Darcy's Temptation (7 page)

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Authors: Regina Jeffers

BOOK: Darcy's Temptation
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“Mary's talent far exceeds the rest of us on the pianoforte,” Kitty reasoned.
“There are two instruments available for your practice at Pemberley. I am afraid Georgiana and my cousin Anne are occupying the newer one quite frequently as they practice their duet, but my cousin Miss de Bourgh will be leaving soon. Either way, please avail yourself of some practice time.” Darcy outlined what he expected of Kitty while she resided in his home.
“Yes, Mr. Darcy, thank you.” Kitty tried to look contrite. She knew Mr. Darcy offered her something her father could not give her—an exemplary education and a chance to “better herself.” She realized to escape the stigma created by Lydia's elopement, she would need to tend to her lessons more diligently.
“There is one other thing. Elizabeth says you need some new items for my uncle's anniversary party. I ordered two new day dresses and two gowns. If you take a coach into town later today, Madame Schlater at the emporium will help you
choose appropriate material and take your measurements.” Darcy watched her countenance carefully as he revealed this information. He took great interest in her reaction, and a smile turned up the corners of his lips as the realization played across Kitty's lips.
“Mr. Darcy,” she exclaimed as tears welled in her eyes. “I will do my best to make you proud of me.”
“Kitty,” he said, taking her hand to help her stand. “Elizabeth assures me I will approve of all of your actions, and I never doubt my wife.”
Kitty curtsied, trying to remember to act properly, but she nearly skipped from the room. Her exuberance reminded him of Georgiana, and Darcy allowed his smile to grow as he watched her exit.
In late afternoon, Darcy and Elizabeth worked in his study when a light knock came at the door. Darcy called, “Come,” without looking up, but Elizabeth smiled as Kitty entered.
“Lizzy.” Kitty came to where her sister sat. “I came to tell you I found the most perfect fabric for the drapes for the nursery when I was in Lambton today. I had the man give me a snippet of the material for a sample. What do you think? We would layer the window coverings, using this pattern, a white eyelet, and a sheer panel, and then carry this pattern onto the crib and table dressings. We could even paint a contrasting pattern on the wall.” Kitty's voice sparkled.
“I love this color, Kitty. Fitzwilliam, would you like to see?” Elizabeth walked over to show him the sample.
“Actually, I like the muted colors. It is an excellent choice, Kitty. I am very pleased,” Darcy offered as Kitty beamed with excitement.
“Thank you, Mr. Darcy,” Kitty gushed. “This was a perfect day, and I owe it all to you. I rode into Lambton under the Darcy livery, and people took notice.You arranged new clothes
for me, and Mrs. Schlater's ideas were absolutely heavenly. I know I am going on and on, but I cannot remember a time I was so happy.You and Elizabeth are so kind to do these things for me.”
“You are most welcome.” Elizabeth hugged her sister while Darcy sat back and enjoyed the family scene. “Remember, Mr. Thompson is coming tomorrow, Kitty.”
“I will remember, Lizzy. By the way, Mr. Darcy, may I find something by John Wesley or Samuel Johnson in the library, or even Sir Joseph Banks will do?” Kitty asked.
“Those are heavy topics, Kitty,” he cautioned.“But I believe you will find all three available.The books are organized by the author's last name. Help yourself.”
“Mr. Ashford quoted from all three on New Year's Eve. I thought I might want to read the whole thing.”
“I see.” Elizabeth's eyebrow shot up. “At least, you have
“I am too happy today to let even your teasing, Lizzy, bother me.” Kitty offered a pretend pout before making her curtsy and exiting.
“You are right, Elizabeth; she is not Lydia,” Darcy laughed. “One moment Kitty is a playful, giggling schoolgirl, and the next she is designing rooms with ease. I am anxious to see her vision for the nursery come to life.There are men and women in London who are paid well for designing rooms for those with money.”
“I do not wish to tempt my sister with information such as that.”
“I would not want Kitty in London alone, either, but if her talent proves itself, she could make herself a small fortune from just our connections. It could give Kitty a better chance for an appropriate match.”
“I will keep it in mind,” Elizabeth mused. “I do so worry about her.”
“Just like Georgiana, Kitty will become a fine lady, with more to her than just what a tutor may teach her. My sister blossoms with your guidance; Kitty will also,” Darcy assured her.
In a little over a week, the Darcys found their household greatly reduced in number, bringing the immediate family a return to normalcy but also a profound sadness. Edward and Anne left for Matlock a week after New Year's.
“We will see you at the anniversary party.” Darcy shook his cousin's hand.“Please give my regard to my aunt and uncle.”
“Wishing you a safe journey,”Anne added quietly.
“I am pleased you shared our holiday.” Darcy bowed to Anne. “You are always a welcome addition to our household.” With that, he handed her into the coach, and Edward followed.
Elizabeth moved up to stand beside Darcy, snaking her arm around his waist. Standing together long after the coach was out of sight, they watched it depart. Elizabeth looked up at Darcy. “What of your thoughts, my Love?” she asked, finally securing his attention.
“I was pondering how much Anne suffered at her mother's will. If we married, her suffering would have continued for I do not have Edward's patience. My disposition would be a disaster for my cousin.” Darcy finally looked at Elizabeth, but his mind was elsewhere. “I should have done something for Anne before now, but I feared giving her any attention would encourage Lady Catherine's plans. I protected myself, but I let Anne, literally, fade away.”
Elizabeth cupped her husband's cheek and locked his eyes with hers before she spoke. She realized Darcy paid dearly emotionally when he expressed his anxieties. “Anne and Edward shall work this out, Fitzwilliam. Anne recognized your inability to help her; in fact, I always felt her refusal of you, as a mate, was her first step at independence. She allowed herself to
love Edward and plan a life with him rather than accept the predicted outcome.”
Darcy took Elizabeth's hand and kissed her palm.
“Like the two of us, all Anne needed was someone to love her for herself. Edward is that man. In many ways, he is a better man than you, my Husband.”
Darcy's eyebrow shot up.“Pray explain yourself, Mrs. Darcy.”
Elizabeth traced a finger along his chin line. “Edward is the only person I ever saw who treats you as an equal. All others, including our Mr. Bingley, cower in your presence. Edward gives you support and guidance without continual censure. You are much more complex—even difficult at times.”
“Difficult, am I?” he teased.
Elizabeth laughed.“Exceedingly so.”
“Then how came you to fall in love with me instead of my cousin? You had your chance at Hunsford. The colonel spoke fondly of you there.”
“I prefer a challenge.” Elizabeth winked at him, but she quickly realized she offended Darcy so she shifted her tone. “Fitzwilliam, do you remember when I refused you, and I accused you of a desire to offend me and to insult me with the wording of your proposal? You told me of your regard although you said it was
against your will, against your reason, and even against your character
“Reminding me of one of the worst moments in my life offers me little solace, Elizabeth!”
“But that is just it, Fitzwilliam.” Her eyes lit up.“I tried to not love you, the same as you tried to not love me.Yet, we fell in love against our will, our reason, and our characters. We are meant to be together, as are Edward and Anne.You complete me.”
Despite the fact they stood before the house where everyone could see, Darcy pulled Elizabeth into his arms and held her there, her head resting against his chest. When he finally released her, he whispered,“It frightens me how much I
need you in my life; I depend on your goodness and your love for my happiness.”
“I love you, Mr. Darcy.” Elizabeth gifted him with a brilliant smile as she teased his sensibilities.
Darcy touched her chin with the tip of his index finger. “And I you.” He smiled before taking her hand to lead her back to the house.
Two days later, the Darcys lost Bingley and Jane, as well as the Gardiner family. “Must you go so soon, Jane?” Elizabeth nearly pleaded.
“My uncle and my dear Charles both agree we should take advantage of the dry weather and milder temperatures,” Jane reasoned. “We will travel together as far as Hertfordshire, assuring safety in case we need each other.”
“I know it is best, but I do so miss your company.”
“You have Mr. Darcy now, Lizzy. He is your family as Charles is mine.” Jane's practical nature showed.
Elizabeth countered,“That does not mean I miss you less, Jane.”
“We will return in the spring when the weather permits.”
“Your stay must be an extended one then. I am told Pemberley in the spring must resemble Heaven itself; we will enjoy it together. I should be quite pleasingly plump by then.” Elizabeth's playful attitude returned.
Their aunt entered to check on Jane's progress in packing. “Our husbands wish to leave soon.”
“It is my fault. I hoped if I delayed the packing, I might be able to spend another day with my sister and you.”
“Elizabeth,” Mrs. Gardiner said, taking her hand, “we all know Mr. Darcy will be able to fill your time when we leave. Besides, you have Kitty and Georgiana now.”
“But it does not keep me from needing you,” Elizabeth protested.
“Your uncle and I will return before your confinement; we would not want to miss such a happy occasion. He and Mr. Darcy already discussed how they might entice the bigger fish from the lake.”
“Men!” Elizabeth laughed.
“They are strange creatures,” Mrs. Gardiner added.
Darcy, Elizabeth, and Georgiana spent several hours each day with estate business. Georgiana rode her favorite horse while Darcy took Elizabeth out in a curricle or a phaeton; he would not let her ride the horse he bought her when they first came to Pemberley.“It is too dangerous now you are with child.”
“Yes, my Husband,” Elizabeth agreed, yet she playfully rolled her eyes when Darcy looked away.
The women as before added a new dimension to how Darcy looked at his estate. His decisions did not waver, nor did his resolve, but he reviewed issues and problems with different perspectives, often hearing Georgiana's and Elizabeth's voices in his head.The ladies developed a new respect for him; Darcy held direct responsibility for the well-being of everyone on the estate, as well as indirect influence on the surrounding community and Derbyshire itself.
“At age three and twenty Fitzwilliam assumed control over all this.” Georgiana gestured to the landscape rolling out in front of them. “Plus, he became responsible for me at the same time. When I look at all he learned from the time he was eighteen to the time of our father's death, I am surprised he functions in such an exemplary manner.”
Elizabeth slid her arm around Georgiana's waist and acknowledged, “If I knew what Fitzwilliam faced every day, I could have seen past his preoccupation with being right; our journey to find each other could have been more pleasant.”
“I doubt that could happen,” Georgiana offered as they waited for Darcy to rejoin them.
Elizabeth looked at her in surprise.“Really?”
“Fitzwilliam had to go through the pain to know your love could save him. Because he has always been in charge, my brother needed you, Elizabeth, to show him what he
was not what he
“You are growing up too quickly, Georgiana,” Elizabeth chuckled. Hearing Darcy return from the trail sprawling in front of them, Elizabeth turned back toward him. “Did you find the problem with the stream?”
“A large tree tumbled across the opening. I'll have Mr. Howard send some men out here to cut it up.”
“I'm glad it is that simple,” Georgiana added.
Darcy came to them.“Are you ladies ready?”
“We are, Sir,” Elizabeth said as she took his arm. As he handed her into the curricle, Elizabeth touched his cheek tenderly. “You amaze me, Fitzwilliam. I should have been wise enough to see the man you are and to trust the depth of your love and affection.Thank you for teaching me to be happy.”
Her words brought Darcy instant desire. As Georgiana rode away in front of them, Darcy caught Elizabeth's hand in his. “Do you think we could be alone for a while once we return to the house?”
Elizabeth watched the passion turn his dark eyes onyx. She knew that look, the one he reserved especially for her. “Definitely,” she laughed, “most definitely.” She leaned over and kissed him, letting her lips lightly brush his. “I can think of nothing more pleasurable.”
Two days before the household left for Nottingham, Mr. Ashford called upon Darcy to discuss the prospect of the village school. The men sequestered themselves in the library for several hours, and the discussion often became heated, but when Clayton Ashford exited the room, he had a promise of support from his benefactor. Feeling the elation of his
“victory,” Ashford readily accepted Elizabeth's invitation for dinner. Kitty Bennet's entrance to the drawing room brought Ashford even greater pleasure.

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