Dare to Love Again (The Heart of San Francisco Book #2): A Novel (29 page)

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Authors: Julie Lessman

Tags: #FIC042030, #Single women—California—San Francisco—Fiction, #San Francisco (Calif.)—History—20th century—Fiction, #FIC042040, #FIC027050

BOOK: Dare to Love Again (The Heart of San Francisco Book #2): A Novel
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Lottie gasped. “Are you and Miss Alli gonna get married, Mr. Nick?”

Allison’s cheeks pulsed with heat.

The little girl blinked, brows in a scrunch. “Well, boys usually marry big girls they kiss, don’t they, Miss Alli, and Mr. Nick just kissed you, didn’t he?”

Nick cradled Allison’s face, his gaze so full of love, she thought she might faint. “I most certainly did, La-di-da, and boys most certainly do.” His voice was a husky whisper that shivered her stomach. “That is, if they’re lucky enough to get the girl to say yes.” He deposited a kiss to the tip of Lottie’s nose. “But this is our secret, La-di-da—yours, mine, and Miss Alli’s, okay?”

“Okay, but can I have more chocolate?” she asked.

He laughed, eliciting a giggle when he tickled her waist. “Sorry, sweet pea, but I’m clean out. Besides, that’s enough sweets for tonight, don’t you think?”

“No!” she said with a thrust of her little chin, a pixie grin curling her sweet lips.

“Me either,” he said, loosing a squeal of delight from the little dickens when he swung her up on his shoulders. “But something tells me it is, little girl.” He squeezed the tiny legs now braced to his chest. “Both for you . . .” He gave Alli a wink, grabbing her hand while they climbed up the hill. “And for me.”


o, Mr. Ga-roan . . . this isn’t so bad, is it?” Alli smiled up at Nick as they spun to a waltz on the dance floor at The Palace Hotel, being in Nick Barone’s arms—and in his heart—the perfect gift for her birthday celebration. Especially since he hadn’t wanted to come, not when he discovered Uncle Logan was paying for dinner and hosting dessert in his Palace suite. But he’d laid his pride aside to come—for her.

A grin eased across his handsome face as he gave her that languid gaze, the heat in his eyes warming her all the way to her toes. “Not as long as I can look at you instead of the scowl on your uncle’s face,” he said in a husky tone. Whirling her with a heady spin, he leaned close, breath warm against her cheek. “Although I’d pay good money to see it right about . . .” Drawing her closer than the dance allowed, he all but melted her to the spot when his mouth slowly nuzzled her ear. “Now,” he said with a grin as he pulled away, and Allison giggled when she peeked Uncle Logan’s way, his searing gaze as heated as the shivers Nick’s kiss had produced.

“He’ll come around, you’ll see.” She laid her head against his chest, the steady beat of his heart as comforting as Nick’s attempts to make amends with her uncle over the last month, as stiff as
they may have been. Alli’s lips curved in a tender smile. The big lug was as stubborn as Uncle Logan, it seemed, two of the men she loved most in the world, loving her as much as they despised each other. Her eyes drifted closed while her mood drifted toward melancholy. Their disdain for each other was the only flaw in an otherwise perfect month. A month when Nick Barone had not only allowed Allison into his heart, but—after gentle coaxing for him to attend church with her and even pray—was slowly allowing God back in too.

He laughed, the sound more of a grunt that rumbled her ear as she rested against his muscled chest. “Let’s hope it’s before he takes me for every dime I own. I expect his courier to show up and serve me papers any day now.”

Allison’s head jerked up. “Oh, he won’t do that, I promise. I’m sure it’s all bluff.”

The music ended, but Nick held her in place with palms to her waist. “He doesn’t strike me as one to bluff when it comes to protecting the family he loves,” he said with a thin smile, “which I have to admit, is one of the few things I admire about the man.” Thumbs grazing her dress, he bent to brush a kiss to her cheek before tucking his arm through hers to escort her from the floor. “And to be honest, after all the jokers who’ve broken your heart, I don’t blame him.”

“You looked pretty smooth out there, Detective Barone,” Jamie said when Nick seated Alli into her chair, “for a guy who deals with assault and battery all day long.”

The edge of Nick’s mouth tipped in a wry grin. “Not the least of which was at the hands of our birthday girl here, wielding a stick.”

“Always knew she was a smart girl.” Logan raised his glass in a toast to Alli with a nod of his head before his gaze iced Nick. “Or used to be.”

“Logan, behave,” her mother said with a scolding tap of his
arm as she sat beside him at a linen-clad table graced with flowers and candles. “It’s Allison’s birthday, for goodness’ sake, and you don’t always have to be such a bully.”

“Uncle Logan? Behaving?” Alli wrinkled her nose in a tease meant to diffuse her mother’s gentle rebuke. “Isn’t that an oxymoron, Mother?”

“So, what exactly is ‘assault and battery’?” Cassie asked, giving Uncle Logan an affectionate wink. “You know, so I recognize it in case we see it tonight?”

“Thought you’d never ask,” Jamie said, tugging her to her feet. He turned to the rest of the table and gave a short bow, his demeanor suddenly formal despite a twinkle in hazel eyes. “Allow me.” He took Cassie into his arms. “Assault, Miss McClare,” he said, eliciting a squeal when he dipped her in dramatic display, “is the threat of an action of one person toward another.” He demonstrated by hovering his lips close to hers, causing her to giggle. “
is assault, Cowgirl—the ‘threat’ of a kiss.”

Blake lifted his wine in a toast. “And battery, Cass,” he said with a wayward grin, “is when you smack him clean across that pretty mug of his.”

Jamie gave Blake a mock glare as everyone laughed. “How would you know, McClare? Bram and I had to all but carry you through Old Man Slattery’s Criminal Justice class.”

“Yes, but he was a crack shot in Professor Tut’s fraud class, as I recall,” Bram said with a chuckle, matching Blake’s toast with his goblet of water. “Posing as a law student, I believe.”

More laughter circled the table as Jamie cleared his throat. “As I was saying,” he continued, focusing on his fiancée again while he lingered above her lips like before. “That was assault, Sugar Pie, and
this . . .”
he said with a wayward grin as he dove for her lips, “is battery.”

Logan shook his head, his good humor obviously restored by Jamie’s antics. “A quick study, that boy, if ever there was.”

“Well, he’s not the only one . . .” Blake’s gaze locked on two pretty women sitting alone a few tables away. He rose to his feet and adjusted his tie with a grin that spelled trouble. “I feel the need to fine-tune my skills at both bribery and fraud, convincing that young lady over there that I may just be the man of her dreams.” He slapped Bram on the shoulder. “What do you say, old boy—she’s got a friend who looks just as lonely. Heaven knows you need the practice now that Meggie’s not here for you to step on her toes.”

“You have a point,” Bram said with a tug of his cuffs before rising to push in his chair. “Besides, someone has to warn that poor girl what she’s getting into.”

“Bless you, Mr. Hughes,” Alli said, popping up to tweak Blake’s neck as he passed. “Women everywhere thank you for your chivalrous protection from the likes of my brother.” She bent to press a kiss to Nick’s cheek. “And you, Mr. Barone, how about a rendezvous on the veranda in ten minutes while Mother, Cass, and I pay a visit to the ladies’ room?”

Jamie snatched Cassie’s hand. “Oh, no you don’t, Sugar Pie—the music is calling and I’ve got more legal terms to discuss.” He towed her away with a wiggle of brows.

Caitlyn shook her head. “That boy. Thank goodness the wedding is only three months away.” She offered Logan a smile when he assisted with her chair. “We’ll be back shortly.”


“You owe me a dance,” Logan called, watching Cait disappear through the crowd before his gaze narrowed on Nick.

“Excuse me.” Jaw tight, Nick rose and strode in the direction of the veranda while Logan’s searing gaze followed him out the door.

Bolting his drink, Logan shoved his chair in hard before making his way to the veranda, determined Nick Barone would not have the chance to ruin Allison’s life. Although he’d done his best to dissuade his niece from becoming involved, she refused to heed his advice, and he hadn’t been able to shake the worry that Barone wasn’t all he appeared to be. His lips compressed. Hopefully now he had the leverage to force Barone to leave Allison alone without wounding her further. The danger of his niece becoming more smitten gnawed at his mind, and with what he’d learned from the detective he’d hired, he knew he had to act fast.

He pushed through the beveled glass door onto the veranda. The chill of the pungent sea breeze cooled his temper somewhat, steeling his nerves as if he were entering a courtroom to do battle. He scanned the marble terrace, spotting Barone bent over the stone wall in the far shadows, arms crossed as he studied the city below. Bracing himself for a fight, Logan approached, his voice low as he halted ten feet away. “Allison may be blinded by infatuation, Barone, but I assure you, I have no such illusions.”

Barone slowly rose to his full height, back rigid as he turned to face Logan with a hard-chiseled stare. “Then I’d say it’s lucky I’m courting your niece, Supervisor, instead of you.”

Logan’s temper itched for release despite his nonchalant air. “You’re a fraud, Barone,” he said in a calm tone. “I’ve felt it in my bones all along and soon I can prove it.” He strolled forward with a tight smile, indicating an inch of air between forefinger and thumb. “My source is this close to providing an exposé that will show Allison what you truly are, so I’m offering you a final chance to make a clean break.”

“Not interested,” Nick said, tone curt, but Logan didn’t miss the hard shift of his Adam’s apple as he butted a hip to the wall.

Instincts sharpening, Logan sauntered over to lean beside him,
hands loosely clasped on the balustrade as he peered down at the city. “Yes, well, you may just want to rethink that, Nick, especially when you hear my offer.” He shifted to face him, the muscles in his face sculpted as tight as the marble statue in the fountain a few feet away. “I’ll triple the money you gave back with an added bonus of $5,000 when you leave San Francisco for good. Just give Harmon your notice and a forwarding address.”

“Keep your money, counselor,” he sneered, pushing off from the wall. “I don’t need it.”

Logan halted him with a hand. “Well, that’s just it, Nick—you will. Because if you don’t leave, I’ll have your job and any other you think you might be able to get in this city.”

Nick flung his hand away. “Wealth doesn’t give you the right to control people’s lives.”

“No, but the truth does.” Logan adjusted his jacket. “Think about it, Nick. The truth will hurt Allison far more than you ending it tonight and leaving town. If you care for her at all—”

“Blast it—I love her!”

Logan paused, the intensity in Barone’s eyes convincing him the blackguard might actually have feelings for his niece. He hiked his jaw, a tic in his cheek keeping time with the drum of his pulse. “Then leave her alone, Nick. She doesn’t deserve a man lying to her again.”

“Nick? Uncle Logan? Is . . . everything all right?”

He looked up to see Allison standing not ten feet away, face etched with concern. “Fine, sweetheart,” he said easily. “I think Nick and I have arrived at an understanding.”

The muscles in her face relaxed along with those in his stomach. “Oh, good,” she whispered. “It’s important to me that you both get along.”

“Of course it is, darling.” Logan gave her a peck on the cheek.
“And it’s important to both of us that you’re happy, right, Nick?” When Nick didn’t respond, Logan gave Allison’s shoulder a light squeeze. “We’re going up for cake and presents in my suite, so don’t be long.”

“Oh.” Allison spun to face him, a hint of worry in her tone. “Mother asked if it would be all right to take the party to our house instead. Apparently Maddie was upset when she made her stay home tonight sick, and now Mother’s feeling guilty about leaving her. She thought it might be better for her to go home earlier than planned.”

Logan expelled a heavy sigh. “I thought she seemed out of sorts tonight. I’ll take her home right now, and the rest of you can follow later.”

“No, Uncle Logan, she said she wanted you to stay and she’d call Hadley.”

“Nonsense. I’ll take her home and the rest of you can come when you’re ready. Just ask Peter the maitre d’ to retrieve the cake I ordered from the kitchen and bring it along, all right? And don’t forget your presents in a bag in the hall closet of my apartment.” He handed her a key from his pocket with a wink. “But don’t you dare peek in the bag, understood?”

“Yes, sir.” Allison grinned and perched on tiptoe to give him a kiss on the cheek, her eyes misty with gratitude. “Thank you for always being there to take care of us, Uncle Logan.”

A knot jerked in his throat as he pulled her into a tight hug. “Heaven knows I try, sweetheart.” His eyes connected with Barone’s over Allison’s shoulders with deadly intent. “Whatever it takes . . .”

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