Darcy's Temptation (63 page)

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Authors: Regina Jeffers

BOOK: Darcy's Temptation
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Georgiana insisted on going to see Mr. Harrison, even though her entering his bedchamber was another act of impropriety. Darcy insisted a house servant also be in the room. When she sat on the edge of his bed and took his hand, Chadwick Harrison's eyes fluttered open to see Georgiana's shining eyes filled with happiness. “Miss Darcy,” he said, trying to smile through the bruises and the swelling,“you should not be here.”
“Then you wish me to leave, Mr. Harrison?” Georgiana pretended to rise to her feet.
Harrison tightened his grip on her hand. “You know your power over me, Miss Darcy,” he said softly so no one else could hear.“I wish you never to leave me again.”
“Mr. Harrison.” Georgiana teased a strand of hair from his face.“You are very bold, Sir, and very assured of yourself.”
“I assumed, Miss Darcy, considering you risked your life to save mine, I might feel some assurance.” Harrison's eyes
drank in her beauty.“Though it grieves me you suffered because of me.”
Georgiana lightly touched the bruise on the side of her cheek, and then she reached out to tenderly touch his face. Harrison turned his head to kiss her palm. “As long as you are safe, I can withstand this little bruise,” she whispered softly.
At that moment, Darcy stepped through the door, clearing his throat as a way to let them know the visit was ended. “Come, Georgiana,” he encouraged her with his tone, “Mr. Harrison needs his rest.”
“Good night, Miss Darcy.” Harrison's eyes followed her exit.
She turned to make him a proper curtsy, gifting him with an enigmatic smile.“Until tomorrow, Mr. Harrison.”
Darcy and Edward sat up late in one of the downstairs drawing rooms. “We must contact the Constable, Darcy,” Edward reaffirmed his earlier assertion.“We have a stack of bodies outside.”
“How do we explain Georgiana's presence without a chaperone?” Darcy's concern lay in protecting his sister's reputation.
“From what I understand from Harrison and his staff, he appeared earlier yesterday at a borough's assemblage,” Edward laid out his plan. “Mr. Harrison is slated to take a position in the House of Commons.”
“I know all this, Edward,” Darcy seemed irritated. “How does this affect Georgiana's presence here?”
“We will tell the Constable Mr. Harrison and Georgiana are engaged. He presented himself to her in London, and she accepted. She was on her way here so they could make the announcement official. As her guardians, we, too, were en route. You were elsewhere because of Elizabeth's lying in, and I was with my betrothed. Mr. Harrison's engagement would make him a more viable candidate as a married man. The storm delayed all of our efforts to get here. That is why Georgiana arrived before us and why Captain Rutherford was able to
capture her and Mr. Harrison.” Edward looked on, pleased with his ingenuity.
“Will Mr. Harrison agree to this story?”
Edward knew Darcy did not want to lose his sister. “The man loves Georgiana; he would swear on a stack of Bibles in order to save your sister's reputation.”
“My life changed so much in less than a year. The Fitzwilliam Darcy I thought I was no longer exists. Now, I must lose my sister, too.” Darcy grasped for the last vestiges of his former life.
“Lucky for you, Fitz, Harrison admires you as much as he does Georgiana.You may still influence your sister's life if you so choose.” Edward found his words amusing.“In reality, Darcy, you should be pleased with how well Georgiana turned out. She is as refined as any lady of the
, but Georgiana possesses a substance—she is not only beautiful; Georgiana is resourceful and brave. She will make Mr. Harrison a fine wife; he will be successful because Georgiana will lead him to it—subtly, but it will be your influence on her. Your parents would want nothing more
for her
from you.
You fulfilled their charge to you; now, it is time for you to get on with your own life. Fulfill your own dreams, Fitz.”
“Do you believe so, Edward?” Darcy looked about a bit unsure.
“Elizabeth will make you happy at last.” Edward stood and stretched.“Now, let us get some rest.”
“I return to Pemberley tomorrow morning. Would you bring Georgiana home in her coach?”
“Of course, but I suppose I will need to bring Mr. Harrison, too, or else she is likely to refuse our leaving.” Edward could not help but see the humor in the situation.
“Bring the man to Pemberley,” Darcy nearly growled.“I am not sure I can stand any more independent women in my life.”
Darcy took a large swig of brandy before he stood to go upstairs to one of the guest rooms.
“Good night, Fitz,” Edward mocked Darcy's retreating form.
Darcy rode Cerberus hard, finally reaching the outskirts of Pemberley's lands, pushing the animal and himself to reach the house. Mr. Howard awakened him in the predawn hours with news from Pemberley that Mrs. Darcy was to deliver their child.“Come on, Boy,” he urged the horse even harder,“Elizabeth needs me.”
He bounded up the stairs, sending servants scrambling out of the way. Forcing the door open to her bedchambers, Darcy nearly knocked over Mrs. Reynolds with the force of his entrance. “Master Fitzwilliam, you should not be here.” Mrs. Reynolds tried to shoo him from the room.
“Elizabeth is my life, Mrs. Reynolds.Where should I be?”
The housekeeper started to tell him he should be downstairs like a proper gentleman would be, but Elizabeth's voice interrupted her thoughts.“Fitzwilliam,” Elizabeth called urgently.
Darcy moved quickly to her side.“I am here, Elizabeth.” He moved an auburn curl from her face as he kissed her forehead.
“If you are going to be here, Master Fitzwilliam,” Mrs. Reynolds ordered,“help us get Mrs. Darcy up; she must walk.”
Darcy seemed confused.“Walk?”
“Yes, Mr. Darcy,” Mrs. Reynolds insisted, “she must walk; it will speed up the process.”
They walked the corridor for nearly an hour before helping Elizabeth to the bed. Darcy disappeared long enough to freshen his clothes and then returned to his wife's room. Each pain brought Darcy anguish; he feared Elizabeth would not survive.Yet, miraculously, she weathered the labor bravely, often biting her lower lip rather than crying out. Tears streamed
down her face, but she fought her cries so as not to worry him more. Finally, Darcy realized she disguised the pain for his sake. Leaning forward, he whispered in her ear.“Elizabeth, please do not be brave for my comfort; I am here to help you; you do not need to protect me.”
“The Master of Pemberley.” She offered him half a smile.
“The Master and the Mistress of Pemberley,” he corrected her.“Together we are invincible.”
When the pain came again, she cried out, and Darcy held her tighter. “Elizabeth, listen to me. Look in my eyes; take my strength and use it with your own. We can do this together.” She nodded, too exhausted to do anything else.
“You are about ready, Mrs. Darcy,” the midwife told her. “When the next pain comes, you must quit riding it through. I need for you to begin to push.”
The painless intermission ended too soon, and Darcy could tell as she clutched at his hands her time had come. “Stay with me, Elizabeth,” his voice willed her to him as she leaned forward in the bed. He pulled her to his chest and held her there until the pain subsided.
“You are doing well, Mrs. Darcy.” Mrs. Reynolds came around the other side of the bed to wipe Elizabeth's face.
It was still almost a half hour before the baby's head crowned, but one final excruciating pain brought Elizabeth relief at last. “It is a girl, Mrs. Darcy,” Mrs. Reynolds said as she hustled to wrap the child in the swaddling cloth, while the midwife tied the cord after cutting it. A whimper of a cry echoed through the room as Elizabeth finally collapsed back against the bed.
Exhausted, she looked at Darcy to see if a daughter disappointed him, but all she saw was total contentment. He watched everything Mrs. Reynolds did with the child, trying to finally see the baby. Eventually, the housekeeper brought the child to him and placed his daughter in his arms.
Darcy held the baby, and his life changed instantly. “She is beautiful, Lizzy.” He laid the child in the cradle of Elizabeth's arm where they both could see their daughter. Elizabeth turned back the cloth to see a petite face plastered with auburn curls. Darcy touched the child's hand, and its palm instinctively wrapped around his finger. “I told you, Mr. Darcy, your child loves your touch.”
Darcy smiled at Elizabeth.“She is so small.”
“She will grow soon enough, my Love,” Elizabeth assured him.
“Mr. Darcy.” The midwife touched his shoulder. “Why do you not take your daughter for her first walk through Pemberley? You should not be here for what comes next.We need to clean Mrs. Darcy after the birth.”
Darcy nodded. “I will be back soon, Elizabeth.” He kissed her lightly, taking the baby into his arms. Elizabeth found it amusing that a small bundle fascinated
the tall, proud Mr. Darcy.
Darcy could not have been to the lower floor when the pain struck Elizabeth again. When it came, she smothered her cry with a pillow. The afterbirth should not be so painful, and even the midwife seemed surprised the pain did not subside.
Elizabeth finally gasped,“What is it?”
Mrs. Reynolds hurried to the edge of the bed. She shoved a cloth into Elizabeth's mouth to muffle the sound.
“It is another baby,” the midwife shouted as the head showed itself.
Elizabeth's eyes went wild, and Mrs. Reynolds quickly rang for Hannah.“Hannah, go tell Henry to keep Mr. Darcy downstairs as long as possible, and then bring me another cloth.”
Hannah rushed away, returning at a trot. They bolted the door, and Hannah took Darcy's place on the edge of the bed. In only a brief moment, Elizabeth knew another child was imminent. “Mrs. Darcy, I need you to push again,” the midwife ordered.
Elizabeth took several deep breaths, and when the pain came, she bore down hard, using the last of her energy to push the baby's head clear.
“Once more, Mrs. Darcy,” the midwife barked. “You are almost there.”
This time the cry could not be muffled, but Elizabeth sustained the effort until the child slid out onto the preparation cloth. She collapsed back against the pillows as Hannah bathed her face with a cool cloth.
The midwife cut a second cord, and Mrs. Reynolds went about cleaning the child. Elizabeth waited for what seemed to be a lifetime to hear the weak cry burst forth.
“Is it all right?” Elizabeth called out as they heard Darcy's footsteps outside the chamber.
“Let me in, Mrs. Reynolds,” Darcy's voice demanded when he found the bolted door.
“In a moment, Mr. Darcy,” the woman called, but her attention was on the child she held in her arms. “Come on, Sweet One,” she coaxed as she rubbed its back and feet. Finally, a deep intake of air came, followed by a loud cry. “Thank God,” Mrs. Reynolds said a little too loudly.
Elizabeth started to weep with relief; her shoulders visibly shook.
“Hannah, let in Mr. Darcy,” Mrs. Reynolds said calmly as she wrapped the child in its cloth.
When Hannah unbolted the door, he literally shoved the maid out of the way as he rushed to Elizabeth's side. “Lizzy?” He searched her face to see if she was all right.
“I am fine, Fitzwilliam.” She looked past him to see Mrs. Reynolds approaching with another child. “It is a boy, Mr. Darcy,” Mrs. Reynolds placed his heir in his arms with a certain amount of reverence. “Pemberley has waited so long.” The woman could say no more; she was overcome with her emotions.
“Let me see,” Elizabeth demanded.
Again, Darcy turned the child so his wife could see her son. The baby had Darcy's long torso and black hair. “He is definitely your child,” Elizabeth teased. “By the way, where is your daughter?”
“I did not forget my little princess, if that is what you mean, my loveliest Elizabeth. I placed her in Henry's very able hands before I rushed to your side.”
“She is here, Mrs. Darcy,” Hannah called as she entered the room.
“Well, I certainly hope that is all,” Elizabeth laughed nervously.
“Elizabeth, you are the most amazing woman.” Darcy leaned down to kiss her.“Who would think we would have twins?”
Once again, Mrs. Reynolds made Darcy leave the room. This time he only agreed to go as far as their joint sitting room. The midwife massaged Elizabeth's stomach, and they placed damp warm cloths on her to help her pass the afterbirth. Mrs. Reynolds, with Hannah's help, cleaned the room as well as the Mistress.Then they allowed Darcy back in the bedroom.
The picture of Elizabeth and his children together in her bed seemed part of a “perfect” plan. Elizabeth slumbered as their son nursed so Darcy picked up his daughter. He walked about the room, holding the child, cuddling her close to him, his life finally framed in squares of practicality. Eventually, Elizabeth's eyes fluttered open as the child pulled away from her breast. Seeing Darcy enthralled with their daughter sent sweet sensations through her.“Are you happy, my Love?” she said sleepily.
“I spent a lifetime preparing for this moment.That is what my father said when Georgiana was born. I understand now what he meant. They are perfect, Lizzy; you are perfect. Like you promised, I will no longer have to work so hard at being happy. Everything I need is in this room.”
Darcy handed her their daughter, and he took their son. She adjusted the child to her other breast. “This could be a full-time job,” she laughed.

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