Dara Joy - Matrix 04 (10 page)

BOOK: Dara Joy - Matrix 04
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His white teeth pulled the material taut over her mound- adding just the
pressure. Trapped by his
hands, Soosha thrashed beneath his mouth and almost clawed at his back.

A wave crested the lower edge of the rocky promontory and a spray of cool sea water sluiced over them both.

Daxan's shoulders and back were drenched and the water dripped off of him directly onto her nether lips. Soosha was burning and shivering at the same time. Wet
and wet.

Daxan was just hot.

His tongue flicked into her folds- but he did not touch the one place that throbbed and ached for his touch!

His fingernails scored the back of her thighs exactly as the edge of his teeth scraped against the cleft of her mound.

He suckled her then. Strong. And he was not gentle.

Soosha arched up, moaning; she cried out words in the secret Familiar tongue that she was glad he could not understand. She spoke of his expert touch; the sleek, perfect way he moved his mouth on her; and of how much she wanted him inside her . . . She told him he could lead this first dance- because he must; but she also warned him that she would be coming for him in every way. . . She begged for her release, then she
it. ... She promised him he would soon tremble for her.

Soosha's fingers clasped Daxan's shoulders, and she could feel the Spoltami man
with desire.

He briefly paused to stare up at her through a thick crescent of ebony lashes. Again, that low sound rumbled in his chest. His golden eyes glittered with an almost

Daxan's inflamed reaction gave her pause.

Had she misjudged the men of Spoltam? What if their cool, scholarly exteriors hid something raw beneath the
surface? Come to think on it. . . what did she actually know of these people?


Soosha swallowed nervously.

"Um... are your people..."

But she never got to finish her question.

Daxan drew up the edge of her gown and before she could even move his mouth was directly on her. Devouring her with unbridled passion.

Soosha threw back her head, crying out with ecstasy at the incredible sensation!

"I see there are elixirs even more potent and more rare than Nightfall," he whispered hoarsely, the vibration of his deep voice making her quiver.

Right then, he mastered her with his lips and mouth.

Dipping his tongue inside her, Daxan drank of her elixir as if he could not taste enough . He flicked and laved and suckled until Soosha could take no more.

She arched up on the tips of her toes; and throwing back her head, she screamed her release to the sea and the sky.

Daxan did not stop.

Even as she poured over him, peaking again and again, he did not stop.

She became dizzy with it; but he kept getting more and more of her, bringing her to impossible heights. He knew exactly how much she could give and, until he was sure she had given it
to him,
he would not cease.

Only when she sagged against him, utterly spent, did he relent.

He caught her with one arm as he stood, tugging the gown over her head in one fluid motion.

Still holding her, he tossed his own tunic and breeches
aside as well. Then he rested back against the wall of stones, holding her in his arms; clasped tight to his hot, naked skin.

The cuffed armband- his only adornment now- made its presence felt with a cool slide under her breasts. His erect manhood jutted betwixt her thighs; the hard rod seemed as if it was encloaked in the finest
Silky smooth.

Soosha's eyelids fluttered open, the pupils still hazy from spent passion.

Daxan cupped her face. His strong fingers threaded her hair; sifting through the wondrous length. "It is true, is it not?" He drawled; his voice rough with desire.

"Wh-what is true?" Soosha was still trying to catch her breath.

"The rumor that Familiar women have a special taste all their own? A nectar that can drive any man wild."

Soosha's face flamed. "I would not know."

Daxan gave her an odd look. "You-"

"I have only been with my kind, Daxan; and they seem to like us well enough." She blushed. "This is my first journey off M'yan. Our men do not like us to travel unprotected."

He seemed to think about that. "I can understand why. You put yourself at great risk, Soosha."

She shrugged philosophically. "Life is a risk."

"True, but there are many kinds of risk. Will you now tell me how Familiars mate? If you will but share a small portion of this knowledge with me, I vow I will not tell anyone."

Soosha bit her lip. "Is it just for the knowledge, then?"

He shook his head. "No. I want to experience some of the intensity of this passion as well. It is something that I have felt calling to me. . . Something I think I have been
missing. Sometimes knowledge is not enough; we need passion to fire our quest for learning."

This she could understand. Though she doubted he

Of course she would share the knowledge with him.

She was meant to.

His asking had made the task that much easier. She only hoped he would still understand when all was said and done.

"Very well. I shall share our customs with you."

His smoky gaze was so complacent, that it almost gave her pause.

She glanced down the length of him. His nude body was male perfection. Perfectly proportioned muscles and sinews honed to the peak of flawlessness.

He was so beautiful that he could match any male on her world.

Undoubtedly, there were things that Spoltam males did that she could learn and experience. "Daxan, perhaps later you will share the Spoltami way with me?"

The smile that shaped his lips was close to being predatory. His finger lifted her chin, forcing her to look up at him. "Do you think you are ready to accept this new knowledge, sweet adventurer?"

Soosha bristled at the question, squaring her shoulders. "Is this not why I have come here, after all?"

As soon as she said it, Soosha realized that it
the reason she had come to Spoltam. Her journey here had not been an accident. Spoltam had called to her because her mating had called to her.

If she had stayed on M'yan and followed Gian's wishes, she would not have found Daxan.

But would the King listen to that justification when the time came to go before him and answer for what she had done?

"Then you begin, my lady visitor." Daxan accepted her words and opened the way for her.

"Very well. First, we Familiar like to commence with a. . . um. . . a. . . declaration of. . . of-" She was not sure how to say this.

"Of the sensual promises you are going to deliver?" he supplied helpfully.


He motioned with his hand. "Proceed."

"Fine. Um, since you have no knowledge of the secret Familiar tongue you will not understand the phrases ..."

"I am hoping your actions will be all the translation I need," he drawled.

Soosha colored. "They will," she promised. He had no idea that in Familiar society it was the male that did the taking and the promising.

Which suited their females just fine.

It was not easy to round up a male Familiar. Once their vows were made; they could not be broken.

"Now repeat after me. 'Daxan Sahain K'tea'." She spoke the oath in her mind as well.
This Familiar takes you.

"Daxan Sa'ain K'tea." he repeated after her.

"Ei mahana ne Tuan." she continued.
And discards all others.

"Daxan Sa'ain K'mea sut la."
This Familiar will give himself only to you .

"Ei ra Tuan."
And no other.

"Daxan Sa'ain litna K'shintauk rehan."
This Familiar unites with you now forever.

"A jhan vri re Tuan."
For him there is no other.

While he spoke the words, he closed his eyes as if he were trying to put meaning to them.

When he finished speaking, he opened them. The golden orbs were clouded over.

"Now what do we do?" he whispered huskily. His breaths were slow and methodical, as if he were purposely holding himself back.

But that did not make sense.

Holding himself back from what?

Soosha hesitated. Normally, this was the part of the ceremony where the male would seize his mate's breath in a kiss of searing possession. He would take her breath inside him, making it his, combining it with his own, blending them as one.

Then he would return his breath to her; and her breath would be his, always.

Truly, it was not a favorite part of the ceremony for the female.

Most struggled against it.

It suddenly donned on Soosha that Daxan would not be able to complete the last part of the ceremony! Why had she not thought of that before? What was she to do now?

Mayhap in this situation, his oath would be sufficient?

She had never found out what Krue and Suleila had done, so she had no idea. Knowing Krue though, he had probably taken Suleila to wife under Charl mystical law.


"Um... You must now act out your words."

His deep voice rolled off his tongue. "I am willing. How do I do that?"

"You must stand behind me-"

Daxan grinned slowly. Sensually. "I am liking this already." He moved behind her as she faced the rock wall. "The view is certainly spectacular." He pinched her buttock.

Soosha gasped and jumped at the same time. "Be serious, Daxan Sahain! I am showing you a time-honored ritual!"

"Of course. My apologies. Please continue."

"Well, now you must. . .that is, we prefer.. .um.. .."

"I think I already did that." He grinned.

"You are not amusing, you know."

"Mmmm. Perhaps I missed the

Soosha ignored his teasing. This was not so easy to instruct as she had thought. She had never realized how odd their customs were until they had to be taught to someone.
Out loud.

"I. . .um. . .ah.. .well, you have to.. .ah.. ."

"Are you trying to tell me to enter you from behind?" Daxan's wry tone did not help.

"I. . .well. . ." Soosha flushed. "There is a bit more to it than that."

"Really? I would not have thought so."

She heard the smile in his words. "This is serious! Do not make sport of me."

"I would not."

But she knew the Spoltami was highly amused. How did she tell this scholar the next part? He would flee back to his stone house and slam the doors tight!

"What else is there,
my kitten?"

"When you are ready to. . .to. . .proceed, you must, well, bite the back of my neck at the same time you come inside."

A cough burst out of his mouth.
"Bite the back of your neck?"
His voice sounded aghast, but behind her, he looked
up at the sky, dimples curving his cheeks. "What do you mean? You want me to simply nibble lightly along your throat?"

"No! I mean the male must sharply bite, well, actually, clamp his teeth-"

This was extremely awkward.

The ritual sounded entirely strange when spoken aloud in such a manner. What would he think of her people? They would seem savage to him!

"Let us forget this. I see it is not a good idea." She made to move away.

"Oh, I think it is an excellent idea." He quickly pressed against her from behind, nudging her thighs apart. Capturing her within his hold.

Apparently his swollen shaft thought it was a excellent idea as well; a droplet of moisture trickled onto the curve of her buttock.

The man was aroused; but would he actually be able to perform the traditional mating?

"Daxan, I do not think you fully understa-"

"I believe I can get the way of it, Soosha." He whispered softly into her ear as he swept her hair to one side, over her shoulder.

Before she could say anything else, he entwined his fingers with hers and stretched his arm out against the rock wall. The
of his shaft teased the crevice of her buttocks. The
of his tongue swirled around the folds of her ear.

His moist breath was hot on the back of her neck. It sent shivers of desire through her.

"Now you probably should-"

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