d exerted a little dominance over her, and she’d responded with submissiveness. Probably wasn’t even aware she’d done it. A dark satisfaction heated his blood and further hardened his cock. “Go ahead.”

“I’ve never done any of the stuff in that book,” she said, her voice breathy. Colton’s gut dropped to the floor. Had he just read this thing all wrong? “But I want to. I’ve wanted to for a while. It’s just really awkward to ask a man to rough you up during sex. It either leads to them thinking you’re a wack job or it ends up feeling really cheesy.” Her cheeks pinkened as she spoke.

That was because she hadn’t been with a man for whom dominance was in his blood. “Why do you want to?”

“Um.” She ducked her face.

Colton caught her chin in his fingers and forced her to meet his gaze. He was so close to her truth he could almost taste it. “Why?”

She swallowed hard. “Because I, um, can’t…” She shook her head. “It’s the only thing that turns me on.”

Good answer
. God, his mind was blown here, but she really did seem to have an interest in the same kinks he enjoyed. Which made her his absolute perfect match. They were like flip sides of the same coin. “I understand that completely,” he said. “Because I’m the same way. But what is it you can’t do? What were you about to say?”

She dropped her gaze.

“Kady,” he said in a stern voice.

Her eyes rose to his. “I can’t come. With a man.”

Colton frowned. “You came with me.” Of that he had no doubt, since he’d had his hands and mouth on her when it had happened both times.

“Yes,” she said, licking her lips.

“So…” Confusion gave way to clarity. “Wait, are you saying I’m the only man—”

“If you crack a joke right now I swear I will knee you in the junk.”

A dark, possessive satisfaction rose up within him. She’d only ever come for him? No other man? He probably shouldn’t like that as much as he did, but he fucking loved it. “No jokes, I promise. Can you come…on your own?” he asked, hearing the arousal coloring his voice.

She nodded. “Why do you want to know this stuff, though?”

Was that hope in her tone?

Time to make a leap of faith—and hope she leaped with him. “I want you, Kady. I’ve wanted you for
. I’ve gotta be honest and tell you, though, that the idea of long-term relationships freaks me out. The disaster of my parents’ marriage has made me gun-shy. But you’re the only person who’s ever made me want to try, and the fact that you like what I like? Every part of me is saying to grab on to you and hold you tight. I know this is sudden, but I can’t help it.”

Her mouth dropped open and her chest rose and fell faster. “Wow. Okay. I think…I can’t…I might be having an out-of-body experience right now. I feel like I have wanted you my entire life, but I always knew you didn’t want me. Hearing you say all this is kinda shaking the ground beneath my feet.”

Colton’s heart thundered in his chest. “In a good way, I hope?”

“In the best way,” she whispered.

“Then it all comes down to this. What do you want, Kady?”

Chapter Six

Kady’s heart was beating so hard and so fast that she was dizzy and breathless. Or maybe that was from Colton covering her mouth with his hand as he slammed her up against the wall. Holy crap, but she’d never gotten so wet so fast in her entire life.

Self-preservation kept trying to say this couldn’t be happening. She couldn’t be finding out that the man of her dreams—literally—had finally decided he wanted her
he was ready to follow through and truly give them a chance
he was totally into the same kinky stuff she was. It was like the rarest alignment of the planets happening right when she needed it most.

“You,” she said, answering his question. “I want you. I’ve wanted you since I was old enough to have those kinds of feelings.”

He tilted his hips into her belly, grinding his cock against her. That her desire turned him on was just a freaking thrill. “The rough sex. You understand that’s not a game for me? It’s not something I turn on and off? It’s just how I am? You understand all that?”

Kady was shaking so hard she suspected the press of Colton’s body against hers was more responsible for holding her upright than her own legs. “Yes, I understand.”

“Anything you don’t want or don’t like?” he asked, his mouth nearly touching hers.

She needed to kiss him so bad. She tipped her mouth to his.

His hand caught her jaw in a steel grip, his fingers pressing into her cheek and neck, the pressure of his thumb forcing her mouth open. “Answer me, Kady. It’s important.”

Thank God, this moment wasn’t the first time she’d ever thought about his question. From so much reading and some occasional porn viewing, Kady felt like she had a pretty good handle on what turned her on and off. “I don’t want to be hit in the face. I don’t want anything that will leave a mark somewhere clothing couldn’t hide.” His lips caressed the corner of her mouth, her cheek, the soft spot in front of her ear. Kady shuddered. “I don’t want anything that could permanently damage my skin.”

“Good, good. Anything else?” he asked, his lips pressed right against her ear. His tongue snaked out to lick and tease her there.

“Not that I know of, but can I say if I don’t like something?”

He reared back and looked her in the eye, his expression serious. “Always. In fact, I have to demand it. Never let yourself be physically harmed or emotionally distressed.”

Kady nodded, reassured by the way he was trying to learn about her and absolutely amazed that this was
she was talking to. She’d always known he was bossy and sometimes controlling, but she never would’ve guessed in a million years that
this man
lay beneath the surface of the one she’d known all these years. Then again, he hadn’t known it about her, either.

“How about…hair pulling?” he asked, his hand sliding into her hair and loosely grabbing a fistful.

The spike in her pulse answered first. “Yes.”

His fist tightened and yanked her head backward, opening her neck to his lips. Kady moaned.

“Spanking?” he asked, his other hand roughly sliding down her body until his hand landed on her ass.

“Yes,” she rasped.

He squeezed and kneaded at her cheeks through her skirt. “Deep-throating?”

The face-fucking scene from her book came immediately to mind. “Yes.” She pressed her lips to
ear this time. “I have a very tolerant gag reflex.”

“Jesus,” he bit out. “Being restrained?”

“Please,” she said, trembling with need against him and remembering the way he’d pinned her hands above her head all those years ago. His hand pulled her hair harder, bowing her whole body, allowing him to kiss and lick and nibble down her throat to her chest.

“How about my hands on your neck?” He lightly bit the side of her neck, causing chills to break out all over her body.

This one was harder to admit, but reading about it or seeing it done always made her body crazy. “I want to try it,” she said.

“We’ll go slow,” he said. “Last one. How ’bout anal play?”

This totally fascinated her, too, but she was more scared of it. “Maybe. It scares me.”

“Okay,” he said with a nod. “And I’m really fucking proud of you for being so open with me.” His eyes found hers and Kady melted at the arousal and affection she saw there.

Finally, he kissed her. Using his grip on her hair to guide her position, he grasped her jaw with his other hand and absolutely devoured her in a breath-stealing, bone-melting, soul-stirring kiss. Kady whimpered and moaned and clawed at his hair to try to pull him closer. She was possibly as close to an orgasm as she’d ever been without any stimulation to her clit.

Colton ground his cock against her belly until Kady was literally panting and dripping for him. Her panties were uncomfortably damp between her legs. When he abruptly broke off the kiss, she whined.

He grinned darkly. “Just one other thing. We need words. A slow-down word in case you need me to back off. And a safe word that will stop everything. I propose ‘sunshine’ for the safe word. What do you think?”

Kady smiled as heat filled her cheeks. “Yeah, I like that.”

“Everything we’re talking about, and you blush when I reference your book,” he said, running his knuckles over her cheek. “So damn pretty. How about ‘monsoon’ to slow things down? Would those work for you?”

“Look at you being all sentimental,” she said. But she actually loved it. She knew from her reading that the words were supposed to be things you wouldn’t normally say so as not to accidentally blurt them out and interrupt what was happening. But these words did the double duty of also reminding them of this place, this weekend, this moment.

He smiled and winked. “I think this occasion warrants it, don’t you?”

“Yeah,” she said with a smile of her own, really loving having sweet, playful Colton back again. “I really do.”

“So what are your words?” he asked, looking her in the eye.

“‘Monsoon’ asks you to slow down or back off. And ‘sunshine’ makes everything stop if there’s a problem.”

“Good,” he said, his expression satisfied and eager. “Any other questions?”

She shook her head, lust-drenched dizziness threatening.

He arched a brow. “You sure? Because once we start I am going to be
over you.”

Yes, please!
“I’m sure,” she managed.

“Good. Then that’s enough talking for now.”

Kady’s heartbeat tripped into a sprint. She wasn’t exactly sure what she was supposed to do, but her instinct said to try to get away from him. To play the kind of games she loved in her books. In the book he’d just read. She pressed her back up against the closet and dragged herself out of his hold.

The satisfaction and challenge that slid into Colton’s expression spiked arousal and heightened her confidence. Slowly stepping around him like he could strike at any moment, Kady gave him a wide berth, then suddenly bolted to the left, past the bathroom door and into the bedroom. Running as fast as she could, she beelined for the door. Exhilaration shot through her as she heard him give chase.

Her hand just twisted the knob when his reached over her shoulder and held the door closed. A split second behind, his body collided with hers and trapped her against the cold metal.

He quickly threw the dead bolt and kissed the back of her neck. “Where do you think you’re going?” he growled and rubbed the bulge of his cock against her ass. “God, Kady, that you’re willing to play with me like this makes me so hard.”

She moaned at the feel of his body and the urgent need in his voice. “Colton,” she whispered.

He forced her to turn around.

With precision flicks of his fingers, he unbuttoned her blouse and pushed it down her arms, then made quick work of her bra.

“So pretty,” he whispered as he leaned down and fondled and kissed her breasts. First one, then the other. When he sucked a nipple into his mouth and flicked it with his tongue, she unleashed a needful cry. “Like that, don’t you?”

“Yes,” she whispered.

For long minutes, he worshipped and tortured her breasts until Kady thought her body might melt. “Let’s see what else you like. On your knees,” he said, pressing on her shoulders and urging her down.

Kady sank to the floor, her body wedged between his muscular thighs and the motel room door. A sharp thrill made her stomach feel like she’d crested the highest hill on a roller coaster. Despite that incredibly hot night three years ago, she’d never before seen Colton’s cock. She could barely breathe for the anticipation of seeing him, touching him, sucking him.

“Take me out and taste me,” he said.

Oh, yes
. The commands were like little shots of aphrodisiac, each one causing a slow burn on its own, but together, able to ignite something absolutely incendiary. She squeezed her thighs together to provide some friction for her aching clit as she unfastened his dress pants and pulled them and his boxers down far enough to free him.

Nearly panting, she took him in hand. Colton’s groan was the sweetest victory. He was hot and thick and long and she reveled in the lubrication that his own pre-come provided as she wrapped her fingers around him and stroked him. Leaning forward, she swirled her tongue around his head before finally sucking him in.

“Such a hot little mouth.” His fingers plowed into her hair and held the back of her head. He didn’t force her, but the threat of it was there. Instead, he gave her time to learn him, explore him, find a rhythm that combined her hands and mouth. Little groans and gritty curses spilled out of him, and Kady would’ve sucked him off all day just to hear the sounds he made. “Take it slower, deeper.”

Gripping his thighs with her hands, she inhaled a deep breath, and pushed her face forward into his groin as far as she could.

Colton grabbed her by the back of the head and the jaw, taking control of her movement and filling her throat with his cock. “Oh, God. Hold it, hold it, hold it. Yes.” He released her and Kady gasped for air. “Again,” he ground out, and she impaled her mouth on his cock, her lips wrapped around the base, and fought the instinct to pull back. “That’s a fucking hungry little mouth, isn’t it? Look at me.”

Tilting her head as much as she could with her mouth full of him, she met his gaze. Dark eyes on fire, mouth open, chest heaving. He was fucking gorgeous.

“Yeah. So hungry for me. Aren’t you?” He withdrew. “Answer me.”

“Yes,” she said, peering up at him and panting for breath.

Masculine satisfaction slid into his gaze. “Tell me you want my cock.”

Was this really happening right now? Was this really her Colton? Because she absolutely loved it, loved…him? “I do, I want it.”

“I know you do. Open,” he said, one hand grasping her hair and the other hand pulling down her jaw. And then his cock slid across her tongue. In and out. Slow and gentle at first. “God, I have thought about this so many times.”

Kady moaned in response, half wishing she could get free long enough to tell him she had, too.

“Hold on, now.” His hips really started to move, and Kady barely had time to brace on his thighs. He bottomed out in her throat again and again, putting her tolerance to the test. “So fucking good,” he growled. Pressing her head backward into the door, Kady surrendered to the demands of his thrusts, loving the feel and the weight and the taste of him.

He pulled away abruptly, then slid his hands under her arms and lifted her to her feet. His tongue filled her mouth a moment later as he boxed her against the door with his body. Harsh hands ran down her breasts and stomach to her hips and worked her skirt upward until her panties were fully exposed.

“These clothes are going to smell like me for however long you have to wear them,” he said around the edge of the kiss. He pushed her panties down over her hips, and she shimmied until they fell down around her ankles.

While Colton remained clothed from head to toe, Kady stood trapped against the door, nearly naked. She moaned, a thousand percent ready to beg for an orgasm as soon as her mouth was free. Her fingers dug into his shoulders and her thighs actually trembled from the depth of her need. “Colton, please,” she rasped.

“That’s right. Beg me. What do you want?” His fingers raked over her thighs—the outsides, the front, the front center.

“Oh, God,” she moaned as his tongue invaded her mouth again, making it hard to think. She shifted her hips, trying to make him touch her where she needed.

Hard hands clamped down on her ass. “Be still or I won’t let you come.”

“Colton,” she whimpered.

“I could fucking live on the need I hear in your voice right now.”

,” Kady whimpered, more desperate for this than she’d ever been for anything in her life.

Colton kicked her feet apart, slid his fingers through her wet, slick folds, and plunged two fingers in deep. The penetration combined with the friction against her clit made her come on contact. Kady screamed and her vision blurred and she sagged against Colton so completely that he had to hold her up.

“Yes. Yesyesyes,” she moaned as he curled his fingers against the front wall of her core and fucked her in a short, fast rhythm that kept his thick fingertips in constant contact with an excruciatingly sensitive area inside her.

“You aren’t getting my cock until you come again. I want you to come so hard my whole hand is wet with it.”

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