Dante (Blood Brothers Book 5) (17 page)

BOOK: Dante (Blood Brothers Book 5)
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found it
empowering to have this
Dante at sexual
her mercy. Tightening her lips around Dante, she
him inch by delicious, hard inch. He felt so good. Tasted so good. When she
bobbed her head
up and down his length, he twitched and writhed beneath her
oral seduction

“Isis, your mouth is magic. This…feels…so…good.” His words came out in breathy pants. He threaded his fingers through her hair, strengthening his hold as he bucked his hips and sent his cock deeper into her mouth until she
had ingested all of him

Isis gripped him harder and sucked faster. With her free hand, she cupped and fondled his balls, exploring their texture
. She wanted to send him beyond the edge of reason.
Dante couldn’t keep still; he yanked on her hair and continued to squirm wildly. She found his response to her caresses thrilling. To know she was the cause of so much pleasure
was intoxicating
. Her cunt was so wet and hot she didn’t know how much longer she could continue before impaling herself on his rock-hard dick.

groan rumbled from his throat. “I need you now!”

Defiantly, she continued sucking his cock with the perverse desire to send him closer to his peak.

!” Dante stiffened and began to shake before he shot his
into her mouth.

Greedy for every ounce of him, Isis sucked fervently, catching every drop of his
Taking her time
, she ran her tongue up and down his rod like a
n ice pop.

“Enough!” Dante slipped his hands beneath her armpits and pulled her roughly against him until their mouths melded together. Their tongues dueled, pushing back and forth, battling for supremacy in a fight as old as time. Without breaking the tight seal of their lips, Isis and Dante tore at her clothing until she
was naked and ready.

The contact of bare skin against skin served to
heat her already hot flesh. The friction created as they rubbed together made Isis delirious with lust. The overwhelming need to join with him became too much for her to handle. Finally breaking the kiss, breathing ragged, she straddled his lean hips.

Locking her gaze with his passion-filled
, Isis held his cock within the circle of her eager grasp.

“Stop fucking teasing me, woman.” Dante bared his descended incisors. His dark blue eyes were now a shimmery, glowing silver. Grabbing her hips, he lifted Isis high enough for her to part the damp folds of her labia and guide his cock into her channel.

With slow ease that belied the tumultuous desire raging within her veins, she gripped his dick with her cunt, squeezing and sucking him deeper. A gasp escaped her lips and Dante groaned simultaneously. Isis didn’t need to be told how he felt because she knew. His body shook and his eyes were shut tight. His breath came out in shallow huffs.

She stilled, allow
herself to savor the sensation of being so decadently stretched by his thickness. Digging her nails into his sides, Isis began to gyrate on his cock, searching for her rhythm. “You feel so…mmm,”
she moaned
. There were no words to adequately describe the feelings coursing through her. Being one with this
vampire who made her heart sing
was an emotional roller coaster ride of lust, love, joy, hunger, and absolute pleasure. While earth-shattering, their time on the plane couldn’t come close to this experience.
He was so deep inside of her
Isis wasn’t sure where she ended and Dante began.

Isis suspected every time she was with Dante would be better than the last, each encounter taking her to a different place, making her feel invincible and as if nothing mattered save the two of them. Nothing compared to this and Isis wasn’t sure anything ever would.

“Dante, I love

” Isis caught herself and squeezed her eyes shut. No. Even though her heart was bursting with emotion, something told her not to share too much too soon. Besides, she couldn’t burden him with her feelings when he was already dealing with so many familial issues. Right now, all she planned to do was give him this temporary relief and total pleasure. But later, once the children were safe with their parents and their enemies defeated, then she was going to give Dante Grimaldi all the love he could handle and more. “I love being with you like his,” she amended, hoping he didn’t notice her slipup.

“Me too,” he whispered back, an easy smile curving his sensual lips.

As she moved her hips up and down and began to bounce on his cock, Isis leaned forward to press kisses against his torso.

her, tightening his already firm grip on her hips.
his fingers
against her heated flesh and dug into her skin. “I’ve never wanted anyone as much as I want you, Isis. You’re so damn hot…so fucking tight,” he grunted. Eyes closed, he rolled his head from side to side, arousal giving his skin a pinkish tint as the blood rushed through his body.

She scraped her extended canines against his chest, evoking a sharp cry from his lips. All her senses were stimulated. The scent of their bodies locked together hit her nostrils, and his touch seared her skin. The sight of him so turned on by her
made Isis want him even more. They moved together in time to the rhythm of their erratically beating hearts, a choreographed dance of sex and passion so powerful she could have wept.

Dante released her hips and wrapped his arms around her waist. Then, with a quick, fluid motion, he shifted to a sitting position, driving deeper into her hot cunt.

Isis planted her knees on the sides of his hips and gripped his shoulders, increasing the pace. Her ass slapped his thighs and juices dripped from her pussy.

With a groan, Dante nuzzled her breasts. Shooting her a hungry look, he opened his mouth to reve
al gleaming fangs before sinking
them into the top of her breast.

Isis inhaled sharply. The
created between them as he drank her blood sent her to the edge.

Her climax was
, sending
shock waves of heat
raking through her body. She scored her nails down his back. “Dante!”

He s
arder and faster with frenzied motions
until he stiffened and shot his seed up her channel.

Isis gripped his cock with her pussy walls, milking every drop of his essence.
Temporarily sated
, she sagged against him. “That
. Was. I

Dante carefully unhinged his teeth from her skin and licked a
of blood from the corner of his mouth. “Yes, it was. You were a wild woman.”
He smiled, seeming quite pleased with himself.

Her heart
did somersaults
She loved this man with all her heart and she hoped
the day when he was ready to return it.

Isis had never felt this
in her life as he held her. She could stay like this forever, enjoying the silence. Enjoying him.

placed a kiss on the top of her head.

I’d love to stay like this
, but we should get some rest. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow.”

didn’t want this moment to end, but like all good things, she knew it had to.
It briefly crossed her mind to mention her past while he was this relaxed
, but decided against it.
She didn’t want her news to be a distraction and t
here would be another opportunity.

She hoped.









Chapter Thirteen


“This is the place.” Giovanni threw the words over his shoulder as he led the way up the dark, winding path to what looked like a large brownstone that had been converted from an industrial building. Odd in appearance, it stood alone, as if everything around it had been demolished, leaving this lone, gothic monstrosity. A row of trees surrounded the house, blocking out the moonlight.

The dark cloak of night still concealed the team, producing shadows, which proved to be allies. Dante quick-stepped toward
until they were
shoulder to shoulder.
His brother
. No matter how many times he thought of it, he was still surprised at how easily he had accepted Giovanni into his heart after all the years of cat and mouse and the surrounding mystery. Dante understood Giovanni’s conflict; he was torn between two factions, wanting to do the right thing but sometimes dwelling on the dark side to accomplish his goal. Dante knew this path well
he’d walked down it on countless occasions for several years.

While he’d never consider his younger brothers burdens, the responsibility of ensuring their safety had sometimes
been a test to his moral compass
. The years of agony and restlessness Giovanni must have endured touched what Dante had always considered an impenetrable part of his soul. He and this vampire he’d once believed to be his enemy were kindred spirits.

His thoughts drifted toward Adonis. Was there a chance he could be redeemed or was it too late? Whether it was or not, he wasn’t sure if they could turn back from the course they’d already set. “Are you sure this is where the children are being held?” He spoke in a whisper to Giovanni who now stood statue-still, looking straight ahead with his head cocked to the side. “My source tells me this is the place, but something’s not right. It’s too quiet. Do you hear that?”

Dante crinkled his forehead in concentration. “No. I hear nothing.”

“Exactly. Not a thing. There should be night sounds, owls, crickets, and the like. The wind’s not even rustling the leaves.
feels like
we’ve stepped into some kind of void.”

“I was thinking the same thing. There’s some kind of magic working around us,” Steel Romanov added. His blond brows were knitted together
and it was clear he was also trying to
figure out what was going on.

“My brother is right,” Sasha agreed. “I’m not sure what kind of magic it is,
however, it doesn’t feel natural. I believe black magic is involved but it doesn’t seem
that powerful. I don’t get a sense that it’s being wielded by someone who’s practiced it for hundreds of years.” She held her hands up as if she was trying to grasp something from the air.
She then lowered them, shaking her head
“I can’t get a read on this.”

“Sasha, do you think it’s those rogue vampires we’ve encountered? The red-eyed ones?” Cutter asked, thumbing his chin.
“Black magic has given them strength beyond what they’re supposed to be capable of,
the power they exude isn’t quite enough to
create this kind of magic even if it is weak, except...

“If there were a lot of them, it would,” Blade finished for his twin.

Dante frowned, not liking where this conversation was headed. He wasn’t naive enough to think Adonis wouldn’t be prepared for them, but just how many of those bastards lay in wait for them? Not that he was scared, but as always, he worried about the safety of his group and particularly his family. Pretty much all the members in their team could handle themselves in battle, but what about Maggie and Christine?

Against his and his brothers’ better judgment, they’d allowed those two to talk them into coming along. In the back of his mind, he knew the women wouldn’t have stayed put regardless of whether they were granted permission or not; their children’s lives were on the line, after all. But would that decision end up costing them more than they bargained for? Dante shuddered to think of the agony his brothers would suffer if anything happened to their mates, but he knew Romeo and Marco would guard the women with their lives.

“Whether there’s a hundred of them or a thousand, if this is where the children are being held, we have to go in there. We may be outnumbered, but we have an advantage. There are three powerful
s and two witches among us who could counter any black magic spells they might try to cast on us. Not to mention the shifters are on our side. Paris and his pack have always proved to be valuable allies in battle. The rest of us are
also battle ready
.” Straightening his shoulders, Dante naturally fell into his role as leader and began to bark orders. “Steel, I’m going to need you and your brothers to see if they’re using any wards on this building. Sasha and
, the two of you need to cast a spell on this
so that no one gets out unless they go through us. Paris and Aries, I’ll need you two to split your pack up and take the other entrances inside. We’re going to need to hit them from all sides. Wolf, go with them. I’ll need three volunteers to go with Isis to scout the area for the children.”

Maggie raised her hand. “I’ll go with her!”

“No, you’ll stay close to me as we discussed.” GianMarco gave his mate a narrowed stare.

“Don’t even think about it,” Romeo growled, shooting Christine a stern glare when she looked as if she, too, would speak up.

Dante nodded. “It’s for the best that you stay close to Marco and Romeo, ladies.”

Christine pursed her lips. “But

Dante held up his hand to halt whatever it was she’d intended to say. He
turned to face the others. “
Stefano, Julian, and Huck, how about it?” he asked three of the Underground agents who’d joined up with them
they’d left Giovanni’s.

Once the duties were meted out, each subgroup broke apart. Before Isis went off with her team, she walked over to Dante. His heart raced and pulse quickened
from her
nearness. If they weren’t about to go on one of the most important missions in their lives, he probably would have taken her in his arms and shown her just how much their encounter of a few hours ago had meant to him.
It worried him slightly at how easily he wished to be alone with her instead of focusing on this mission which was sure to be dangerous.
The woman had truly bewitched him. Shaking his head to clear it
of his carnal thoughts, he nodded in acknowledgement
, not wanting to reveal what was really on his mind. “Yes, Isis?”

Concern lined
face as
she grasped his hands. Her blue-gray gaze searched his face for several moments before she spoke. “Be careful.” Giving his hands a squeeze before releasing them, she turned on her heel and walked off with her group without giving him a chance to reply.
wanted to call her back but
. Too many lives were at risk.

Giovanni whispered to him, “Something isn’t right. My source said this was where the kids would be held. I know this is one of Adonis’s main hideouts, but there’s something off about this place. I’m starting to have a
very bad feeling

Dante frowned
. This wasn’t exactly the best time to tell him this. The atmosphere around here was strange enough as it was without Giovanni’s premonitions. “Why?”

“I can’t
really say, but it’s a feeling I have

Dante shrugged. “Well, there’s really no time to ponder it now. We’re here, and you said your source told you this is where the children are being held.”

Giovanni sighed. “I know, but I had men who were supposed to follow up with me, and I haven’t heard from them. They usually get back to me promptly. I probably should have told you this earlier, but I didn’t want to concern you.” He paused to rake his fingers through his dark hair. “You’re right. It doesn’t matter at this point anyway. We go in when we get the signal from Sasha and

Giovanni seemed nervous about something, and in the short time Dante had known him, he hadn’t found edginess to be one of his older brother’s natural characteristics. Maybe something was
. Dante took a moment to check the rest of their entourage, ensuring everyone was there and accounted for.

Dante, how well do you know Isis
?” Giovanni’s words filtered into Dante’s mind.

Dante stiffened, surprised at his brother’s question. “
Well enough. It’s a hell of a time for you to ask me something like that. Why the sudden interest in Isis
?” Was it mere curiosity or something deeper? A burning anger ripped through him the likes of which he’d never experienced where any woman was concerned. He thought he’d been jealous before, but that had been nothing compared to how he felt right now.

Calm down. I’m not asking for the reason you’re thinking, but I am concerned. It’s clear you two have feelings for each other, but
has told me something I think you should know

Dante frowned. What did
know about Isis, and if it was something so dire, why was Giovanni telling him about this now? “

Maybe she bears watching is all

Dante narrowed his eyes. “
You can’t fucking say shit like that and expect me not to want to know what the hell you’re talking about. What is it I should know about her
?” He’d almost said the words out loud, but managed to maintain the telepathic link with the older vampire.

What Giovanni would have said next remained unknown because
chose that moment to reappear. “It’s done. Once we enter the house, none of our enemies will be able to escape.”

Giovanni nodded. “Then we go.”

gestured the rest of the group forward and made his way to the front entrance, a large oak double door with two iron handles. A lion’s head with a metal ring in its mouth served as a knocker. There was no point in trying to sneak in. Whoever waited on the other side probably knew someone would come for the children.
caressed the door and gave it a push, testing its strength to discern how much force would be needed to break through. Once determined, he sent a mental signal to Paris and the others waiting at the other entrances that they’d enter on three.

Dante turned to the group. “Keep your head and look out for each other. We don’t know what we’ll be up against, but
it is, we have to be ready for it. Once I bust through this door, we go. Remember the plan and we can all get out of here alive.” Taking a deep breath, he whispered a silent prayer for the safety of his family and comrades.

Balling his hands into tight fists, he pounded the door with enough force to knock it down. The sound of splitting wood and squeaking hinges created enough noise to wake the dead, and Dante tensed in anticipation, expecting their enemies to descend on them any second now.

When nothing happened, he wondered why, but it didn’t stop him from crossing the threshold. It was darker inside the house than it had been outside. All the curtains were drawn or the windows were blackened; he couldn’t tell which. Dank, stale air assaulted his nostrils, and the dampness of the air seeped into his clothes and chilled him to the bone. The place seemed abandoned, as if no one had stepped foot inside for years, yet he couldn’t shake the sensation of being watched by malevolent eyes.

A dark evil lurked within the house, but he couldn’t see anything, even with his extra
sensitive vision. Why didn’t they come out? His nerves were on edge and every muscle in his body was tense in anticipation.

“What now? It doesn’t look like anyone is here,” Nico murmured from his left.

A rumbling unexpectedly shook the house, nearly knocking Dante off balance. “I think you have the answer to your question, Nico. Shit!” An unseen forced shoved him in the chest, sending Dante stumbling backward. This time he did fall, but returned to his feet in a flash.

Several pairs of glowing red eyes appeared from out of thin air, and invisible hands wrapped themselves around his throat. What the fuck? Only those menacing eyes remained visible, but the attack against him was no less dangerous. Someone or something
attempted to squeeze
the wind from his esophagus. Dante strained to steal a glance at his team members
to see they, too, were in similar predicaments.

They all seemed to be fighting off their own assailants. The
s and witches began to chant simultaneously, likely in an attempt to counter their undetectable foes. The house was suddenly bathed in light, but despite the illuminating sheen it produced, their attackers remained invisible.

Dante caught Steel’s eye. “Do…something,” he managed to gasp, gripping the unseen hands wrapped around his neck. Shifting his fingers, he lengthened them to talons and dug into his invisible adversary’s flesh. A primal cry
his ears. He
knew they could be hurt

whatever they were. But why the hell couldn’t he see these motherfuckers? And he wondered about their incredible strength. They seemed more powerful than the rogues he’d encountered previously.

A howl tore through the air, the sound of a shifter going through its metamorphosis, but it wasn’t the deep, throaty bay of a male. It was more feminine. Isis! He had to get to her and make sure she was okay. Bringing his knee up, Dante connected with what he hoped was the invisible villain’s midsection. He must have hit his mark because his opponent’s grip loosened on his throat, giving Dante the opportunity to grasp at the rogue’s forearms and toss him off. Though this momentarily freed him, Dante was caught by what felt like a fist smashing into the side of his face. Realizing he couldn’t rely on his sight to fight this battle, he used his ears to guide him.

Sidestepping another oncoming blow, Dante threw his fist out and connected with a solid object. A body. Quickly taking advantage of nailing his target, he grabbed the figure and head-butted it before slamming his knee into its middle.

Dante pummeled his unseen enemy, unleashing every ounce of his might and all his frustrations of the past several months. As he continued to throw punches, an arm hooked around his neck, yanking him away from his target. The force of a fist slammed into his stomach.

Whatever spell the rogues were using to make themselves invisible must have been hard to reverse, because the
s and witches
continued to chant
. The black magic surrounding them was probably more powerful than anything they’d dealt with before.

Taking blow after blow, he struggled to break the tight hold he found himself in. A loud scream rent the air, followed by the acrid scent of death. His heart plummeted within his chest, and he prayed the smell didn’t belong to one of his allies or worse, his family. Managing to turn his head, he saw Julian fall to the ground, his eyes lifeless. Niccolo
on t
o something, while Romeo tried
to pull an invisible enemy off Christine.

Giovanni appeared by his side, whispering something under his breath in a tongue Dante couldn’t discern. Whatever had been said must have done the trick because the rogues holding him captive became visible. Barely. They were still translucent, but at least he could
make out their outlines

just in time to see one of the creatures come toward him with fangs bared, its intention seemingly to rip out Dante’s throat.

With no time to dwell on what his brother had done to make their enemies detectable, Dante ducked and caught his enemy with a fist to the chest. Giovanni grabbed the rogue behind Dante and kicked it in the midsection. Another howl filtered through the room, reminding Dante to find Isis to ensure her safety.

He ripped through the side of his attacker’s face with his sharp claws, and pulled off a large chunk before gouging out its eyeballs with his thumbs. Dante stuck his fingers through the now empty eye sockets and pulled his enemy’s face apart, to expose the skull beneath. The rogue screamed in agony, madly clawing at the air now that it had been rendered blind.

Bloodlust gripped Dante, giving him the strength to tear through the evil vampire’s chest until he reached its heart. Pulling his fist back, Dante smashed it through the now gaping hole, connecting with the pulsing organ to deliver a deathblow. Before the body hit the ground, two more semi-invisible fiends were on him.

Managing to twist out of their viselike grips, he grabbed them by the backs of their heads and smashed them together, cracking skulls and stunning them in the process. Using their temporary incapacitation to his advantage, he repeated the move, then tore through the chest of the one on his right and yanked out its heart before stuffing it down the other’s throat.
His team might have been outnumbered but the rogues had ignited a fury within him that stirred his
menacing need
to make these motherfuckers pay
He intended to make every death as painful as possible.

One rogue clawed his face, shredding flesh. Dante gritted his teeth against the pain, making a mental note to make
this one
suffer more. He circled his hands around his antagonist’s throat and squeezed with all his might. Its eyeballs bulged and looked as if they would pop out of their sockets. Releasing his grip, Dante smacked the sides of the rogue’s head like
he had
cymbals. Blood oozed out of its ear
, but it wasn’t enough to suit Dante’s bloodthirsty mood. Opening his mouth with descended incisors, he clamped onto the exposed throat, ripped out a large chunk, and spit it back in the rogue’s face.

From the corner of his eye
he caught a glimpse of Nico being knocked backward and Dante came to his senses, realizing there was no more time for dallying. He had to take care of business and help out where he was needed. With a fist through the chest, he found the creature’s heart and gave it a tight squeeze until it exploded. Without hesitating, he rushed to assist Nico with the three red-eyed vampires attacking him.

Dante pulled one of them off his brother, enabling Nico to hop to his feet and deliver a staggering hit to the rogue closest to him. Luckily, Dante’s enemy this time around wasn’t as strong as the last three, and unlike the others, was clearly visible. Why was this one so different? Not that it mattered; he’d be dead like the rest.

After he dispatched his tenth rogue, he lost count, but they seemed to keep coming. Thankfully, from what he could see as he quickly scanned the room, no one else in his group had fallen, although there had been several close calls. Romeo’s head was nearly taken off, but with the assistance of his friend
Wolf, he turned the tables on his foe, much to Dante’s relief.

Surprisingly, the women were holding their own. Dante saw Maggie kicking the shit out of one of the rogues, while Christine straddled another one on the ground and banged its head against the floor. There was definitely something to be said about a mother protecting her young. Romeo and GianMarco stayed near their mates, providing them the backup they needed.

It seemed, however, that the more enemies they fought off, the more came at them.
There seemed to be close to a hundred of them.
He had to get to Isis! Fighting his way through two more opponents, Dante made his way to the other side of the house. He found her in full shifted form, a graceful wolf with a dark brown coat. She was smaller than the
male shifters but no less dangerous
. Isis reared back on her paws, snarling at an advancing adversary. Baring a mouthful of sharp teeth, she sprang forward, knocking the rogue onto the ground before clamping her jaw down on its shoulder.

Like the ferocious beast she’d become, she b
it into his arm and tore it to ribbons
. Though her opponent managed to toss her off, she was on him again in an instant, ripping into his chest until she found the heart. However, before the thing died, it cried out, “You fucking traitor, bitch!”

What the hell was that supposed to mean? He didn’t have time to dwell on the question before two more creatures came after him. Ducking, he missed a blow flying his way before dealing out one of his own. Taking one of his adversaries by the arm, he spun him around and slammed him into another one. Their skulls cracked when their heads collided.

With a low growl, Isis jumped at the closest red-eyed vampire and sank her teeth into its face. Savagely tearing off flesh, the rogue became unrecognizable as she continued to claw away at him until only tattered
of tendon and broken bone remained. She was vicious in her attack, not stopping until the creature beneath her paws lay dead. Not bothering to pause for a rest, she pounced on another rogue. Blood coated her fur and pieces of flesh stuck between her teeth. Dante had never been more thankful in his life to have someone on his side. He knew then she would be able to handle herself, though he didn’t want to stray far.

She may have been fierce in battle, but his protective instinct wouldn’t allow him to leave her side even as she vanquished yet another one of the monsters.

During battle, Dante noticed a peculiar phenomenon. Some of their enemies possessed that see-through quality, while others he could see just fine. As one of the shimmery rogues threw him against the wall, it finally dawned on him where he’d seem some of these vampires before. The Serpent Gang. He couldn’t identify the semi
visible ones, but the others were definitely members of the gang they’d been trailing for weeks. It seemed as if every single member was here and they were even more powerful than they had a right to be.

“Dante, watch
out!” Sasha called before a fist crashed into his jaw. Woozy, he fell back. Stars danced before his eyes and blood filled his mouth. His own. The balled fist came forward again, but the snarling creature was lifted off its feet by an unseen force. Dante saw Sasha raising her hands in the air, controlling their enemy’s movement as Isis leaped through the air, catching it with a vicious swipe of her paw.

Sasha let the rogue fall to the ground with a thud as Isis went to work. One of the red-eyed fiends grabbed Isis by the tail and swung her around like a rag doll, banging her against the floor. She howled in agony, struggling to break free of its grip.

“Isis, hold on!” Dante would have been at her side were it not for a pair of arms wrapping around his midsection and squeezing him in a massive bear hug. Dante slammed his head back, connecting with his foe’s face to break free. A long metal rod came flying through the air toward his head, and by the sheerest of luck, he twisted out of the creature’s hold just in time. The foreign object pierced his enemy’s skull, knocking the rogue to the ground. Someone else would have to deal with the writhing vampire, because Dante needed to get to Isis.

He backhanded the rogue with all his might, making it angry enough to focus its attention on him, and most importantly, let Isis go. He pummeled the thing, backing it into a corner, but even then he didn’t stop. If anyone messed with his woman, they were fucking with him. Dante was so caught up in punishing the bastard for daring to lay hands on Isis
he didn’t have time to think about the magnitude of what he’d just admitted to himself. Isis was well and truly his woman. Maybe he’d known it from the moment he’d laid eyes on her, but there had been far too much going on.

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