Daniel Taylor and the Scepter of Power (10 page)

BOOK: Daniel Taylor and the Scepter of Power
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“How are we going to get into the hall?” James whispered.

Daniel stood close to him near the large double doors, hidden under the amulet’s protective shield that rendered them invisible to demons.

“At some point, someone will have to go in or out,” replied Daniel quietly. He eyed the door’s thousands of swarming black snakes skeptically. He was afraid that they would sense him and morph into a living model of his face, as they always did when someone wished to enter the great hall. A few snakes flicked out their tongues in his direction, so he pulled his father back a few steps.

When they heard voices, they pressed themselves up against the wall. It was Sirina and Antheus. Daniel recognized the demoness immediately by her green outfit and Antheus by his height.

Would this be an opportunity to get into the hall?

“Lover, wait,” Sirina said, taking Antheus by the hand.

He shook her hand off. “Oh, so now I’m your lover!”

Daniel held his breath; the two had stopped just a few steps away from him and his father.

“I was blind. I knew how much you wanted me. I was just dazzled by Silvan’s charisma.” Sirina played innocently with a lock of her hair and then stretched her arms over the tall demon, catlike. “But the feelings he showed that day!” She shuddered in an exaggerated fashion so that her red hair flew about wildly. “Pathetic! I should have realized that he was far too human to be useful to us. You, on the other hand, are cold and truly powerful. I didn’t see it until it was almost too late. Forgive me!” She threw herself at his feet and clung to them. She looked up at him submissively. “In the future, I’ll do everything you ask of me, my lord.”

Antheus raised an eyebrow. “Everything?”

She nodded obediently, and Daniel inwardly chuckled. Could such a powerful demon really be taken in by this?

The answer was apparently yes, as he pulled Sirina up by her fire-red hair, pressed her against the wall with his body, and aggressively kissed her.

She moaned shamelessly and wrapped her legs around Antheus.

“Here, lover?” Daniel heard her say between gasps.

Antheus nodded and hitched up his robe. His naked legs came into view. Daniel had always been curious about what the high lords wore under their robes, but he hadn’t wanted to find out this way!

He was filled with disgust. Hopefully they wouldn’t have to witness the two coupling!

Luckily, the demons’ passion was short-lived, as more footsteps could be heard approaching the great hall.

Antheus let Sirina go at once, and she hurriedly straightened her dress.

Upon glimpsing the newcomers, James tensed up, and Daniel was shocked. His blood ran cold as he saw Obron, followed by Mike and Marla. Daniel had thought they were already safely out of the underworld!

“Is there any news?” Obron’s voice echoed through the tunnel.

Antheus shook his head. “We were about to enter the hall and report to Xandros.” Eyes narrowed, he examined first Obron, then Mike and Marla. “What’s happened? I’ve lost all connection with Metistakles.”

“He’s dead,” replied Obron coolly.

Dead? Daniel gasped. Had Marla killed him? That meant that they would have one fewer demon to fight — although the odds were still stacked against them. Just defeating Xandros represented an insurmountable challenge.

“I had to eliminate him,” Obron said. “The idiot wanted to kill Marla. We need her now more urgently than ever.”

What would they need his sister for?

Of course — she was also a descendant of the woman who had created the scepter!

Marla hung her head. She looked grievously sad and was covered in blood from head to toe. Mike, in contrast, was a pure bundle of nerves. He was constantly running a hand through his hair or wiping his palms dry on his trousers. He looked in their direction a few times, but he didn’t let on that he had seen them.

Obron looked over toward them, and Daniel held his breath. The demon frowned and narrowed his eyes, but then Mike distracted him. “Maybe they’re already in the hall?”

“Impossible,” Obron said. “We should go in and ask the Overlord for guidance.”

“With the human?” From Sirina’s displeasure, it was obvious that she had never been permitted to enter the hall. Apparently she was to be allowed in for the first time as Antheus’ consort. She was standing near the snake door, fidgeting and shifting her weight from one leg to the other.

“He’ll be useful to us,” Obron replied curtly, positioning himself in front of the door. “He can see Silvan and Carpenter despite the amulet.”

With a soft hissing sound, the black snakes shifted into the form of Obron’s face. His large nose was clearly recognizable. The mighty double doors swung silently open, and everyone entered. Just before the doors closed, Daniel and James scurried in behind them.

The doors closed with a quiet click. They were inside! Daniel’s heart nearly leapt into his throat. Although no one could create a portal
the hall, there was always the possibility of making one
from it. That gave them a little security.

He looked around, past the others, who were walking toward the other end of the hall. There, illuminated by the light of several torches, Xandros sat on his throne. As always, he was dressed in a black robe, with the hood pulled low over his face.

Vanessa was huddled at his feet, a chain around her neck like a dog. Xandros had looped the leash around his hand. It was no ordinary chain, but rather a magical restraint that glowed with a dark-green light.

Vanessa looked up and opened her mouth. No sound emerged. Her eyelids were red, her dress was dirty, and there was a cut on her shoulder. What had they done to her?

Daniel seethed, and his fingertips prickled. It took great effort not to hurl a fireball at Xandros. Daniel wanted to run over to Vanessa, but James held him back.

Remembering how he always thought of Xandros as the emperor from
Star Wars
, he again felt like he was in a
Star Wars
film — except that this time Xandros was Jabba the Hutt and Vanessa was Princess Leia.

Naturally, Vanessa could see them. She opened her mouth and stared at them as they entered the hall after the demons and Mike. Daniel hastily shook his head, put a finger to his lips, and then placed his hand over his eyes.

Vanessa understood. She looked away quickly, but it was too late. Xandros’ fingers dug into the armrests of his throne, and he pulled Vanessa closer to him with the leash.

“They’re here!”

Obron, Antheus, and Sirina immediately spun around.

“Where are they, lord?” Obron cried, keeping an eye on Vanessa. She made an effort to stare in the opposite direction.

“I can sense their proximity,” Xandros said. “But I can’t see them.”

Obron grabbed Mike by the arm. “Where are they?”

“I-I …” Mike looked around and caught sight of them.

Daniel and James quickly ducked behind a thick column. “What’s the plan?” Daniel mouthed.

“I can’t see them!” Mike cried as Obron forced him to his knees.

James and Daniel remained hidden, but Daniel’s sharp eyes found a reflection in the smooth, black marble wall. He saw Obron pressing his hands to Mike’s temples. The demon closed his eyes. “Look around!” he commanded Mike.

This was evidently a painful process. Daniel heard him gasp. Straining, Mike opened his eyes wider.

Obron guided his head, turning Mike in all directions. Luckily, it was so dark behind their column that they cast no reflections on the wall.

“Damn it, he really doesn’t see them!” Obron yelled, letting go of Mike. He collapsed to the floor and remained there, lying on his side. Marla crouched down next to him. She seemed upset — she was biting her fingernails and looking around furtively.

Goose bumps crept over the back of Daniel’s neck as he heard Xandros laugh. “He’ll show himself!”

Vanessa suddenly screamed.

Daniel rushed out from behind the pillar. James just barely managed to stay at his heels in order to stay in the protective circle.

Xandros had stood up and was walking to the center of the hall. Daniel had never seen the Overlord get up from his throne before. He was tall, at least half a head taller than his son Antheus. Xandros pulled so hard on the leash that Vanessa was jerked forward. She scrabbled at her neck, choking for air.

Daniel could no longer control himself; his rage knew no bounds. He gathered all his negative emotions and created a football-sized energy sphere in his hand. For an instant, he marveled at his own strength — and then he threw the sphere at Xandros.

It fizzled out in the air a meter in front of the demon. “Look at that!” Xandros laughed so loudly and shrilly that the walls of the great hall vibrated.

“Daniel,” James hissed, pulling him to one side.

Daniel was trembling. Damn it, he might have hit Vanessa, or Xandros might have used her as a shield!

“I can feel your hate,” Xandros called, “your fear, and your confusion.” He strode through the hall, pulling Vanessa along behind him. She followed him, silently crying.

“Hate is good, Silvan! It makes you one of us. You still have the choice! If you decide to fight against me, your human friend will be the first to die!”

The others were standing together in a group, raptly watching the events unfold. At least they weren’t attacking. It almost seemed to Daniel that they were waiting for something.

“Show yourself!” The voice of the Overlord echoed through the rock dome.

Daniel didn’t move. What should he do? He had no chance against Xandros. He could only think of one weapon that could stop the powerful demon, and that was the scepter!

Should he pretend to defect to the other side?

No, Xandros would see through that ploy right away. The high lords were gifted mind-readers; he couldn’t deceive them. The way things looked, they had lost.

Daniel saw Marla helping Mike to stand up. The two of them positioned themselves behind Antheus, Obron, and Sirina, as though they might be safer there. A ridiculous idea.

Xandros pulled Vanessa to him and ran his hand over her bare shoulder. His claws left a bloody trail running down her arm.

Screaming, Vanessa tried to break away from Xandros, who was holding her by the shoulder with his other hand.

Daniel twisted in James’ firm grip. The Overlord had actually hurt her! He had to go to her, help her, comfort her! Daniel could see how frightened she was. She had wrapped one protective arm around her trembling body; with her other hand, she was trying to tear off the chain around her neck. Her eyes were red and swollen from crying. What had they done to her?

Anger boiled up within Daniel. Paralyzed, he stared at the dark-red rivulet that ran down Vanessa’s bare arm and fell, drop by drop, onto the floor.

Marla was staring off into space; Mike, his face as white as a sheet, had put an arm around her.

Xandros cackled. “How very vulnerable these humans are. This is the life you would willingly choose, Silvan?”

The more Xandros provoked his anger, the better Daniel felt. He felt incredibly strong—– none of them were a match for him. James had warned him not to overestimate his powers, but he was finding it difficult, especially since he couldn’t tear his eyes away from Vanessa.

“You can sense your demonic side, can’t you?” Xandros pulled on the leash, choking Vanessa yet again. “My blood also flows in you, Silvan. It gives you your dark powers.” The leash jerked back again, and Vanessa fell to her knees and gasped for air.

Daniel flinched. He felt like an atom bomb shortly before the explosion.

“Bring me the scepter, grandson, and I promise you infinite power.”

Every cell in Daniel’s body tingled with boundless rage.

“Everyone wants to achieve something more — including you, Silvan! You’ll no longer be an outsider; no one will ever patronize you or laugh at you again. If they do, you’ll have to power to kill them just by snapping your fingers.” Xandros came to a halt and looked directly at Daniel, even though he was still invisible. “You and I, grandson. We’d be the most powerful demons in the world.”

Xandros put a hand to his hood, and Daniel held his breath. The Overlord pushed the cloth back. Daniel had been expecting to see an ugly, disfigured, or skeletal face, but instead he was looking at his own reflection. Just twenty years older. His rage was transformed into astonishment.

Xandros wasn’t bald, either — his hair was as thick and black as Daniel’s own. But much shorter.

A murmur went through the room.

Suddenly, the Overlord’s voice sounded just like his own! “You’re a lot like me, Silvan. You’ve inherited more from me than you realize.” Xandros reached out a hand. “Come to me and rule at my side, with Vanessa as your bride. I can make you one of us.”

Daniel’s heart was beating wildly. Images crowded his demonic consciousness. That’s just what he had imagined: he and Vanessa in the underworld, together forever.

“She would no longer be as fragile as she is now.” Xandros slid a hand over Vanessa’s wounds. They closed immediately. Gasping, Vanessa looked over at Daniel, her mouth hanging open in amazement.

“Don’t be enticed by him,” James whispered. “He’s toying with you.”

Daniel nodded. He knew that Xandros was only projecting an illusion. With the help of the amulet, he should be able see the true face of the Overlord. When Daniel concentrated, the false image flickered, and a much older man appeared. He didn’t look awe-inspiring, just old. Very old. As though he might fall down dead at any moment. Daniel couldn’t see any resemblance between them, especially in comparison to the obvious similarities between him and James — that kinship couldn’t be denied. Daniel had nothing in common with his demon grandfather. Almost nothing … Daniel could definitely feel a dark, sinister side that pulled at him with venomous fangs, but he wouldn’t give in to that temptation. He had seen where it led. Xandros was only making empty promises. Daniel had already fallen for that ploy once before.

“Fine — if you don’t cooperate, I’ll get the information out of Carpenter.” Xandros reached out an arm and looked directly at James, or so it seemed to Daniel. The demon was so powerful that he could sense their presence and location with precision!

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