Danea (17 page)

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Authors: Karen Nichols

BOOK: Danea
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A little fear, a little excitement and a lot of sensations. Each new feeling vying for the top slot with each new touch or stroke they offered her. They were taking her places she’d never dreamed there for her and they were with her the whole time. Words were whispered, just as soft as the hands firmly massaging her.

She groaned around the thick, pulsing head of his cock when Wade added another finger. Then she felt something cool and slick sliding along her skin. She smelled a light peppermint and blinked when Noah took her shoulders and pulled her up his body. Before she could blink, his mouth covered hers, his tongue surging inside her mouth as he positioned her over his hips.

She felt the pressure. She felt stretched and it hurt. Didn’t it? Parts of her mind was dazed, erotically hot and lost in the new feelings. Where did the uncomfortable feeling cross over into the ones that had her hips moving without asking her what she really wanted? Did she know what she really wanted?

A pair of warm hands framed her face, lifting until Noah had her slightly hazy attention. She was panting, trying to sink into the erotically charged forbidden sensations. If she’d ever heard of this before, it had always been in the disgusting column from friends in college.

So long ago, she thought briefly, realizing that the stroking had stopped and Noah was waiting. For something. She looked down quickly at her palm wrapped around his cock. Her gaze followed his thick wrists until she met his gaze.

One hand moved from her face in a slow, teasing caress. He lifted a packet from the side and held it up for her to see.

“We need this, Danea…and I need inside you,” he told her gruffly, his hips thrusting into the palm still wrapped snuggly around his cock. He looked over her shoulder at Wade. “It’s going to be amazing…”

Danea groaned when the persistent strokes began again, the sweet scent of peppermint and the cool feeling adding to the heat of their arousal. When someone’s fingers began stroking over her clit, she lost track of who was where and how she was moving. She knew the condom went on; she watched it glide over the hardness, her fingers toying for a bit with the heavy sacs at the base of his cock.

Then there were hands on her waist, lifting her, positioning her for Noah. The teasing sensations were starting to drive her mad. She wanted more. She wanted to force all the firing bits of lightning to meet together. Noah controlled her descent, lifting her and catching the bulbous head of his cock at her drenched opening. Hot moisture spread around just the head. Just enough to make her groan and bite into her lip.

She tried angling her hips. Tried forcing more only to be greeted by a sexy laugh.

“I think our girl is impatient…” Wade fisted his cock and moved forward on his knees.

“She’s not the only one,” Noah groaned when she managed to wiggle and seat a little more of him inside her.

both horrible teases,” Danea panted softly. She bent very slowly forward, recalling some old belly dancing moves and began flexing her muscles, squeezing his cock and letting her muscles tease him. She slid her hands over Noah’s chest, upward to the broad shoulders. Aroused, pebbled nipples scraped over his chest as she arched her back, sending her ass just a little more firmly against the hard invader pressing for entrance.

“Breathe, Danea,” Wade felt her tense and groaned at the pressure on them both.

Breathe, she thought, struggling to control the many sensations crashing around inside her. Breathing seemed so very unimportant at the moment.


“And stop thinking,” Noah growled, releasing her hips and letting her fall. His cock filled her in one long thrust at the same time he speared the hair at the sides of her face and pulled her mouth to his. He stabbed his tongue between panting, parted lips and taunted hers into play, both of them exchanging low, hungry groans.


Stop thinking, she heard seconds before white hot stars exploded inside her and out. She couldn’t grab enough air and ripped her mouth from Noah’s gasping and screaming. Yep, she was pretty sure it was her screaming names. Deliciously sexy, glorious names. It had started when Noah, at least she thought it was Noah, slid a hand between them and pressed, circled and stroked her clit. Then she lost track of who was where doing what and really decided later that she hadn’t particularly cared.

She felt muscles clamping, squeezing and convulsing around them both. Both places, both men and over and over and over.

“Oh, god, oh, god, oh god!”

When the second wave tore through her body, her back arched and she threw her head back. She heard them. She knew they shouted her name and other words and it was definitely not in a bad way. Hands gripped her waist. Another set had a tight, steadying grip on her hips. She felt them pulsing; felt each cock constrict and thrust and explode.

How did one person survive long enough to get old?

She sometimes wondered where her mind went, how it got there and would she be able to get back again. Then she was floating. Sighing and her body refused to listen to anything her brain was ordering at the moment. She slid along Noah, sweat from all three of them mingling seconds before she felt Wade fall to his back on the bed, taking the momentary weight from her back.

If she had the strength, her eyes would have popped wide at the odd sensation of him retreating so quickly from where she never in her wildest dreams imagined something so incredibly erotic could happen. She wiggled and heard Noah groan against her throat.

Oh, yeah. She’d collapsed on him. He didn’t seem to be protesting, though, so she snuggled down and sighed thickly.

She heard them talking. Whispers and kisses along her throat, on her temple and her cheek as she was lifted and allowed to curl into the pillows. It was like listening to voices down a long, muffled tunnel. Strong fingers now and then stroked over her head, along her back. Gentle and caressing, tender. Undemanding and a chuckle now and then when she turned and curled against one of them.

Her fingers spread over a chest
, curling over a faint covering of coils. Wade, she thought in the deep recesses of her mind when another arm snaked around her waist from behind, a warm mouth touching her middle back. Noah. His face pressed against her back as a quiet, warm drowsiness settled around them.

“I should go home,” she murmured, shifting to lie on her stomach and stretch her hands above her head.

“Hmm…I don’t like that idea,” Noah whispered, rolling to his side with a satisfied sigh and leaning up on one arm. He lifted the other hand and ran his palm from her shoulder to the rise of her behind. “She has the most gorgeous ass.”

Danea buried a face that flamed with heat into the soft pillow when a palm came from the other side and squeezed her ass. She had two hands on her behind now, one on each side.

“I have to agree,” Wade continued his caress.

“I have to work in the morning,” she groaned, their caresses as varied as the men themselves. One stroked down her thigh, dipped between her legs just enough to tease and tantalize her senses. The other pressed heavily up her side, soft fingers tracing lines around the side of her breast. Tempting her to move; tempting her to ask for more.

“The alarm is set for six in the morning,” Wade said quietly, shifting slightly and urging her to her back. “I don’t go to the college on Friday. I work from my office here,” he used one finger, drawing it leisurely around the puckered circle, now and then flicking at the pebbled nipple. “Pretty.”

“Gorgeous,” Noah corrected, his palm pressed over her ribs. Strong fingers stroked over the
trimmed mons, teasing slowly down the crevice in the center. “And rising at six leaves you plenty of time to get to the center, Danea. We want you with us. Here. All night,” he slid closer, pressing his awakened cock against her hip and his mouth to hers in a long, seductive kiss. Like his fingers, his tongue speared between her lips to toy with the heated moisture inside.

The last coherent
noise she heard sounded like a cross between a squeak and a melted sigh.


Chapter Fifteen


Noah Decker was not a morning man. His brain came into focus very slowly and he reconsidered that simple statement when the rounded ass pressed against his hip. He lay on his back, one arm flung over his face; the other palm finding itself abruptly filled.

She’d shifted only twice during the night, wrapping herself around one or the other of them like a sweet vine. And she mumbled in her sleep. Noah raised the arm from
his face, inhaling the fragrant, dark coffee floating up from the lower level.

Somehow even mornings didn’t seem so annoying after spending the night laughing and talking and loving the woman still snuggled against him. Their topics ran a gauntlet and aside from her family, she talked about anything, asked tons of questions
; and listened, whether he was talking about law or Wade spoke of being a teacher. There was so much fresh, eagerness in her it was infectious and oddly alluring.

He rolled to his side, watching the slow wake-up process of his mate. First, both arms were shoved high above her head. She rolled to her stomach and stretched, her behind arching beneath the blanket. A low, soft mewl began and hummed for a few seconds before she raised her head and blinked through the long, disheveled hair.

“I didn’t go home. You’re a very bad influence…”

“I’m pretty sure I wasn’t involved in the night alone,” Noah answered, his voice rough with sleep.

“Shower…I can change after people get settled,” she said, talking as she moved. She had pushed herself to her knees and sat perched there for a long minute, palms rubbing over her face. “My clothes are all over the house.”

“I brought them up with me,” Wade answered through a grin. “I put them in the bathroom up here for you. Sorry, I don’t have extra personal things to offer.” He handed a cup of coffee to Noah, his gaze taking in the long arch of her back and behind. “Bring some things out after you close tonight. We can rearrange furniture this weekend. I don’t have extra bureaus but the closet is easily big enough. There are three other large bedrooms and two other bathrooms below. A half bath in the garage and plenty of room.”

“Guess that’s something we have to work out,” Noah agreed, straightening up and draining half the coffee in appreciation. “Good coffee. Thanks. I’ve got a few pieces of furniture and Danea has stuff that will fit in. Or we just leave that and send her out shopping.”

“Her…” Danea’s head bent and she curled into a ball before bursting from the bed, and stalking the bathroom. “Is taking a shower and leaving. You want a moving in together discussion before I’m even awake. You’re both crazy,” she informed them before closing the door on them both.

“I think we’re weakening her resolve,” Noah commented with a nod at the chuckle from Wade. “Are we making assumptions?”

“I think it’s different for us,” Wade remarked, returning to the main level with Noah hopping into his jeans and carrying the rest of his clothing and coffee cup.
He crossed the large space and stood looking at the surface of his desk. “I think she’s concerned with rearranging our lives. And we’re wanting to make everything into what she wants and ignoring our own wants.”

Noah paused at the end of the hall leading behind his office area.

“Aren’t we?”

“She doesn’t want that,” Wade said simply.

“So thinking that we have to change to keep her…”

“Will probably lose her,” Wade acknowledged, looking up to meet the dark eyes of the man he was now calling his partner. “I don’t expect you to suddenly start enjoying mornings. Just as I’m not going to abruptly stop rising early. Those are part of who we are. None of us have had long term housemates before and it will take compromise.”

Both looked over at the stairs and the woman mumbling to herself as she came down them.

“I want us to be who we are inside,” Danea said firmly, hands busily drawing a thick, wide comb through her hair. “I don’t want you to magically become perfect people. I don’t want either of you changing to make me happy. If…” she stopped and inhaled deeply. “I can’t pretend what I feel isn’t there. I don’t know why or how, but I know it’s too good a feeling to just ignore. There’s a lot in the world I don’t get, and this…” she laughed, her head shaking. “Is definitely one of them. But I can accept without understanding the how or why part.”

She crossed to stand in front of Noah, both hands on his face and pulling him down for her kiss. “I have to go,” she went to Wade and repeated the process, the soft stubble gracing his jaw tickling her palms as she kissed him. “Just be yourselves and maybe we won’t hurt too many toes while we figure this arrangement out. Bye…”

“Bring clothes with you tonight!” Noah called out seconds before the door closed.

“I’ll make cards with the code for the alarm and get keys made today,” Wade said, accepting the nod from Noah before he went to the bathroom. He sunk into his desk chair and glared at the stack of papers to be graded. Maybe this year, he’d have a class – just one – filled with students who know a little about writing a paper. Maybe.


Danea didn’t recognize the small import sitting in the driveway when she arrived at the house just after four. Laurie was closing for the week and that let her free a few hours early. She dug in her closet and found a large case she hadn’t used in a while and packed it full of necessary clothing and stuff.

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