Dante (Blood Brothers Book 5) (37 page)

BOOK: Dante (Blood Brothers Book 5)
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A sharp pain spiraled within him, making Dante double over. The excruciating ache was returning.

“Dante!” She grasped his arms and quickly pulled her hands back. “You’re burning up.”

“I. Need. Her. Now!” He managed to bite the words out. He could be put off no longer.

let’s go to her.”















Chapter Twenty-Six


Isis bounced up and down on GianMarco’s cock, clenching her vaginal muscles around the thick member. His dick was nearly as addictive as Dante’s. The Grimaldi brothers definitely lived up to their legend in and out of bed.

He lay on his back, raising his hips to thrust into her. GianMarco tweaked her nipples between fingers and thumbs. She was close to yet another climax with
. He’d taken her against the wall earlier with such masterful strokes
he’d left her panting for more.

Now as she rode him,
was aroused with an uncontrollable savagery that she couldn’t satisfy. Placing her hands against his chest, she raked her nails down his torso, making tracks of passion in his skin.

He inhaled sharply and grabbed her hips before thrusting deeper and harder into her. “So you like it rough, huh?”

Oh yeah
.” She moaned, relishing the feel of his thickness sliding in and out of her. It would be perfect if it was Dante. As soon as the thought crossed her mind, she shook her head. Their time would come soon enough
if what she’d been told was true. She couldn’t help being a little apprehensive about what would happen, though. Once Dante sated himself of her, would he then turn his back on her again? After their last meeting, she wasn’t sure how he’d be, but she wouldn’t dwell on it right now.

As GianMarco continued to fuck her senseless, Isis fully understood why Maggie walked around with a permanent grin on her lips. GianMarco’s skill could not be faulted. As she gyrated against him with more urgency, he increased the tempo of his thrusts until they moved frantically against each other.

Shudders racked her body when she reached her peak, but GianMarco continued to pump in and out of her channel several more times before gritting his teeth and grunting his release.

Isis slumped against him, breathless. “
Oh God,
I don’t know if I can take much more of this.”

GianMarco stroked the back of her head. “You must. Dante needs release, and though my mate can give him a temporary break from the madness, only you can completely heal him.”

A shiver slid along her spine. “You said you and Maggie wouldn’t leave me. At least not until he’s more himself.”

“We won’t, but there’s no need to be frightened any longer, although I don’t think what’s bothering you is the physical side, is it?”

“Am I that easy to read?”

“Right now
you are. My brother is new at this love thing, so he’s going to make a few jackass-proportion mistakes. I know I made my share when I fell for Maggie, as did Nico and Ro
with their mates. Because
we’ve lived as long as we have and we’re so used to having constant control of our lives and emotions, we sometimes do foolish things
when we lose it
. Don’t be afraid to give your heart to him. Dante is extremely loyal to those he loves and you, he’ll treat like a queen.”

She snorted. “I guess we’re going to have to wait and see.”

“Actually, you don’t.”

She raised her head to look at him. “What do you mean?”

he’s coming as we speak.”

The door flung open.

Isis rolled off GianMarco to sit up. Dante stood in the doorway with Maggie in tow. He was completely nude, and his cock was rock hard. His skin was still pink-tinged and his eyes were just as red, but there was a calm about him that hadn’t been there before.

His heated gaze raked her body from head to toe as he bared his fangs. His gaze never left her face as he strode toward the bed, his cock bouncing with each step he took. Without ceremony, he took her by the arm and yanked her against him, his mouth covering hers in a demanding kiss.

He smashed his lips
so hard against hers Isis could barely breathe, yet she was willing to endure any amount of roughness to get him through his suffering. Throwing her arms around him, she opened her mouth underneath the pressure of his probing tongue. Dante grabbed her hair and twisted it around his fist, holding her head steady, making her take the onslaught of his persistent passion, not that she wanted to fight him anyway. His touch was an awakening of her soul.

She’d missed him. Missed his touch, his kisses and caresses. More than anything
she wanted to feel him inside her again, to move together as one until she didn’t know where he ended and she began. That was the way it was meant to be between them.

Emitting a low growl from the back of his throat, Dante broke the kiss to toss Isis on the bed, wasting no time in falling on top of her. His menacing red eyes bored into her as he shoved her thighs apart none too gently. Maggie slid on the bed beside him and grasped his shoulders, holding him back. “Easy. I know how badly you want this, but we have all night.” Stroking his hair, she placed light kisses along the back of Dante’s neck.

GianMarco eased himself beside Isis and pushed her onto her side so he lay behind her. Dipping his head until his lips nearly touched the shell of her ear, he whispered, “It’s okay. I said we wouldn’t go anywhere tonight. Trust us.” He raised his head to look at his brother. “Slow down, Dante.”

“That’s easy for you to say. You don’t ache like I do.” Dante molded his body against Isis’s, his cock pressing against her entrance.

“I can handle this, GianMarco,” Isis reassured him.

GianMarco shook his blond head in protest. “
He’s relatively calm now, but—

“No, let me handle this. You
too, Maggie.”

“If you’re sure,” the fem

“I am.” It was the least she could do
If this wasn’t the ultimate way to prove her love, then
she didn’t know what was.
Eager to be taken, she gripped Dante’s shoulders and met his gaze. “I’m not afraid.”

“I need you so much,” Dante groaned.

“Then take me. I’m yours.”

Dante hooked one hand under her knee to lift her leg before pushing forward with one powerful slam. He drove so deep
inside of her, she could feel him all over her body

Isis gasped at the brutal sensuality of his entry. “Dante,” she sighed, tightening her hold on him. His possession was rougher than it had ever been, even more so than their last meeting, but she didn’t care.
She was shameless where this gorgeous man was concerned.
e began to ram into her, his pelvis slapping against hers.

There was no gentleness as he fucked her, yet Dante still managed to reach a part of her that only he could. Isis knew her body responded to his because they were meant to be together. Gritting her teeth, she took every single hard inch of him over and over again. The brand of pleasure-pain Dante dealt out had her cravin
g more. “Oh, Dante! Yes!

She moved her body
with his but no sooner did she find his rhythm
increased the pace, driving with harder, more furious thrusts. The more she gave, the more Dante took. Her gaze locked with his glazed, lust-filled one, and it seemed as if he’d been pushed over the brink of insanity and she was the cause.

The hairs on her body stood on end as though
she was ready to transform
high-stress situations, her body would automatically shift in order to handle any physical or emotional turmoil as a defense mechanism. The pleasure she’d been feeling only a few minutes before was slowly becoming more pain than anything else. No one had ever taken her with so much force or intensity before, and a niggling fear began to creep into the recesses of her mind.

Dante showed no signs of slowing down. In fact, he seemed as if he could continue for hours. Would she be able to handle him? A howl traveled from her throat as her body began to shift, her fur popping out of her pores. It only seemed to make Dante pick up the speed yet again.

Isis, it’s okay to ask for help. It’s not a sign of weakness
.” GianMarco’s voice reached into the inner sanctum of her mind.

We’re here to help you
,” Maggie added. “
We know you love Dante and he loves you
too. There’s no need to suffer pointlessly when we can share this burden

Isis caught her bottom lip between her teeth, feeling a bit like a failure.

You’re not a failure. You’re actually one of the bravest people I know and more than worthy to stand by Dante’s side as his mate
.” GianMarco ran his tongue along the curve of her ear and nipped it gently. He ground his cock against her ass. Isis began to shake in response, knowing what was to come. With Dante in the front and GianMarco behind her, she would soon have two very large vampire cocks inside her, and the anticipation was driving her crazy.

You’re so wet, your juices are dripping all over.” He rubbed his thumb over the tight ring of her anus.

I’m going to have no problem sliding in
, right here
. Would you like that?” GianMarco whispered against her heated skin.

Isis nodded, unable to bring herself to utter the words.

“Good, because I’ll enjoy fucking your tight little ass.” Parting her cheeks, he guided the satiny-tipped head of his cock against her anus. Pushing forward just enough to get the tip past her tight anal ring, he paused before thrusting into her to the hilt.

“Oh!” she cried out.

GianMarco’s intrusion into her body was enough to throw Dante off his cadence and slow him down slightly.

Maggie, pressing her length against Dante’s back, bared her lengthened incisors, and sank them into his shoulder, causing him to pause altogether.

“We’ll do this together, Dante. Nice and easy,” GianMarco instructed.

“Need her,” Dante murmured. Sweat glistened on his forehead and his skin was hot to the touch.

“I know,” GianMarco replied.

Isis remained still, her body calming down. The metamorphosis that had begun to take place reversed as her heart rate slowed.

GianMarco stroked the side of her face “Are you ready?”

“Yes,” Isis croaked in a hoarse whisper. Now that her body had been given the chance to adjust to being impaled by the thick hardness of each vampire, she didn’t want to be immobile any longer. Wiggling her hips to signal her needs, she burrowed her nails into Dante’s torso.

Dante started to move, not gently, but at a considerably slower pace. GianMarco gradually pulled back until his cock was nearly out of her ass before pushing into her again.

Maggie continued to feed on Dante as she stroked the side of Isis’s body, which seemed to have a calming effect on him.

It took several tries before Dante and GianMarco were finally in sync with one another. As Dante pulled back, GianMarco pushed forward and Isis would move her body in time with theirs. A tingling sensation built within the pit of her stomach before it caught fire and exploded into a raging inferno, tearing through her. The light touch of Maggie’s hands caressing her body served to make the experience even more pleasurable than it already was.

When Dante increased the intensity of his possession again, Isis was ready for him, as was GianMarco. They moved, ground, and strained against one another, and she realized it wouldn’t be long before she reached her peak. And when she did, it would be huge.

Dante and GianMarco’s cocks stretched her pussy and anal walls until she began to shake uncontrollably. Being sandwiched between these three powerful, sexy vampires was nearly more pleasure than she could stand. “I’m coming!” she screamed, tearing her nails down Dante’s chest.

Bright spots of light danced before her eyes and the sudden sensation of spiraling out of control took over, sweeping her into a huge, tsunami-sized orgasm. Releasing a scream, she nearly passed out from pleasure overload, yet Dante and GianMarco continued to move in and out of her, not finished with her.

Maggie used her mouth and hands to give pleasure, alternating her attention between Dante and Isis, caressing them each in turn, and planting kisses on their bodies.

The brothers fucked her until she reached yet another powerful peak, and Isis knew then that this night would be one she would not soon forget.


As the night progressed, the ache that had been burning inside Dante slowly
. He couldn’t remember all the positions the four of them had tried together, but
remembered being in each of Isis’s and Maggie’s holes, and Isis’s more than a few times. He’d never come so much as he had this night. And though he still felt some of the effect of
la morte dolci
, the worst of it was over. It would probably take a couple more days for him to get back to normal, but at least his mind was finally clear.

He owed so much to Marco and Maggie. Had it not been for the two of them, he wouldn’t have made it through the most serious stage of his illness without causing harm. Everything had come full circle. Dante remembered when he’d helped Marco through his illness. It seemed appropriate that it would be Marco and his mate to be there for him in his time of need. That they’d been willing to put themselves in the line of danger as he suffered through the madness humbled him.

But now
the moment had come for them to leave.

A sliver of rose-tinted dawn crept through the venetian blinds of Isis’s bedroom window, bathing her sleeping figure. She lay curled into a ball at the edge of the bed, having drifted off only minutes ago.

Marco was
in the process of
helping Maggie into her clothes as she tried to fight sleep. Dante paced the floor, still full of nervous energy. Once his brother and sister-in-law were gone, he would have Isis again. There would be plenty of time for her to sleep later…much later.

“I can’t thank you enough for helping me.”

Marco smiled. “There’s no need to thank me. I’d do this again in a heartbeat. After all you’ve done for us, it’s the least we could do to repay you.”

Dante sighed. “Sometimes, it’s hard for me to ask for help
since I’ve always had to be the one who others depended on.”

“You’re not alone, Dante. You have a family and we love you. Isis loves you
too. Never forget that and take good care of her.
She’s a part of our family now

Dante didn’t need to be told that. Isis was everything he never knew he wanted and definitely needed in a mate. He counted himself lucky to have found her. “After I’ve completely gotten over this sickness, I’m going to do everything in my power to make up for what I’ve done to her.”

“Don’t beat yourself up over it.
I’m sure she already forgives you

She might
, but I
think she needs to hear it from me.”

“If you
that’ll help, go for it, but I know you’ll have no problems on that end.” Standing up, Marco pulled Maggie to her feet. She leaned against him,
barely managing to keep her eyes open
. He chuckled before scooping her into his arms. “I
need to get
you home, sleepyhead. We can get the baby later, after you’ve had some rest.”

“No. We have to pick her up right away,” Maggie murmured drowsily.

Marco placed a kiss on her forehead. “Of course,
ciccina mia
.” He winked at Dante with a grin. “
She’ll be too tired to notice the difference

A smile touched Dante’s lips. That twinge of jealousy he’d felt when he looked at them was no longer there because he’d found his heart’s true desire. Everything
had finally fallen into place
. “It’s hard to believe it’s all over. Not just with Adonis and
, I mean. I’m talking about the inner struggles.”

“I know the feeling. We’ve all had to face our demons in the past several months, haven’t we? I only hope…”

Dante didn’t need to read his brother’s mind to know what he was thinking in that moment. “Giovanni.”

Marco nodded. “He showed up at the christening for a few minutes with gifts for Gianna and Ro
’s children. But he didn’t stick around for long and left with the promise of returning soon. He hasn’t been seen or heard from since. Wherever he is, I hope he’s okay.”

“I think he’s still facing his own struggles right now.
’s death was
, but Adonis’s death was especially hard on him. I can’t say I’m not glad he’s gone, but I know how much he’d meant to Giovanni. It must be tearing him up inside.”

“I’m sure it is. But let’s hope wherever he is right now, he’s healing.” Marco adjusted his hold on Maggie. “Well, we’d better get going. If you should need us for anything

“I know I can depend on you. Thank you

“Anytime. We’re brothers and we help each other out.”

Dante was truly lucky to have brothers like GianMarco, Ro
, and Nico through thick and thin. He slapped his brother on the back and kissed Maggie on the cheek before bidding them a safe journey.

Only once they’d left the apartment did he return his attention to the sleeping beauty on the bed. A smile curved the corners of his lips as he strode toward her.

Would he ever get enough of her? Never.

Sliding onto the bed, he rolled Isis onto her back and gently nudged her legs apart. He had the need to taste every bit of her. Settling himself between her thighs, Dante slid his tongue along her slick outer labia and parted the soft folds. Her pussy dripped with juices and he relished lapping every single drop up, feeding off her essence, getting high with pleasure from doing it.

He closed his lips over her clit and sucked gently at first, wishing she would wake up. When she stirred, he slid his middle finger into her cum-soaked channel. Dante was far from finished with her.















BOOK: Dante (Blood Brothers Book 5)
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