Dangerous trio 1 (3 page)

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Authors: Jana Leigh

BOOK: Dangerous trio 1
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“Come on now, sweetheart. You can do it, just open the eyes.” The deeper voice said and she did slowly. Holy shit, she was still dreaming because before her stood another handsome man who was looking right at her. His eyes were looking at her with concern and he was holding her hand. Whoa, what was going on? Bailey turned her head a little and on the other side, holding her other hand, was the surfer, taxi driver.

“There you are, baby.” The blonde smiled down at her and kissed her knuckles.

Bailey groaned when the pain from her shoulder finally registered in her mind. “Ouch,” she croaked.

“Baby, you were shot in the shoulder in the back of Noah"s cab. Do you remember?” The dark Adonis said to her.

“Ummmm, nope, I am pretty sure I am dreaming. I do not think I would get shot in a dream. But if you give me a big kiss, we can forget you tried to ruin the moment.” She whispered and closed her eyes with a smile.

Bailey heard a chuckle and opened her eyes again. “Hey, no laughing in my dream, it is supposed to be filled with hot sex.”

“Dallas, do you want to take this or should I?” Noah said in an amused tone.

“Noah and Dallas, boy do I have a seriously good imagination or what? Even your names are sexy.” She smiled to herself.

“Darlin", you are gonna have a hangover in the morning. What the hell did the doc put her on anyway?” Noah laughed.

“Honey, I mean Bailey, you are not dreaming, maybe a little high, but not dreaming.

You need to clear your head and give us some information before the police come in.

They sent two detectives to take your statement. Now that you are awake, we can"t hold them off for too long.” Dallas said to her gently.

“Wait,” she said and struggled to sit up. “Where am I?” Bailey was finally getting that she was not really dreaming. “Shit, I gotta go now. Caesar and Bruno will find me.

They are going to kill me when they find I copied the files.”

“Hang on honey. What are you talking about?” Dallas said to her in the same gentle voice.

Bailey"s eyes teared up, “I am sorry, you really don"t need to get involved. Call the detectives in, and I will tell them everything. I just want this all to go away.” She sniffed and Dallas looked up at Noah who looked ready to scoop her up and comfort her.

“Can I talk to you, Noah, for a minute?” He said quietly.

Bailey closed her eyes, once they were out of the room, she would get the heck out of here. She was feeling better every minute the medication wore off. She was hurting but Bailey was not worried about the pain. At least she was alive; a few hours ago, she was convinced she was dead, so this was pretty much a bonus at this point. She heard the click of the door and she opened her eyes again. Thank goodness, the guys had left her stuff close to her on the table next to the bed. All she had to do was sit up and grab her purse. Her clothes were obviously destroyed, but she figured all she needed to do was slip out and find some scrubs, then disappear.

Well, that was the plan, not a good one, but a plan nonetheless. If she had been a little more clear headed, she would have been able to pull it off too. Unfortunately, she was still under the influence and was unable to get her body to do what she wanted, so she thought of plan two. Well, it did not involve those two gorgeous creatures. She was in this mess, she needed to deal with it by herself and get the heck out of town. She had the proof she needed to show the police.

Bailey sat in the chair, gathered her strength, and went to the door. She could see two police officers as well a huge man standing in front of her room. The two men who had teased her awake were nowhere to be found, so she did what she thought she should.

Bailey cracked the door, scared of the big man and looked at the two officers. “I am ready to make a statement, can you come in?” She said directly to the closest policeman, trying to keep quiet and not to draw attention to herself. She was really hoping the scary man was going to leave the hallway when it looked like he was intruding. Instead, the hulk stepped in front of her and said lowly to the officers.

“You need to clear it with Mr. Prain and Mr. Strout. They will be back momentarily.” The giant grumbled.

“No,” she said trying to push around him, “I said I was ready and I meant it. Whoever Mr. Prain and Mr. Strout are, is no concern of mine. I want to get this over with and get home. I have packing to do.”

After a few seconds, she realized it was hopeless to try to move the mountainous man and she yelled around him. “Officers, I am being held against my will! Please help!” The big man turned with a surprised look on his face and stammered. “No way. I am following orders, not holding her against her will.”

“I have no idea who the hell you are or who those other men are. I just met one of them a few minutes ago; the other was my cab driver earlier. They have no decision making authority over me at all.” She said loudly and hoped the policemen were getting ready to do their job and help her; she was getting frustrated standing there.

“Ma'am, I can take your statement whenever you want. “ The older officer said and looked up at the man to show he was also not a man to mess with.

With a huge sigh, the monster man moved so the police could enter her room. “I am going to get Noah and Dallas,” he muttered and shuffled down the hall.

Before the officers could get settled, the door flew open and the man she thought was named Dallas came in first. She sucked in her breath again when she saw them. Was this going to happen every time she was near them? Her body responded to both men and she unconsciously drifted to Noah"s side. He gently pulled her against him and led her to the bed. He sat down and pulled her into his lap. Dallas sat next to them, pulled her feet over his lap, and rubbed her legs. Oh my God, they felt so good; she shivered in response to their touches.

Bailey"s attention was taken by the officers before she had a chance to think about what was going on with her emotions. She recounted her tale of finding the files in Caesar"s computer and gave them the flash drive she had copied. They continued to ask pointed questions until she got to the point that Caesar Banner was really Caesar Digrossi. The officers stood up abruptly and stopped the interview, admitting they were not equipped to deal with this. They called their superior and Bailey suddenly became the most important witness in recent history. Every agency with a letter in the name came to the hospital wanting to help protect her. Dallas and Noah knew who the family was and knew this was going to get very difficult and messy for their little woman.

The State Prosecutor came into the room an hour after she mentioned the name Digrossi. She started her story again and the man almost had an orgasm when he saw she had firm and documented information regarding the Digrossi family"s finances.

“We will protect you, starting now in WIT SEC, or witness protection. They have been called and will be here shortly to get you. I have the documents and will get them ready for the New York Police so they can begin issuing the arrest warrants. You have to be in protective custody before they are arrested or they will find you.” The short chubby attorney said.

“Easy there cowboy, Bailey will be staying with us. We have top of the line security as well as having a firm that will provide personal protection for her. They are the best in the country and we will take care of her. You let our attorney deal with the specifics and let him know when and where she will be needed and we will get her there safe and sound. Until then, please speak to our attorney, here is his card. If you will excuse us, we have to get her to safety before you all start your plan.” Dallas said smoothly and led the man to the door. He escorted him out, so Noah stood and began getting her things together.

Bailey sat on the bed in stunned silence. These men had all talked around her for the last few hours. She was sure she had not uttered a word in the last fifty minutes at least, when her life was being planned right before her eyes. She was confused, who were these men? A taxi driver and the hunky suit were taking over her life and she had no say in it what so ever. She had to be in shock or in a very strange episode of the Twilight Zone, she had been dropped into.

Then the nurse came in and gave Noah instructions for her discharge as well as a bag of medications that were supposed to be used for pain and infection. Bailey listened to Noah ask the appropriate questions and grimaced when he talked to her about bathing and cleaning the wound. She heard the bullet had lodged in her shoulder blade and had not caused excessive damage. The prognosis was good for recovery in a few weeks but until then the area would be tender and sore.

She was going to have to stop this insanity soon. She was shuffled to another room where there were clothes ready for her to change into. When Dallas and Noah set about dressing her like a child, she snapped.

“STOP!” She screamed when they began to pull the hospital gown off her shoulders.

“Baby, we do not have time for this unless you want to give Jolly a show. He will be here in five minutes, ready to get you to the car. We can discuss all this at home when we get there.” Noah said and pulled again on the gown she had a death grip on.

“NO WAY! We talk now or all bets are off and I will scream this place down to the ground.” She insisted, feeling the tears gathering again. What the hell was wrong with her now? A day ago she was able to deal with anything thrown her way, today she was a bumbling lump and could not even speak up for herself. Her life had turned into a cheap dime store novel and she refused to accept she had no choices.

Dallas stepped in front of her and took her hands in his firmly, then he leaned down so he was staring her in the eyes, “Let go, we will discuss this at home in private, you will do what we say or I will paddle your ass right here in the hospital. I have lost my patience with this whole thing and I need a drink.”

“What did you say? You are going to spank me?” She squeaked. Noah smiled behind her when he heard her, he was beginning to love that squeak, and it was so cute. He pulled the gown from around her and gasped at the bruises that marred her perfect body.

Bailey heard him and looked behind her to see the man tearing up too. She stopped fighting when she looked back at Dallas who was staring right at her breasts. She tried to cover them up but he held her arms still. “Noah, you were right, she was made for us.

Baby, you are perfect.” He whispered and gently leaned down and brushed his lips against hers. “We will continue this later.” He said growling and releasing her arms so Noah could dress her.

They had brought her a sweat suit that was too big for her. The top reached her knees and the bottoms refused to stay up. Noah got frustrated and pulled them off, leaving her in the top alone muttering to himself, “We will have to have clothes made for her, she is so small, even the petites are too big. Oh, it will be fun dressing her, I will have to call Calli soon so she can get over and make the measurements.”

“I have my own clothes, thank you very much,” she muttered right back at him. “I am not a doll.”

Noah looked at Dallas over her head and shook his head telling his lover not to tell her yet that she had nothing left at her apartment. Apparently, someone from the Digrossi organization destroyed it after she had been shot. When Jolly went to her place to get her things, there was nothing not torn apart and destroyed left for her to use.

When they left Bailey earlier, they decided they would do, what they thought was best for her, whether she wanted it or not. Granted they had both just met her, but they knew she was the missing piece of their family. It was a strange feeling to know with one look this little woman would hold both of their hearts so quickly. Dallas never believed in love at first sight until he stalked into the Emergency Room earlier today and caught sight of Bailey. When she opened her eyes and looked at him, he was lost and Noah knew it. He was giddy with excitement to get her home and take care of her.

Bailey did not know it yet, but she was theirs and she was never leaving them.

Chapter 4

Bailey followed the directions of the two men not because she was scared of being spanked, no, it was because for once she had the feeling she belonged. These men treated her like she was the most important person in their lives. Every move they made, each of them had a hand on her, in one way or another. It was like a dance and she was in the middle. She just allowed them to lead her to where she needed to go.

They left the hospital under cloak and dagger, which she admitted was kinda sexy, if she did not think about the fact, someone was trying to kill her. The Hummer that arrived to take them to safety added to the mystery. She gave all of her information to the State Prosecutor, but she knew she was going to have to explain what she found to all the other investigators involved. She stared out the Hummer"s tinted windows, looking for a familiar sight she could relate to, and figure out where they were taking her. They traveled south on the highway and Bailey was lost. She lived in Denver, but rarely explored the huge town. She was a creature of habit and liked living in her little suburb, shopping at the local stores and never venturing farther than dinner with Bruce/Bruno.

God she was pathetic, she thought as she continued to stare out the window.

There were two handsome men with her at her beck and call and she wanted to go back to the boring life she had. Tears formed again and began falling down her cheeks; she knew when they found out how boring she was, she was going to be kicked back into the street. What did they see in her? She liked to read and go to the library for fun.

Bookstores were the most exciting shopping she did in week. Look at the way they were dressed, especially Dallas, she knew the suit he had cost more than her monthly apartment rental. The last outfit she found that fit her was at the goodwill last year. She had a savings account but she rarely used it because she was worried she would need it in the future. You never knew what could happen and Bailey refused to be in a situation where she could possibly be homeless, so she scraped and saved all of her income to plan for an emergency. Paying back her loans for school had happened last year, seven years early, so she would never have to worry about it. She wanted to buy a house for herself, but refused to do it until she had enough to make sure, if something happened, she had the payments for at least two years in advance. The economy was a quirky thing and she was an accountant. Numbers were her safety net. She was making a list of the reason"s she could present to the two hunks and explain to them why they needed to let her go.

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