Danger Close (12 page)

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Authors: Kaylea Cross

Tags: #Bagram Special Ops

BOOK: Danger Close
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Wade shut the door behind him. “A shipment of nuclear material just went missing south of Tijuana.”

Robert nodded as he crossed to his desk. “I just heard twenty minutes ago.” He lowered himself into his chair and studied Wade. “How likely is it that it could be Rahim?”

“Pretty damn likely. He’d been looking into getting a shipment of radioactive material out of a reactor in the Ukraine, and some Strontium-90 from Russia but he would’ve scrapped that plan the moment he found out about me and moved up the timeline. You know his end game is to attack here in a big city, probably on the eastern seaboard to garner the most attention and maximize collateral damage. Could be he’s got a hand in this. Helluva lot easier and faster to move it across the border from Mexico than get it here from the Ukraine, especially once he’s hidden it.” And they all knew there’d been increased chatter amongst people in Rahim’s network. Something big was in the works, they just didn’t know when or where. This missing nuclear shit had Wade’s internal radar going crazy.

Robert was in his late fifties and had been a four star general before coming to work for The Company, rising through the ranks before being appointed. It wasn’t easy to rattle him. But the tension around his mouth now and the way his eyebrows drew together spoke loudly of just how scary a threat this might be. “Let’s get our teams on this,” he said to them all. “I want you to pull whoever you need and get them searching for that shipment. Wade, Bill and I will get people hunting for Rahim south of the border. Everybody report back to me when you find anything.”

The moment he finished everyone stood up and got moving. With the threat potential they were looking at, the sense of urgency was clear. They had to find Rahim and locate that shipment immediately, and Wade would do whatever he could to help in the hunt.

He was in another office with someone from the taskforce when his cell beeped with a text alert. When he pulled it out, he was a bit startled to see it was from Erin.

Will you be home for dinner?

He blinked at the message, but didn’t have time to respond before another came in.

Ha! I sound like a wife

Smiling, he typed a response.
Not sure when I’ll be back. You go ahead.

A few seconds later, she answered.
Okay. See you later.

He put the phone into his pocket, aware of a curious warmth spreading inside him. It felt strange to have someone check in on him about something as simple as whether or not he’d be home for dinner, but he liked it, because it was Erin. He also liked knowing she thought about him when he was away, and that she cared. Even with everything that was going on, he’d been thinking about her too.

As he glanced back up at the middle-aged woman across the desk from him, he realized she was staring at him, a little grin playing around her mouth. “What?”

She shrugged. “That’s the first time I’ve seen you smile. It looks good on you.”

He looked away, muttered something in reply and got back down to business. But that lingering warmth remained throughout the afternoon, easing the worst of the dread and anxiety about Rahim and the missing shipment. They were doing everything they could to stop the unthinkable from happening, and hell, he’d be going home to Erin at the end of the day.

When he’d contacted everyone he could think of who might be able to help and sent another report to Robert, it was nearly eight o’clock. Two guys from the security team were waiting for him in the lobby and drove him back to the safe house. The kitchen light was on and as he climbed out of the car, he could see Erin moving around by the sink. He checked the perimeter just to be sure all was secure in spite of the all clear given by the security team, then let himself in the back door with his key. The smell of something spicy and delicious wafted from the kitchen and his stomach rumbled, reminding him how hungry he was since he hadn’t eaten all day.

“Honey, I’m home,” he called out as he took his boots off. Her soft laughter drifted to him, and he found himself smiling again. After the long day he’d had and the increased threat going on, it surprised him how much he was looking forward to her company tonight. Hell, he was craving it.

“I’m in the living room,” she called back.

Wade strode through the entryway and past the kitchen to the family room. In the doorway, he stopped dead and stared.

She’d shoved the coffee table off to one side of the room and laid a blanket out on the floor in front of the fireplace, where a cheery fire crackled. On the blanket were several pillows and throw cushions, along with various plates and bowls filled with food.

He glanced up when Erin came into view carrying another bowl in her hands. She was smiling at him, her long chocolate-brown hair tumbled around her shoulders, catching glints of the firelight. She wore a snug green top that hugged her breasts and a pair of dark jeans that molded to her shapely hips and thighs. “Hi. Hope you’re hungry.” She set the bowl down and seated herself cross-legged on the blanket, smiling up at him expectantly.

Wade stood there for a moment, totally at a loss. He’d told her to go ahead without him, but he’d sure as hell never expected anything like this. After a few beats of stunned silence, he found his voice. “You did this for me?”

She shrugged as if it was no big deal. “I know you’re more comfortable sitting on the floor, and I was alone all day so I just puttered in the kitchen. I found some Afghan recipes online and fiddled with those. Apparently the supermarket was fresh out of goat though, so I had one of the security guys pick me up some chicken instead. Hope that’s okay.” She shot him a teasing look.

He suppressed a chuckle. “It’s fine.” It was more than fine, it was unbelievable. And she’d not only made all this, she’d waited for who knew how long until he’d gotten back so they could eat together. “I wish you hadn’t waited for me. You must be starving.”

“Nah, I snacked a bit here and there, and besides, I wanted to wait to eat with you. I had a couple of the security guys run into town and get me some ingredients I needed. Bet the CIA’s never paid for that kind of service before,” she said in a wry voice.

Wade lowered himself to the blanket and sat opposite her, still blown away by her thoughtfulness, her kindness. She knew some of what he’d done during his undercover assignment, that he’d stood back and watched her friends get beaten, yet she’d still wanted to do this for him. “Thank you,” he said simply, even though that felt totally inadequate under the circumstances.

Her smile widened, the firelight reflecting in her eyes. “You’re welcome. Now let’s dig in before it all gets cold.” She held out a hand. “Pass me your plate.”

He did, feeling like he should be serving her instead of the other way around, but he didn’t argue. She filled his plate and passed it back to him. She’d made a rice dish studded with what looked like dried fruits and chopped pistachios on top. The fragrant steam rose up, scented with cinnamon from the curried chicken dish she’d spooned on top. There was also a chopped salad and toasted pita bread with hummus.

Remembering the manners he hadn’t used in a long time, he waited for her to begin eating before he did.

“So, how was your day?” she asked between bites.

He had to drag his attention away from her mouth as she chewed, his head filled with fantasies of tasting those pink lips, learning the shape of her naked body with his hands and tongue. “Busy.” They’d kept him on the periphery of the investigation, not letting him in on new intel that came in unless the director had okayed it first. It drove Wade nuts. He couldn’t tell Erin about the new developments, and couldn’t prove the missing material had anything to do with Rahim, except that his gut told him it did. Pushing that aside, he focused on the beautiful, sweet woman before him. She made him fucking
inside. “If you’re not comfortable we can sit at the table—”

“No, I’m good. I kind of like this. Feels more authentic, anyhow. How does it taste?”


Her eyes gleamed with pleasure. “Good. I like it too. And wait ‘til you see what I made for dessert.”

He looked up from his plate. “You made dessert, too?”

“Yeah, but it doesn’t exactly go with the menu. It’s my mom’s recipe. I used to love baking with her, and now we only get to do it at Christmas. When I’m home,” she added. “You’ll love it, trust me. Everyone does.”

“Can’t wait to try it.” He watched her as she ate, his gaze drawn once more to her mouth. Her lips were a soft pink and they glistened in the firelight when her tongue passed over them. Staring at the tempting display, he was reminded yet again of how long it had been since he’d kissed a woman. He also couldn’t remember ever wanting to kiss a woman this badly before. She made it damn hard for him to keep his distance.

Once they’d eaten she started to gather the dishes but he stopped her with a hand on her arm. “No, you sit. I’ll get this.”

“Thanks, that’s sweet of you.” She gave him another smile, the gratitude and pleasure in her face hitting him like a sucker punch to the gut. He wasn’t sweet, but she made him want to be, at least for her. It was all he could do not to take that pretty face between his hands and kiss the freckles that ran across the bridge of her nose and across her cheeks, then taste those inviting lips that tempted him so mercilessly.


Tamping down the urge to reach for her, he cleared the dishes, put away the leftover food and washed up. He was just finishing loading the dishwasher—God, sometimes he loved modern conveniences—when Erin came in and opened the fridge. Her back was to him, but he had an incredible view of the way those jeans hugged her rounded ass as she bent over to retrieve something off the bottom shelf. He stared at it, he couldn’t help it, and had a sudden image of her bent over for him, naked, her mouth parting in an erotic gasp as he fisted one hand in her hair and held her hip with the other while he plunged deep into her body.

He tore his gaze away from her ass and shook himself as she straightened, feeling guilty. She’d done something special and thoughtful for him and all he could think about was fucking her.

“Take a look at this thing of beauty,” she said proudly, holding up a chocolate-frosted cake. “When’s the last time you had something like this, huh?”

“Years.” And his mouth was already watering. He’d probably pay for eating all that butter and sugar later, but right now he couldn’t wait to dive in and he would savor every bite of it because she’d made it for him.

He followed her out to the blanket again and accepted the slice she served him. “Dig in,” she said, already forking up a mouthful. Her quiet moan of enjoyment as she chewed reverberated inside him, going straight to his swelling cock. His hand tightened around the fork as he pictured her making that very same sound as he stroked and tasted her breasts and the soft flesh between her thighs.

Wade forked up a bite and savored the rich, moist chocolate cake with a groan of approval. Erin’s mouth quirked. “Good, huh?”

“So good.” He devoured the rest of it, glancing up when she scooted around next to him and set another slice of cake on his plate.

“You look like you enjoyed that so much that I think you need another piece,” she said, so close he could see each individual freckle on her nose and inhale her sweet, clean scent. The pulse in his cock and the need unfurling inside him were too strong to ignore.

Unable to stop himself, Wade let go of his fork and wrapped his hand around her forearm. She froze, her gaze darting to his in surprise. He saw the exact moment when the heated awareness flashed in her eyes, her pupils expanding as she recognized his intent. The air around them seemed to vibrate with sudden sexual tension. He tightened his fingers slightly, savoring the silky texture of her inner forearm and the warmth of her skin. She was so soft and feminine she seemed delicate next to him, yet she was also strong. The combination fascinated and drew him more strongly than he’d ever have thought possible. She wanted him. Wasn’t pulling away.

Her tongue darted out to moisten her lips and Wade couldn’t help but track the gesture. And when her gaze dipped to his mouth, he couldn’t hold back any longer.

Blindly setting his plate down on the blanket, he reached out to cup the side of her face with one hand and leaned in to cover her mouth with his.

Chapter Ten

Startled by the abrupt move, Erin gasped against Wade’s mouth and dumped her plate aside so she could grasp his shoulders. All her senses were magnified around him, sharpened. She was vividly aware of the hard warmth of the muscles beneath her hands, his clean, crisp scent as it wrapped around her, the feel of his callused palm against her cheek and the soft prickle of his whiskers against her skin. And his lips. They were firm but tender against hers, and the kiss was so gentle—much gentler than she’d imagined.

He moved his lips over hers carefully. Not hesitant, but as though he wanted to learn and memorize the shape of them. And holy hell, was it hot. She’d fantasized about this many times over the past few days, but her imagination hadn’t come close to reality. With all his rough edges and having been undercover in austere conditions for so long, she’d expected a raging hunger from him. The care and consideration in his hands and mouth shook her to her core, but it also made her crazy. She wanted to see that need and passion unleashed, wanted to feel what it would be like to be pinned beneath his hot, hard body as he let himself go. Parting her lips, Erin leaned in closer and rubbed her breasts against his chest, gasping at the bolt of sensation that rushed from her nipples to between her legs.

In answer Wade slid his hand from her face into her hair, his fingers gripping the back of her head in a possessive hold that made her lower belly flutter. He nipped ever so gently at her lips, sending a shiver of anticipation through her, then she felt the warm velvet of his tongue soothing the slight sting. Tightening her hold on his shoulders, loving the feel of all that restrained power coiled beneath her fingertips, she sighed in pleasure and opened her mouth more beneath his.

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