Dangerous Stranger (Beautiful Entourage #4) (10 page)

BOOK: Dangerous Stranger (Beautiful Entourage #4)
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He drank his water since that was all that was left.

The food arrived and that gave us something to do. Cameron was already in the hole and I made their first date a total fiasco. Now Cameron looked like an insensitive jerk and I looked like the poor victim in all of this.

My plan was working too well.

We made small talk and Cameron didn’t participate in the conversation. From what I gleamed from Max, he quit his job at the bank to be a writer, and Ophelia was supporting him so he could make that dream happen. It only made me more obsessed with her. She was selfless and kind. She had a generosity that I didn’t see very often.

When the tab came, I snatched it and slipped my card inside. “Dinner is on me.”

Ophelia gave me a bright smile. “That’s so sweet, Jett. But you don’t have to do that.”

Cameron’s eyes flared in irritation when he saw the affection his girl gave me. “No, I’ll pay for it.” He tossed my card at me then stuck his inside.

“Well, that was rude,” I said. “I was trying to do something nice and you just swoop in and copy me?”

Ophelia gave him a look of disapproval.

Man, this was too easy.

“How about we split it?” he asked, trying to play nice even though it was causing his body to shake.

“I guess.” I handed my card back.

After the bill was settled, we left the restaurant and walked outside.

“Let’s go to my place,” Cameron said immediately.

I couldn’t let that happen, and not just because the guys were snooping around. “We should play Wii sports. That’s so much fun.” I nudged Max in the side.

“Yeah,” he agreed but without much enthusiasm.

“Oh, I love Wii sports,” Ophelia said.

Could she get any better?

“Let’s play,” she said to Cameron.

Cameron looked like he wanted to scream. “Whatever you want.”

Sabotaging their date was a walk through the park.


“Hey, sweetheart. You want to be on my team?” I nudged her in the side as I sat beside her on the couch.

“Okay,” she said. “But I think it’s unfair to the other two.”

“We’ll be just fine,” Max said in mock offense.

We played a few rounds and Ophelia and I won each time.

“You know, I think we’re meant for each other.” I was half joking, half being serious.

She laughed. “Maybe we are.”

I got another glare from Cameron for that one.

When it was past midnight and everyone was tired, I kept making us play. I wanted Ophelia to be so exhausted that she wouldn’t ask Cameron to spend the night. I couldn’t sleep in Max’s room and listen to them go at it. My ears would bleed.

At one in the morning, they finally called it quits. Ophelia could barely keep her eyes open.

I think I’m in the clear.

She finally stood up then adjusted her hair. “Well, tonight was fun.”

Too much fun.

“I’ll walk you out,” she said to Cameron.

Take that, asshole.

A look of disappointment came over his face, and it was wonderful to see.

Together, they walked to the door then shared a few quiet words. Their night ended with a hug, no kiss. And then he left.

I tried not to smile. I took out my phone and sent the text to Rhett.
He’s coming back.


I put my phone away.

Ophelia stretched her arms over her head and yawned. “I’m hitting the sack. Good night.”

“Night,” Max said.

“Good night, sweetheart.”

She leaned down and kissed Max on the cheek.

Then she came my way.

Was she going to kiss me? Was I going to feel those full lips on my skin? Would I really have a piece of her, no matter how small it was?

She leaned down then wrapped her arms around my neck.

I was nervous because I knew she was going to kiss me. I was so excited that I turned my head at the wrong time and got her lips on my mouth instead of my cheek. It was an accident but it was a good one.

Her lips touched mine then flinched when she realized where she landed. I moved my lips slowly, telling her it was okay. Then she kissed me back. The embrace lasted for two seconds at the most, but it was the hottest two seconds of my life.

She pulled away and looked at me with embarrassed eyes. She clearly didn’t mean to kiss me on the lips.

“It’s okay,” I whispered. “I would never turn down a kiss from an angel.”

The shame left her face, and a beautiful smile broke out instead.

I loved it when she looked at me like that.

“Good night, Jett.”

My arms were still around her. “Good night. Now go before I tickle you.”

“You always tickle me.”

Because it’s an excuse to touch you.
“My hands have a mind of their own.”
And so does my dick.

She rose to her feet then walked into her bedroom.

Once the door was closed, I felt my lips with my fingertips.

I just kissed her. And damn, it was spectacular.


“Did you find anything?” I asked when I walked into Rhett’s apartment. Cato was there and he sat at the kitchen table with lidded eyes like he was exhausted.

Rhett stood with his arms across his chest. “Nothing concrete. We found a few motel receipts, restaurant receipts, and this…” He pulled an orange bra and tossed it at me.

I cringed then dropped it, unsure whom it belonged to. “Where did you find it?”

“On the floor next to his bed,” Rhett explained.

That could lead somewhere. “Is his apartment messy?”

“No, it’s totally clean,” Cato said. “Actually, the place is sterile.”

I sat down and brainstormed. “Then this bra can’t be Ophelia’s.”

“Why do you say that?” Rhett asked as he sat across from me.

“They’ve been broken up for almost a month. If she left it there before…I doubt he would leave it there the whole time, if he’s so anal with having a clean apartment.”

Cato nodded his understanding. “Good catch.”

“It still doesn’t prove anything,” Rhett said.

“I think it does. He has a slut on the side,” I said. “At least we know that.”

“Actually, that’s still an assumption,” Rhett said.

“I know,” I said as I snapped my fingers. “I’ll take it to Ophelia’s and ask Max to act like he found it in the wash. He’ll ask if it’s hers, and if she says no, then we know for certain he had some slut over.”

“But we still can’t prove anything,” Cato said. “You need something better.”

“I know, asshole,” I snapped. “When we know there’s someone else, we’ll keep tailing him until he leads us to her. Then we’ll get him good.”

Rhett nodded. “Sounds like a plan.”

“An excellent plan.”


I got to the gym first like usual then spotted Ophelia walking past the windows in her work clothes with her gym bag over her shoulder. I was sitting on a bench and I immediately took off my shirt. I didn’t normally workout shirtless but I had to catch her eye—and keep it.

After she changed in the locker room, she came out in spandex shorts and Nike running shoes that were bright yellow and blue. Her pink workout top was tight and she had a black sports bra underneath. Her hair was pulled back in a high ponytail and she looked sexy as hell.

I’d give anything to feel her legs wrapped around my waist.

“Hey.” She gave me a smile but it didn’t reach her eyes. She seemed different today, like something was on her mind.

“What is it, sweetheart?” I leaned closer to her, almost like I might kiss her. My hand moved around her waist like it belonged there. Her waist was so petite I could wrap my entire arm around her.

“Nothing.” She pulled away and averted her gaze.

I pulled her flush against my body, which was a bad idea since I was starting to get hard. “Tell me. I’m not letting go until you answer
.” And I wouldn’t mind it if she didn’t answer—ever.

She took a deep breath before she spoke. And she didn’t pull away. “I guess I’m really embarrassed.”

“About what?” My face was pressed close to hers. I desperately wanted to kiss her again. It was so hard not to.

“I didn’t mean to kiss you.” Her cheeks flushed with color. “It was an accident and it was dark…”

I released a light chuckle. “It’s not a big deal. It didn’t bother me.”

“I just don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”

“You didn’t,” I said firmly. “It’s water under the bridge, honestly.” My hand moved up her back to the area between her shoulder blades.
And it’s not like I didn’t kiss her first.

“Okay…I’m glad we’re good.”

“We’re amazing, baby.” I walked to the bench press. “Okay. You’re working your chest today.”

She eyed the bench. “I’ve never done this before.”

“I’ll teach you and spot you. Come on.”

She lay down underneath the bar.

I took off all the weight to see how she could handle the bar alone. “Try this. If it’s too heavy I’ll catch it.”

“Okay.” Without much effort she lifted the bar then did one rep. Then she returned the bar to the air.

“Good.” I guided it back to the rack. “But that was too light for you.”

“Don’t put on too much weight,” she said. “I don’t have much strength in my upper arms.”

“I beg to differ.” I put ten pounds on each side. “This should be enough.”

“You’re spotting me, right?” There was a slight tone of fear in her voice.

“Sweetheart, I would never let anything hurt you.” I said it with complete seriousness. I would protect her from everything. “But you can do this.”

“Okay.” She gripped the bar then slowly lifted it. Her arms shook slightly from the weight.

“You can do it.” My hands remained on the bar just in case.

She did one rep then returned it to the air. “That’s all I can do.”

“You can do five. Come on.”

“You’re the worst personal trainer on the planet,” she said through gritted teeth.

“Baby, I believe in you. Come on.”

She did another one, sweat breaking out on her forehead. Then she completed the set and gasped for air.

I guided the bar to the rack and eliminated the weight off her frame. “I told you that you could handle it.”

“My arms feel like Jello.”

“But you’re strong.” I gripped one shoulder. “You’re a tough girl. I like tough girls.”

She continued to breathe until she caught her breath. “Are we done now?”

I chuckled. “Not even close.”

She and I did a few other weight machines then jogged on the treadmill.

“Shouldn’t we run before weights?” she asked.

“No, you burn more calories afterward because your body is tired.” I ran beside her and felt a blonde checking me out. She was cute but she had nothing on Ophelia. She outshined everyone in the room.

After our cardio workout ended, Ophelia rested her hands on her hips. “Okay, I’m done for the day.”

I smiled. “Are you sure you don’t want to do some free weights?”

She nudged me in the side before she walked off.

After we showered and changed in the locker room, we met in the lobby.

“I’m going to be so sore tomorrow.” She rubbed her arms like she was trying to get the kinks out.

“But it’ll be a good sore.” I opened the door for her before we walked outside.

“Well, I guess I’ll see you next time.” There was sadness in her eyes, like she didn’t want to leave me.

I didn’t want to leave her either. Maybe it was just a fantasy in my mind but I was starting to think she had feelings for me. That seemed so impossible but that didn’t stop me from hoping. “Come over for dinner.” I wasn’t thinking when I blurted that out. I just didn’t want to say goodbye to her.

“What’s on the menu?” she asked, clearly intrigued.

“Tri-tip, potatoes, and greens.”

“Yum, I’m not saying no to that.”

“Then let’s hit the road.”

We walked side-by-side as we headed to my apartment.

“Should we invite Max?” she asked.

Oh yeah. He was my boyfriend
. “I’ll text him.” I sent him a message.
If Ophelia asks, I invited you to dinner with us at our place but you said no.

He responded back immediately.
No good can come from this.

I’m doing it anyway
. “He can’t make it.”

“Oh.” She sighed. “He’s been pretty busy with work.”



Ophelia looked around my apartment in awe. “Wow, you have a nice place.”

“Thanks.” I was glad she was impressed with me.

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