Dangerous Lovers (39 page)

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Authors: Jamie Magee,A. M. Hargrove,Becca Vincenza

Tags: #Anthologies, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Collections & Anthologies, #Anthologies & Short Stories, #Romance, #Vampires, #Paranormal, #sexy, #Aliens, #lovers, #shifters, #dangerous

BOOK: Dangerous Lovers
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He sat there for so long I almost thought I’d have to tell him again, but finally, he opened the door and stepped back out into the street. As I started forward again, I snuck a glance at him in the rearview mirror. He still stood there, staring at the back of Tommy’s car as I increased the distance between us. As I rounded a corner, out of sight at last, I shoved thoughts of Kayden to the back of my head, right along with everyone else.

Chapter Seventy-One



When I made it to the gate, I discovered it was guarded. I’m not sure why I hadn’t expected this, and I hoped that there wasn’t some rule that prevented citizens from leaving Two Rivers whenever they felt like it. If so, I might not be going anywhere. I could always try and knock the guard unconscious, but then I would have a short time period to figure out how to lower the gate myself to cross the river.

I pulled up to the gate and stopped at the small guard station that was positioned to the side of it. The guard leaned down as I rolled down my window. It was Gavin. I wasn’t sure if this was a good thing or not.

“Giving up already, Warrior?”

I shook my head. “I don’t give up on anything that’s important… but I need you to lower the gate for me. I have some things I have to go take care of.” I hoped that sounded convincing.

To my surprise, Gavin winked. “Will you be coming back?”

“If I’m lucky.”

“Then, good luck, Warrior. I look forward to your return.” Then he lowered the gate.

Before I could pull forward, he said, “Don’t forget what you saw here, Alexa.”

At the sound of my name, I smiled, though I’m sure there was more sadness in it than anything else. “I won’t forget what I

Gavin gave me a genuine smile then, and though it was a little lopsided due to the scar that ran down the side of his face, it was the first real smile I had seen from anyone in what seemed like weeks.

So, I left. I left Two Rivers. I left everyone behind. Everyone I loved and cared about—to go on what might be a suicide mission. It had occurred to me though, that if my mother really was alive and at Dangeon, then the queen had deliberately lied to me about her death. This made me wonder what else was a lie at Two Rivers. I could only hope that
was the one who would be in danger by leaving, not the people I’d left behind.



The End…. For now.

About H.D. Gordon



H.D. Gordon is the bestselling author of The Alexa Montgomery Saga and a paranormal thriller entitled
She is a lifelong reader and writer, a true lover of words. When she is not reading or writing she is raising her two daughters, playing a little guitar and spending time with her family. She is twenty-four years old and lives in the northeastern United States..


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Jamie Magee



Copyright © 2012 by Jamie Magee


Edited by Todd Barslow

Cover Art Emma Michaels




For the dear friend that showed me how passionate fire signs could be, Chancey Shae Pickard.


And to my baby brother, Joseph Brady, for teaching me to respect fire, for showing me how courageous fireman have to be. Your bravery is unprecedented.




Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable.

Bruce Lee




Other Books by Jamie Magee


All series mingle at some point creating a “web of hearts and souls”


Insight (Book 1)

Embody (Book 2)

Image (Book 3)

Image (Book 3)

Vital (Book 4)

Vindicate (Book 5)

Enflame (Book 6)



See (Book 1)

Witness (Book 2)

Synergy (Book 3)

Redefined (Book 4)





Where To Find Jamie Online:





News Letter



Chapter One



When death shadows your path, you only have one viable defense—adrenaline. All the rage, panic, and jealousy coursing through my veins vanished instantly. There was no room for such emotions. There was no choice between fight and flight—I’ve always been a fighter.

The light was blinding, but that was nothing compared to the piercing sound of the train’s whistle that was bellowing through my body. I braced my arms on the dash, knowing there was nowhere to turn, no way to stop.

Out of sheer instinct, Wilder turned the wheel sharply, which rapidly plowed us through the brush that surrounded the frozen lake. The ice carried the wheels of the car so far out onto the lake that turning back was not an option.

Gavin’s truck, which was just behind us, had followed our path onto the ice. The only way to go was straight ahead toward the manor, but that was a foolish mistake.

Seconds later, just before the hood of the car, I saw the darkness spider web across the pristine blue of the ice, and the frozen lake opened wide, swallowing us whole.

The shock of the cold water never registered to me as I struggled to undo my seatbelt.

Once I was free, I reached for Wilder, who was already loose. He leaned back in his seat and lunged his long legs at the windshield, trying to give us both a way out, but before he could break the glass Gavin’s truck landed on us with a sickening thud.

The added weight caused us to sink faster than before, and now the icy water was seeping over our necks. Wilder was so cold that he couldn’t think—he couldn’t move. I swam over the seat and angled myself so I could kick out the back window. It took me three tries, but finally I forced it open.

Wilder was gone, completely unconscious. I positioned my arm under his shoulders and pulled him with every ounce of my strength. He was almost too broad to fit through the window. The jagged glass scraped his arm—the pain from the gash shocked him awake. I heard him scream under the water as I thrust him forward then followed, finding air with the next beat of my heart.

After a second of thought, I realized that when I swam by Gavin’s truck it was upside down; I knew they were either hurt or trapped because no one had broken through the surface of the frozen lake. I had to go back. I had to save them.

“Indie, no!” Wilder screamed at me, but I didn’t bother to argue or even hesitate.

I dove into the water, pushing through the blocks of ice. Wilder was behind me, swimming faster than I could.

The dark color of crimson was escaping out through the windows of the overturned truck.

Wilder started to kick out the passenger side window as I swam down to the crevasse where our car met theirs. The back window was buckled. It only took one kick to break my way through.

Wilder had broken through and was pulling Cadence out; she was the one that was bleeding. Gavin was awake and struggling with Wilder to rescue her.

I wrestled with Sophia’s seatbelt; just when I got it loose, the truck began to fall to the side, losing its balance on our car. I pushed Sophie out just before the car tumbled in the water, trapping Mason and me.

The tumble knocked him out cold, but it also crumbled the windshield, giving us a faster escape than I could have hoped for. I took my scarf off and looped it under his arms, then I pulled, kicked and fought my way past the massive blocks of ice, wanting air – wanting survival, wanting death to leave me be tonight.

It was as if the lake were demanding a sacrifice, payment for breaking the peace it had before we lost control and broke through her barriers.

I climbed and climbed, pulling the weight of Mason with me, careful not to let the ice hurt him anymore. It felt like a century later, but I broke the surface and sucked in the freezing night air.

My heart was pounding so hard that it was making me shake. I knew. I just knew I was too late, that somewhere in this battle with this lake I’d lost one, if not all, of my closest friends.

Each time I pushed the weight of Mason onto the ice, more broke away. He wasn’t going to be able to handle this water much longer—there was no way. I pushed forward, knowing the bank wasn’t far, which meant the ice would be thicker, stronger.

Behind me I could hear the thrashing of the water against the ice, the sound of death itself chasing me from this lake. Adrenaline was coursing through every inch of my body. It was my weapon at the moment, and my intent was to use it fiercely.

After the seventh attempt, I found ice that was strong enough to hold Mason. He groaned as I pushed him up, coughing out water.

I was exhausted, but I had to go back. I had to get my camera. It was my proof, my only proof, and I wasn’t going to give it up without a fight.

Just as I went to dive into the freezing lake once more, a blinding light stopped me and my hell vanished instantly.

“Indie, what the hell? Get down!” Cadence said in a harsh whisper.

My eyes were wide with shock. I couldn’t understand where I was or what had just happened. I gripped the side of the wide beams above my bedroom. I’d climbed almost twenty feet in the air, and I had no idea how I had managed to do that. My room was a disaster; bookshelves were turned over and lamps were shattered on the floor.

My heart was beating so fast that I couldn’t breathe. I could not understand how I was at death’s door one instant and perched up here the next. I tried to breathe, but no air would come. I kept seeing the ice, the water, the blood…that couldn’t have been a dream—could it? The last thing I needed was for my night terrors to return.

I glanced at the beam just beneath my hand to see ice growing. I clenched my teeth and thought of every word or image that resembled fire wanting to hide this dangerous curse.

My wrist began to burn, then warmth eased through my hand, my arm, and my body. In my mind, I heard a familiar, deep whisper echo, ‘
I’ve got you, Love. I’m never going to let you go
.’ I clenched my wrist; the black scarf that was wrapped there, it was my magic, my defense, and most importantly at that moment it was my sanity. Tiny rivulets of water appeared where the ice once was, evaporating just as they emerged. I let out a sigh, knowing I’d talked myself down once again, which was a miracle in and of itself considering how insanely my heart was beating—how out of control my emotions were.

Echoing footsteps made their way down the hall, and that did nothing but make my alarm grow. I could see my breath and feel the ice coming back. Focusing on the fire burning within the scarf, the warm sensation, was my only hope. One beat later, the fog of my breath vanished, along with ice on the beam holding me in the air.

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