Dangerous Lovers (225 page)

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Authors: Jamie Magee,A. M. Hargrove,Becca Vincenza

Tags: #Anthologies, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Collections & Anthologies, #Anthologies & Short Stories, #Romance, #Vampires, #Paranormal, #sexy, #Aliens, #lovers, #shifters, #dangerous

BOOK: Dangerous Lovers
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Nixie hugged Marcus quickly before shoving him into the helicopter that whirred to life again. The noise was deafening and disorienting. I shoved Audrey ahead of me, looking back at the witch throwing bolts, she locked eyes with me. All I could think was that I had to protect my mate. I saw the witch’s line of fire I knew who she would be aiming for next with a bolt that could kill.

I stepped right behind Audrey, protecting her. I knew in that moment that this might be the end for us. If I let that bolt hit her she wouldn’t survive. She was still weak. Time slowed as she looked back at me for only a moment to make sure I was there with her. Her eyes widened to the size of saucers, and her mouth started to form a shrieking scream.

A shock ran through my entire body, but I stayed on my feet, blocking Audrey. The witch sent another attack following right after the first. It felt like a million bolts of lightning raced through my body. My organs felt as if they had been burnt to a crisp. My skin felt raw. I tried to hold my form, but the blast was too much and I reverted to my original form. I couldn’t breathe as I fell.

Chapter Forty-Three





A phantom shock went through me when the first bolt hit Stone. It tingled my nerves yet I felt no pain. When the second bolt hit him, it struck me right in the heart. I stumbled, losing my breath.

I looked back and a scream ripped from my throat. Gabriel lay on the ground in his true form. I ran back to him, not sure what to do, yet also feeling desperate to do something. Sobs ripped from me and my tears touch his scarred chest. A gaping hole was opened under his right ribs. His chest heaved and I could see him struggle to breathe. I felt his pain in my own heart, a small glimmer of the pain.

“No, no, no…Gabriel!” My heart was breaking. I couldn’t breathe. He wasn’t looking at me, but looking up at the sky, his eyes pain-glazed. Blood poured from his wound and I waited for him to repair himself.

I didn’t hear the others move around us. Someone shouted to take me away. I turned toward the hands that reached for me, I didn’t even register who was trying to touch me, but I growled loudly. I reacted and became his shield. The world around us that was erupting into chaos didn’t seem real. I couldn’t even begin to think it was.

I looked down at him again. I pressed my lips against his cool ones. Dark stubble on his cheeks, and chin. Even dying, in his real form he was the most beautiful man. I couldn’t stop myself. I touched his scruff wanting to remember the feel of it. I couldn’t let him go. I wouldn’t. Tears filled my eyes as I shook my head.

My body reacted. My form shook and broke apart, to only reform back into a dragon. My dragon spirit guided me through the actions. My hand found the cabinet where my heart was locked away. I screamed as I reached in and grabbing a piece of it. It was the most painful thing I had yet experienced, besides the thought of losing Gabriel after just finding him.

I held the bloody, beating piece in my dark talons. I didn’t know if I had expected it to look different, maybe more glowing but it was like any other heart. Besides, the heart in my chest was trying to beat at a different pace now that half of it was missing. I placed the piece over his heart and whispered to him even in my dragon form.

“I love you.”

He looked at me then, and smiled. He brought his hand up to touch my scales and I leaned in. I knew my words were lost in a grumble of noises, but I hoped he understood. I pushed the piece of my heart into his chest with as much force as I could muster. His eyes went wide as the heart dug deep into his chest. My heart touched his, sinking in, twisting into something new. A bridge was being built, connecting us. I had never felt as peaceful as I did in that moment. It wouldn’t last, I knew that because the pain came then. The battle still waging around us and spells were hitting my sensitive scales. None of it mattered though. Stone was safe.

I pulled away, I couldn’t focus. My body was already too weak. I reverted to my human form and lay next to Stone. I hadn’t realized how exhausting this process would be. Gabriel had passed out during the binding, but still held my hand. I looked at him, bringing my free hand to touch his cheek. I smiled slightly as tears spilled from my eyes. I still couldn’t focus. I was ready to say goodbye then. I had to be ready. He would live with my heart beating strong inside of him. I could die peacefully knowing I had saved him. I couldn’t save anyone else; I could at least save him. My love.

“I am so sorry.” I whispered. “I just wanted you forever.”

Chapter Forty-Four





I wish that I could have answered her that day. I wish I could have told her that she could have kept me. I didn’t ever plan on letting her go. I was barely conscious when she shoved her heart into mine, the pain shocked me again but I remember hearing her words. I wanted to reassure her. I was hers. I was hers the moment I saw her trying to disappear into the wall. I would always be hers. I reached over wanting to pull her close, but she wasn’t there. My eyes shot open. I looked around the room still not seeing her. My heart was pounding, threatening to bust through my chest.

“Easy there warrior.” York’s voice came from the other side of me. When I turned he was sitting watching out the window.

“We had to separate you two. She had to recover. You were half conscious and keeping people away from her.”

The breath I was holding rushed out my lungs. She was safe.

“And you needed to recover as well after that bolt went through you. Do you remember what happened?”

My heartbeat felt strange and I went to touch my chest noticing that my skin was scarred, I looked up at York who looked at me.

“Everyone has conveniently forgotten about your skin being so…marked. Marcus put up a glamour around you as soon as he could, but Nixie, Drake and I saw. I had Nixie and Drake’s minds wiped and I will have Imogen wipe mine as well. She knows where the memory is located, but she doesn’t know what it’s about I promise you that.” I stared at the leader of one of the most powerful clans confused. This was valuable information.

“I respect all paranormals. I also respect that we all have our own secrets, and I will not use that against them.” York paused, still looking out the window.

I respected him then, I also knew that he spoke from experience. Too many people knew about the Gargoyles’ secrets.

“It isn’t easy.” He sighed heavily. “Being their mates, having a piece of them in your heart.”

“I would never want easy. Especially not with her.” It came out low, but I wasn’t angry. I wasn’t trying to challenge, I was telling him the truth.

“You don’t understand, yet. To have a piece of their heart is to have their strength, their power, and their emotions. They are as much as piece of you as you are of them. Her heart is yours to protect now.”

With that York left. If I was being honest, I still didn’t completely trust the man. While I was grateful that he said he would have his memories erased, it wasn’t the most efficient way, nor was it always long-lasting. I would have to watch York closely. For now, I wanted to find Audrey.

Finding her was the easy part. Drake was stationed outside of her door not allowing anyone in. When I arrived I waited for him to move. He stared down at me, I was still taller than usual, but I thought the height might just become my new normal.

“Maybe it is best if you came back later.” I didn’t say anything just pushed him out of my way and walked into her room. I closed my eyes as her scent wrapped its way around me. Before I could open my eyes, I felt a light touch of lips, and heard a small giggle. She never giggled before. It was a beautiful sound; a sound that I would cherish.

I took her hips in my hands without even opening my eyes and kissed her harder. We’d almost lost each other. Just thinking about that made me lock the door behind me. I quickly moved into her. She gasped slightly not expecting the sudden movement. I didn’t care. All I knew was that I had her now and I wasn’t letting her go.

“You said you wanted to keep me forever,” I whispered, pulling away from her lips.

She nodded against my cheek. There was stubble there, I remembered her touching it, and I remembered how much I liked it. She brought her hand up to do it again, and I groaned, moving my head into her hand. Such delicate hands. This stopped me short. Her lips were moving up my neck.

“Audrey…” My voice wasn’t recognizable.


“Did,” Gods I couldn’t even get it out, “did someone…” She stopped.

“No.” She whispered, not like she was ashamed, just scared that if she voiced it somehow her answer would change. All it changed was me. I couldn’t stop myself; I had to touch her skin. I had to know that she belonged to me as much as I belonged to her.

My hand moved under her thigh, wrapping it around my waist. I could almost feel the heat from her core. I tried to move closer. I didn’t realize that she was trying to take off my shirt because I was too busy kissing every part of her that I could touch. This was different from our first time. This was a desperate, unquenchable thirst for her.

I helped her take my shirt the rest of the way off, and wanted her shirt gone just as quickly. Instead of pulling it over her head, I ripped it in half. Thank the Gods she was not wearing a bra, it wouldn’t have survived. I moved quickly to her breast. My one hand that had remained behind her neck moved with her as she slanted it backwards. I moaned, it was all becoming too much. All I could think was that I needed her.

I put her leg back down and backed us to the bed. She fell, with her pant-clad legs slightly spread as if inviting me to rip them from her skin. Instead I started from the top. Slowly, very slowly, my fingers brushed her soft skin as I pulled her pants down. I meant it to be torture for her, a sensual torture, but it was turning out as more of an assault for me. I pressed my lips against the skin as I exposed it, leaving a new trail behind. She squirmed slightly making small noises.

I finally got the pants off, and saw her panties needed to go. They were stopping me from what was mine. I licked my lips just thinking about what lay underneath. Audrey started to sit up, I knew she felt uncomfortable and scared being so open to me when I still had my pants on.

I let my go-to form drop, opting for my real form. There was a new scar, a rather nasty looking one, where the bolt had gone through me. She didn’t look at me with disgust though. She looked at the newest scar and moved closer to it. Her lips touched me there, on the new leathery skin. When her tongue touched it, I lost all sense. Her hands moved over my back, touching old scars and making me shiver.

I moved her back so that she was laying flat again. I kissed her lips thinking of everywhere I wanted to kiss her. I moved down her body, but I could still feel that nagging sensation in the back of my head. She was uncomfortable with her nakedness and I was still mostly covered. She was nervous to remove them from me. I was being too dominant for her at the moment. This had to be a partnership. I moved so that I could pull off my own pants and, Gods, she licked her full lips. The nervousness melted away from her. We moved together. Our bodies knowing each other better than our minds.


• • •


I didn’t wake up this time wondering where she was. She was in my arms. I hugged her tighter and buried my nose in her hair. I never wanted to leave. I was perfectly happy in this place with her. When I kissed the top of her head, I felt her stir. I looked down and saw her eyes were open. Her fingers started tracing my heart…our heart.

“Do you regret it?” I wanted to make it a joke, but the truth hung in the air. This was a sacred thing. Not something to take as lightly as I fear Audrey had done.

“I could never regret it.” She bit her lip, and I waited for her to speak. “That first day you met me. When you said that I tried to save you, it was a lie.”

I shifted trying to catch her eye, but she didn’t want to look at me.

“What do you mean?” I drew lazy designs in her skin with my fingers.

“I was hoping you would take me with you. I couldn’t say save yourself, without saying save me, too. And you did Gabriel. You saved me.”

We were quiet for the rest of the morning. Her words ringing in my head loud and clear. I had saved her. Far from the truth really. She had saved me. I wouldn’t be half the man I was now if it hadn’t been for her looking at me with such big eyes that day. I knew she thought she was a monster then and now at times. She was the least beastly of us all.

“I love you, Audrey.”

She had fallen asleep in my arms once again.

Chapter Forty-Five





A few weeks had passed and we had no word or attacks from the Braden clan or the Vedenins. It was too easy to believe that they had given up, but for now we had time to rest and adjust. My father was trying hard to accept Stone in my life. Xavier was there every step of the way

A week after they rescued me, they told me they were true mates, that Xavier held a piece of my father’s heart in his own. Stone held me tighter that night than any other previous. I mourned the loss of my mother and the love that they had shared. I didn’t doubt my father when he told me that he truly did love my mother and that he would have saved her if he could, but his love for Xavier was still hard to accept.

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