Dare Me: A Dark Billionaire Romance (4 page)

BOOK: Dare Me: A Dark Billionaire Romance
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Jasmine nearly choked on a cry that tore through her throat as Harper’s fingertips brushed her g-spot. She thought—but couldn’t be sure—that she heard him chuckle at the reaction, rubbing against her pleasure center once more, slowly and deliberately. Harper worked her faster and faster, wriggling his fingers inside of her, brushing against the sensitive spot inside of her while his thumb stroked and rubbed her clit, and in what seemed like mere moments it was impossible for Jasmine to hold back any longer; she screamed as wave after wave of pleasure crashed through her body, crackling through every nerve, making her pitch and arch mindlessly on the bed. She was only dimly aware of the feeling of the ropes at her wrists, lost in the sensations that blocked out all thought. Harper continued his assaults on her only too willing body, rubbing constantly against her pleasure centers, making Jasmine cry out over and over again until she felt the faintest flicker of fear that he might never stop—that it was too much, that she couldn’t take so much pleasure.


Jasmine sagged, every muscle going limp, and felt Harper’s fingers slow as tingles worked up and down along her bones, crackling through her veins. Aftershocks of her orgasm made her tremble as everything went black, her mind a million miles away.


She came back to herself slowly; twinges of aching soreness echoed through her arms, countering the lingering haze of pleasure that seemed to flow like warm honey in her veins. Jasmine opened her eyes, unaware of when she had closed them, to see Harper looking down at her, his eyes full of unmistakable lust. “You know, you’re quite beautiful when you come,” he said, his lips only inches away from her skin.


“Thanks,” Jasmine smiled weakly. The ropes still bound her wrists—she tugged at them, feeling oddly self-conscious as her self-awareness came back to her. “Going to untie me?” she asked. Harper grinned slowly.


“I believe it’s my turn to choose the dare,” he pointed out. Jasmine blinked, frowning; only then remembering that her current situation was due to the dare she had given him.


“It is your turn,” she said cautiously. “Does your dare for me have to do with staying tied up?” Harper nodded.


“I dare you to do whatever I say for the next…hour, let’s say. Submit to me completely.” Jasmine licked her lips, uncertain. That was a very broad dare; she wondered if she could convince him to let her decide with her clothes on and her hands untied. “You can use your safe word at any time, and it won’t be a forfeit,” Harper added. “You do remember the safe word, don’t you?” Jasmine racked her mind.


“Banana?” she said, making it not quite a question. Harper nodded.


“Good girl,” he said approvingly, a smile twitching at the corners of his lips. “The dare is for your submission—if you decide that you’re uncomfortable, you can stop, just like any encounter of that kind. Use the safe word and I will immediately pause in what we’re doing, untie you, whatever it is you need to feel safe once more. We can even stop completely and you can go home.” Jasmine considered the dare. She definitely wanted more of what Harper had given her already—even if she felt vulnerable with her hands bound, and even if she had never done anything like what he was suggesting before. There was also her pride to consider; if she declined the dare, he would technically have won the game.


“I accept,” she said. “If you don’t stop when I use the safe word…” Harper shook his head.


“If I was the type of man who wouldn’t stop at the use of a safe word I agreed on, I wouldn’t be where I am right now. I’d be in prison for rape.” He kissed her lips lightly, and Jasmine felt her whole body tingling. “Submission is all about giving yourself up with the expectation that you can trust someone to stop if it becomes too much. If you ever feel the need, you use the safe word and everything will stop.” Jasmine took a deep breath and nodded.


In an instant, it seemed, Harper’s demeanor changed; his bright eyes lit up with something more than lust, and he slid off of the bed in a quick, fluid movement. He reached down, pulling Jasmine up, steadying her on her feet for just a moment before he gave her hip a quick, jolting slap. “You’ve behaved very badly tonight, Jasmine,” he told her firmly. “Humiliating your date, flashing strangers…” Harper shook his head, clucking his tongue against his teeth. “I believe you’re in need of punishment, don’t you?” He raised one wheat-colored eyebrow, and Jasmine nodded uncertainly.


Harper turned her to face the bed and gave her a careful push, sending her sprawling onto her stomach. Jasmine yelped in surprise, barely getting her hands out in front of her to catch herself; her heart beating faster in a mixture of fear and excitement. She trembled slightly as she heard Harper’s steps moving away from her and looked over her shoulder. “Ah! —No, Jasmine,” Harper said, not even glancing at her. “Look straight ahead, at the headboard.” Biting her bottom lip, Jasmine turned her head once more, her ears straining at the sounds coming from behind her. She heard the silky rumble of a drawer being opened, a clatter and clank of something moving around inside of it; of Harper rummaging through whatever contents might be there. Her skin tingled and crawled with anticipation; she itched with the temptation to turn and look at what it was he had in mind—but she knew that somehow, Harper would know she was watching.


A few moments later, she heard the drawer close, and the muffled sounds of footsteps approaching her. “Have you ever been paddled before, Jasmine?” Harper’s voice was soft—but no less firm, and Jasmine shook her head in automatic obedience. She could almost feel him smiling behind her. “I want you to count every blow you receive. Out loud.”


“Okay,” Jasmine said, her voice cracking slightly as instinctive fear welled up inside her. Part of her mind screamed at her to use the safe word, to get out of the situation immediately; even though she trusted completely that Harper would let her go when it all became too much. But deeper inside of her mind was a wildly burning curiosity—she wanted to know how far she would go, how much she was willing to let Harper do to her. She wanted to see how far he would take it, if she let him.


She gasped as Harper’s fingers brushed against the curve of her hips, caressing her slowly. Jasmine trembled and twitched as Harper’s touch lingered, exploring the swell of her ass cheeks. He pulled her hips up into the air, positioning her just where he wanted her, then Jasmine felt something else—cold and hard—brush against the back of her thigh. Harper’s hands left her body and for a long moment, Jasmine felt panic; she lay still, fighting against the incredible vulnerability that washed through her. “Patience, little one,” Harper murmured. “Your punishment is going to come. Don’t be so eager for it.” Jasmine bit back a retort that she was not eager for it at all—not only did she know that a retort would bring her more punishment, she knew that he was right: she was eager for it.


Jasmine forced herself to remain still, not to arch or move into Harper’s teasing touches. She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath, and Harper’s caress retreated. Just when the waiting became unbearable, Jasmine heard the faint sound of something rustling, a faint whistling sound of something moving through the air. Jasmine cried out as she felt an explosion of heat against the curve of her right buttock, almost drowning out the sound of the paddle landing against her skin with a loud smack. Complete silence deafened her for an instant. “I instructed you to count each blow, Jasmine,” Harper told her firmly.


“O-o-okay,” Jasmine said, trembling.


“No,” Harper said, his voice sharp. “Not ‘okay.’ You will say ‘Yes, Sir,’ or ‘No, Sir.’ Is that understood?” Jasmine took a deep breath, exhaling slowly.


“Yes, Sir,” she said. Jasmine licked her lips, swallowing against the tightness in her throat. “One.”


The faint rustling sound filled her ears again, and once more, Jasmine yelped as the paddle came down against her skin, this time on her left ass cheek. “T-t-two,” she managed to say. Her eyes began to sting and burn, but in spite of the pain Jasmine was shocked to realize that her pussy was becoming wet once more, her fluids beginning to flow. She clenched her teeth against the yelp that rose up through her throat when the paddle slammed against her right buttock once more, the blow overlapping the first. “Three!”


Harper took his time, moving his blows to cover seemingly every inch of her ass, and tears began to flow down Jasmine’s cheeks as she counted: four, five, all the way through ten. She trembled all over, her knees weak beneath her, her body swaying—uncertain of whether it wanted another blow or if it wanted her to try and flee. With every new wave of pain and heat, her mind struggled: should she shout out the safe word and make the whole thing come to a stop, or did she want more? After the tenth blow, Jasmine steeled herself for the eleventh—only to feel the softness of Harper’s hand brushing against her warm, tingling skin instead. She gasped, a whimper trembling out of her throat as she exhaled. “I think ten is enough for tonight, since you’ve never been paddled before,” Harper murmured from behind her. “Don’t you, little one?” Jasmine nodded, for a moment unable to speak. She swallowed, taking a breath.


“Yes, Sir,” she finally said. Harper’s fingers trailed over her hot, abused flesh, almost too much sensation to bear. Jasmine moaned as two fingers slid down, between her legs, rubbing against her soaking wet labia.


“But your punishment isn’t over,” Harper said, his voice as hard as ever. Jasmine groaned in dismay. “You might actually find this next part harder to bear.”


“P-please, Sir,” Jasmine murmured, rubbing her face against the blankets to try and dry her tears.


“Ah-ah-ah,” Harper told her, and she could picture him behind her, shaking his head. “You agreed to submit to me. I can’t have mercy on you—what good would discipline be if I threw it aside just to please you?” Jasmine bit her lip, wondering if she should say the safe word, wondering if she could take any more of what Harper had in store for her; but she couldn’t quite bring herself to do it. Every nerve in her body was awake, tingling and crackling, hungry for more.


“Yes, Sir,” she said, closing her eyes and swallowing.


“Good girl.” Harper’s fingers retreated, and Jasmine heard the soft sound of the paddle clinking as he put it down. “For the next part of your punishment, you are not allowed to let yourself climax until you are given permission. Do you understand? No matter how much you want it, no matter how close it is, even if you can taste it—if I haven’t told you to come for me, Jasmine, you will not do it—or I will have to punish you for that, as well.”


“I understand, Sir,” Jasmine said, feeling dismay wash through her.


“Good.” Harper lifted her up by the shoulders, his touch surprisingly gentle, but no less firm for it; power seemed to vibrate through his hands. He steadied her on her feet before turning her around and pushing her onto the bed on her back once more. “You look so lovely like this, Jasmine,” Harper told her, a faint smile twitching at the corners of his lips. He trailed his hands over her body, caressing her lightly, and Jasmine shivered, biting her bottom lip. “Make as much noise as you like. Just remember: no coming until I give you permission.” Jasmine nodded.


Harper stepped back, turning towards one of the dressers and walking across the room, leaving Jasmine alone and vulnerable. She let her head fall back against the blankets, taking slow, deep breaths. Once more she heard the rustling clatter of Harper rummaging in one of the drawers, and her skin began to tingle with anticipation.


Harper’s footfalls filled Jasmine’s ears once more, and she lifted her head to watch him approach. His hands were full with things that Jasmine could barely identify in the light of the room. Jasmine bit her bottom lip as Harper put the various toys down and reached out to spread her legs wide. His fingers danced along her inner thighs in a half-tickling caress, making her shiver. Jasmine gasped as he brought his fingertips up against her slick folds, barely brushing against her, sending a tingle all the way through her body.


When his fingers withdrew once more, Jasmine closed her eyes, steeling herself as she heard something clicking. A buzzing hum filled her ears, and in the next moment Harper brought something cold and hard to just barely graze her labia. He stroked slowly up and down along her folds, not quite pressing against her, and Jasmine squirmed and writhed, struggling for better contact. She heard Harper chuckle, withdrawing the vibrating probe. Jasmine whimpered, needing more—on the point of begging for it already. Harper waited until her whimpers and struggles subsided, and pressed the vibrator against her once more, pushing it just between her labia and sliding it up and down, barely missing her clit.


For what seemed like hours, Harper teased and Jasmine struggled and writhed, torn between the need for more and the command not to reach orgasm without permission. Time lost all meaning as Harper brought one toy after another to bear on her: vibrating clips on her nipples that sent a steady, throbbing hum through her body, a vibrating wand against her pussy—one that he pressed against her clit for precious, delicious seconds and then withdrew, leaving Jasmine whimpering and keening with need. Harper’s fingers slid inside of her, and he unerringly found her g-spot as he pressed a vibrator against her clit. “Remember, Jasmine,” he said, his firm voice cutting through the hum of electric toys and even through the haze of lust that clouded her mind. “No coming without permission.”

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