Dangerous to Her (3 page)

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Authors: Virna Depaul

Tags: #General, #Suspense, #Contemporary, #Fiction, #Romance

BOOK: Dangerous to Her
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Chapter 3

attie stared up at the rock wall in front of her and barely stopped herself from wincing.

What on earth had she been thinking?

The young woman next to her was about half her age and half her size, but had a big smile and confident air about her. “You ready to get going, ma’am?”

Licking her lips, Mattie closed her eyes and took a deep breath. The words “Are you sure this is safe?” were on the tip of her tongue, but she forced them back since the girl had repeatedly assured her it was. Of course, Mattie couldn’t just take her at her word. That was the whole reason she was here. She needed to test things out herself—several times—before she let Jordan anywhere near the rock climbing gym.

Grasping the nearest handhold, she fit her foot into a notch in the wall, grabbed onto another protrusion and pulled herself up. Surprised at how easy it was, she did it again. Then again. Until she was several feet off the ground and feeling a surge of accomplishment.

She kept going.

Her daughter wanted to climb mountains, so climb mountains she would, with or without a father.

An image of Dom flashed in her mind and one of her feet slipped. Gasping, she dug her fingers into their perches and hugged the wall. Heart pounding fast, she gulped in air and peeked down. She was only up about fifteen feet with plenty more to go and although part of her was tempted to stop, she clenched her teeth and moved on.

Her mind, however, was still on Dom and she couldn’t help remembering that day ten years ago when she’d let her fear destroy everything.

He’d been her first lover, the first man she’d loved, the only man who’d ever made her feel equal parts jittery arousal and rock solid contentment. Even though he’d been several years older and light-years more experienced, she’d known from the moment she’d seen him he was meant to be hers.

They’d been together about two months. Cuddling in bed, enjoying a lazy day after her last college final, he’d been skimming his hand over her body and face, the contrast of the gentle pressure and the intense, possessive gleam in his eyes making her oblivious to anything else. Then he’d gotten the call—his acceptance into the police academy. Just like that, Mattie had felt her entire world collapsing.

“Wouldn’t it be safer to be a lawyer?” she’d blurted out, trying to keep the panic from her voice but not quite succeeding. “Maybe a criminal prosecutor? They put the bad guys away, too, you know—without getting shot at.”

The grin he’d sported since getting the phone call had immediately faded and his brows had furrowed, which had only made her panic escalate. “The suits can’t put them away until they’ve been caught first, Mattie. I’ve wanted to join the academy for years. You said you were okay with that. What’s changed?”

Licking her lips, she’d been unable to shake her head. “It’s just, that kind of work…it’s so dangerous.”

He’d put his arms around her. Bent until his forehead touched hers and he could look straight into her eyes. “I love you, baby. You know that. More than I ever thought—”

She’d pulled away, wanting to believe what he was saying but unable to understand why he’d risk their future for a job. “Then don’t go. Don’t become a cop. Please.”

He’d closed his eyes, obviously striving for patience. When he’d opened them, his expression was gentle yet resolute. “Plenty of cops have families…?.”

“Yeah, I know,” she’d snapped. “And from what I’ve researched, plenty of them end up divorced or leaving their wives widowed. I don’t want to end up like that. I don’t want to end up hating each other.”

As soon as the words came out, she’d wanted to take them back. She’d sensed it immediately—the sudden distance between them. That had been the moment everything had changed.

Only he’d surprised her. Hugged her. Told her he loved her again. Made her believe that everything would be okay.

The next day, he’d broken things off, telling her they were both too young. She’d never had another boyfriend, he’d explained, and she needed to see other people before committing to one man.

A week later, she’d found out she was pregnant. When she went to see him, he was out on a date with Penny Miller. She’d cried all the way home, certain he couldn’t have loved her. Not the way she’d loved him. And she’d gone looking for someone who would.

When she met John Nolan, she’d believed he’d always put her first.

Only now John was dead and Dom was back in her life.

Dom’s sudden appearance had understandably sent her into a tailspin, but eventually she’d been able to relax a bit. They’d been in the courtroom together all day, but he hadn’t spoken to her except in the most perfunctory manner. Not once had his gaze lingered on her or reflected recognition. He hadn’t ventured near her, certainly nowhere remotely close to her personal space. It might have made her suspicious if he hadn’t kept his distance from the rest of the staff, as well. He was professional but aloof, as if they were all just pawns in a game of chess—his to manipulate, save or sacrifice at will. Except for their past and a natural curiosity, he made it easy for her to ignore him.

If only she could stop thinking about him.

“You’re doing great!” her personal cheerleader yelled up at her.

“Great,” Mattie muttered even as her arms trembled with the effort to pull herself up to the next level. Right next to her, a little boy, probably no older than Jordan, scampered up the wall like a spider. He gave her a boost of confidence.

She pulled herself up, enjoying the challenge of finding the best combination of holds and steps. She covered more ground and still more ground. Until she was sweating and exhausted but feeling powerful, too.

Then she realized exactly how high she’d climbed.

“Holy—” She bit off the rest of the curse and jerked her gaze up until she was staring straight at the wall in front of her. The sounds of her breathing echoed loudly in her ears. Feeling her grip slipping, she whimpered.

“Jump off,” she heard her spotter yell and immediately thought,
not a chance.

“Oh God, oh God,” she chanted, afraid to look down again. Feeling dizzy, she closed her eyes and rested her cheek against the wall.
This is why I don’t do stuff like this
, she thought.

“Jump off.”

“Push back.”

“I’ve got you.”

Several people were shouting up at her now. For one crazy second, she actually thought she heard Dom’s voice.

It jerked her out of her paralysis.

“You’re doing this for Jordan,” she reminded herself. “What if Jordan was stuck up here? What would you have her do?”

Blowing out a breath, she imagined the situation and was suddenly enveloped by a sense of calm. She was strong again. She had to be. For her daughter.

Mentally, she recalled her spotter’s instructions. When she reached the point where she wanted to stop, she was to give her the signal, kick off the wall, and fall back, letting her harness and the attached cable lower her to the ground.

Lowering her gaze, she found her spotter and gave her a thumbs-up. She nodded and shouted, “Go ahead.” Somehow, Mattie managed to kick and let go at the same time. Barely stifling a moan, she hung suspended in air before being steadily lowered to the ground.

When she got there, she trembled with relief. Her spotter knelt down beside her. “So what do you think? Ready to do it again?”

The denial was almost out of her mouth before she pressed her lips together, effectively quashing it. She held up a finger. “Give me a few minutes, okay?”

“Sure. Just signal me when you’re ready. I’ll be right over there.” She motioned to an area just to Mattie’s left, where a much steeper and taller rock wall was set up for advanced climbers. Nodding weakly, Mattie watched the girl approach another female spotter, who excitedly gestured towards the top of the wall. Within seconds, a crowd gathered. Squinting her eyes, Mattie turned to see what everyone was so interested in. Her breath caught. Someone came to stand next to her.

“It’s amazing the guy can climb at all with cajones that big.” Despite the awe-tinged whisper of the stranger standing next to her, Mattie’s gaze never strayed from the man climbing up the wall, which was alternately smooth or obstacled with layered protrusions. She certainly didn’t respond to the colorful assessment of his bravery. Stupidity was more like it.

Unlike the climbers on her side of the room, he wasn’t hooked up to a harness and cable. There was nothing to stop him should a single slip or lapse in focus send him falling to the ground below. Just bulging muscles and determination.

He was so controlled. So sure of himself. It made her wonder if he’d be that confident in bed. Somehow she knew he would be. That when he decided to bed a woman, he’d give his full attention to pleasuring her. If he didn’t kill himself first.

She shook her head at her fanciful thoughts, equally annoyed and encouraged by them. She wasn’t the type to fantasize about strange men, no matter how hot they were. But at least she’d managed to forget about Dom for a minute. She chose to see that as a good sign.

Then the man turned his head just enough for her to get a clear view of his face.

Disbelief came first, then a flood of anger.

It was
. Had he followed her? Was he mocking her, trying to make her believe he didn’t remember her, then conveniently showing up at the same gym?


Turning away, she started throwing her things into her gym bag. She wasn’t going to let him get away with this. Tomorrow morning, she’d tell him exactly what she thought of his juvenile games…?.

“Damn!” The man next to her muttered the word, causing Mattie’s gaze to fly back to Dom. Her heartbeat skyrocketed out of control. His left leg had slipped out from under him, interrupting his reach for rock. He didn’t flail or kick the way Mattie would have expected. Instead, he hung suspended in air, his only lifeline his right-handed grip on the small overhang.

Panic reared its ugly claws. The tornado swirled to life inside her, just like it had when they’d been together and she’d imagined him being gunned down on the job. Only now, instead of him lying in his own blood in an alley somewhere, she pictured Dom’s body falling to the ground and breaking into a hundred pieces.

“Wait. He’s okay. Look.” The man next to her gripped her arm at the same time he spoke, and the human connection grounded her. She fought back her panic and focused again on Dom.

When he slowly pulled himself up the few inches necessary to gain a two-handed hold on the wall, she let out a shaky breath and her heartbeat slowed to normal. Dom began to climb again, and she was vaguely aware of the man walking away with a mumbled “crazy bastard.”

She agreed. He was a crazy bastard. She’d been right to question his chosen career—clearly being a cop was nothing more than a way to satisfy his suicidal urges—and to keep Jordan from him. At least now, the only one he was endangering by his crazed carelessness was himself.

Sitting back on her haunches, she closed her eyes and let her head hang. What was she going to do now? Confront him? Bring her past crashing straight into her present? Swallowing hard, she thought of Jordan and how impressed she would have been seeing Dom climb that wall. Of course, she wouldn’t think of the danger he’d been in or the danger in which he might thoughtlessly place others. He’d still be a hero in her eyes.

The stab of jealousy was unwarranted, but there nonetheless.

No, she wasn’t going to confront Dom. She’d chalk this up to being a huge coincidence because it would serve
purposes. It would keep her and Jordan out of the past and firmly in the present, and it would also keep Dom out of their future.

She opened her eyes, but when she looked up, Dom was gone. Surprised, she looked around and immediately saw him walking toward her. He’d donned a ragged T-shirt and was swiping at his face with a white towel. He stopped beside her, making her crane her neck to see him.

“Ms. Nolan, right?” His voice was strong though slightly breathless.

Purposely keeping her expression blank, she nodded. “Yes.”

“It must have been you who left the phone book in the break room open. I saw the ad for this place. I’ve been looking for another rock gym for awhile.”

Sure, he had, but she was more than willing to let him play whatever game he was pursuing. Still, she couldn’t stop herself from saying, “Why don’t you just step in front of a car and get it over with? It would be quicker that way.”

His expression didn’t change, but his gaze flickered. He looked over his shoulder to where another man was starting to climb the same wall. Again, without a harness or cable. “There’s a safety mat underneath the wall,” he said softly. “You just can’t see if from here.”

With that, he left. Mortified, Mattie stared at the floor beneath her.

Okay, so he wasn’t quite as foolhardy as she’d thought. Didn’t matter. He was still an adrenaline junkie and she didn’t want anything to do with him. That went double for Jordan.

“How are you doing?”

She glanced up at her spotter, who looked as cheery as ever. She swiped an arm across her forehead and took a long gulp of water from her water bottle. Then she nodded, her expression grim. “Let’s do it again.”

Chapter 4


f unwanted fantasizing could kill a woman, then Dominic had likely lured many women to their graves. Despite her best efforts, and whether he knew it or not, he had Mattie’s fantasies working overtime, taunting her with what she couldn’t have.

What she didn’t
, she corrected.

Unfortunately, Brenda was making it difficult for her to remember that.

For the past two days, it seemed no matter where Dom went, there Brenda was, throwing herself at him.

At lunch yesterday, Mattie had been sitting at the break room table nursing a Diet Coke when they’d walked in together. With every intention of leaving, she’d heard Brenda grilling him about his dating habits. Every muscle in her body had frozen and, curious in spite of herself, she’d listened as Dom tried to politely dodge the question.

Brenda had persisted, going so far as to say a “friend” of hers had bet her twenty bucks she couldn’t find out the most unusual way a woman had tried to get Dom’s interest. Mattie had been unable to stop herself from snorting and rolling her eyes.

Which, of course, had brought Dom’s attention straight to her.

Cheeks turning cherry-red, she’d forced her gaze to stay on his and even managed to cock a brow. “Well, Deputy Jeffries, don’t hesitate on my account,” she’d goaded. “We wouldn’t want Brenda to miss out on twenty bucks, now would we?”

Brenda had giggled and laid her hand on Dom’s arm. Dom hadn’t even looked at her. Instead, still staring at Mattie, he’d said, “Naked pictures.”

Shocked at his answer—that he’d answer at all—Mattie’s mouth had dropped open.

Brenda had slapped his arm. “Really? How’d she look?”

Her stomach rolling, Mattie had immediately dropped her gaze. Her knuckles had been white from where they gripped the edge of the table. Mortified, she could only listen to the rest of the conversation with dread.

After a brief hesitation, Dom answered quietly. “She looked…willing.”

“No surprise,” Brenda squealed.

When he didn’t answer, Mattie glanced up again. He was looking at her.

Pain and jealousy had pricked at her like needles, angering her.

Aware that Brenda was now looking at her, too, Mattie had raised her chin. “Was she good?” she’d asked, wishing she had the nerve to dump her Coke on his head. Or, better yet, down Brenda’s skintight sweater.

He’d shrugged. “She turned out to have a good heart, actually. But I never saw her again.”

“Why not?” she’d practically sneered. “Did her ‘good heart’ intimidate you?”

His mouth had tipped up on one side in the barest hint of a smile. “No, but
heart wasn’t in it. You see, I only wanted to be with one woman at the time. Things hadn’t worked out for us, but I never forgot her. I guess once I’d been with her, not even a bold come-on and a good heart was going to cut it.”

With a swift almost painful breath, she’d watched him walk away. Brenda had been right beside him.

Now, taking her seat in Judge Butler’s courtroom for the morning calendar, her compact stenograph in front of her, Mattie staunchly refused to look at the tall man standing guard just behind her. Unfortunately, she didn’t need to look at him to know that his short-sleeved, tan uniform hugged his muscular shoulders and thick thighs to perfection. Just like it had every day this week.

Hating the way her feelings and libido had gotten so out of control, she wanted to kick herself anytime desire made her stomach clench. In fairness, however, she’d be kicking herself all the time. Instead, she tried to concentrate on the routine of her job, her worries about Jordan, and her healing but fragile relationship with her brother, Tony. When that didn’t work, she tried to drum up some excitement for her date with Ty that night. In the past week, the man had sent her flowers and called just to chat. He was intelligent, charming and clearly interested in her despite the fact she was a single mother. All she could think of, however, was Dom. Even after the incident in the break room yesterday, she’d pulled her box of college memorabilia out of the attic and spent hours looking at photos and reading his letters.

That made her a fool but, even worse, a masochist.

Yet, she couldn’t deny it. Ever since Dominic had started working in Judge Butler’s courtroom, his image had haunted her at all times of the day and night. Short, sun-kissed brown hair framing piercing blue eyes. Prominent, angular jaw. And the slightest hint of a cleft chin that made her lips tingle with the desire to kiss it.

One month, she told herself desperately. He was only here for one month until their regular bailiff returned from paternity leave. That was less than twenty workdays. Surely she could hold it together that long.

“Mattie, you’ve got a phone call on line three.”

Glancing up, Mattie waved at the judge’s perky intern, who immediately went back to texting her boyfriend. Thankful for the interruption lest she actually start salivating over the man behind her, Mattie picked up the phone. “This is Mathilda Nolan.”

The voice that answered was phlegmy and studded with hoarse coughs. “Mattie…it’s Jennifer.”

“Jennifer Taylor?” she asked with a hint of dread. Sure enough, it was Jordan’s after-school caregiver, calling to say she’d come down with pneumonia and that she’d have to close her program for at least a few days. Mattie hung up the phone and groaned.

She was barely making ends meet and couldn’t afford to leave work early. The only person she knew who could pick up Jordan from school was Tony and he—

“Something wrong?” The deep voice startled her, but it was the sudden whiff of clean, male ruggedness that caused her to take a long, careful breath. Did Dominic have to smell as delicious as he looked?

Without turning around, she said, “No. Just a hitch with my daughter’s day care.”

“Your boyfriend can’t pick her up?”

Mattie hesitated, unsure why he was angling for personal information. She shook her head and picked up the phone again. If Jordan stayed at school for tutoring, her brother Tony could pick her up and bring her home. He’d only have to watch her for a couple of hours before Mattie got off. Then her regular babysitter would take over while Mattie went on her first date with Ty Martinez.

Mattie sighed and rubbed her temple, trying to rub away the frisson of doubt that poked at her.
It’s okay,
she told herself.
You can trust Tony now. He’s proven himself time and again.

With a decisive nod, Mattie dialed Tony’s number and made her request. Her brother instantly agreed and Mattie hung up the phone, proud that she’d given Tony the benefit of the doubt. Everyone deserved a second chance, didn’t they?

Glancing at the clock, she started her finger exercises, well aware that today’s calendar was going to be a busy one. Without the exercises, her fingers would ache so badly at the end of the day that she’d be in a bad mood for the rest of the night.

“A man might wonder exactly what you’re training those fingers for, you know.”

At the sound of her friend’s joking voice, Mattie smiled and turned. Instantly, however, Mattie could tell something was wrong. Deputy D.A. Linda Delaney, a woman who prided herself on her ability to eat conflict for breakfast, had shadows under her eyes and no makeup on her normally cosmetically enhanced face. Mattie stood and rushed toward her. “What is it?”

Linda grimaced. “What gave me away?”

“Your lack of lipstick.”

“That hideous?”

“Stop it, Ms. Argyle Teen Beauty Queen.”

“I knew I should never have told you that. It’ll always come back to haunt me.”

“What happened? Did you get another phone call?”

Linda had gotten a few hang-ups over the last few months, but hadn’t seemed particularly concerned. Not until the calls had increased to five or ten a day. Then she’d changed her number.

“No more calls. My—my apartment was broken into last night.”

“What?!” Mattie reached out and pulled her friend in for a hug. “Were you home? Were you hurt?”

Linda pulled back. “No and no. But the place was trashed. Considering I live in under a thousand square feet, that isn’t a lot of trash, but they broke the crystal heart my grandmother gave me before she died. It’s—” She visibly tried to stop herself from releasing the tears in her eyes. “It’s got a huge crack in it now.”

Mattie pulled her in for another hug and this time Linda squeezed back just as tight. “Oh, sweetie. I’m so sorry. Have you called the police?”

Sniffing but controlling her tears, Linda shot Mattie a tight smile. “Yes. They processed the place. Took a report. And they said—”


Mattie jerked at the sound of Dominic’s voice. He stood behind them, his face as impassive as ever. “Transport was running late but the in-custody defendants are finally here. I need to clear the courtroom.”

“Give us a minute. Can’t you see Linda is upset?”

Linda placed a hand on Mattie’s arm. “It’s okay, Mattie. I’ve got someone I need to talk to anyway.” She jerked her thumb in the direction of the hallway. Through the window-paneled double doors, Mattie saw a uniformed officer.

“For a case or—” She glanced at Dom, unsure what he’d heard. “Or


“I hope he’s good enough to find the lowlife responsible.”

“That makes both of us. I’ll stop by in a few hours. Lunch?”

Mattie nodded, but her friend had already turned and was headed out the door. Glancing at her watch, Mattie sighed. She should go back and tell Judge Butler the calendar would be ready to start soon, only she didn’t want to dodge any more of his well-meaning questions about Tony. But Brenda had been on her cell phone off and on all morning, and the last time Mattie had seen her she’d been talking in hushed tones in a corner of the break room. That left her to get things started.

“Ms. Nolan?”

Once more, Mattie jerked at the low, masculine rumble behind her. She slowly turned to face Dominic, acutely aware of the betraying heat on her face. His normally composed features were now set in a slight frown of annoyance.


“You need to leave, remember?”

He didn’t smile. His eyes didn’t crinkle at their edges. Somehow she still sensed his amusement. Feeling off-kilter, she glanced at the closed doorway of the in-custody holding area and then around the courtroom. They were alone.

Dominic stepped forward until he was just inches from her, close enough that she could feel the warmth emanating from his body. Automatically, she took two steps back, only to stumble on her chair. “Oh, no—” Her heartbeat accelerated rapidly as she felt herself falling.

Strong fingers closed around her arm and steadied her. She wobbled for a moment, then pushed her hair back from her face. Strong, yet gentle, she thought. He obviously still knew how to regulate that powerful body of his. “Thank you,” she breathed. At least she’d fulfilled one fantasy—getting him to touch her again. And it felt far better than she’d have thought possible.

How pathetic was that?

Dominic said nothing, nor did he release her. Instead, they stared at one another, their gazes locked. Heat warmed her skin from her head to her toes, settling into the nooks and crannies in between. She took a deep breath, trying to counter the sudden trembling in her limbs. For a split second, his gaze lowered to the rise of her chest. He dropped his hand and stepped back, his frown even more prominent than before.

“You’re holding things up,” he said abruptly.

The harshness of his tone registered like a slap. Straightening, she managed to glare at him. “I’m sorry for the inconvenience. Next time just let me fall.” She bolstered her pride and stalked past him, heading for the narrow hallway between the courtroom, the interior offices, and Judge Butler’s chambers.

Arrogant jerk. But this was great, she thought. Just what she needed. His bad attitude shook the fantasies right out of her. In fact, she just might—

Before she could complete the thought, the door to the in-custody room flew open, almost hitting her.


She registered Dominic’s yell just as a tall, thin-rail man dressed in an orange jumpsuit rushed into the courtroom. He froze in front of her, seeming as startled to see her as she was to see him. Behind him, another sheriff’s deputy was wrestling with a second man in orange. The one in front lunged toward her.

She tried to scream, tried to dodge him, but she couldn’t. Fear clogged her throat and all she could think was,
No, my family needs me.

Even as she finally managed to turn, desperate fingers clawed at her arm. She screamed, pulling away, actually dragging the inmate forward two steps until he abruptly released her. Her own momentum carried her to the ground. The impact was hard enough to stun her, but she forced herself to scramble forward several feet before flipping onto her back.

She was just in time to see Dominic grab the man’s arm, twist it behind his back, and shove him face first against one of the rectangular counsel tables. The inmate continued to struggle but Dominic effortlessly held him down. “Pete?” he shouted.

“I’ve got him,” the other deputy called, his wheezing breaths clearly audible.

Dominic, on the other hand, seemed barely winded. His head snapped toward her. “Are you all right?” he barked.

Nodding frantically, she scooted back several more feet. His gaze ran over her, quick but thorough, narrowing when it settled on her arm. She looked down and saw several red, angry scratches where the inmate had grabbed her. He turned back to the inmate, who writhed and kicked out.

Bending down, he whispered something in the man’s ear that made him still. The inmate twisted his neck, and shot Mattie a look filled with fear before he disguised it with a sneer and muffled curse.

After cuffing him, Dominic dragged him forward, stopping several feet from her. “Apologize to the lady, Dusty.”

Glancing at the other inmate who was now sprawled facedown on the floor of the holding room, Dusty frowned and shrugged. “I’m not saying nothing—” He winced when Dominic grabbed his hair and pulled his head back.

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