Dangerous trio 2 (7 page)

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Authors: Jana Leigh

BOOK: Dangerous trio 2
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“No, I told the doc and I will tell you. I have been hurt before, I have a very high tolerance for pain. I have kept myself in great shape. After they returned the blood I lost and patched me up, I feel a little sore in some areas, obviously, but not real bad.” He said and reached for the washcloth and began cleaning his genitals slowly. Calli took the cloth from him, used soap, and gently finished the job. Before she was done he had a raging hard on again. She grinned, pulled the chair closer, and stood on it.

Jolly looked surprised when she bent over the bed and smiled up at him. “Now you have been a good boy. I think you deserve a reward.”

“Calli?” Jolly ground out the warning just before she grasped his cock between her fingers.

Calli smiled and looked up at Jolly as she pumped his dick in her firm hands. He was so big she had to use two hands to get it fully around him. “Shhhhh or the nurse will be banging down the door. Just lay back and let Nurse Calli take care of you. Now does it hurt here?” She asked and kissed the head of his cock.

“Naaaaaaoooooo.” Jolly whispered out.

“Are you sure? Nurse Calli loves to kiss and make it better.” She whispered and he nodded to her. She smiled and opened her mouth wide and then she lowered her head again. This time she stretched her mouth around the man"s cock. She moaned at the size and enjoyed trying to take him fully in her mouth. It would definitely be a challenge. She worked up and down getting him more inside her mouth. Jolly gritted his teeth and groaned again. Calli used her hand to make up for not taking the rest of the huge organ she in her mouth, and soon she had a great rhythm. She knew because Jolly was trying hard not to move as she worked him over. Before long, she felt his balls draw up and knew he was going to come. Just like she had with Steve, she latched on and sucked hard getting him to release his load in her mouth.

When she was done she cleaned him quickly again. Jolly had rested his head back into the pillow and had not opened his eyes since she had completed her task. She knew he was trying to get a little under control again, because she could see the pulse at the base of his neck throbbing. She waited until he was completely covered with a new hospital gown, clean sheet, then went and unlocked the door. The nurse had been waiting outside with the tray, but it appeared she had just gotten there because she did not look like she had heard anything.

She bustled in and put the tray down and smiled when she saw he had been cleaned up.

“Now, was that so hard?”

“Not anymore.” Calli said smugly and Jolly, spit the water he had been drinking out.

“He has softened to the idea that he needs to be bathed daily. I think we can expect he will rise to the occasion. Isn"t that right, sweetie?” She said and smiled evilly at Jolly who was turning bright red at her innuendos.

The nurse left after Calli reassured her she would make sure Jolly was fed and rested.

Calli pulled the tray closer to the bed and lifted an eyebrow when she saw the man glowering at her.

“What?” She asked and scooped a little bit of the food on a spoon.

“Baby girl, when I get out of here and healed, we will be discussing this in great detail.

Your ass is gonna be bright red when I am done with you.” He grinned and looked at her.

“Now why would you go and spoil a perfectly good afterglow? Here I was trying to nurse you back to health and you are threatening me. When Steve gets here, I am going to tell on you.” She pouted, loving to feel this at ease with her giant man for once. They had been dancing around the sexual tension for so long; Calli was relieved to have it be gone.

She would admit that she had been apprehensive by the man"s size in the past. But not for the reason that one would think. She had been on her own for so long she worried about what these two overbearing men would try to take over. She had made her small company a success and she did not want to change that.

“Calli, what"s the frown for?” Jolly asked as he studied her face while she fed him in silence.

“I don"t know.” She whispered and continued to think. Jolly was getting the wrong idea because she saw him beginning to shut down. “Not what you think. Steve told me about your guy"s deal. Let me tell you though, I am not afraid of you and I know you will not hurt me physically. I guess I am a little worried where this is all leading, I mean I have my company in town and you guys have yours, we are always busy. I can"t give mine up.” She said bracing herself for a battle that could be rising.

“Baby girl, we would never ask you to give up your things. We just want to fit in with them. I have thought about this for a long time. I think we can use part of our building to house your studio and then you would work in the same building as us. Then you can move to the cabin with us and we can commute in together.” Jolly reasoned.

“Well you have it all worked out, don"t you?” She said feeling irritated that he had been so calm.

“Calli, I have dreamed of the moment you would accept us for the last year. Trust me; I have planned it down to the last detail so I could make it easy for you. I know what we are asking for is weird and crazy, but we both fell in love with you. It is the way we are, I can"t explain it.” Jolly said.

“Dumb ass, I don"t care about that. Being with two men is a little strange, but really, in this world who the hell cares? No one is going to actually know what happens behind closed doors and none of us flaunt our private life. Dallas and Noah have been looking for ages for their third. I guess I just thought that I was going to be the odd man out once you found your woman. I never really thought it would actually be me. Now that I have admitted my feelings, it feels right and I will not apologize to anyone for that. No, I was worried that you would expect me to be a simpering female and wait for you to get home. I love my independence and just don"t want to lose that.” She explained.

Jolly nodded his head and smiled at her. “Calli, if I wanted a woman to be my „yes girl", I would have fallen in love with one who did not have a gorgeous body or stood out in a crowd. You beg to be independent and fierce and I would not change that about you.

We do not want you to change, just adapt.” He said logically.

“Well said, my friend.” Steve said from the doorway.

Calli was startled and dropped the spoon she had been using. “Damn it Steve, don"t sneak up on us like that!” She yelled. Steve came around to her side of the bed and kissed her deeply. She pulled back and grinned at him. “Where have you been?”

“Taking care of business I do not want to talk about right now. Jolly my man, you are looking better than you did yesterday. The nurse said you will have to be here for another few days, and then go to a rehab place.” Steve said and held up his hand when his friend was going to argue about the rehab. “I know, I already looked into it and we can have a home health care nurse come out to the cabin and stay.” Jolly relaxed and then said, “Have you taken Calli out there yet?” Calli looked back and forth between the two men while they talked about her like she was not here. “Hello, woman standing right here. No, he has not taken me to the bat cave.” That was what her and her friends had been calling their new cabin in the foothills. No one had been allowed to go out there until they deemed it ready. Calli knew they had been building it for the last year and she had been anxious to see it.

“Bat cave?” Steve said and turned to her.

“Yep, that is what Noah and I have dubbed your little cabin because you refused to allow us to come and see it. Dallas and I were going to try to follow you home one night but we figured you would see us. So when do I get to see this little log home you have built into the side of a mountain?” She asked.

“Not until Jolly is coming home too. I promised never to take you there unless we were together.” Steve said pecking her cheek with a kiss.

“Bro, that was before the accident. Now we are going to have to make sure she gets all of her stuff up there. I think we should bring Noah, Dallas, and Bailey to stay in the guesthouse. With the security system we have, it is like Fort Knox up there. Besides, I think we are all in danger now, the Digrossi family have declared war on us. They wanted Bailey and the books, now that she has turned them over to the feds; they are going to want to silence her. They already tried one way, now they will try to get anyone close to her.” Jolly said and grimaced when he had to move a little.

For the most part Jolly was a walking miracle. He had broken his leg in two places, his arm and shoulder, plus taken multiple gunshots to his torso. The man had just been in surgery fighting for his life yesterday and today he planned an attack. Calli shook her head. Neither of the guys was looking at her, they were discussing the logistics of moving everyone out to the cabin.

“Stop!” She yelled and stomped her foot.

“Listen here, tough guys. Jolly is lying in a hospital bed lucky to be alive. Shouldn"t we worry about this later?” She asked.

“Baby girl, I wish we could, but these guys are playing for keeps. We have to get us all to safety ASAP.” Jolly said gently.

“You don"t know the half of it. I was at the loft dealing with Andres Digrossi, Jr. He is apparently the bastard child of the Digrossi Family, the only one who has a head on his shoulders and is not involved in the criminal side of the family. His father is the head of the family in New York and is the one who put the hit out on Bailey. He came because he heard some of the plans they were making and wanted to warn us and help. He is ready for his family to go down. The hardheaded son of a bitch also refused to leave the loft until he spoke to Bailey. Apparently, they had been conversing for the past few months on the phone, that is when Jr. figured out where all the money was. He is some hotshot lawyer in New York; he placed a target on his back the second he left New York.

Bailey has this idea now the man is worth protecting, she ordered Dallas and Noah to either help him too or she was leaving to go into protective custody with him. Dallas did not take too kindly to his future wife thinking she was gonna shack up with a tall dark stranger, so it was a mess. The guy has some secret need to protect Bailey too, he says he knew what his father was planning but did not have enough time to stop it. Now he is all about sticking to Bailey like glue until she is safe. Basically, I have a cluster fuck that needs to be unscrewed and I need time to do it where we will all be safe. The feds agreed that they could not handle their protection because they have a mess of their own to deal with. Who the hell knows how many more people Trent bought off?” Steve said, running his hands through his short hair and pacing.

“Okay then, TMI.” Calli said and went to Jolly"s side. “Think we have to compartmentalize here guys. Jolly is wounded and needs to have rest. Bailey, Dallas, and Noah need protecting and that Junior guy needs his head examined. I will not be leaving either of your sides again so you can go and get shot. So how many bedrooms does this cabin have?” Calli asked.

“I don"t really know.” Steve responded and then frowned. “What about Ginny? She is the only one we have forgotten about and she was at the hospital talking to the nurses and doctors last night and this morning arranging for nursing care. I never thought to make sure she had a guard. Shit.” Steve said and ran out of the door. Calli was going to follow but could not decide where she needed to be. With Jolly or Steve.

“Baby girl, stay right here.” Jolly warned as he looked at her indecision. “Until we get all of this sorted out, you stay with me.”

Calli nodded in agreement and sat down in the chair next to his bed.

Chapter 5

Steve ran from the hospital room and saw Ginny standing at the nurse"s desk. He let out a sigh of relief because he was not going to have to chase her down. He slowed his pace to a walk and reached her side quickly.

Ginny looked up in surprise when she felt him take her elbow and begin to propel her away from her task. “Wait a minute.” She said and frowned at her friend. “I have a few more things to get signed so we can arrange for transport. Including the location of the Bat Cave.” She said pulling her arm out of his grasp.

“That will not be necessary Ginny; I have taken care of the details of transport. What else do you have planned here?” Steve said grasping her arm with his hand firmly.

“Oh, okay, I just have to get insurance forms filled out with correct billing address. The insurance company called this morning and told the hospital you did not live where you were listed. They wanted a current residence before they could process the claim.” She said and then pulled out a piece of paper.

Steve frowned and then leaned in to look at what she was staring at before stating,

“Weird, all the insurance is billed through the agency. We have never had an address request before now. Who did you talk to?”

“Um, a Mr. Mead, he said he was your policy manager.” Ginny said and looked at her friend. “He"s not, is he?”

“Not a name I have ever heard. Let"s call back to the office and see, by the way how did they get ahold of you?” He asked.

“I gave the business office my number yesterday in case they needed more information.

I figured I could just run over and get it instead of bugging you. I gave them my cell and home numbers just in case.” She said and her eyes grew wide thinking of the implications of her giving that information. Anyone could find you doing a reverse look up. She had insisted she was a close personal friend of the family so when the insurance company called the hospital they had given them her phone numbers.

“Well then, you are now going to be with us. I will call and see if we can get someone to your house and get your stuff. You just landed smack dab in the middle of our case.

Welcome to the club missy, we are all going to hole up at the cabin. No one has the actual address and it would be hard to find right now anyway, we buried it in different shell names.” Steve started guiding her to Jolly"s room. “Let"s get you into the room first and then deal with things afterward.”

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