Dangerous Pride (58 page)

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Authors: Eve Cameron

BOOK: Dangerous Pride
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“And you kept that from me?” Catriona demanded, hurt and relieved at the same time.

“I wanted to tell you, but when you did no’ seem to be concerned about the lad’s parentage, I thought it best to let sleeping dogs lie.”

“And have me be the laughing stock of the keep?”

“You were ne’er that, lass.  Even those who did think Niall was my son kent that he was born long before you and I were married.  He is no’ the first lad to be born on the wrong side of the blankets, and he will no’ be the last, I assure you.”

Catriona pulled back from her husband as she tried to make sense of what he had told her.  “You mean to tell me that everything Fiona told me was a lie?”

“I do no’ ken all that Fiona told you, but I do ken the lass, so I do no’ doubt there was little truth in what she said.  Fiona has always believed she had a place in the clan far above her station.  When you came to Tolquhon, she resented you.  Her hatred and bitterness drove her into Calum Leslie’s arms, not mine.  And it was her greed and jealousy that led her to try to end yer life.”

Catriona struggled to control the tears that threatened to overwhelm her, but she was so overcome by exhaustion and emotion that she was unable to stem the tide of her grief.  As her body was wracked with sobs, Lachlan drew her in his arms, pulling her closer as he gently rubbed her back.  “It’s all over now, lass,” he whispered into her hair as he kissed the top of her head tenderly.  “Yer safe, and we can put all of this behind us.  Provided you no longer want a divorce, of course.”

Catriona could feel the curve of his smile as he pressed his cheek against her head.  She smiled sheepishly herself, grateful that he wasn’t angry with her for believing Fiona’s lies.  “I think I would prefer to forget this conversation ever happened.”

“I would like naught better, wife,” he replied, reaching down to wipe the tears from her pale cheeks.  “Except maybe this,” he added, as he claimed her lips in a kiss that left little doubt about his ability to forgive and forget.

Catriona felt the tension ease from her body as she gave herself over to the passion in Lachlan’s touch.  As he growled his approval deep in his throat, she pushed all other thoughts from her mind, save those of her husband, and how he was making her feel at that moment.  When his tongue pressed at the seam of her lips she opened for him, hungrily, desperate to feel closer to him.  As his tongue mated with hers, she felt a surge of warmth in her very core.  Slowly, she broke off the kiss, clasping his face in her hands as she pulled back, studying him intently.

“There’s naught to forgive, lass,” he said gently, sensing her thoughts.  “It is hardly yer fault you were manipulated by people who care for naught save their own greed and betterment.  You’ve no reason to be ashamed, Catriona.”

Leaning forward, he claimed her mouth in another possessive, searing kiss, burying his fingers in the hair at the nape of her neck, drawing her even closer.  “You are so beautiful, lass,” he whispered as he gently teased the delicate, sensitive skin of her earlobe with his teeth.  “The thought that you were gone – that I might ne’er see you again – was almost more than I could bear.  to think that I failed to keep you safe…”

“Do no’ think of it again, Lachlan,” Catriona replied as she pulled him closer to her, savoring the feeling of warmth and belonging as she relaxed in his arms.  “We are together.  Now. And naught else matters.”

As Lachlan reached down to push her cloak off her shoulders, Catriona pulled back from him, her eyes filled with consternation.  And passion.  “You canna possibly mean to….” she stuttered, her cheeks turning bright red as Lachlan bent forward to steal another kiss.  “Yer men are so nearby and…”.

“I certainly do mean to, lass,” he replied, his voice gentle as he stroked the velvety curve of her chin.  “It would seem I have somehow left some doubt as to depth of my affection for you, and I intend to rectify that oversight immediately.”

“I love you,” she whispered, her heart filled with  gratitude for the happiness she had found in this man’s arms.

“As I love you, lass,” he replied.  “Always and forever.  And I shall spend today and every day of the rest of my life proving it to you.”

To Catriona’s great satisfaction, he did.


The sounds of metal smashing against stone caused Annella to jump up from the settee.  “Yers or mine?” she asked tiredly, her expression bleak.  “I’m almost scared tae look, myself.”

Catriona laughed lightly, the sound almost musical as it echoed through the solar.  She rested her hand fondly on her expanding waist as her eyes glittered with amusement.  “I’ve told you before, Annie, it is no’ important.  There’s naught in the guest chamber that the bairns can hurt themselves with, and whatever they break won’t matter overmuch, I promise you.”

Annella’s expression remained forlorn as she shook her head sadly.  “Yer in no condition to discipline the little de’ils, so leave it tae me.”  Pushing herself to her feet with an air of resignation, Annella had almost reached the doorway when her progress was blocked by the two tall, broad shouldered men who stood in the hallway.

“Ye were looking for these, mayhap?” Rory asked fondly as he walked into the room, busily trying to contain the frantic energy of the toddler who squirmed in his grip.  James had the dark hair of his mother, but he had inherited his father’s unruly curls.  The constant glint in his eye – which prompted him to lurch from one adventure to the other – was the product of both parents, Catriona was sure.  His younger brother clung to his father’s legs, complaining loudly that he was being ignored.  Annella quickly scooped the boy into her arms, smothering him with kisses before she promptly set about disciplining her youngsters about the appropriate behavior in their laird’s home.

“Do you think it will help, lass?” Lachlan asked playfully as he walked into the room, his eyes settling fondly on his wife.  “I believe they got more than they bargained for in James and Thomas.”  With relaxed strides, Lachlan crossed the room to his wife’s side, placing an affectionate kiss on her cheek as he gently set their son in her arms.  The boy stirred briefly, shifting his thumb in his mouth before he settled his chin on Catriona’s shoulder as he went back to sleep.

“I found Alex asleep in the corner, so we ken it was no’ him that caused that racket.”  His superior tone drew a chilling glare from his wife.  “No’ that he would no’ do the same thing himself,” he revised quickly.  “It’s no’ as if our lad is an angel or anything.”

Rory snorted loudly, prompting Annella to elbow him in the ribs.  “Ye better hope the next one is a lass, Lachlan,” he teased, his expression affectionate as he gazed down at his own son.  “Lads are too much work, and what trouble one does no’ think of, the other surely does.”

“I’m no’ sure I agree,” Catriona replied happily, shifting the weight of her son as Lachlan leaned down to place his palm on her belly.  Ignoring their audience, he cooed softly, whispering gentle words to the new baby they would welcome in but a few weeks.  “I would argue even the most fierce warrior can be tamed in time.”

Though Lachlan pretended not to hear her, he smiled to himself at the truth of her words.  Fate had truly blessed them all.


Thank you for reading
Dangerous Pride
! I know there are millions of books to choose from and I’m grateful you chose mine.

I hope reading the novel gave you as much joy as writing it gave me.

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Dangerous Pride
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With much gratitude,

- Eve

Table of Contents

Chapter I

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27



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