Dangerous Authority (2 page)

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At work she noted the nasty looks and veiled insults she got from some of her coworkers.  They were all a full generation older than Dominique, so none of them expected his attention for themselves.  But since they were mainly cantankerous old bitches, it generally annoyed them that Mary Jane got it.

That's why, on a gorgeous day in early spring, Doris took some kind of sick pleasure in informing Mary Jane that "Ole Dominique Flame" probably wouldn't be back because he'd run off and gotten married.

Chapter 2

ary Jane maneuvered her car into the gravel driveway underneath the tall oak tree situated in front of her small suburban home.  She sighed when she noted her husband Zander's truck also parked in the driveway.  It was only three thirty in the afternoon, way too early for him to be off work.  A feeling of apprehension began to unfurl in her belly as she sensed approaching drama.

She and the kids entered the front door.  The boys took off for their room and her daughter Jessie asked for a snack.  Mary Jane led her by the hand to the small kitchen to fetch her some orange slices, and found Zander seated at the kitchen table drinking a beer.

She gave Zander a strained smile and a quick kiss on the top of the head as she passed by him to approach the refrigerator.  She opened it and leaned in to get a juice box and orange.  "What are you doing home so early?" Mary Jane asked, working to keep her voice cheerful.  Home early and drinking wasn't a good sign.  She knew he would likely feel defensive about whatever he was about to tell her, and he could easily devolve into a temper tantrum if he thought she was being critical.

Zander groaned.  "Just couldn't handle dick head's attitude anymore, so I told him I was cutting out early."

Mary Jane stood and gave him a wide eyed look.  "Zander!" she said gently, nodding toward Jessie.  "Language please?"

Zander laughed. He didn't mind her asking him to watch his mouth in front of the kids.  He thought it was cute.  But, he also ignored her requests.  The laugh spread his face into a big, jovial smile.  She regarded him sitting there, his long legs splayed beneath the table.  He still had on his work overalls from the tire change shop where he worked, and they were grungy from oil.  His messy brown hair was covered by a blue ball cap and he was sporting a little more five o'clock shadow than his boss generally cared for.  Though she knew she would end up upset with him, she couldn't help but admire how ruggedly good looking he was.  And he knew it, too.

He'd only been employed by the tire shop for three weeks.  Hardly enough time to be cutting out early over a crummy boss.  Zander tended to hate every boss, in the many jobs he'd plowed through over the years.  He was one of those guys who didn't play well with others.  He possessed a quick temper and a smart mouth when it came to employers.  Though his disposition toward his wife and children was much kinder, it still caused problems at home when he couldn't manage to keep his attitude in check.  As Zander had meandered from job to job, they'd also moved from home to home when they got evicted during his unemployed periods because they couldn't make rent.  Elwood wasn't a very big town.  Mary Jane knew that eventually, every bridge that there was to burn, would go down in flames.

She and Zander had often tussled over the years because she wanted to return to work herself.  She'd made great money before the kids came along and she knew she could take care of them all if she had to.  But Zander wouldn't hear of any woman of his having to work.  So there she stood that day, once again contemplating just going to work against his wishes, to avoid the inevitable fall out from Zander blowing off another job.

Mary Jane situated Jessie and the boys in the living room with snacks and cartoons and then returned to take a seat across from her husband in the kitchen.  "Baby," she said gently.  "Do you think it's a good idea this soon after starting a new job to be just taking off in the middle of the afternoon for no reason?"

Anger flashed on Zander's face and she knew she'd said the wrong thing.  Her heart rate escalated.  It wasn't unusual at all for her to exacerbate the situation by making Zander feel she was egging him on.

"It wasn't for no reason," he said bitterly.  "The guys a fuck hole."

Mary Jane flinched.  She didn't want to hear all the reasons Zander hated this guy.  Frankly, it was always the same.  Maybe sometimes his bosses really were jerks.  But for the most part she knew he just couldn't take direction from someone else. 

"Well," she said even more softly.  "Are you going to go tomorrow?"

"Of course," he said in an insulted tone.  He snatched his beer off the table and stalked out the back door to drink on the back porch.


Zander sulked on the back porch until dinner and then came in to enjoy spaghetti with the family.  He laughed and joked with the kids.  He listened intently as both Jason and Jonah described their day at school, and he had an in-depth discussion with Jessie about the prospects for desert and left her in a fit of giggles.  Mary Jane's heart melted.  Despite Zander's many flaws, he had always been so good with their children.  He could anger her and then thaw her cold heart in a matter of minutes simply by interacting with the kids.  She felt instinctively they were on the verge of another difficult time because Zander would soon lose this new job.  But, in that moment all she could think about was how much the babies loved him.

After dinner she and Zander watched a movie together while the kids played in their rooms.  Mary Jane rested against him while he draped his arm casually over her shoulders and sipped his beer with his free hand.  The movie was a police drama and Dominique Flame sprang to her mind again.

Her cheeks flushed slightly as she thought of the handsome sergeant while sharing a quiet time with her husband.  But she simply couldn't get Dominique out of her head, especially as she watched a dark and dashing cop on the television screen.  The sexy cop onscreen seduced women and Mary Jane's thoughts of Dominique took a turn she hadn't allowed for many years.  By the time the movie was over, she was in quite a delicate state.

Zander placed a finger under her chin and tipped it up.  He kissed her greedily and she sighed against his hot lips.  "Let's put the kids to bed," he whispered when he pulled away.  She nodded her agreement.

Mary Jane felt nervous and hot as they hurried through the bedtime routine.  She didn't even bother with baths, just helped the kids brush teeth and put on jammies.  Zander took bedtime story with the boys, and Mary Jane read to Jessie in the little girl's pink bedroom.  Soon all three kids had drifted to dreams and husband and wife reconnected in the hallway outside the bedrooms.

Zander pushed her into the wall, and raised her arms high over her head.  He pinned them in place and pressed his tall hard body against her petite soft one.  He covered her lips with his own and she whimpered as he probed her mouth with his tongue. 

In her mind she saw Dominique's face.  His invasion of this private moment evoked another small yelp from her.  She wondered how he'd kiss her.  She didn’t think he'd be as wild and reckless as Zander always had been.  For a moment she hated herself for allowing these thoughts.  But Dominique was there in her imagination, she couldn't evict him despite her best efforts.

She turned a corner right then.  She decided she didn't want him out.

Zander let go of her wrists and ran his hands down the sides of her arms and her body.  She gasped as he abruptly ended their kiss and scooped her into his arms.  Once he had her body cradled against him, he began kissing her again as he rushed her into their bedroom.

Once inside, he pushed the door closed with his work boot and bolted to their bed where he deposited her onto the end.  "Yes," she moaned quietly, caught up in the frenzy and the intensity of imagining one man while being seduced by another.

She began to scurry farther onto the bed, but he caught her hips and pulled her back toward him.  "Where you going?" he growled softly. 

Mary Jane moaned.  Every part of her was hot and weak.  She was in no position to take the lead.  He would have her anyway he wanted her.  She would give herself willingly.  She kept her eyes closed, imagining Dominique's hands on her.

Zander tore down the leggings and thong she wore, and discarded them into the darkness.  He yanked her hips toward him and deftly crouched on the floor, pushing her thighs apart.

"Oh yes," Mary Jane whispered, feeling close already.

There was nothing slow, sweet, or gentle about him that night.  He had many different sides to his love making personality.  That night was about quick roughness.  He plunged his tongue inside her and began working her firmly with swirling and banging.  She arched, her back lifting off the bed, her pussy pressing harder into his face.  He groaned against her wetness, and the vibration nearly undid her.

In her mind, it was Dominique's hands greedily roaming her while he tongued her clit frantically.  But only just for a moment.

Soon Zander rose again to his feet, looming over her.  He stared down at her milky skin that appeared iridescent in the darkness.  She did not open her eyes, but she smiled.  The cool air rushed to meet the emptiness where his tongue had just been working magic and a fierce sensation of heat and tingling rushed within her.

He took her by the hips and flipped her onto her stomach as though she were weightless.  Zander didn't even undress, simply unsheathed himself from the fly of his overalls.  He tucked her knees beneath her on the edge of the bed so that she was exposed and offering both physical satisfaction and a stimulating view.  Zander rammed his throbbing hard cock into her without prelude.

"Ah, yessss," Mary Jane groaned.  She buried her face into the bed clothes, surrendering completely to the feeling of her husband filling her.  He drove into her roughly, both of them forgetting momentarily about the other's pleasure, and focusing only on the personal feelings. 

She imagined Dominique lacing his fingers in her hair and demanding that she come.

And that was it.  She spiraled down, down, and down, a small scream escaping to hang on the night air.


Mary Jane lay nestled against Zander's chest almost asleep.  She'd finally managed to
banish Dominique from her mind in the wake of several intense orgasms.  He was still there, but at least he wasn't doing dirty things to her anymore…

Just as she began to drift off, Zander shifted her off of him and got out of bed.  Her eyes popped open and she watched him move to the foot of the bed where he eventually had discarded his clothing.  He began to put them back on.

"Going somewhere?" Mary Jane inquired sleepily.

"Yeah," he said matter of factly.  "I'm going to the bar."

Mary Jane hefted herself up on her elbows, the relaxed feeling she'd found, evaporating entirely.  "Z, you have work at eight!"

He shot her a warning glance.  "I'm a big boy, Mary Jane."

He moved to finish dressing and put on his boots and she tried to fight back the anger mounting inside her.  Zander wasn't the cheating sort, he just liked to shoot pool and drink beer.  But, sometimes he liked those things too much, and too much of those things resulted in not showing up to work and then not having a job to show up to.  And, despite the fact that she trusted him not to sleep around, it hurt her that he could so casually leave her directly following an epic love making session.

Another nice evening.  Fucking ruined.

She nestled back down into the bed and pulled the covers up around her, rolling on her side and putting her back to him.

"See you later," he said cheerily as he exited the bedroom, not even seeming to notice her hurt.

Mary Jane went to sleep with tears on her face.  Zander didn't return until well after two in the morning.  But she was long asleep by then, lost in dreams of Dominique Flame.

Chapter 3

ary Jane was a bundle of nerves by the time she arrived at the school to pick up Jason and Jonah again the next day.

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