Darcy's Temptation (35 page)

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Authors: Regina Jeffers

BOOK: Darcy's Temptation
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“Fitzwilliam, she did not just disapprove,” Georgiana protested. “She tried to stop your marriage. Our aunt presented herself to Elizabeth before you proposed the second time. Lady Catherine's words demonstrated a lack of breeding, but Elizabeth refused to deny or confirm your relationship.”
“Second time? I know I proposed to Elizabeth more than once, but why would she refuse me? It is, evidently, a prudent match for her.”
“Elizabeth refused you at Easter time at Hunsford. Fitzwilliam, you were very disrespectful to her,” Georgiana half teased. “I will explain more later, but Elizabeth found your proposal insulting at best; then you spent several months in misery. Elizabeth traveled to Derbyshire with her Aunt and Uncle Gardiner; you came home a day early to find her at Pemberley. By then, she had a better understanding of what an honorable man you are and was able to finally accept you.”
“Do you not mean Mrs. Darcy saw Pemberley and realized what a wealthy man I am?” Darcy sarcastically added.
Again, Georgiana came to Elizabeth's defense. “Elizabeth is not like that, Fitzwilliam. She knew of your wealth in Hunsford and refused you. Elizabeth was misled by Mr. Wickham's lies about you.When she realized she—she misunderstood the situation, Elizabeth allowed herself to see the man you are.”
“What else should I know about my wife?” Darcy asked suspiciously.
“I esteem her above anyone I ever met. Elizabeth took over the estate when you were missing; she is the most capable person I know beside you, Fitzwilliam. At her suggestion, I learned much about how to run an estate. Elizabeth could legally make all decisions regarding our ancestral home in your absence, but Mrs. Darcy would not allow that. Plus, Elizabeth reasoned a man who really esteemed me would accept my knowledge as an asset to our marriage.”
Darcy mused,“She did, did she?”
“Do you doubt me, Brother?”
“Of course not, Georgiana.”
“Elizabeth protected me from Mr. Wickham.” Georgiana tossed in a reminder of her sister's loyalty. “Of course, I protected her earlier from Lady Catherine.”
“You spoke disrespectfully to our aunt?” Darcy was not sure whether he was appalled or amused by the concept.
“Our aunt, Fitzwilliam, came here with the purpose of removing Elizabeth from the estate. Lady Catherine was unaware of the jointure placed on Elizabeth, but even if no such document existed, our aunt could have shown more solicitous feelings toward Elizabeth. Lady Catherine even insinuated your child belonged to someone else. I could not tolerate such expurgents in your house, Brother!” Georgiana's voice rose with indignation.
“Lady Catherine claimed what?”
“Fitzwilliam, our aunt knew where you were, but she kept the information from Elizabeth—from me. How could she?
How could she place her disapproval of your wife above your safe return home?”
“I do not know, Dearest One.” Darcy reached out to caress her cheek; Georgiana turned her head to kiss his palm.“There is so much I do not know.”
A light tap came at Elizabeth's bedchamber door, and she looked up to see Darcy standing in the doorway. For a moment, she wondered if he intended to take his husbandly rights, but he approached her not. She rose to address him. The translucent silky fabric of her nightdress revealed the lilt turn of Elizabeth's figure, only enhanced by the fullness of her breast and her abdomen. Her auburn curls cascaded over her shoulders, and Darcy's eyes found both the depth of her eyes and the enigmatic smile she wore very enticing. “Yes, Sir,” she said softly.
“I came to inquire about your health.You were missed at dinner.” He guarded his words, not wishing to amplify the strain obviously between them.
“It was only a headache.” Elizabeth tried to smile at him. “It will pass. I am very tired. I slept very little while you were gone.”
“You must think of yourself and our child first.” Elizabeth's appearance shook his resolve to make amends and then leave. “Would you feel well enough to join me in the sitting room for a few minutes?” For some reason Darcy really did not want to leave her.
Elizabeth wanted to rush into his arms and kiss his face until the hurt went away. “May I beg off, Fitzwilliam? The child has been quite active today, and the need to reevaluate how we live our lives has taken its toll on me.” Elizabeth looked at her bed, nervously wishing to be there with Darcy. “My sister and Mr. Bingley depart early tomorrow. I wish to give my dear Jane the comfort of seeing me refreshed and rested.” She finally allowed her eyes to rest on her husband's countenance.
“Naturally, Madam.” He gave Elizabeth a slight bow.“I will see you in the morning then.” With those words, he left the room. Entering his own bedchamber, Darcy leaned back against the door and took several deep breaths. He rakishly ran his hand through his hair. “My wife has some appealing qualities,” he smiled at his own jest, “some appealing qualities, indeed.” He reached to remove his cravat and tossed it on the back of a chair.
“How wonderful, how very wonderful the operations of time,
and the changes of the human mind.”
Jane Austen,
Mansfield Park
, 1814
Early afternoon found Georgiana climbing the hill behind the house, taking in the warmth of the spring sun. The stress of finding her brother required a more demanding walk than usual for the delicate-natured Georgiana. She neared the glade separating the lake from the foothills and took a seat on a hollowed-out log. Raising her face to the sun, Georgiana closed her eyes and listened to the world.
From the hill overlooking Pemberley House, Chadwick Harrison espied her walking away from her home and immediately turned his mount from the road leading to the carriageway and instead circled the building to follow Georgiana to her destination. In reality, it was she he came to see; it was she to whom he must say his goodbyes.
Georgiana took her pleasure in the quiet of the glade and the unseasonable warmth of the day. Unaware of Mr. Harrison's presence, she gathered some wildflowers and sat twirling a long stalk as if conducting an orchestra, eyes closed and engrossed in her own world.
Harrison, captivated by the image of the sunlight reflecting off her golden locks, watched with longing. He wanted to take her in his embrace and kiss the nape of her neck. His eyes drank in her beauty, and it was with great difficulty he finally spoke her name.“Miss Darcy.” His voice was husky with desire.
She turned calmly as if expecting him to find her here.“Mr. Harrison, this is a most pleasant surprise.” Her eyes held a new light of recognition especially for him.
“It seems I lost my way to Pemberley.” He gave her a smile of amusement.“But I managed to find you.” His smile grew by the moment.“Maybe you might save a wayward soul.”
“I am afraid, Sir, saving souls belongs in the realm of duties of Mr. Ashford. All I might offer you is the music.” Georgiana dropped her eyes as he approached.
Harrison found her words intriguing. “The music, Miss Darcy?”
“Come, Mr. Harrison, and sit by me, and let me introduce you to the music.” Georgiana looked him directly in the eyes and bid him do as she said.
Harrison, as if mesmerized by Georgiana's beauty, moved to the log and took a seat.“Give me your hand, Mr. Harrison, and close your eyes.” Georgiana touched each of his eyelids with her fingertips. She heard the deep intake of breath he took, giving her the confidence to continue.
She spoke softly, nearly in his ear, and Harrison could feel the warmth of Georgiana's breath against his cheek. “Keep your eyes closed, Mr. Harrison, and listen to the music—the music is in the wind, in the rush of the reeds by the lake, and in the sun dancing off your face.” She slipped her hand in his, and he tightened the grip.They sat as such for a few moments; then she said,“Do you hear the music, Mr. Harrison?”
A smile crept into the corners of his mouth. “Who would think it possible? A man can hear something where nothing is there. Do you hear the grasshopper singing, Miss Darcy? How about the wings of the birds beating out a rhythm overhead?”
Harrison sat still, enjoying the feeling of her hand in his and of her closeness—her warmth along his shoulder. His words brought Georgiana's attention to his face, at first thinking he teased, but realizing Harrison listened with all his being just as
she did. She could not look away, memorizing the lines forming on his forehead and around his eyes.
“Do you hear the sandy swish of the leaves against each other at the top of the tree? Can you hear the rippling sound of the water as it drips from the hill to the waiting pool?” she whispered in his ear.
Harrison turned his head slowly, gradually opening his eyes and coming face to face with her at last. Only inches apart, he asked, “Georgiana, can you hear the beating of my heart?”
His use of her familiar name opened an intimacy denied to them in public.“I hear it, Chadwick.”
“Georgiana,” the word nearly stuck in his throat. Hypnotized by her closeness, he felt compelled to kiss her; she actually took his breath away. The delicate control he tried to show dissolved into the desire he felt. He lowered his lips to touch hers, and the firmness with which she responded surprised him. His arms encircled her as he deepened the kiss.When he reluctantly withdrew, Harrison's breath came in short bursts. Georgiana instinctively rested her head against his shoulder, breathing in the smell of his desire and mixing it with the essence of hers.“My dearest Georgiana,” he whispered into her ear,“what does a wish sound like?”
He could hear the delight of her giggle as it started deep within her. She withdrew just far enough to see his eyes. “I do not know the music found in a wish, but I know the feel of it.” She traced his lips with her fingertips.
Harrison kissed her fingertips lightly and then returned to her mouth for one last time before he would have to part from her. The memory of those kisses would sustain him for many months. “Georgiana,” his voice played soft against her hair, “I must take my leave of your family today.”
“I know, Mr. Harrison.” Her voice muffled into his chest.
“Must it be
Mr. Harrison,
“Chadwick.” She smiled at him.
Harrison nearly laughed out loud. “You never cease to amaze me, Georgiana.”
“You will be missed, Sir.” She sat up and began to straighten her dress, but she looked back to caress Harrison's jaw line.
Harrison looked deep into her eyes, and an imprecation escaped his lips.“I wish I never made a promise to your sister.”
“My birthday is not until late August,” she taunted.
Harrison gasped,“You know?”
“Of course I know.”
“Then you will wait for me?” Harrison knew he overstepped the bounds of propriety, but with the changes in the assemblage at Pemberley, he did not expect to be invited often to the house, if at all. His chances of seeing Georgiana Darcy decreased with the return of her brother.
Georgiana looked away.“My brother plans to present me to Society this year.”
“How? With Mrs. Darcy's lying in?”
“I made the same argument.” The tears welled in Georgiana's eyes.“He says it is our duty—my duty to my family.”
Harrison could see the distress play across her face. “Georgiana,” his voice came out huskily, “I will do what you want me to do.You know my desire—my regard lies with you. Send word, and I will come for you at any time. I know I should not say these words to you, but I love you.”
Georgiana blushed, but she did not look away. “I will not allow my brother to arrange a marriage for me. I will choose to whom I give my regard. I will wait for you, Chadwick.” The resolve in her voice gave him some comfort. “I must return to the house; they will miss me soon.” Looking about anxiously, she stood to take her leave.
Harrison walked to where his horse grazed nearby. “I will circle around the house and come out on the carriageway. I should be making my farewells by the time you arrive home.” He prepared to mount, but Georgiana stood too close for him
to want to leave her.“Miss Darcy, thank you for giving me the gift of music.” He caressed her jaw line, and then he swung himself up into the saddle.
“I will wait,” she said again with more determination, “for you, Mr. Harrison, I will wait.”
Mr. Harrison's departure meant little to Fitzwilliam Darcy. He had no history with the man that he could recall, but Darcy did scrutinize the man's manners and especially the way he reacted to Georgiana. However, Darcy felt both Mr. Harrison and his sister showed no affection for one another, and the way this stay ended satisfied him.

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