Danny (Models On Top #1) (32 page)

BOOK: Danny (Models On Top #1)
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“I found you.”

“No, you just finally called me back.” I turn my back on her and look down, resting my hands on the countertop.

I’m poked. Once. Twice before turning around. She says, “Listen to me. I’m here. I’m here when he threatened me. I’m here because of you. So believe me or don’t believe me. That’s up to you, but I know why I’m here and you’re not going to twist my words.”

She walks to the door but stops before she leaves. “I know you’re used to having your way, but this time, you’re going to have to trust that everything I’m doing is for us. You said I have your heart, faith, and trust. Now prove it.”

“You’re asking me to let that asshole control your life when I don’t even want him near you.”

Coming back to me, she places her hands gently on my chest as if she’s scared of the outcome. “I’m asking you to let me handle this. We have the photo shoot tomorrow and then we’re off to Paris tomorrow night. He will be a distant memory and after this campaign we’ll be together.”

Taking her by the waist, I hold her there, not wanting to ever let her go again. “That’s asking a lot.”

“I’ll make it worth your while. I promise.”

“I would be crazy to let this guy come within fifty yards of you.”

“Vittori is the culmination of everything I’ve worked so hard for. I started as an intern and have worked my way up through the most reputable agencies in New York. I have to lead this team to the best campaign possible. Then I’ll have options. Right now, I’ve got nothing. He holds all the cards.”

Reese is smart and sinfully sexy. As Vinnie said earlier, she is more than capable and much more resourceful than him. But I need to know she won’t back down, that if she’s going to do this on her own that she’ll stand her ground. I always admired her strength—particularly her strength to not back down from me—so I need to trust in that now. I don’t doubt her, but I sure as fuck don’t trust

“If he holds all the cards, you’re underestimating what
capable of. I’m flying blind to what’s even happening and you’re asking me not to help. It’s like sending you into battle without any armor. Let me be your armor, Reese.”

Guilt seems to plague her, but she stays steady on her mission. “I’m sorry. Not this time. Okay?”

“Just don’t tell me to stay here and look pretty,” I say, quirking an eyebrow.

Her laughter is full, carrying beyond the two of us. It’s music to my ears. “I won’t. I promise. Though you are ver—”

“Eh! Nope. Don’t say it,” I tease, and then sigh. “So you’re doing this, aren’t you?”

“I have to.”

“Then I’ll let you make this mistake and hopefully learn from it. But no matter what, I’ll be here however you need me.”

For us.
It’s so fucking frustrating she feels she has to do this on her own. Especially when it’s regarding us, but I’ll let her do what she feels so strongly about and be here waiting. Looking her over, she really is too damn sexy when she’s so determined.

As if reading my mind, she says, “I want to have sex, and I want you to make me forget about tonight. I want to be blissfully unaware of everything, except for right now, here with you.”

I’m already smirking.
How can I not when I have temptation in its truest form begging me to fuck her?
It’s a hard job… like rock-hard, but I can handle it.

“Sit up here.” I lift her up and place her on the counter. “I’ll be right back. Be ready for me.”

After turning off the water, I slip out and go for a condom from my suitcase. When I return, she has her arms wrapped around her legs, giving me a peek of her sexy pussy. “Open for me.”

She spreads her legs and waits for further instruction. “Put your hands behind you.” She does. After stroking myself while eyeing her incredible tits, I rip open the package and put the condom on.

Her back is curved, pushing them forward, and I run my hand over her sensitive nipples. “You know how sexy you are?”

“No,” she says, the reply jagged. “Tell me.”

“I’ll show you, but brace yourself.” Just as she firms her palms against the counter, I slam forward, holding her by her hips as I thrust in and out several times, hard and fast.

Her warmth draws my eyes to close, the fuse inside sparking to life. I won’t last, not with her, not like this. I’m getting close to release when she says, “Stop. Danny, stop.”

My whole body is alert to the sound of her voice and I stop. Worried, I back up but keep my hands on her. “Are you okay? Did I hurt you?”

Each breath sends her chest rising and falling to a rapid beating heart. “No, this feels good. It’s too much and not enough.” Her hands cover her tits, teasing herself and me. “I want to see you. I need to see your eyes on me, on mine.”

Her pleasure is mine. Touching her cheek, I let my hand drift down and I smile. “I want to watch you come.” My fingers slip between her legs and I find that spot that makes her purr. “Keep your eyes on mine.”

She looks up, pupils wide as she takes me in. Her hands are holding me to the spot, her back to the mirror. I build her up again, tightening the coil that I want to watch unravel. I run my thumb over her bottom lip, wetting it. Then I kiss her as small circles increase in intensity and her moans are swallowed. When she starts holding on to me, I lean back and our eyes meet again—passion, addiction, obsession reside in the clarity of her deep blues and I don’t want her just to physically feel how strongly I feel for her, but to see it. “I’ve always loved you.”

The back of her head hits the mirror, her eyes close, and her mouth opens. “Oh God, Danny.” She shivers as the force of ecstasy takes over her body.

“Look at me, baby.”

I can see her struggle, but when her eyes open and meet mine, I don’t relent until I see her body coming down.

Sitting upright, she kisses my neck and whispers, “I want you inside me.”

I’m there. Positioned, and then I’m inside her heat, thrusting, racing toward that fiery descent. The embers of her orgasm burn me, bringing mine forth. It’s fast, too fast. I drop my head next to hers and give in, not caring about anything but the feeling exploding inside, filling me, and igniting every cell in my body. She’s done me in and I shudder inside her. My breath is harsh, but her hand on the back of my neck is gentle as she strokes my sensitive skin.

This is what I’ve been missing.

This is what gives me peace.

This. Is. Love.




bed, only our hands bridging the gap between us. I stare up at the ceiling though I can’t see anything in the dark room. Not even her. The discretion allows me to think about everything that is happening, about everything that has happened.

I can hear her breathing and I want to smother her with my body and emotions, covering her until she only breathes me. She says, “You should sleep. You have the photo shoot in the morning.”

“You do too.”

I can’t see her smile in the dark, but I hear it in her tone when she says, “But I’m not on camera.”

“You could be.”

“Thank you,” she whispers and I can bet she doesn’t believe me. Her hand squeezes mine. “This has to be perfect. There is no room for okay. We need amazing to happen. Promise me you’ll give me amazing no matter what they ask of you.”

The undertone of the conversation is weighted with little information. I still don’t know what she’s up to, but I can overlook that because I know she’s choosing me. “I’ll give you amazing, Reese.” I yawn, and her body rolls toward mine. I put my arm under her and bring her closer. A yawn of her own follows and then my world disappears, exchanged for dreams and memories from the past that have been long-since buried.



a large venting hood, her pale pink dress blowing behind her as she stares at me. My hands are firm on the short brick wall that surrounds the roof where we’re shooting. The black suit and shirt I’ve been styled in works for this gray day. I look off at the Empire State Building in the distance, then slowly turn back to Claudia.

The clicking of Bryker’s camera is heard above the noise twenty stories down on the streets of Manhattan. Walking to her, I keep my eyes on the woman in the dress who appears to be floating as the sheer skirt blows wide around her. I’m feeling it, so I hope the camera captures the élan vital of what we’re trying to evoke.

Claudia reaches forward for me and as I take her hands I try to stay focused on her and not on the woman off to the side who just showed up, three hours after me. Taking Claudia by the waist, I twirl her in the air and then bring her down until we’re face to face, our eyes locked.

Bryker directs, “Kiss her.”

Our eyes close as our lips come together. I’m careful of our angles, acutely aware of where the camera is as the photographer shifts around us. Holding Claudia in place, I’m careful to not mess her hair and give the camera the best angle of my jaw, keeping my promise to Reese—giving her photo-shoot perfection. Just as she requested.

Bryker’s telling us to make love to the camera, to make love to each other, use the eyes, kiss her lips, drop our shoulder, angle toward him, away from him, spin her around, move the dress, show the suit—do what feels natural.

I glance over and send a glare on that one. I know what he wants. He wants what every photographer wants—to capture the moment in its rawest form—to find love, lust, realness in the subjects. These subjects—Claudia and I—aren’t in love. Our job is to manufacture those emotions through silence and our bodies, our eyes, our passion, to play pretend and trick the viewer’s eye.

But passion for my job and “getting the shot” are no match for the real thing. I look at Reese, sneaking a peek as I turn us around. She’s not watching. She still struggles because I’m too good at my job, convinced what she sees before her is real.

This is where faith and trust come into play, something I’m being forced to embrace since she won’t let me know how she’s “handling” her ex.

Bryker calls out, “That’s a wrap for this location. Pack up.”

Claudia walks to wardrobe, and I detour to Reese. “Morning.”

“Morning. You left early. You must be tired.”

“I’ve had two espressos.”

She reaches forward, a comfort in the action, but stops and holds her hands in front of her. “We must be careful.”

“We’re heading to the apartment. Are you coming?”

“No. I have two meetings with other clients.”

I lean in to kiss her, but catch myself, understanding her struggle just seconds earlier. “You’re on the flight tonight?”

“Yes. Do you need anything?”

“Only you.”

A broad smile brightens my day. “You’ve got me, Danny. You had me all along.”

“I’ve wasted many years then.”

“We both did.” She puts more space between us. “The photos are going to look amazing. The chemistry is undeniable.”

“Don’t believe everything you see.”

“I’ll keep that in mind, but for now, I need to go.”

Perfect timing, as if planned to not have to watch anymore. I get it. I don’t know how I’d feel about watching her and another guy. Yeah, I do. It’d fucking suck. “I’ll see you later.” I head over to Becs.

Quietly, Reese says, “Hey, Danny?”

Turning around, I say, “Hey, Reese.”

Her smile is genuine, the girl seen within the woman standing before me. She says, “Last night,” she glances to the right, and then back to me, “you were incredible.”

“I’m hoping for a repeat in Paris.”

That sends the blood rushing to her cheeks and she shies away, leaving before anybody else notices. But I notice and that’s all that matters. The beautiful blue-eyed girl is mine. Again.

I strip off the jacket, starting on the shirt as soon as I reach wardrobe. I get down to my boxers before I step behind the makeshift dressing room. Claudia is pulling a T-shirt over her head sans bra while I pull off the Vittori underwear and pull on my jeans. She yawns. “I’m so fucking tired today. I can’t sleep for shit in Manhattan. I never did like this city.”

“Is it the city or the partying that kept you up?”

With a trilling laugh, she taps her chin. “You might have a point there.”

That’s when I see it. “Wipe your nose.”

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