Dangerously Yours: 2 (Loving Dangerously) (13 page)

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Authors: A.M. Griffin

Tags: #Erotica

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One good look and he tensed. Faint lines of blood trickled down her golden legs.

Where is that blood coming from?

His boots crunched on small pieces of glass as he walked closer. He kicked and swiped it out of his way. He dropped to his knees in front of her. “What happened to you?” He inspected her legs for the blood’s source.

Sa’Mya unclasped one bloody hand and pointed to the dinette table. He remembered an intricate vase that used to sit there. It had been a gift from his former crewmate’s wife. Yeyet had given it to him on their last visit.

Kane let out an exasperated breath and ran a light touch over her bloody knees. She winced and pulled away. “Shhh…it’ll be okay.” His fingertips lightly grazed over glass shards embedded underneath her skin. “Hold still. This is going to hurt a little.”

Sa’Mya nodded. Her eyes were rimmed in red.

How long had she sat here in pain? Hell, she used the intercom as though it were her personal cell phone. She couldn’t have called him for this?

He pushed the fact that she was naked from his mind and began the arduous task of picking the glass from her knees. From his assessment, she’d been crawling through it.

“I’m sorry for destroying your property,” she said. “I had no right to cause this much destruction. I lost my temper and honestly, I am quite embarrassed by my juvenile display. Really, my mother would have not approved.” She sounded even better now that he could understand her.

Kane sighed. “Apology accepted. Don’t worry about it. I can replace most of the things you broke anyway. Well, except for the vase. I think it was handmade.”

Sa’Mya’s eyes widened in shock. “What? How? Do you understand me?”

“I can understand you now.” He looked up sheepishly. His gaze rested on her full breasts that were within his grasp.

She crossed her arms, shielding her breasts from his view. “Really?”

Stay focused.
He moved his concentration back to her knees. Where it was safe. “Yeah. We picked the translators up from Treios.” His plan to keep the Universal Translator a secret and frustrate her a little longer went down the drain.

She stuck out a little pink tongue. “Yuck.”

He chuckled. “We couldn’t beat the price.”

Sa’Mya winced again while he dug out a small, sharp piece. He stroked the side of her thigh. “I’m sorry. I know this hurts,” he whispered.

Her muscle relaxed under his touch. “I would have never bought and used anything that came off the dead. There’s something just not right about it.”

“Sometimes you have to do what you need to do. Besides, not everyone is fortunate enough to have an unlimited credit account.”

“I had almost forgotten. Slaves aren’t given access to credit.”

“How did you know?”

Sa’Mya shrugged. “I am aware the Loconuist have sold the humans as slaves since invading your planet.”

“I didn’t expect you to know about humans. I wasn’t aware there were humans this far out. I mean, they’re mostly in the Delta System, near Xenaris, but not in this sector of the galaxy.”

“King Taio had a
slave.” Sa’Mya narrowed her eyes. “He bought her from Xenaris.”

Kane got the feeling she didn’t care for the human slave. Her mouth set in a hard line. It was also probably why she said the word
with such disdain. “Ah, figures. The ever-popular Xenaris, the place to go for hard-to-find items. And now—slaves.”

“I don’t know. It seems as though he could have gone anywhere for a concubine.” When he raised his brow, she added, “The
, Eva, she was his slave and concubine. Well, used to be his concubine.”


“She’s pregnant with his child. The future Prince of Sonis. He intends to bond with her.”

Kane stopped working. A happy ending for a human? So far, he knew of only two humans who had found happiness after the invasion. The rest were slaves…or fugitives.

“Don’t move.” He went to the bathroom and retrieved a clean towel and a bottle of antiseptic. With a handful of supplies, he dropped down in front of her. “I need to clean the wound. It’s going to sting a little.”

As she made whimpering noises, he wiped and cleaned the wounds and excess blood from her knees and legs. Even with cuts and scrapes, her legs were sexy. Long, shapely legs that would feel good wrapped around him.

She cleared her throat. “My feet…”

He startled. “Right.”
She’s injured. And an alien. Keep it together.

He lifted and inspected the bottom of her feet. No wonder she hadn’t gone to the communication panel—her feet were just as bad as her knees.

“Do you own any slaves?” he asked, hoping to distract her. He lifted up one foot and placed it in his lap and began picking out the small glass pieces.

She closed her eyes tightly. “No. We never practiced slave trade.”

He let out a sigh of relief. Somehow he didn’t know if he could’ve continued helping her knowing there were throngs of human slaves on her home planet.

“King Taio told me the humans are being sold as slaves not only in our galaxy but others as well. Is that not correct?”

“That’s right.”

She scrunched her face in pain. “What of you and your crew?” She winced as he pulled out an embedded shard. “Why are you free to run around?”

“You sound as though we shouldn’t be.”

“If this didn’t hurt so much, Captain, I would give you one reason why you should not be free.”

Kane chuckled. Yeah, patrolling the galaxy for unsuspecting victims was a good enough reason. “We were slaves. Not anymore.”

Sa’Mya cocked her head.

“The Galontaers. You know, big ugly beasts, hairy, they grunt a lot, carry a whip.”

“They have a mining planet. Metals, I believe.”

“Yeah, that would be them.”

“They released you?”

Kane choked. “Oh no, honey. We released ourselves and ta-da, here we are in our new careers.”


Kane motioned his hand through the air. “Space pirates.”

“It does not matter what you call yourselves. Are you aware that what you are doing is illegal? The Galactic Council will have your heads.”

He shrugged, unperturbed by her threat. “Beats being a slave. If they catch us, they catch us.”

“Why don’t you stop?”

“Maybe one day. We can’t do this forever.”

Kane placed her foot gently down and picked up the other. It was ten times worse. He couldn’t help but frown. “Why didn’t you put shoes on?”

She turned away.

“Your shoes, hell, mine would have protected you.”

Her leg tensed under his grasp. “I’m not dumb.”

“I didn’t say you were.”

The muscles in her calf relaxed. “I was crawling when you chased me.” She showed him her red, swollen and bleeding hands. “When I stood, I kept stepping on it. I tried not to but I couldn’t see all the glass. And you said…”

Her lips trembled.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean…”

A whimper escaped past her lips. He was an asshole. Under the circumstances, he wouldn’t have minded if she had slipped on a pair of his boots. He hadn’t really intended to kill her but she obviously hadn’t known any better.

He finished taking out the rest of the glass in silence. To his credit he didn’t try to peek between her legs or watch the rise and fall of her breasts. Even when he retrieved another towel to clean her soles he made sure not to let his gaze linger on her body.

Every now and then, she let out a soft pain-filled cry, but she didn’t squirm away, even when he wrapped bandages around her. She held her hands on her lap with her eyes squeezed shut.

“Shh, almost done. I know it hurts but it has to be done,” he whispered.

By the time he moved to her fingers and palms, tears began to stream down her cheeks.

Eli really should be doing this.

But the thought of Eli seeing Sa’Mya naked made Kane’s vision red. No, he would clean her up. He was responsible for her condition so he should be the one to attend to her wounds.

Her hands weren’t nearly as bad as her feet and knees. He took care of the few cuts he found. Satisfied all the glass was finally removed, he wrapped her palms with bandages.

He sat back and inspected his work. Her feet again, then knees, then… His gaze wandered to her fully exposed treasure.

Sa’Mya watched in silence as he visually inspected her cunt. She didn’t close her legs to him or do anything else that would obstruct his view.

Her nether lips were so plump. Not fat or misshapen, but ripe…delectable. His fingers twitched at the thought of touching her.

Giving in, he ran a finger across her skin. Kane expected her to slap him. But gold-speckled eyes framed with thick golden lashes met his heated gaze. Her own gaze spoke of anticipation.

His finger brushed her silky flesh.

Kiss it.

He couldn’t resist. Right now, he couldn’t remember why he had ever tried.


He leaned forward and placed a kiss as light as a feather on the soft skin. His lips felt as if they would melt. Inhaling deeply, he rolled his eyes to the back of his head.

One more kiss.

Chapter Eleven


“Just one more,” he whispered. He kissed her again and again. His lips traveled the softness of her folds.

Kane nudged her legs open wider. With a moan, she obliged.

I can’t help myself. I shouldn’t be doing this. She isn’t stopping me.

He sucked one plump morsel between his lips and suckled, teasing her.

She groaned. “Oh Kane…”

Sa’Mya’s murmurings fueled his passion. His cock twitched and jumped under its confinement. He inhaled deeply. The scent of her arousal sent waves through his groin. She wanted him as much as he wanted her.

A rumbling groan escaped from his throat. He couldn’t hold back. He didn’t want to. The crease of her folds was too alluring.

He took a long swipe with his tongue. Liquid gold coated it. Another pass and his eyes rolled to the back of his head again. Ever so gently, he glided his tongue back and forth in sensual strokes over her folds. He would make her beg all night.

“Please,” she whispered. Sa’Mya’s body was rigid and tight. Her legs shook and her gaze fixed on his.

He reveled in her taste, slowly.

She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth and whimpered. His tongue penetrated her. Her walls instantly contracted, clutching around it. She cried out as her legs shook. He delved deeper, trying to stroke her bottom.

Her juices were a drug and he needed more and more. He lapped and sucked ferociously. The sound of his lapping covered by her increasingly loud moans of pleasure became his driving force.

“Yes, by the Ancients, yes. Oh! Kane.”

Sa’Mya’s fingernails sank painfully into his shoulders as the tip of his tongue probed her spot. Kane caressed the area again and her body contorted. Her hips shot up from the bed.

He cradled her thighs and pulled them to rest on his shoulders. She wrapped them around his neck. Pleading, she grasped him by the head and pushed him deeper between her legs. He never missed a beat. His tongue slid in and out of her sheath.

He held on to the small of her back as she bucked, riding his tongue and fucking his face. He devoured her pussy in a hungry frenzy.

Her juice was better than the finest of wines. And he planned to sate himself. His fingers sank into her skin. Sa’Mya writhed and moaned with pleasure. She cradled his head and arched her back. He licked, probed, darted and sucked. He did everything he had dreamed these past nights.

He buried his tongue within her and swiveled his head side to side.

“Yes, please,” she begged.

He teased her spot, pressing and stroking. Her body convulsed. Her inner walls gripped his tongue. She brought her hips up and cried out, spilling her velvet goodness. He eagerly licked it all.

He lowered her weakened legs and leaned back. He wiped his face on the sheet and watched her. She closed her eyes. Her chest rose and fell hard as she strained to catch her breath. She opened her mouth to say something but quickly closed it.

“What?” he asked.

Without answering, she closed her legs and curled into fetal position. Blindly, she reached for the blanket and pulled it to cover herself.

He pulled it away. “I’m not done with you yet.”

She stilled. “You’re not?” she asked softly, refusing to meet his gaze. “But I thought you didn’t want me?”

Didn’t want her? She was all he could think about. He took off his shirt and threw it on the floor. His pants and boots landed in a heap next to it.

He palmed his thick cock. “Does this look like I don’t want you?”

She cracked open an eye to peer at his cock. “When you put it that way…”

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