Daniel Ganninger - Icarus Investigations 02 - Peeking Duck (31 page)

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Authors: Daniel Ganninger

Tags: #Mystery: Thriller - Private Investigators

BOOK: Daniel Ganninger - Icarus Investigations 02 - Peeking Duck
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We didn’t waste time when we got back to San Diego because there were promises to keep.  The CIA had learned the operation had gone horribly wrong, and placed Lee’s wife and child in a safe house north of L.A. We made a deal with the CIA; Lee’s wife and daughter in exchange for information about the NSA’s involvement and the scope of their activities against the CIA.  In addition, we had to sign a confidentiality agreement that we would not leak the information about the CIA plan to smuggle Lee out of China.  All the information we had about CIA and NSA communications were placed in a safe deposit box in St. Petersburg, Florida.  If for some reason we showed up missing or jailed, a lawyer in San Antonio was instructed to forward the contents of that box to the Chairman of the United States House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.  We haven’t heard from the CIA, or the NSA for that matter, since. 

‘s money was distributed among various charitable organizations around the world under the guise of an anonymous donor.  We took out a cut for the price that was initially agreed upon when we took the job, since the NSA chose not to pay us, and a little stipend went to Lee and his family so they could start a new life.

The fallout from the NSA
Blue Lotus
operation and the CIA’s
Peking Duck
operation never saw its way into the public eye, but behind the scenes there was massive internal, political turmoil.  The CIA accused the NSA of trying to thwart its operation, and the NSA denied it.  But the two organizations marched on, albeit a little more cautious of each other.

The Chinese denied ever having a person in their
intelligence service named Lee and never discussed the case again with INTERPOL. 

‘s entire operation was turned upside down.  Captain Marquette, the pirate that posed as Captain Svenson, was brought up on charges of piracy and terrorism by the French government, while Balboa was charged with the same by the United Kingdom since he was captured at Gough Island.  Other members of Olvary’s organization and the henchmen at the train station were prosecuted under French law.

Jane and I reunited with a trip to the
island of St. Maarten in the Caribbean, where we were able to get some much needed rest (I’m thinking we need to take our relationship to the next level as soon as we return). As for Galveston, he didn’t stay lovelorn for long and was back out in action, impressing beautiful women, but usually failing miserably.  At least I haven’t had to wrestle him again.

, Jane, and I reunited Lee with his family in an undisclosed location where he was starting his life anew.  I can’t tell you where he is or what he is doing here in this case file, but if you have to know, click
.  Remember, it
‘s a secret link, strictly confidential, and has top secret information.  Don’t tell anyone. 



Daniel Ganninger lives with his wife and two children in Central Texas and has a love of useless trivia and flying airplanes. He graduated from the University of Texas and when not writing works at his other profession in the medical field.



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Case Files
of Icarus Investigation

, Case File #1

w Cone
, Case File #3

Coconut Water
, Case File #4, coming soon.


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For some other enjoyable reading, visit my blog of useless facts and random knowledge at
Knowledge Stew.com


Thank you so much for reading.  I hope you had as much fun reading as I did writing the story.  My goal is to provide an enjoyable escape and fun, and I hope that was accomplished.


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