Dangerous Lovers (152 page)

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Authors: Jamie Magee,A. M. Hargrove,Becca Vincenza

Tags: #Anthologies, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Collections & Anthologies, #Anthologies & Short Stories, #Romance, #Vampires, #Paranormal, #sexy, #Aliens, #lovers, #shifters, #dangerous

BOOK: Dangerous Lovers
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Sarah narrowed her eyes as she fumed, “What the hell are you trying to tell me Shandro? Are you saying that my brother-in-law, Rykerian’s family is involved in Tommy’s disappearance? And that my sister January probably knows something about this? Because if that’s the case, I’m marching my ass over there right now and we’re going to have a come to Jesus meeting over all of this!”

“Calm down Sarah or I’m leaving here and not coming back. I’ve risked my position over this and possibly compromised the safety of several of the Guardians who report to me to get this information. If you confront your sister and her husband, this whole thing will blow up in our faces and we’ll never find out anything. Do you honestly think they will admit to knowing anything? Think about it! Use your bloody head!”

Sarah fidgeted with the buttons on her jacket and realized Shandro had a valid point. As a Guardian of Vesturon himself, he had risked a great deal to help her. She had been to Rykerian and January’s several times over Tommy’s disappearance to no avail. What made her think they would tell her anything now?

“You’re right...as usual. So what now?”

Shandro was by her side in a flash. Of course, he was a Vesturion, and aside from being impossibly good looking, they had all sorts of supernatural Powers, one of them being Speed. Yeah, he was an alien and all, but he was a fine specimen of one, if she did say so herself. He put his hands on her shoulders and said, “Let me think about this for a day or so. See what I can come up with. Perhaps I can find something they didn’t wipe out. We know where he was before he disappeared. Maybe there’s a link to someone who saw him last.”

He moved his fingers and lifted her chin so he could look into her eyes. For as long as he could remember, he had loved her. She was his best friend’s sister, so he had said nothing, but had harbored his feelings in silence. It pained him to see her hurting the way she had been these last months. He knew how close Tommy and Sarah were. He would stop at nothing to help her find him.

Sarah promised herself that she wasn’t going to cry. It was so hard to hold back all the tears, but when Shandro smiled at her she couldn’t help but smile back. She knew that what he felt for her was far deeper than what she felt for him. As much as she wished she could return those feelings she knew she would only ever love him as a brother.

“So what’s next?” she asked.

“Wait to hear back from me. I’ll let you know something as soon as I can. And please, say nothing to your sister or her husband. Not a word Sarah.”

“Thanks Shandro. I know how you feel about Tommy. I know you miss him too.”

Shandro nodded and walked away.




Sarah replayed the last few months in her head. Her last conversation with Tommy had been normal. He was on Earth with his team of Guardians, where he’d been stationed for six months. They were trying to wrest Earth out of the hands of the Xanthians. Those nasty Xanthians…that parasitic species had ruined everything. Eighteen years ago they’d hired a team of terrorists and unleashed a deadly disease on humanity that had wiped out over sixty-five percent of the human population. Then the Xanthians had invaded Earth with the sole intention of assuming leadership and relocating their entire species there. They wanted Earth’s natural resources because they had depleted the ones on their home planet of Xantha. It hadn’t worked out exactly like they had planned, Sarah thought with a smirk.

Many of the surviving humans had banded together to fight back and the rebels had gained ground, with the help of the Guardians of Vesturon. The Xanthians, not to be outdone, had enlisted the aid of several other unsavory species to combat the rebels, and war was still underway. Sarah had grave doubts of whether Earth would ever be returned to its rightful inhabitants again.

She remembered the dirt hole that their dad dug under the house. She and Tommy lived in that hole with their parents until January and Rykerian had come and taken them to Vesturon. They’d been so young then, and it was such a scary time. They had very little food and water and they lived in fear that someone would discover their hiding place and try to kill them while they slept. That was eighteen years ago, but even now she had nightmares about those days.

Where could Tommy be? Her mind kept replaying their last conversation for hints or clues of any kind. He said things had been busy lately with more fighting than usual. The Xanthians had several teams of mercenaries that were causing skirmishes everywhere, but nothing extraordinary.

In a blazing moment of clarity, Sarah knew what she had to do.

Her mission began to unfold in her mind. She knew that Shandro would fight her every step of the way, but if he didn’t assist her she would just find someone else who would.




“You’re insane Sarah Liana St. Davis. And not just a little.”

“Shandro, there is no other way. It’s a sound plan.”

“Sound? What part of this plan has any semblance of ‘sound’ to it? It’s insane, exactly like you!”

“It’s the only way. I have to go to Earth to find him.”

“You have no idea what you are saying. You claim to have nightmares of the Earth you remember, but that was Eden compared to the Earth of today! I’m not exaggerating. It’s completely out of the question. If you go there, you’ll never come back here,” Shandro insisted.

“You don’t seem to understand Shandro. That’s exactly the point. I go to find him or die trying. That’s what he means to me. The Tommy I know would do the same for me and you know damn well that’s the truth.”

“Sarah,” Shandro said, his voice edged with pain, “the Thomas I know would gut me alive if he knew I consented to this ridiculous scheme of yours.”

Sarah chewed her bottom lip before launching into her rebuttal. “It doesn’t matter what the Thomas you know would do because he’s not here to do anything, is he? Shandro, I have to do this. You, of all people, should understand this.” Her eyes darkened with pain as she pleaded with him for his understanding.

He squeezed his eyes shut as he felt his belly clench. “Sweet Deity Sarah, the thought of you on Earth with all those barbarians, sickens me.”

She stood before him and cupped his cheeks with her hands. “I know Shandro. But I can’t sit here anymore, thinking there might be something I could do. Please help me. You know he’s everything to me. I’d gladly give my life for his.”

“He feels the same for you. He still bears great guilt you know.”

Sarah nodded. “I wish he didn’t. We were stupid kids. Please help me Shandro.”

“You know I will but I’ll do it against my better judgment. Sarah, I swear if you don’t come back to me alive, I will go down to Earth, hunt you down and make you pay somehow.”

The corners of her mouth turned up in the barest hint of a smile as they began their preparations for her journey to Earth.

Chapter Two



Darkness fell quickly on Vesturon this time of year. Sarah waited impatiently for Shandro near the space dock, but far enough away to avoid suspicion. They had repeatedly gone over every detail and by now she knew everything by heart and could recite it in her sleep. As of today, she would lose her identity. Shandro would supply her with her papers, identification and everything else she would need to travel inconspicuously to Earth.

A shadow fell across her and she glanced up to see her co-conspirator. She’d always thought he looked dashing when he was in full uniform, and he did not disappoint tonight. Dressed in black from head to toe, including knee-high boots, Shandro was perfection that most women would die to get their hands on. She wished she were one of them. He was handsome in every way, from his dark hair to his smoldering eyes. It was unfortunate she never felt anything but brotherly affection for him.

“Do you have everything?”

He nodded as he handed her a packet. She opened it up to see the identifying documents she would need for passage once she arrived on Earth. It contained a scan of her fingerprints, along with her DNA and an imprinted pictogram of her retina scan. It also listed her as Liasare Davidson. She chuckled when she saw it; she thought it was a clever twist of her birth name, Sarah Liana St. Davis. Shandro wanted her to dye her hair, but Sarah hadn’t thought it necessary. It was a nondescript shade of brown and her eyes were your everyday average hazel, neither of them being extraordinary enough to draw attention. He actually agreed with her for a change.

“I realize we have been over this, but your life is at stake so it bears repeating. The first thing you must do when you awaken from your sleep is...”

“I’ll inject myself with the drug to reverse the effect of what you’re giving me here and I’ll immediately eat and get the hell out of wherever I am at the time.”

“Correct and then...”

“I plan to seek out a place to set up as a base. I sleep during the day and never at night. Nighttime is the death zone. I’ll be on my guard at all times. I’ll never act shy or demure but bold and aggressive and will always look others directly in the eye.”

“Very good
What else?” Shandro asked.

“Never sleep in a vulnerable spot and always wear my boots in case I have to leave in a hurry. I won’t ever travel alone down a dark street or alley, but stay in crowds. I won’t leave my food or drink unattended and I won’t trust anyone. I’ll stay clear of any Guardians unless my life’s in danger. If necessary, I’ll go to them then, but not tell them who I am. I won’t try to contact you and I think, perhaps, that will be the most difficult of all.”

He lifted a gloved hand to her cheek and said, “For me as well Liasare. The name fits you well. Remember it is okay to be afraid. Fear may save you; it will keep your senses on high alert. And Liasare, always trust your instincts. They will guide you. There is something else. Your brother was very fond of the ladies. Er, what I mean is that...”

Sarah laughed, “You won’t offend me Shandro. Go ahead and say it.”

“He was very popular with the opposite sex. You may want to check with them before you ask anyone else. My suggestion is you show his picture in clubs because I am sure he made quite a name for himself.”

“Great! Please tell me he wasn’t an ass about it.”

“I am sorry to say I cannot answer that. All I know is that he was never short on female companions.”

Sarah rolled her eyes at him. All she needed was a group of Tommy-haters that wanted to kill her at the mere mention of his name.

“Let’s get this show on the road Shandro. The Star Freighter leaves in two hours. I’d like to be in place and sleeping comfortably an hour from now.”

He took her hand and led her toward the dock from which she would be departing. Right before they arrived, he removed his officer’s insignia from his Guardian’s uniform. It wouldn’t do for a Commander to be seen doing tasks that a first class Guardian should be performing.

When they arrived at the dock, they came to an area that held rows and rows of oblong containers. Shandro lifted the lid of one and indicated to her that she should get inside.

“Is this what I think it is?”

He nodded. “Try not to think about it.”

“Yeah, right,” she uttered, looking at the coffins.

“Your pack is filled with enough nutrition and water for five days?

“Yeah and then some.”

“Good. Your weapons?”

“Two daggers in each of my boots and I have five throwing stars in my jacket.”

“Excellent. Here is your teleporter. Remember to set it when you’re out. Have it set to a safe location. It can save your life. Don’t teleport to the same place twice unless you are with someone you trust. Don’t
teleport to where you sleep. You know your energy trail can be traced. Anyone who wishes to follow it could kill you. Are we clear on all of this?”

Sarah nodded.

“If for some reason you do not feel safe, get the fuck out of there. Fast. Do you hear me?”

“Sweet baby bunnies! Did you just use the word
? I have
heard you say that before! I am shocked Shandro!” Sarah grinned.

“The time for humor has passed and yes I said fuck. I mean it
. Get the
bloody fuck
out of there. Do you understand?”

She stared at him wide-eyed and nodded.

Shandro ached with his urgent need to hold her. He clenched his fists and spoke before he lost his nerve.

“Look, I know this is an inappropriate time but I cannot send you off without saying this. I have loved you for the longest time. And I will love you until...”

Sarah reached out and put her fingers on his mouth, stopping him from saying any more.

“Please Shandro. I’ve always known how you’ve felt about me and I love you too, just not in the way you want. I will always love you, like I love Tommy. But I’m afraid if I let you keep talking, the trip to Earth will be unbearable and I won’t be able to think clearly when I arrive. You’ll always have a place in my heart and if there were one person in the universe I wish I could love with all my heart and soul, it would be you.” She kissed him on his cheek as the tears she had valiantly tried to stem finally spilled.

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